
## 发展的优美句子 (88句)

1. 发展就像一株幼苗,需要阳光雨露的滋养,才能茁壮成长。

Development is like a sapling, it needs the nourishment of sunshine and rain to grow strong and healthy.

2. 发展是一场马拉松,需要持之以恒的努力,才能最终到达终点。

Development is a marathon, it requires persistent efforts to reach the finish line.

3. 发展是一条崎岖的山路,需要勇攀高峰的勇气,才能抵达成功的彼岸。

Development is a rugged mountain road, it requires the courage to climb to the peak to reach the other side of success.

4. 发展是一艘航船,需要乘风破浪的勇气,才能驶向远方。

Development is a ship, it needs the courage to ride the wind and waves to sail to distant shores.

5. 发展是一个不断探索的过程,需要不断学习和创新,才能取得更大的进步。

Development is a continuous process of exploration, it requires constant learning and innovation to make greater progress.

6. 发展是时代的潮流,需要顺应时代发展的趋势,才能立于不败之地。

Development is the trend of the times, it needs to follow the trend of the times to remain invincible.

7. 发展是民族的希望,需要全体人民共同努力,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴。

Development is the hope of the nation, it requires the joint efforts of all the people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

8. 发展是社会的进步,需要不断改革创新,才能满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。

Development is social progress, it needs constant reform and innovation to meet the ever-growing needs of the people for a better life.

9. 发展是生活的追求,需要不断努力奋斗,才能创造更加美好的未来。

Development is the pursuit of life, it requires constant effort and struggle to create a better future.

10. 发展是一场永无止境的旅程,需要不断探索和前进,才能抵达理想的彼岸。

Development is a journey without end, it requires constant exploration and progress to reach the desired destination.

11. 发展需要机遇,更需要把握机遇的智慧。

Development needs opportunity, but even more so, the wisdom to grasp it.

12. 发展需要挑战,更需要克服挑战的勇气。

Development needs challenges, but even more so, the courage to overcome them.

13. 发展需要创新,更需要创新的精神。

Development needs innovation, but even more so, the spirit of innovation.

14. 发展需要合作,更需要合作的意识。

Development needs cooperation, but even more so, the awareness of cooperation.

15. 发展需要人才,更需要培养人才的机制。

Development needs talent, but even more so, a mechanism to cultivate talent.

16. 发展需要资源,更需要利用资源的能力。

Development needs resources, but even more so, the ability to utilize resources.

17. 发展需要时间,更需要珍惜时间的观念。

Development needs time, but even more so, the concept of cherishing time.

18. 发展需要方向,更需要明确方向的决心。

Development needs direction, but even more so, the determination to define a clear direction.

19. 发展需要目标,更需要实现目标的行动。

Development needs goals, but even more so, the actions to achieve them.

20. 发展需要基础,更需要夯实基础的努力。

Development needs a foundation, but even more so, the efforts to solidify it.

21. 发展需要动力,更需要激发动力的机制。

Development needs motivation, but even more so, a mechanism to inspire it.

22. 发展需要环境,更需要营造良好的环境。

Development needs environment, but even more so, the creation of a good environment.

23. 发展需要支持,更需要获得支持的努力。

Development needs support, but even more so, the efforts to gain it.

24. 发展需要包容,更需要包容的心态。

Development needs inclusiveness, but even more so, an inclusive mindset.

25. 发展需要共享,更需要共享的意识。

Development needs sharing, but even more so, the awareness of sharing.

26. 发展需要公平,更需要公平的原则。

Development needs fairness, but even more so, the principle of fairness.

27. 发展需要和谐,更需要和谐的社会。

Development needs harmony, but even more so, a harmonious society.

28. 发展需要规律,更需要遵循规律的意识。

Development needs laws, but even more so, the awareness of following them.

29. 发展需要智慧,更需要智慧的运用。

Development needs wisdom, but even more so, the application of wisdom.

30. 发展需要经验,更需要总结经验的能力。

Development needs experience, but even more so, the ability to summarize it.

31. 发展的道路充满挑战,但也有无限的希望。

The road to development is full of challenges, but also holds endless hope.

32. 发展的步伐不可阻挡,因为它是时代前进的必然趋势。

The pace of development is unstoppable, for it is the inevitable trend of the times.

33. 发展的成果惠及万民,因为它代表着社会的进步与文明。

The fruits of development benefit all, because it represents social progress and civilization.

34. 发展的意义在于不断追求卓越,创造更加美好的未来。

The meaning of development lies in the constant pursuit of excellence, to create a better future.

35. 发展的方向是让人民过上更加幸福美好的生活。

The direction of development is to enable the people to live a happier and better life.

36. 发展需要我们共同努力,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。

Development requires our joint efforts to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

37. 发展的进程中,我们要坚持以人民为中心的理念。

In the process of development, we must adhere to the people-centered philosophy.

38. 发展的道路上,我们要坚持改革开放,不断开拓创新。

On the road to development, we must adhere to reform and opening up, and constantly innovate.

39. 发展的成果要让人民共享,才能实现共同富裕。

The fruits of development must be shared by the people to achieve common prosperity.

40. 发展的目标是让中国成为世界强国,引领世界发展潮流。

The goal of development is to make China a world power, leading the world's development trend.

41. 发展需要我们勇于担当,敢于拼搏,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴。

Development requires us to be courageous and dare to fight, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

42. 发展需要我们坚持不懈,勇往直前,才能实现我们的梦想。

Development requires us to persevere and move forward boldly to achieve our dreams.

43. 发展需要我们不断学习,不断进步,才能与时代同步伐。

Development requires us to constantly learn, constantly improve, to keep pace with the times.

44. 发展需要我们团结一心,共同奋斗,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴。

Development requires us to unite as one and work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

45. 发展需要我们树立远大理想,脚踏实地,才能取得更大的成就。

Development requires us to set lofty ideals, be down-to-earth, to achieve greater accomplishments.

46. 发展需要我们勇于创新,敢于突破,才能创造新的辉煌。

Development requires us to be bold in innovation and dare to break through, to create new glories.

47. 发展的道路是曲折的,但我们要有信心,有决心,战胜一切困难。

The road to development is tortuous, but we must have confidence, determination, to overcome all difficulties.

48. 发展的成果是来之不易的,我们要倍加珍惜,努力创造更加美好的未来。

The fruits of development are hard-earned, we must cherish them and strive to create a better future.

49. 发展需要我们不断进取,不断超越,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。

Development requires us to constantly strive for progress, constantly surpass ourselves, to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

50. 发展需要我们坚持科学发展观,全面协调可持续发展,才能实现人与自然的和谐共处。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of scientific development, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

51. 发展需要我们坚持绿色发展理念,保护生态环境,才能创造更加美好的未来。

Development requires us to adhere to the green development concept, protect the ecological environment, to create a better future.

52. 发展需要我们坚持共享发展理念,让发展成果惠及全体人民,才能实现共同富裕。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of shared development, to allow the fruits of development to benefit all the people, to achieve common prosperity.

53. 发展需要我们坚持创新发展理念,不断开拓创新,才能引领世界发展潮流。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of innovative development, to constantly explore and innovate, to lead the world's development trend.

54. 发展需要我们坚持开放发展理念,积极参与全球治理,才能推动构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of open development, to actively participate in global governance, to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind.

55. 发展的过程是艰辛的,但只要我们坚持不懈,勇往直前,就能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。

The process of development is arduous, but as long as we persevere and move forward boldly, we can realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

56. 发展的道路是充满希望的,只要我们团结一致,共同努力,就能创造更加美好的未来。

The road to development is full of hope, as long as we unite as one and work together, we can create a better future.

57. 发展的关键在于不断创新,不断突破,才能取得更大的进步。

The key to development lies in constant innovation, constant breakthroughs, to make greater progress.

58. 发展的目标是让人民过上更加幸福美好的生活,实现共同富裕。

The goal of development is to enable the people to live a happier and better life, to achieve common prosperity.

59. 发展的意义在于不断追求卓越,创造更加美好的未来,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

The meaning of development lies in the constant pursuit of excellence, to create a better future, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

60. 发展需要我们坚持以人民为中心的理念,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。

Development requires us to adhere to the people-centered philosophy, to constantly meet the ever-growing needs of the people for a better life.

61. 发展需要我们坚持改革开放,不断开拓创新,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。

Development requires us to adhere to reform and opening up, to constantly explore and innovate, to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

62. 发展的成果要让人民共享,才能实现共同富裕,让全体人民共享发展成果。

The fruits of development must be shared by the people to achieve common prosperity, to allow all the people to share the fruits of development.

63. 发展的目标是让中国成为世界强国,引领世界发展潮流,推动构建人类命运共同体。

The goal of development is to make China a world power, to lead the world's development trend, to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind.

64. 发展的道路是充满希望的,只要我们坚持不懈,勇往直前,就能实现我们的梦想。

The road to development is full of hope, as long as we persevere and move forward boldly, we can achieve our dreams.

65. 发展需要我们不断学习,不断进步,才能与时代同步伐,创造更加美好的未来。

Development requires us to constantly learn, constantly improve, to keep pace with the times, to create a better future.

66. 发展需要我们团结一心,共同奋斗,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,实现共同富裕。

Development requires us to unite as one and work together to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, to achieve common prosperity.

67. 发展的关键在于不断创新,不断突破,才能取得更大的进步,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

The key to development lies in constant innovation, constant breakthroughs, to make greater progress, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

68. 发展的目标是让人民过上更加幸福美好的生活,实现共同富裕,构建人类命运共同体。

The goal of development is to enable the people to live a happier and better life, to achieve common prosperity, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

69. 发展的意义在于不断追求卓越,创造更加美好的未来,实现中华民族伟大复兴,构建人类命运共同体。

The meaning of development lies in the constant pursuit of excellence, to create a better future, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

70. 发展需要我们坚持以人民为中心的理念,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,实现共同富裕。

Development requires us to adhere to the people-centered philosophy, to constantly meet the ever-growing needs of the people for a better life, to achieve common prosperity.

71. 发展需要我们坚持改革开放,不断开拓创新,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to reform and opening up, to constantly explore and innovate, to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

72. 发展的成果要让人民共享,才能实现共同富裕,让全体人民共享发展成果,构建人类命运共同体。

The fruits of development must be shared by the people to achieve common prosperity, to allow all the people to share the fruits of development, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

73. 发展的目标是让中国成为世界强国,引领世界发展潮流,推动构建人类命运共同体,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

The goal of development is to make China a world power, to lead the world's development trend, to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

74. 发展需要我们坚持科学发展观,全面协调可持续发展,才能实现人与自然的和谐共处,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of scientific development, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

75. 发展需要我们坚持绿色发展理念,保护生态环境,才能创造更加美好的未来,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the green development concept, protect the ecological environment, to create a better future, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

76. 发展需要我们坚持共享发展理念,让发展成果惠及全体人民,才能实现共同富裕,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of shared development, to allow the fruits of development to benefit all the people, to achieve common prosperity, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

77. 发展需要我们坚持创新发展理念,不断开拓创新,才能引领世界发展潮流,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of innovative development, to constantly explore and innovate, to lead the world's development trend, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

78. 发展需要我们坚持开放发展理念,积极参与全球治理,才能推动构建人类命运共同体,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

Development requires us to adhere to the concept of open development, to actively participate in global governance, to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

79. 发展的过程是艰辛的,但只要我们坚持不懈,勇往直前,就能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,构建人类命运共同体。

The process of development is arduous, but as long as we persevere and move forward boldly, we can realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

80. 发展的道路是充满希望的,只要我们团结一致,共同努力,就能创造更加美好的未来,构建人类命运共同体。

The road to development is full of hope, as long as we unite as one and work together, we can create a better future, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

81. 发展需要我们不断学习,不断进步,才能与时代同步伐,创造更加美好的未来,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to constantly learn, constantly improve, to keep pace with the times, to create a better future, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

82. 发展的关键在于不断创新,不断突破,才能取得更大的进步,实现中华民族伟大复兴,构建人类命运共同体。

The key to development lies in constant innovation, constant breakthroughs, to make greater progress, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

83. 发展的目标是让人民过上更加幸福美好的生活,实现共同富裕,构建人类命运共同体,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

The goal of development is to enable the people to live a happier and better life, to achieve common prosperity, to build a community of shared future for mankind, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

84. 发展的意义在于不断追求卓越,创造更加美好的未来,实现中华民族伟大复兴,构建人类命运共同体,推动世界和平与发展。

The meaning of development lies in the constant pursuit of excellence, to create a better future, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to build a community of shared future for mankind, to promote world peace and development.

85. 发展需要我们坚持以人民为中心的理念,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,实现共同富裕,构建人类命运共同体。

Development requires us to adhere to the people-centered philosophy, to constantly meet the ever-growing needs of the people for a better life, to achieve common prosperity, to build a community of shared future for mankind.

86. 发展需要我们坚持改革开放,不断开拓创新,才能实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,构建人类命运共同体,推动世界和平与发展。

Development requires us to adhere to reform and opening up, to constantly explore and innovate, to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, to build a community of shared future for mankind, to promote world peace and development.

87. 发展的成果要让人民共享,才能实现共同富裕,让全体人民共享发展成果,构建人类命运共同体,推动世界和平与发展。

The fruits of development must be shared by the people to achieve common prosperity, to allow all the people to share the fruits of development, to build a community of shared future for mankind, to promote world peace and development.

88. 发展的目标是让中国成为世界强国,引领世界发展潮流,推动构建人类命运共同体,实现中华民族伟大复兴,推动世界和平与发展。

The goal of development is to make China a world power, to lead the world's development trend, to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to promote world peace and development.

以上就是关于发展的优美句子88句(发展的优美句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
