
## 大人放爆竹句子 (56句)

1. 噼里啪啦,爆竹声声,辞旧迎新,喜气洋洋。

2. 鞭炮声声,除旧迎新,红红火火,新年吉祥。

3. 一声声爆竹,炸开新年的希望,点燃新年的梦想。

4. 爆竹声声辞旧岁,红梅点点报春来。

5. 年味儿,就是这爆竹声声,年夜饭的香气,和家人团聚的喜悦。

6. 燃放爆竹,是传统习俗,也是对美好未来的期盼。

7. 爆竹声声,驱散阴霾,迎来光明,充满希望。

8. 听着爆竹声,仿佛听到了新年钟声,敲响了新年的序曲。

9. 爆竹声声,辞旧迎新,祈福平安,万事如意。

10. 爆竹声声,热闹非凡,把烦恼抛诸脑后,迎接新年的到来。

11. 一串串爆竹,像一颗颗流星,划过夜空,照亮未来。

12. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的象征,是幸福的传递。

13. 年夜饭的香味,爆竹的声响,构成了一幅喜庆的画面。

14. 爆竹声声,响彻夜空,传递着新年的祝福,祈求来年平安。

15. 点燃爆竹,放飞希望,迎接新年,拥抱未来。

16. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的号角,是新年开始的标志。

17. 看着爆竹在空中绽放,心中充满了喜悦和期待。

18. 爆竹声声,驱散了冬日的寒冷,带来了新年的温暖。

19. 爆竹声声,是孩子们欢乐的呼喊,是大人们喜悦的笑声。

20. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好未来的象征。

21. 爆竹声声,是新年的开始,是人生新的起点。

22. 点燃爆竹,点燃希望,让新年充满活力,充满朝气。

23. 爆竹声声,辞旧迎新,祈福平安,幸福美满。

24. 爆竹声声,响彻夜空,驱散了旧年的阴霾,迎接新年的曙光。

25. 爆竹声声,是新年的序曲,是美好未来的预兆。

26. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的音符,是新年的祝福。

27. 爆竹声声,辞旧迎新,祈求来年风调雨顺,国泰民安。

28. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

29. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的象征,是幸福的传递,是新年的祝福。

30. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的标志,是新年开始的信号。

31. 看着爆竹在空中绽放,仿佛看到了新年的曙光,充满了希望。

32. 爆竹声声,响彻夜空,驱散了冬日的寒冷,带来了新年的温暖。

33. 爆竹声声,是新年的序曲,是美好未来的预兆。

34. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的号角,是新年开始的标志。

35. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

36. 点燃爆竹,点燃希望,让新年充满活力,充满朝气。

37. 爆竹声声,辞旧迎新,祈福平安,幸福美满。

38. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的标志,是新年开始的信号。

39. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

40. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的象征,是幸福的传递。

41. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的号角,是新年开始的标志。

42. 爆竹声声,是新年的序曲,是美好未来的预兆。

43. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

44. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的音符,是新年的祝福。

45. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的标志,是新年开始的信号。

46. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

47. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的象征,是幸福的传递。

48. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的号角,是新年开始的标志。

49. 爆竹声声,是新年的序曲,是美好未来的预兆。

50. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

51. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的音符,是新年的祝福。

52. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的标志,是新年开始的信号。

53. 爆竹声声,是新年的祝福,是美好的期盼。

54. 爆竹声声,是欢乐的象征,是幸福的传递。

55. 爆竹声声,是辞旧迎新的号角,是新年开始的标志。

56. 爆竹声声,是新年的序曲,是美好未来的预兆。

## 英文翻译

1. Crackle, crackle, the sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, full of joy.

2. The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, prosperous and auspicious for the New Year.

3. Each sound of firecrackers explodes the hope of the New Year and ignites the dream of the New Year.

4. The sound of firecrackers bids farewell to the old year, red plum blossoms herald the arrival of spring.

5. The taste of the New Year is the sound of firecrackers, the aroma of New Year's Eve dinner, and the joy of family reunion.

6. Setting off firecrackers is a traditional custom, but also a hope for a better future.

7. The sound of firecrackers dispels the gloom, welcomes the light, and is full of hope.

8. Listening to the sound of firecrackers, it seems as if you hear the New Year's bell, ringing in the prelude to the New Year.

9. The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, praying for peace and good luck.

10. The sound of firecrackers is lively and extraordinary, leaving worries behind and welcoming the arrival of the New Year.

11. Strings of firecrackers are like shooting stars, streaking across the night sky, illuminating the future.

12. The sound of firecrackers is a symbol of joy and a transmission of happiness.

13. The aroma of New Year's Eve dinner, the sound of firecrackers, constitute a festive picture.

14. The sound of firecrackers echoes through the night sky, conveying New Year's blessings and praying for peace in the coming year.

15. Ignite firecrackers, let go of hope, welcome the New Year, and embrace the future.

16. The sound of firecrackers is the horn of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a sign of the beginning of the New Year.

17. Watching firecrackers bloom in the air, my heart is filled with joy and anticipation.

18. The sound of firecrackers dispels the winter chill and brings the warmth of the New Year.

19. The sound of firecrackers is the joyful shout of children, the joyful laughter of adults.

20. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a symbol of a better future.

21. The sound of firecrackers is the beginning of the New Year, a new starting point in life.

22. Ignite firecrackers, ignite hope, make the New Year full of vitality and vigor.

23. The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, praying for peace and happiness.

24. The sound of firecrackers echoes through the night sky, dispelling the gloom of the old year and welcoming the dawn of the New Year.

25. The sound of firecrackers is the prelude to the New Year, a harbinger of a better future.

26. The sound of firecrackers is the joyful melody, the blessing of the New Year.

27. The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, praying for a year of good weather and a peaceful country.

28. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

29. The sound of firecrackers is a symbol of joy, a transmission of happiness, a blessing for the New Year.

30. The sound of firecrackers is a sign of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a signal of the beginning of the New Year.

31. Watching firecrackers bloom in the air, it's like seeing the dawn of the New Year, full of hope.

32. The sound of firecrackers echoes through the night sky, dispelling the winter chill and bringing the warmth of the New Year.

33. The sound of firecrackers is the prelude to the New Year, a harbinger of a better future.

34. The sound of firecrackers is the horn of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a sign of the beginning of the New Year.

35. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

36. Ignite firecrackers, ignite hope, make the New Year full of vitality and vigor.

37. The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, praying for peace and happiness.

38. The sound of firecrackers is a sign of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a signal of the beginning of the New Year.

39. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

40. The sound of firecrackers is a symbol of joy and a transmission of happiness.

41. The sound of firecrackers is the horn of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a sign of the beginning of the New Year.

42. The sound of firecrackers is the prelude to the New Year, a harbinger of a better future.

43. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

44. The sound of firecrackers is the joyful melody, the blessing of the New Year.

45. The sound of firecrackers is a sign of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a signal of the beginning of the New Year.

46. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

47. The sound of firecrackers is a symbol of joy and a transmission of happiness.

48. The sound of firecrackers is the horn of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a sign of the beginning of the New Year.

49. The sound of firecrackers is the prelude to the New Year, a harbinger of a better future.

50. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

51. The sound of firecrackers is the joyful melody, the blessing of the New Year.

52. The sound of firecrackers is a sign of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a signal of the beginning of the New Year.

53. The sound of firecrackers is the blessing of the New Year, a beautiful expectation.

54. The sound of firecrackers is a symbol of joy and a transmission of happiness.

55. The sound of firecrackers is the horn of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a sign of the beginning of the New Year.

56. The sound of firecrackers is the prelude to the New Year, a harbinger of a better future.

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