
## 99句大家都很辛苦的句子,附英文翻译

**1. 每个人的生活都不容易,大家都在努力,加油!**

Everyone's life is not easy, everyone is working hard, come on!

**2. 辛苦了,你们都是最棒的!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best!

**3. 看到大家这么努力,我真的很感动!**

I'm really touched to see everyone working so hard!

**4. 即使很累,也要坚持下去,因为我们都是最棒的!**

Even though it's tiring, keep going, because we are all the best!

**5. 辛苦了,大家的付出,我们都看在眼里!**

You've worked hard, we see all your efforts!

**6. 让我们一起努力,创造更美好的未来!**

Let's work together to create a better future!

**7. 每个人都在自己的岗位上默默付出,真的很感谢大家!**

Everyone is silently contributing in their own positions, thank you all very much!

**8. 谢谢大家的辛勤付出,我们才能走到今天!**

Thank you all for your hard work, we wouldn't be here without you!

**9. 辛苦了,大家都是英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all heroes!

**10. 人生的道路不会一帆风顺,但我们都要坚持下去,加油!**

The path of life is not always smooth, but we must persevere, come on!

**11. 大家辛苦了,让我们一起努力,共渡难关!**

You've worked hard, let's work together to overcome the difficulties!

**12. 人生的道路上,每个人都有自己的困难,我们都要相互鼓励,一起加油!**

On the path of life, everyone has their own difficulties, we need to encourage each other and cheer each other on!

**13. 辛苦了,你们的付出,我们会永远铭记!**

You've worked hard, we will always remember your contributions!

**14. 看到大家这么努力,我真的很佩服!**

I'm really impressed to see everyone working so hard!

**15. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信自己,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in ourselves, persevere, come on!

**16. 感谢大家的付出,因为有你们,我们才能取得今天的成就!**

Thank you all for your contributions, we wouldn't have achieved what we have today without you!

**17. 人生的道路上,总会有崎岖和坎坷,但我们都要勇敢地面对,坚持下去,加油!**

On the path of life, there will always be ups and downs, but we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**18. 感谢大家的陪伴和支持,让我们一起迎接未来的挑战!**

Thank you all for your companionship and support, let's face the challenges of the future together!

**19. 辛苦了,大家都是最坚强的战士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the strongest warriors!

**20. 让我们一起努力,创造属于我们自己的精彩!**

Let's work together to create our own brilliance!

**21. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持乐观的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain an optimistic attitude, persevere, come on!

**22. 辛苦了,大家都是最勇敢的斗士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the bravest fighters!

**23. 感谢大家的努力,让我们一起见证梦想的实现!**

Thank you all for your efforts, let's witness our dreams come true together!

**24. 人生的道路上,总会有挫折和失败,但我们都要勇敢地站起来,坚持下去,加油!**

On the path of life, there will always be setbacks and failures, but we must bravely stand up, persevere, come on!

**25. 感谢大家的理解和支持,让我们一起携手共进!**

Thank you all for your understanding and support, let's move forward together!

**26. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**27. 让我们一起努力,创造更美好的明天!**

Let's work together to create a brighter tomorrow!

**28. 感谢大家的付出,我们才能取得今天的成绩!**

Thank you all for your contributions, we wouldn't have achieved what we have today without you!

**29. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信希望,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in hope, persevere, come on!

**30. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**31. 让我们一起努力,为梦想而战!**

Let's work together to fight for our dreams!

**32. 感谢大家的陪伴,让我们一起走过人生的旅程!**

Thank you all for your companionship, let's walk through the journey of life together!

**33. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要互相帮助,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must help each other, persevere, come on!

**34. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**35. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造奇迹!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create miracles together!

**36. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持积极的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain a positive attitude, persevere, come on!

**37. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的战士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best warriors!

**38. 让我们一起努力,实现共同的梦想!**

Let's work together to achieve our shared dreams!

**39. 感谢大家的支持,让我们一起战胜困难!**

Thank you all for your support, let's overcome difficulties together!

**40. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要坚强面对,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**41. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**42. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造更美好的未来!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create a better future together!

**43. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信自己,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in ourselves, persevere, come on!

**44. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**45. 让我们一起努力,创造属于我们自己的精彩!**

Let's work together to create our own brilliance!

**46. 感谢大家的陪伴和支持,让我们一起迎接未来的挑战!**

Thank you all for your companionship and support, let's face the challenges of the future together!

**47. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持乐观的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain an optimistic attitude, persevere, come on!

**48. 辛苦了,大家都是最勇敢的斗士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the bravest fighters!

**49. 感谢大家的努力,让我们一起见证梦想的实现!**

Thank you all for your efforts, let's witness our dreams come true together!

**50. 人生的道路上,总会有崎岖和坎坷,但我们都要勇敢地面对,坚持下去,加油!**

On the path of life, there will always be ups and downs, but we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**51. 感谢大家的理解和支持,让我们一起携手共进!**

Thank you all for your understanding and support, let's move forward together!

**52. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**53. 让我们一起努力,创造更美好的明天!**

Let's work together to create a brighter tomorrow!

**54. 感谢大家的付出,我们才能取得今天的成绩!**

Thank you all for your contributions, we wouldn't have achieved what we have today without you!

**55. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信希望,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in hope, persevere, come on!

**56. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**57. 让我们一起努力,为梦想而战!**

Let's work together to fight for our dreams!

**58. 感谢大家的陪伴,让我们一起走过人生的旅程!**

Thank you all for your companionship, let's walk through the journey of life together!

**59. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要互相帮助,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must help each other, persevere, come on!

**60. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**61. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造奇迹!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create miracles together!

**62. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持积极的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain a positive attitude, persevere, come on!

**63. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的战士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best warriors!

**64. 让我们一起努力,实现共同的梦想!**

Let's work together to achieve our shared dreams!

**65. 感谢大家的支持,让我们一起战胜困难!**

Thank you all for your support, let's overcome difficulties together!

**66. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要坚强面对,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**67. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**68. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造更美好的未来!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create a better future together!

**69. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信自己,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in ourselves, persevere, come on!

**70. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**71. 让我们一起努力,创造属于我们自己的精彩!**

Let's work together to create our own brilliance!

**72. 感谢大家的陪伴和支持,让我们一起迎接未来的挑战!**

Thank you all for your companionship and support, let's face the challenges of the future together!

**73. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持乐观的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain an optimistic attitude, persevere, come on!

**74. 辛苦了,大家都是最勇敢的斗士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the bravest fighters!

**75. 感谢大家的努力,让我们一起见证梦想的实现!**

Thank you all for your efforts, let's witness our dreams come true together!

**76. 人生的道路上,总会有崎岖和坎坷,但我们都要勇敢地面对,坚持下去,加油!**

On the path of life, there will always be ups and downs, but we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**77. 感谢大家的理解和支持,让我们一起携手共进!**

Thank you all for your understanding and support, let's move forward together!

**78. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**79. 让我们一起努力,创造更美好的明天!**

Let's work together to create a brighter tomorrow!

**80. 感谢大家的付出,我们才能取得今天的成绩!**

Thank you all for your contributions, we wouldn't have achieved what we have today without you!

**81. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信希望,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in hope, persevere, come on!

**82. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**83. 让我们一起努力,为梦想而战!**

Let's work together to fight for our dreams!

**84. 感谢大家的陪伴,让我们一起走过人生的旅程!**

Thank you all for your companionship, let's walk through the journey of life together!

**85. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要互相帮助,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must help each other, persevere, come on!

**86. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**87. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造奇迹!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create miracles together!

**88. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持积极的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain a positive attitude, persevere, come on!

**89. 辛苦了,大家都是最优秀的战士!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best warriors!

**90. 让我们一起努力,实现共同的梦想!**

Let's work together to achieve our shared dreams!

**91. 感谢大家的支持,让我们一起战胜困难!**

Thank you all for your support, let's overcome difficulties together!

**92. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要坚强面对,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them bravely, persevere, come on!

**93. 辛苦了,大家都是最棒的团队成员!**

You've worked hard, you are all the best team members!

**94. 感谢大家的付出,让我们一起创造更美好的未来!**

Thank you all for your contributions, let's create a better future together!

**95. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要相信自己,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must believe in ourselves, persevere, come on!

**96. 辛苦了,大家都是最伟大的英雄!**

You've worked hard, you are all the greatest heroes!

**97. 让我们一起努力,创造属于我们自己的精彩!**

Let's work together to create our own brilliance!

**98. 感谢大家的陪伴和支持,让我们一起迎接未来的挑战!**

Thank you all for your companionship and support, let's face the challenges of the future together!

**99. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要保持乐观的心态,坚持下去,加油!**

No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must maintain an optimistic attitude, persevere, come on!

以上就是关于大家都很辛苦的句子99句(大家都很辛苦的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
