
## 多人跨年句子 (55句)


1. 愿新的一年,我们都能收获满满的幸福和快乐!

May we all harvest abundant happiness and joy in the new year!

2. 跨年夜,让我们一起举杯,迎接充满希望的明天!

On New Year's Eve, let's raise a toast together and welcome a tomorrow full of hope!

3. 新的一年,新的开始,愿我们都能拥有更美好的未来!

A new year, a new beginning, may we all have a brighter future!

4. 愿新的一年,我们都能心想事成,万事如意!

May all our wishes come true and everything goes smoothly in the new year!

5. 让我们一起倒数,迎接新年的到来,共同开启新的篇章!

Let's count down together and welcome the arrival of the new year, opening a new chapter together!

6. 在这辞旧迎新的时刻,让我们彼此珍惜,共同创造美好的回忆!

At this moment of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, let us cherish each other and create beautiful memories together!

7. 新的一年,新的希望,愿我们都能实现自己的梦想!

A new year, new hope, may we all realize our dreams!

8. 愿新的一年,我们都能平安健康,幸福美满!

May we all be safe and healthy, happy and fulfilled in the new year!

9. 跨年夜,让我们一起许下心愿,迎接更美好的未来!

On New Year's Eve, let's make wishes together and embrace a brighter future!

10. 新的一年,新的征程,让我们一起携手并肩,共同前进!

A new year, a new journey, let's join hands and move forward together!


11. 愿新的一年,我们的爱情更加甜蜜,生活更加幸福!

May our love be sweeter and our life happier in the new year!

12. 跨年夜,让我们一起许下爱的承诺,相伴一生!

On New Year's Eve, let's make a vow of love together and stay with each other for a lifetime!

13. 新的一年,愿我们彼此相爱,永远幸福!

In the new year, may we love each other and be happy forever!

14. 愿新的一年,我们的爱情像新年烟花般灿烂,永不熄灭!

May our love be as dazzling as the New Year fireworks and never fade in the new year!

15. 跨年夜,让我们一起创造美好的回忆,留住这份浪漫!

On New Year's Eve, let's create beautiful memories together and cherish this romance!

16. 愿新的一年,我们都能找到属于自己的幸福,一起携手共度余生!

May we all find our own happiness and spend the rest of our lives together in the new year!

17. 跨年夜,让我们一起许下承诺,永远相爱,不离不弃!

On New Year's Eve, let's make a promise to love each other forever, never leaving each other!

18. 愿新的一年,我们的爱情更加浓厚,生活更加精彩!

May our love be deeper and our life more exciting in the new year!

19. 跨年夜,让我们一起迎接爱情的甜蜜,共度美好时光!

On New Year's Eve, let's welcome the sweetness of love and spend beautiful time together!

20. 愿新的一年,我们的爱情像新年钟声般响亮,永不消逝!

May our love be as loud as the New Year bell and never disappear in the new year!


21. 跨年夜,让我们一起欢笑,迎接崭新的未来!

On New Year's Eve, let's laugh together and embrace a brand new future!

22. 新的一年,愿我们的友谊更加深厚,彼此陪伴,共同成长!

In the new year, may our friendship be even stronger, we accompany each other and grow together!

23. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更多美好的回忆,一起创造新的精彩!

May we all have more beautiful memories and create new brilliance together in the new year!

24. 跨年夜,让我们一起分享喜悦,迎接充满希望的明天!

On New Year's Eve, let's share joy together and welcome a tomorrow full of hope!

25. 新的一年,愿我们的友谊像新年烟花般绚烂,永不凋谢!

May our friendship be as brilliant as the New Year fireworks and never fade in the new year!

26. 跨年夜,让我们一起举杯,祝愿我们的友谊天长地久!

On New Year's Eve, let's raise a toast together, wishing our friendship lasts forever!

27. 愿新的一年,我们都能拥有更多快乐的时光,一起见证彼此的成长!

May we all have more joyful times and witness each other's growth together in the new year!

28. 跨年夜,让我们一起许下祝福,愿我们的友谊永存!

On New Year's Eve, let's make blessings together, wishing our friendship lasts forever!

29. 新的一年,愿我们的友谊像新年钟声般悠扬,永远回荡!

May our friendship be as melodious as the New Year bell and echo forever in the new year!

30. 跨年夜,让我们一起展望未来,携手共度美好时光!

On New Year's Eve, let's look forward to the future and spend beautiful time together!


31. 跨年夜,让我们一起加油,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!

On New Year's Eve, let's cheer each other on, embrace new challenges, and create new glories!

32. 新的一年,新的目标,让我们一起努力,实现自己的梦想!

A new year, new goals, let's work hard together to achieve our dreams!

33. 愿新的一年,我们都能突破自我,取得更大的进步!

May we all break through ourselves and make greater progress in the new year!

34. 跨年夜,让我们一起展望未来,充满自信,迎接新的机遇!

On New Year's Eve, let's look forward to the future, be full of confidence and embrace new opportunities!

35. 新的一年,新的希望,让我们一起努力,创造更美好的未来!

A new year, new hope, let's work hard together and create a better future!

36. 愿新的一年,我们都能充满活力,积极向上,迎接人生的挑战!

May we all be full of energy, positive and optimistic, and embrace the challenges of life in the new year!

37. 跨年夜,让我们一起加油,战胜困难,实现人生的价值!

On New Year's Eve, let's cheer each other on, overcome difficulties and realize the value of life!

38. 新的一年,新的征程,让我们一起努力,创造属于自己的精彩!

A new year, a new journey, let's work hard together and create our own brilliance!

39. 愿新的一年,我们都能充满勇气,迎接挑战,创造奇迹!

May we all be full of courage, embrace challenges and create miracles in the new year!

40. 跨年夜,让我们一起展望未来,充满希望,迎接新的梦想!

On New Year's Eve, let's look forward to the future, be full of hope and embrace new dreams!


41. 跨年夜,让我们一起胡吃海喝,迎接新年的到来!

On New Year's Eve, let's eat and drink to our heart's content and welcome the new year!

42. 新的一年,祝我们都能瘦成一道闪电,帅成一道光!

In the new year, may we all become thin as lightning and handsome as a ray of light!

43. 跨年夜,让我们一起放飞自我,尽情嗨皮!

On New Year's Eve, let's unleash ourselves and have fun to the fullest!

44. 新的一年,祝我们都能发财致富,走上人生巅峰!

In the new year, may we all become rich and prosperous, reaching the peak of life!

45. 跨年夜,让我们一起狂欢,把烦恼统统抛掉!

On New Year's Eve, let's celebrate wildly and throw all our worries away!

46. 新的一年,祝我们都能找到心仪的另一半,幸福美满!

In the new year, may we all find our ideal partners and be happy and fulfilled!

47. 跨年夜,让我们一起玩游戏,尽情享受快乐!

On New Year's Eve, let's play games together and enjoy happiness to the fullest!

48. 新的一年,祝我们都能心想事成,梦想成真!

In the new year, may all our wishes come true and our dreams become reality!

49. 跨年夜,让我们一起吐槽,迎接新年的到来!

On New Year's Eve, let's vent together and welcome the arrival of the new year!

50. 新的一年,祝我们都能健康平安,快乐幸福!

In the new year, may we all be healthy and safe, happy and fulfilled!


51. 跨年夜,让我们一起感受时间流逝,珍惜生命中的每一刻!

On New Year's Eve, let's feel the passage of time and cherish every moment of life!

52. 新的一年,让我们一起追寻梦想,创造属于自己的精彩!

In the new year, let's pursue our dreams together and create our own brilliance!

53. 愿新的一年,我们都能找到人生的意义,活出精彩的自己!

May we all find the meaning of life and live our lives to the fullest in the new year!

54. 跨年夜,让我们一起感受生命的美丽,珍惜彼此的陪伴!

On New Year's Eve, let's feel the beauty of life and cherish each other's company!

55. 新的一年,让我们一起展望未来,充满希望,迎接人生的挑战!

In the new year, let's look forward to the future, be full of hope and embrace the challenges of life!

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