
## 外面的花花世界,91句,中英文对照

1. 外面的世界,充满了诱惑,但也充满了风险。

1. The world outside is full of temptations, but also full of risks.

2. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人迷失方向。

2. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you lose your way.

3. 远离花花世界,回归平静,才能找到真正的自我。

3. Stepping away from the glamorous world and returning to peace can help you find your true self.

4. 花花世界,不是真正的快乐,真正的快乐来自内心。

4. The glamorous world is not true happiness, true happiness comes from within.

5. 不要被花花世界迷惑,要保持清醒的头脑。

5. Don't be fooled by the glamorous world, keep a clear mind.

6. 花花世界,也有它吸引人的地方,但不要沉迷其中。

6. The glamorous world also has its attractions, but don't get lost in it.

7. 花花世界,充满了虚幻,不要被表象所迷惑。

7. The glamorous world is full of illusions, don't be fooled by appearances.

8. 花花世界,让人沉迷,但也让人迷失。

8. The glamorous world can be addictive, but also lead to getting lost.

9. 花花世界,也是人生的一部分,要学会从中汲取经验。

9. The glamorous world is also part of life, learn to gain experience from it.

10. 不要为了花花世界而放弃自己的梦想。

10. Don't give up your dreams for the glamorous world.

11. 花花世界,也有它存在的价值,但不要把它当作全部。

11. The glamorous world has its value, but don't treat it as your everything.

12. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生疲惫。

12. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you feel tired.

13. 花花世界,就像一场梦,醒来后,一切都会消失。

13. The glamorous world is like a dream, when you wake up, everything will disappear.

14. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但不要被诱惑所左右。

14. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but don't be swayed by them.

15. 花花世界,也是一种考验,要学会抵御诱惑。

15. The glamorous world is also a test, learn to resist temptation.

16. 花花世界,让人迷失自我,要保持一颗清醒的心。

16. The glamorous world can make you lose yourself, keep a clear heart.

17. 花花世界,就像一幅画,让人欣赏,但不要沉迷其中。

17. The glamorous world is like a painting, beautiful to admire, but don't get lost in it.

18. 花花世界,也是一种文化,要学会欣赏它的美。

18. The glamorous world is also a culture, learn to appreciate its beauty.

19. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生警惕。

19. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you wary.

20. 花花世界,充满了虚荣,不要被虚荣所蒙蔽。

20. The glamorous world is full of vanity, don't be blinded by it.

21. 花花世界,也需要一颗纯净的心,才能真正地欣赏它的美。

21. The glamorous world also needs a pure heart to truly appreciate its beauty.

22. 花花世界,就像一场盛大的宴会,让人沉醉其中,但不要忘记自己的目标。

22. The glamorous world is like a grand banquet, intoxicating, but don't forget your goals.

23. 花花世界,充满了矛盾,但也充满了生机。

23. The glamorous world is full of contradictions, but also full of life.

24. 花花世界,就像一座迷宫,让人迷失其中,但只要找到出口,就能获得自由。

24. The glamorous world is like a maze, easy to get lost in, but once you find the exit, you gain freedom.

25. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生感悟。

25. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire reflection.

26. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但也要学会拒绝诱惑。

26. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but you also need to learn to resist them.

27. 花花世界,充满了陷阱,要学会避开陷阱。

27. The glamorous world is full of traps, learn to avoid them.

28. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生敬畏。

28. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire awe.

29. 花花世界,充满了虚假,但也要学会寻找真谛。

29. The glamorous world is full of falsehoods, but you also need to learn to seek the truth.

30. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会战胜挑战。

30. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to overcome them.

31. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生向往。

31. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you long for it.

32. 花花世界,充满了机遇,但也要学会把握机遇。

32. The glamorous world is full of opportunities, but you also need to learn to seize them.

33. 花花世界,充满了竞争,但也要学会公平竞争。

33. The glamorous world is full of competition, but you also need to learn to compete fairly.

34. 花花世界,充满了压力,但也要学会释放压力。

34. The glamorous world is full of pressure, but you also need to learn to release it.

35. 花花世界,充满了烦恼,但也要学会化解烦恼。

35. The glamorous world is full of worries, but you also need to learn to resolve them.

36. 花花世界,充满了痛苦,但也要学会坚强面对。

36. The glamorous world is full of pain, but you also need to learn to face it bravely.

37. 花花世界,充满了希望,但也要学会坚持希望。

37. The glamorous world is full of hope, but you also need to learn to hold onto it.

38. 花花世界,充满了色彩,但也要学会寻找黑白。

38. The glamorous world is full of color, but you also need to learn to find black and white.

39. 花花世界,充满了声音,但也要学会聆听沉默。

39. The glamorous world is full of sounds, but you also need to learn to listen to silence.

40. 花花世界,充满了故事,但也要学会讲好自己的故事。

40. The glamorous world is full of stories, but you also need to learn to tell your own story well.

41. 花花世界,充满了奇迹,但也要学会创造奇迹。

41. The glamorous world is full of miracles, but you also need to learn to create miracles.

42. 花花世界,充满了梦想,但也要学会追逐梦想。

42. The glamorous world is full of dreams, but you also need to learn to pursue them.

43. 花花世界,充满了机遇,但也要学会创造机遇。

43. The glamorous world is full of opportunities, but you also need to learn to create them.

44. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会迎接挑战。

44. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to embrace them.

45. 花花世界,充满了未知,但也要学会探索未知。

45. The glamorous world is full of unknowns, but you also need to learn to explore them.

46. 花花世界,充满了风险,但也要学会承担风险。

46. The glamorous world is full of risks, but you also need to learn to take them.

47. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但也要学会拒绝诱惑。

47. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but you also need to learn to refuse them.

48. 花花世界,充满了陷阱,但也要学会避开陷阱。

48. The glamorous world is full of traps, but you also need to learn to avoid them.

49. 花花世界,充满了虚假,但也要学会寻找真谛。

49. The glamorous world is full of falsehoods, but you also need to learn to seek the truth.

50. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会战胜挑战。

50. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to overcome them.

51. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生感悟。

51. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire reflection.

52. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但也要学会抵御诱惑。

52. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but you also need to learn to resist them.

53. 花花世界,充满了陷阱,但也要学会避开陷阱。

53. The glamorous world is full of traps, but you also need to learn to avoid them.

54. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生敬畏。

54. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire awe.

55. 花花世界,充满了虚假,但也要学会寻找真谛。

55. The glamorous world is full of falsehoods, but you also need to learn to seek the truth.

56. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会战胜挑战。

56. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to overcome them.

57. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生向往。

57. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you long for it.

58. 花花世界,充满了机遇,但也要学会把握机遇。

58. The glamorous world is full of opportunities, but you also need to learn to seize them.

59. 花花世界,充满了竞争,但也要学会公平竞争。

59. The glamorous world is full of competition, but you also need to learn to compete fairly.

60. 花花世界,充满了压力,但也要学会释放压力。

60. The glamorous world is full of pressure, but you also need to learn to release it.

61. 花花世界,充满了烦恼,但也要学会化解烦恼。

61. The glamorous world is full of worries, but you also need to learn to resolve them.

62. 花花世界,充满了痛苦,但也要学会坚强面对。

62. The glamorous world is full of pain, but you also need to learn to face it bravely.

63. 花花世界,充满了希望,但也要学会坚持希望。

63. The glamorous world is full of hope, but you also need to learn to hold onto it.

64. 花花世界,充满了色彩,但也要学会寻找黑白。

64. The glamorous world is full of color, but you also need to learn to find black and white.

65. 花花世界,充满了声音,但也要学会聆听沉默。

65. The glamorous world is full of sounds, but you also need to learn to listen to silence.

66. 花花世界,充满了故事,但也要学会讲好自己的故事。

66. The glamorous world is full of stories, but you also need to learn to tell your own story well.

67. 花花世界,充满了奇迹,但也要学会创造奇迹。

67. The glamorous world is full of miracles, but you also need to learn to create miracles.

68. 花花世界,充满了梦想,但也要学会追逐梦想。

68. The glamorous world is full of dreams, but you also need to learn to pursue them.

69. 花花世界,充满了机遇,但也要学会创造机遇。

69. The glamorous world is full of opportunities, but you also need to learn to create them.

70. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会迎接挑战。

70. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to embrace them.

71. 花花世界,充满了未知,但也要学会探索未知。

71. The glamorous world is full of unknowns, but you also need to learn to explore them.

72. 花花世界,充满了风险,但也要学会承担风险。

72. The glamorous world is full of risks, but you also need to learn to take them.

73. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但也要学会拒绝诱惑。

73. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but you also need to learn to refuse them.

74. 花花世界,充满了陷阱,但也要学会避开陷阱。

74. The glamorous world is full of traps, but you also need to learn to avoid them.

75. 花花世界,充满了虚假,但也要学会寻找真谛。

75. The glamorous world is full of falsehoods, but you also need to learn to seek the truth.

76. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会战胜挑战。

76. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to overcome them.

77. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生感悟。

77. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire reflection.

78. 花花世界,充满了诱惑,但也要学会抵御诱惑。

78. The glamorous world is full of temptations, but you also need to learn to resist them.

79. 花花世界,充满了陷阱,但也要学会避开陷阱。

79. The glamorous world is full of traps, but you also need to learn to avoid them.

80. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生敬畏。

80. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also inspire awe.

81. 花花世界,充满了虚假,但也要学会寻找真谛。

81. The glamorous world is full of falsehoods, but you also need to learn to seek the truth.

82. 花花世界,充满了挑战,但也要学会战胜挑战。

82. The glamorous world is full of challenges, but you also need to learn to overcome them.

83. 花花世界,让人眼花缭乱,但也让人心生向往。

83. The glamorous world can be dazzling, but also make you long for it.

84. 花花世界,充满了机遇,但也要学会把握机遇。

84. The glamorous world is full of opportunities, but you also need to learn to seize them.

85. 花花世界,充满了竞争,但也要学会公平竞争。

85. The glamorous world is full of competition, but you also need to learn to compete fairly.

86. 花花世界,充满了压力,但也要学会释放压力。

86. The glamorous world is full of pressure, but you also need to learn to release it.

87. 花花世界,充满了烦恼,但也要学会化解烦恼。

87. The glamorous world is full of worries, but you also need to learn to resolve them.

88. 花花世界,充满了痛苦,但也要学会坚强面对。

88. The glamorous world is full of pain, but you also need to learn to face it bravely.

89. 花花世界,充满了希望,但也要学会坚持希望。

89. The glamorous world is full of hope, but you also need to learn to hold onto it.

90. 花花世界,充满了色彩,但也要学会寻找黑白。

90. The glamorous world is full of color, but you also need to learn to find black and white.

91. 花花世界,充满了声音,但也要学会聆听沉默。

91. The glamorous world is full of sounds, but you also need to learn to listen to silence.

以上就是关于外面的花花世界的句子91句(外面的花花世界的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
