
## 回国被隔离句子 (55句)

**1. 回国后被隔离,心情复杂,既兴奋又焦虑。**

My feelings are complex after returning home and being quarantined. I'm excited but also anxious.

**2. 隔离的日子很漫长,但我能理解为了大家的安全。**

The quarantine days are long, but I understand it's for everyone's safety.

**3. 终于回到祖国,虽然要隔离,但也安心了不少。**

Finally back in my homeland, even though I have to quarantine, I feel much more at ease.

**4. 这次隔离让我更珍惜自由,也更理解家人的不容易。**

This quarantine made me appreciate freedom more and understand the difficulties my family faces.

**5. 每天做着核酸检测,感觉就像生活在一部科幻电影里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a science fiction movie.

**6. 隔离期间,只能通过网络与家人朋友联系,感觉有点孤单。**

During the quarantine, I can only connect with family and friends online, which feels a bit lonely.

**7. 虽然隔离,但可以利用这段时间充实自己,学习新技能。**

Although I'm quarantined, I can use this time to enrich myself and learn new skills.

**8. 回国后要隔离14天,希望时间过得快一点。**

I have to quarantine for 14 days after returning home. I hope time flies by.

**9. 隔离期间的生活很单调,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Life during quarantine is monotonous, but it's also a unique experience.

**10. 终于可以结束隔离了,感觉像是重生一般。**

I can finally end my quarantine. It feels like a rebirth.

**11. 回国后的隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人朋友的相处时光。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the time spent with family and friends even more.

**12. 这次隔离,让我更深刻地体会到生命的脆弱和宝贵。**

This quarantine made me realize the fragility and preciousness of life even more.

**13. 回国隔离,虽然辛苦,但为了健康和安全,一切都是值得的。**

Although the quarantine after returning home is tough, it's worth it for health and safety.

**14. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是被困在一个巨大的笼子里。**

I feel like I'm trapped in a giant cage after returning home and being quarantined.

**15. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉就像生活在一个监控的世界里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a surveillance world.

**16. 隔离期间,只能在房间里活动,感觉像是被囚禁了。**

I can only move around in my room during quarantine, which feels like being imprisoned.

**17. 虽然隔离,但每天都有新鲜的水果和蔬菜,生活质量还不错。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have fresh fruits and vegetables every day, so the quality of life is not bad.

**18. 回国隔离,虽然辛苦,但也是一种特殊的经历。**

The quarantine after returning home is tough, but it's also a unique experience.

**19. 隔离期间,我学会了如何更好地照顾自己,也更加珍惜自由。**

During quarantine, I learned how to take better care of myself and I value freedom more.

**20. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是回到一个陌生的世界。**

After returning home and being quarantined, it feels like I've returned to an unfamiliar world.

**21. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个巨大的实验室里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a giant laboratory.

**22. 隔离期间,只能通过手机与外界联系,感觉像是与世隔绝了。**

During quarantine, I can only communicate with the outside world through my phone, which feels like being cut off from the world.

**23. 虽然隔离,但也有很多时间可以思考,可以读书,可以学习新技能。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have a lot of time to think, read, and learn new skills.

**24. 回国隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人朋友的相处时光,也更加珍惜自由。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the time spent with family and friends even more, and I value freedom more.

**25. 隔离期间,感觉时间过得很慢,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Time passes slowly during quarantine, but it's also a unique experience.

**26. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是被困在一个巨大的酒店里。**

I feel like I'm trapped in a giant hotel after returning home and being quarantined.

**27. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个紧张的氛围中。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a tense atmosphere.

**28. 隔离期间,只能在房间里活动,感觉像是被关在一个笼子里。**

I can only move around in my room during quarantine, which feels like being locked in a cage.

**29. 虽然隔离,但每天都有充足的食物和饮水,生活质量还是有保障的。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have sufficient food and water every day, so the quality of life is still guaranteed.

**30. 回国隔离,虽然辛苦,但也是为了保障大家的健康安全。**

The quarantine after returning home is tough, but it's to ensure everyone's health and safety.

**31. 隔离期间,我学会了如何更好地管理自己的时间,也更加珍惜与家人朋友的联系。**

During quarantine, I learned how to better manage my time and I cherish my connection with family and friends more.

**32. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是回到一个封闭的世界。**

After returning home and being quarantined, it feels like I've returned to a closed world.

**33. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个巨大的机器里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a giant machine.

**34. 隔离期间,只能通过视频与家人朋友联系,感觉像是隔着一层纱。**

During quarantine, I can only connect with family and friends through video, which feels like there's a veil between us.

**35. 虽然隔离,但也有很多时间可以阅读,可以思考,可以充实自己。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have a lot of time to read, think, and enrich myself.

**36. 回国隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人的团聚,也更加珍惜自由。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the reunion with my family even more, and I value freedom more.

**37. 隔离期间,感觉时间过得飞快,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Time flies by during quarantine, but it's also a unique experience.

**38. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是回到一个封闭的社区。**

After returning home and being quarantined, it feels like I've returned to a closed community.

**39. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个紧张的节奏里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a fast-paced environment.

**40. 隔离期间,只能在房间里活动,感觉像是被困在一个小盒子中。**

I can only move around in my room during quarantine, which feels like being trapped in a small box.

**41. 虽然隔离,但也有很多时间可以锻炼身体,可以培养兴趣爱好。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have a lot of time to exercise and cultivate interests and hobbies.

**42. 回国隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人的相处时光,也更加珍惜自由。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the time spent with family even more, and I value freedom more.

**43. 隔离期间,感觉时间过得很快,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Time flies by during quarantine, but it's also a unique experience.

**44. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是回到了一个陌生的城市。**

After returning home and being quarantined, it feels like I've returned to an unfamiliar city.

**45. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个巨大的实验室里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a giant laboratory.

**46. 隔离期间,只能通过网络与外界联系,感觉像是被隔离在另一个世界。**

During quarantine, I can only communicate with the outside world online, which feels like being isolated in another world.

**47. 虽然隔离,但也有很多时间可以阅读,可以思考,可以充实自己。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have a lot of time to read, think, and enrich myself.

**48. 回国隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人的团聚,也更加珍惜自由。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the reunion with my family even more, and I value freedom more.

**49. 隔离期间,感觉时间过得很快,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Time flies by during quarantine, but it's also a unique experience.

**50. 回国后被隔离,感觉像是回到一个封闭的社区。**

After returning home and being quarantined, it feels like I've returned to a closed community.

**51. 每天都要做核酸检测,感觉像是生活在一个紧张的节奏里。**

Doing nucleic acid tests every day feels like living in a fast-paced environment.

**52. 隔离期间,只能在房间里活动,感觉像是被困在一个小盒子中。**

I can only move around in my room during quarantine, which feels like being trapped in a small box.

**53. 虽然隔离,但也有很多时间可以锻炼身体,可以培养兴趣爱好。**

Although I'm quarantined, I have a lot of time to exercise and cultivate interests and hobbies.

**54. 回国隔离,让我更加珍惜与家人的相处时光,也更加珍惜自由。**

The quarantine after returning home made me cherish the time spent with family even more, and I value freedom more.

**55. 隔离期间,感觉时间过得很快,但也是一种特殊的体验。**

Time flies by during quarantine, but it's also a unique experience.

以上就是关于回国被隔离句子55句(回国被隔离句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
