
## 姑苏辙夏天句子,83句

**1. 姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。**

The cold mountain temple outside Gusu City, the sound of the bell reaches the guest boat in the middle of the night.

**2. 碧水东流,姑苏城外,夕阳西下,落日余晖。**

The blue water flows eastward, outside Gusu City, the sun sets in the west, leaving behind the afterglow of the setting sun.

**3. 荷叶田田,清风徐徐,夏日午后,荷塘清幽。**

The lotus leaves are lush, a gentle breeze blows, a summer afternoon, the lotus pond is serene.

**4. 石榴花开,满园飘香,夏日炎炎,生机盎然。**

Pomegranate flowers bloom, filling the garden with fragrance, the summer heat is intense, life is vibrant.

**5. 蝉鸣声声,夏日午后,树荫浓密,清凉宜人。**

Cicadas sing, a summer afternoon, the shade of the trees is dense, cool and refreshing.

**6. 蜻蜓点水,荷花盛开,夏日清晨,美不胜收。**

Dragonflies touch the water, lotus flowers bloom, a summer morning, a feast for the eyes.

**7. 碧波荡漾,柳枝轻摇,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

The blue waves ripple, the willow branches sway gently, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**8. 细雨如丝,夏日夜晚,凉风习习,宁静祥和。**

The fine rain falls like silk, a summer night, a gentle breeze blows, peaceful and harmonious.

**9. 萤火虫飞舞,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

Fireflies dance, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**10. 蛙声一片,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

Frogs croak in unison, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**11. 姑苏城里,小桥流水,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

In Gusu City, there are small bridges and flowing water, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**12. 拙政园里,荷花盛开,夏日炎炎,清凉宜人。**

In the Humble Administrator's Garden, lotus flowers bloom, the summer heat is intense, cool and refreshing.

**13. 狮子林里,奇石嶙峋,夏日清凉,幽静雅致。**

In the Lion Grove Garden, the strange rocks are rugged, the summer is cool, quiet and elegant.

**14. 留园里,假山叠石,夏日炎炎,清凉宜人。**

In the Garden of the Humble Administrator, the artificial mountains and rocks are stacked, the summer heat is intense, cool and refreshing.

**15. 阊门里,古街幽巷,夏日傍晚,热闹非凡。**

Inside the Changmen Gate, ancient streets and alleys, a summer evening, bustling with activity.

**16. 山塘街里,商铺林立,夏日傍晚,热闹非凡。**

On the Shantang Street, shops line the street, a summer evening, bustling with activity.

**17. 平江路里,古色古香,夏日夜晚,宁静祥和。**

In Pingjiang Road, ancient charm, a summer night, peaceful and harmonious.

**18. 观前街里,人潮涌动,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

On the Guanqian Street, crowds surge, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**19. 虎丘山里,古木参天,夏日清凉,幽静雅致。**

In the Tiger Hill, ancient trees tower, the summer is cool, quiet and elegant.

**20. 云岩寺里,香火鼎盛,夏日清凉,宁静致远。**

In the Yunyan Temple, incense is flourishing, the summer is cool, peaceful and profound.

**21. 姑苏城里,茶馆酒肆,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, teahouses and taverns, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**22. 姑苏城里,戏台唱戏,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, operas are performed on the stage, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**23. 姑苏城里,小吃街巷,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, snack streets and alleys, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**24. 姑苏城里,夜市繁华,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, the night market is prosperous, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**25. 姑苏城里,灯火通明,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, lights are bright, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**26. 姑苏城外,田野广阔,夏日炎炎,生机盎然。**

Outside Gusu City, the fields are vast, the summer heat is intense, life is vibrant.

**27. 姑苏城外,荷塘连片,夏日清晨,美不胜收。**

Outside Gusu City, lotus ponds stretch as far as the eye can see, a summer morning, a feast for the eyes.

**28. 姑苏城外,河水清澈,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

Outside Gusu City, the river water is clear, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**29. 姑苏城外,夕阳西下,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

Outside Gusu City, the sun sets in the west, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**30. 姑苏城外,夜色迷人,夏日夜晚,宁静祥和。**

Outside Gusu City, the night is charming, a summer night, peaceful and harmonious.

**31. 姑苏城外,星空璀璨,夏日夜晚,宁静致远。**

Outside Gusu City, the stars are brilliant, a summer night, peaceful and profound.

**32. 姑苏城外,萤火虫飞舞,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

Outside Gusu City, fireflies dance, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**33. 姑苏城外,蛙声一片,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

Outside Gusu City, frogs croak in unison, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**34. 姑苏城外,夏日清晨,鸟语花香,清新宜人。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer morning, birds sing and flowers are fragrant, fresh and pleasant.

**35. 姑苏城外,夏日午后,树荫浓密,清凉宜人。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer afternoon, the shade of the trees is dense, cool and refreshing.

**36. 姑苏城外,夏日傍晚,晚霞映照,景色如画。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer evening, the sunset glows, a picturesque view.

**37. 姑苏城外,夏日夜晚,凉风习习,宁静祥和。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer night, a gentle breeze blows, peaceful and harmonious.

**38. 姑苏城外,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

Outside Gusu City, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**39. 姑苏城外,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**40. 姑苏城里,古色古香,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

In Gusu City, ancient charm, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**41. 姑苏城里,小桥流水,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

In Gusu City, there are small bridges and flowing water, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**42. 姑苏城里,石板路,夏日清凉,宁静祥和。**

In Gusu City, there are stone-paved roads, the summer is cool, peaceful and harmonious.

**43. 姑苏城里,古树参天,夏日清凉,幽静雅致。**

In Gusu City, ancient trees tower, the summer is cool, quiet and elegant.

**44. 姑苏城里,茶馆酒肆,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, teahouses and taverns, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**45. 姑苏城里,戏台唱戏,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, operas are performed on the stage, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**46. 姑苏城里,小吃街巷,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, snack streets and alleys, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**47. 姑苏城里,夜市繁华,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, the night market is prosperous, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**48. 姑苏城里,灯火通明,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, lights are bright, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**49. 姑苏城里,荷花盛开,夏日炎炎,清凉宜人。**

In Gusu City, lotus flowers bloom, the summer heat is intense, cool and refreshing.

**50. 姑苏城里,柳枝轻摇,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

In Gusu City, the willow branches sway gently, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**51. 姑苏城里,夏日清晨,鸟语花香,清新宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer morning, birds sing and flowers are fragrant, fresh and pleasant.

**52. 姑苏城里,夏日午后,树荫浓密,清凉宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer afternoon, the shade of the trees is dense, cool and refreshing.

**53. 姑苏城里,夏日傍晚,晚霞映照,景色如画。**

In Gusu City, a summer evening, the sunset glows, a picturesque view.

**54. 姑苏城里,夏日夜晚,凉风习习,宁静祥和。**

In Gusu City, a summer night, a gentle breeze blows, peaceful and harmonious.

**55. 姑苏城里,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

In Gusu City, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**56. 姑苏城里,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

In Gusu City, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**57. 姑苏城里,夏日炎炎,生机盎然。**

In Gusu City, the summer heat is intense, life is vibrant.

**58. 姑苏城里,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

In Gusu City, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**59. 姑苏城里,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

In Gusu City, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**60. 姑苏城里,夏日清晨,清新宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer morning, fresh and pleasant.

**61. 姑苏城里,夏日午后,清凉宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer afternoon, cool and refreshing.

**62. 姑苏城里,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

In Gusu City, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**63. 姑苏城里,夏日夜晚,宁静祥和。**

In Gusu City, a summer night, peaceful and harmonious.

**64. 姑苏城里,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

In Gusu City, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**65. 姑苏城里,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

In Gusu City, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**66. 姑苏城外,夏日炎炎,生机盎然。**

Outside Gusu City, the summer heat is intense, life is vibrant.

**67. 姑苏城外,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

Outside Gusu City, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**68. 姑苏城外,夏日夜晚,热闹非凡。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer night, bustling with activity.

**69. 姑苏城外,夏日清晨,清新宜人。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer morning, fresh and pleasant.

**70. 姑苏城外,夏日午后,清凉宜人。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer afternoon, cool and refreshing.

**71. 姑苏城外,夏日傍晚,景色如画。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer evening, a picturesque view.

**72. 姑苏城外,夏日夜晚,宁静祥和。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer night, peaceful and harmonious.

**73. 姑苏城外,夏夜星空,繁星点点,美不胜收。**

Outside Gusu City, the summer night sky, stars twinkle, a breathtaking sight.

**74. 姑苏城外,夏夜池塘,月色朦胧,宁静致远。**

Outside Gusu City, a summer night pond, the moonlight is hazy, peaceful and profound.

**75. 姑苏城里,古镇风情,夏日清凉,宁静祥和。**

In Gusu City, the charm of an ancient town, the summer is cool, peaceful and harmonious.

**76. 姑苏城里,石桥流水,夏日清凉,诗情画意。**

In Gusu City, there are stone bridges and flowing water, the summer is cool, poetic and picturesque.

**77. 姑苏城里,夏日炎炎,荷花盛开,清凉宜人。**

In Gusu City, the summer heat is intense, lotus flowers bloom, cool and refreshing.

**78. 姑苏城里,夏日夜晚,萤火虫飞舞,星空璀璨,美不胜收。**

In Gusu City, a summer night, fireflies dance, the stars are brilliant, a breathtaking sight.

**79. 姑苏城里,夏日清晨,鸟语花香,清新宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer morning, birds sing and flowers are fragrant, fresh and pleasant.

**80. 姑苏城里,夏日午后,树荫浓密,清凉宜人。**

In Gusu City, a summer afternoon, the shade of the trees is dense, cool and refreshing.

**81. 姑苏城里,夏日傍晚,夕阳西下,落日余晖。**

In Gusu City, a summer evening, the sun sets in the west, leaving behind the afterglow of the setting sun.

**82. 姑苏城里,夏日夜晚,月光如水,宁静致远。**

In Gusu City, a summer night, the moonlight is like water, peaceful and profound.

**83. 姑苏城里,夏日时光,流淌着诗意和浪漫。**

In Gusu City, summer time flows with poetry and romance.

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