
## 回到母校领奖句子 (80句)


1. 时光荏苒,转眼间我已经毕业多年,今天回到母校,心中感慨万千。
2. 感谢母校的培育,让我在人生的道路上不断成长。
3. 站在熟悉的校园,仿佛回到了青春年少,回忆涌上心头,让我倍感温暖。
4. 今天能站在这里领奖,离不开母校的悉心教诲和老师们的辛勤付出。
5. 母校的恩情,我将铭记于心,永生难忘。
6. 感谢母校,让我拥有了宝贵的知识和技能,让我在社会上立足。
7. 回到母校,仿佛回到了梦开始的地方,这里承载着我的青春梦想。
8. 站在领奖台上,我仿佛看到了当年那个意气风发的少年。
9. 今天我站在这里,不仅是为自己,更是为了母校,为了所有的老师和同学们。
10. 母校,您是我人生的起点,也是我成功的摇篮。


11. 今天我获得的荣誉,是对我过去努力的肯定,也是我未来前进的动力。
12. 我会带着这份荣誉,继续努力,为社会做出更大的贡献。
13. 母校的教诲,我会铭记于心,我会用行动来证明我的价值。
14. 未来我会更加努力,为母校争光,为社会贡献力量。
15. 我要将母校的精神传承下去,让更多的人受益。
16. 今天我站在这里,是母校的骄傲,我也会成为社会的栋梁。
17. 我会将这份荣誉作为新的起点,继续追求更高的目标。
18. 我会用实际行动来回报母校的培育之恩。
19. 我会努力成为母校的骄傲,为母校的未来贡献力量。
20. 我相信,只要努力拼搏,一定可以创造更美好的未来。


21. 感谢母校的栽培,感谢老师们的辛勤付出,感谢同学们一路的陪伴。
22. 愿母校越来越好,桃李满天下。
23. 祝愿母校的明天更加辉煌,培养出更多优秀人才。
24. 希望母校能够继续发扬光大,为社会培养更多栋梁之材。
25. 我会永远记得母校的教诲,我会永远怀念母校的时光。
26. 感谢母校,让我的人生充满了无限可能。
27. 感谢母校,让我拥有了坚定的信念和远大的理想。
28. 感谢母校,让我学会了如何做人,如何做事。
29. 感谢母校,让我拥有了宝贵的友谊和人生的导师。
30. 感谢母校,让我的人生充满了意义和价值。


31. 回到母校,我仿佛回到了青春的梦里,回到了那段无忧无虑的时光。
32. 看着熟悉的教学楼,听着熟悉的铃声,我的思绪回到了当年。
33. 这些熟悉的场景,勾起了我许多美好的回忆,让我倍感温暖。
34. 回到母校,我仿佛看到了老师们亲切的面容,听到了他们谆谆教诲的声音。
35. 当年的梦想,如今已成现实,我感谢母校的培育,感谢老师们的教诲。
36. 母校的每一个角落,都留下了我青春的印记。
37. 回到母校,我仿佛看到了当年那个意气风发的自己,充满了自信和梦想。
38. 我会永远记得母校的时光,记得那些难忘的师生情谊。
39. 母校,您是我人生的启蒙,也是我精神的港湾。
40. 感谢母校,让我拥有了美好的回忆,让我拥有了宝贵的人生经验。


41. 站在母校的土地上,我感到无比自豪和荣幸。
42. 今天我站在这里,是为了证明自己,是为了实现自己的梦想。
43. 我会努力成为母校的骄傲,为社会贡献力量。
44. 我要将母校的精神传承下去,让更多的人受益。
45. 我会用实际行动来回报母校的培育之恩。
46. 我会努力成为母校的骄傲,为母校的未来贡献力量。
47. 我相信,只要努力拼搏,一定可以创造更美好的未来。
48. 我会带着这份荣誉,继续努力,创造属于自己的辉煌。
49. 我会用自己的行动,来证明母校的培养是正确的。
50. 我会用自己的成功,来回报母校的栽培之恩。


51. 感谢母校,感谢老师们,感谢所有支持过我的人。
52. 祝愿母校的明天更加美好,祝愿所有母校人都能实现自己的梦想。
53. 感谢母校,感谢所有为母校的发展做出贡献的人。
54. 祝愿母校能够培养出更多优秀人才,为社会做出更大的贡献。
55. 我会永远记得母校,永远怀念母校的时光。
56. 感谢母校,让我拥有了宝贵的知识和技能,让我在社会上立足。
57. 感谢母校,让我拥有了坚定的信念和远大的理想。
58. 感谢母校,让我学会了如何做人,如何做事。
59. 感谢母校,让我拥有了宝贵的友谊和人生的导师。
60. 感谢母校,让我的人生充满了意义和价值。


61. 回到母校,我仿佛回到了梦开始的地方,这里承载着我的青春梦想。
62. 看着熟悉的教学楼,听着熟悉的铃声,我的思绪回到了当年。
63. 回到母校,我仿佛看到了老师们亲切的面容,听到了他们谆谆教诲的声音。
64. 当年的梦想,如今已成现实,我感谢母校的培育,感谢老师们的教诲。
65. 母校的每一个角落,都留下了我青春的印记。
66. 回到母校,我仿佛看到了当年那个意气风发的自己,充满了自信和梦想。
67. 我会永远记得母校的时光,记得那些难忘的师生情谊。
68. 母校,您是我人生的启蒙,也是我精神的港湾。
69. 感谢母校,让我拥有了美好的回忆,让我拥有了宝贵的人生经验。
70. 母校,您是我人生的起点,也是我成功的摇篮。


71. 我会带着这份荣誉,继续努力,为社会做出更大的贡献。
72. 我会将母校的精神传承下去,让更多的人受益。
73. 我会努力成为母校的骄傲,为母校的未来贡献力量。
74. 我相信,只要努力拼搏,一定可以创造更美好的未来。
75. 我会用实际行动来回报母校的培育之恩。
76. 我会用自己的行动,来证明母校的培养是正确的。
77. 我会用自己的成功,来回报母校的栽培之恩。
78. 我会带着这份荣誉,继续努力,创造属于自己的辉煌。
79. 我会努力成为母校的骄傲,为社会贡献力量。
80. 我会将母校的教诲铭记于心,用行动来证明自己的价值。

## 英文翻译


1. Time flies, and I have graduated for many years. Coming back to my alma mater today, I feel overwhelmed with emotion.

2. Thank you to my alma mater for nurturing me, allowing me to grow continuously on the path of life.

3. Standing in the familiar campus, it's as if I've returned to my youth. Memories flood back, filling me with warmth.

4. I couldn't have stood here today receiving this award without the dedicated guidance of my alma mater and the hard work of my teachers.

5. The kindness of my alma mater, I will cherish in my heart forever.

6. Thank you to my alma mater, for giving me valuable knowledge and skills, allowing me to establish myself in society.

7. Returning to my alma mater is like going back to where my dreams began. This place holds my youthful aspirations.

8. Standing on the podium, I seem to see the young, spirited me from those days.

9. Today, I stand here, not only for myself, but for my alma mater, for all the teachers and classmates.

10. Alma mater, you are the starting point of my life and the cradle of my success.


11. The honor I receive today is a confirmation of my past efforts, but also the motivation for me to move forward in the future.

12. I will take this honor and continue to strive, making greater contributions to society.

13. I will keep the teachings of my alma mater in mind, and I will use my actions to prove my worth.

14. In the future, I will work harder, bring glory to my alma mater, and contribute to society.

15. I will carry on the spirit of my alma mater, so that more people can benefit.

16. Today, I stand here as the pride of my alma mater, and I will also become a pillar of society.

17. I will take this honor as a new starting point and continue to pursue higher goals.

18. I will use my actions to repay the nurturing grace of my alma mater.

19. I will strive to be the pride of my alma mater and contribute to its future.

20. I believe that as long as we work hard, we can create a brighter future.


21. Thank you to my alma mater for its cultivation, thank you to the teachers for their hard work, thank you to the classmates for their companionship along the way.

22. May my alma mater continue to prosper and be filled with outstanding students.

23. I wish my alma mater an even more glorious tomorrow, cultivating more outstanding talents.

24. I hope my alma mater will continue to grow and thrive, nurturing more pillars of society for our community.

25. I will always remember the teachings of my alma mater and cherish the memories of my time here.

26. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me endless possibilities in life.

27. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me unwavering faith and ambitious ideals.

28. Thank you to my alma mater for teaching me how to be a person and how to do things.

29. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me valuable friendships and mentors in life.

30. Thank you to my alma mater for filling my life with meaning and value.


31. Returning to my alma mater is like returning to a dream of my youth, to a time of carefree days.

32. Looking at the familiar buildings and hearing the familiar bell, my thoughts go back to those days.

33. These familiar scenes evoke many beautiful memories, filling me with warmth.

34. Returning to my alma mater, I seem to see the kind faces of my teachers and hear their words of wisdom.

35. The dreams I had back then have now become reality. I am grateful for the nurturing of my alma mater and the guidance of my teachers.

36. Every corner of my alma mater holds the imprint of my youth.

37. Returning to my alma mater, I seem to see the confident and ambitious young me, full of dreams.

38. I will always remember the time I spent at my alma mater, and those unforgettable teacher-student relationships.

39. Alma mater, you are my enlightenment in life, and my spiritual haven.

40. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me beautiful memories and valuable life experiences.


41. Standing on the land of my alma mater, I feel incredibly proud and honored.

42. Today, I stand here to prove myself and to achieve my dreams.

43. I will strive to be the pride of my alma mater and contribute to society.

44. I will carry on the spirit of my alma mater, so that more people can benefit.

45. I will use my actions to repay the nurturing grace of my alma mater.

46. I will strive to be the pride of my alma mater and contribute to its future.

47. I believe that as long as we work hard, we can create a brighter future.

48. I will take this honor and continue to strive, creating my own brilliance.

49. I will use my actions to prove that the cultivation of my alma mater is correct.

50. I will use my success to repay the nurturing grace of my alma mater.


51. Thank you to my alma mater, thank you to the teachers, thank you to everyone who has supported me.

52. I wish my alma mater a brighter tomorrow, and I wish everyone in my alma mater to achieve their dreams.

53. Thank you to my alma mater, thank you to everyone who has contributed to its development.

54. I wish my alma mater to cultivate more outstanding talents and make even greater contributions to society.

55. I will always remember my alma mater and cherish the memories of my time here.

56. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me valuable knowledge and skills, allowing me to establish myself in society.

57. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me unwavering faith and ambitious ideals.

58. Thank you to my alma mater for teaching me how to be a person and how to do things.

59. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me valuable friendships and mentors in life.

60. Thank you to my alma mater for filling my life with meaning and value.


61. Returning to my alma mater is like going back to where my dreams began. This place holds my youthful aspirations.

62. Looking at the familiar buildings and hearing the familiar bell, my thoughts go back to those days.

63. Returning to my alma mater, I seem to see the kind faces of my teachers and hear their words of wisdom.

64. The dreams I had back then have now become reality. I am grateful for the nurturing of my alma mater and the guidance of my teachers.

65. Every corner of my alma mater holds the imprint of my youth.

66. Returning to my alma mater, I seem to see the confident and ambitious young me, full of dreams.

67. I will always remember the time I spent at my alma mater, and those unforgettable teacher-student relationships.

68. Alma mater, you are my enlightenment in life, and my spiritual haven.

69. Thank you to my alma mater for giving me beautiful memories and valuable life experiences.

70. Alma mater, you are the starting point of my life and the cradle of my success.


71. I will take this honor and continue to strive, making greater contributions to society.

72. I will carry on the spirit of my alma mater, so that more people can benefit.

73. I will strive to be the pride of my alma mater and contribute to its future.

74. I believe that as long as we work hard, we can create a brighter future.

75. I will use my actions to repay the nurturing grace of my alma mater.

76. I will use my actions to prove that the cultivation of my alma mater is correct.

77. I will use my success to repay the nurturing grace of my alma mater.

78. I will take this honor and continue to strive, creating my own brilliance.

79. I will strive to be the pride of my alma mater and contribute to society.

80. I will keep the teachings of my alma mater in mind, and I will use my actions to prove my worth.

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