
## 姐弟社会句子 (65句)


1. 哥哥,是你守护着我,是我最坚强的后盾。

Brother, you are the one who protects me, my strongest backer.

2. 有你这样的哥哥,真好!

It's so good to have a brother like you!

3. 小时候,我们一起玩耍,一起长大,那些美好的回忆,永远珍藏。

When we were kids, we played together and grew up together. Those beautiful memories will always be cherished.

4. 你永远是我最亲密的朋友,也是我最信赖的人。

You are always my closest friend and the person I trust the most.

5. 无论何时何地,你永远是我的依靠。

No matter when or where, you are always my reliance.

6. 虽然我们偶尔会拌嘴,但彼此之间的爱永远不会改变。

Although we may bicker occasionally, the love between us will never change.

7. 你是我的哥哥,也是我最亲爱的朋友。

You are my brother, and also my dearest friend.

8. 你永远是我的骄傲!

You are always my pride!

9. 谢谢你,哥哥,是你让我的人生充满阳光。

Thank you, brother, you make my life full of sunshine.

10. 哥哥,我希望你永远幸福快乐!

Brother, I hope you will always be happy and joyful!

11. 你永远是我心中的英雄。

You are always the hero in my heart.

12. 感谢上天赐予我这么棒的哥哥!

Thank heaven for giving me such a great brother!

13. 哥哥,你永远都是我最爱的人。

Brother, you will always be the person I love most.

14. 你永远是我最强大的依靠。

You are always my strongest reliance.

15. 你永远是我的守护神。

You are always my guardian angel.


16. 哥哥,你总是欺负我!

Brother, you always bully me!

17. 你欠我一个棒棒糖!

You owe me a lollipop!

18. 你真是个大笨蛋!

You are such a big idiot!

19. 你最爱我了,对不对?

You love me the most, right?

20. 谁叫你是我哥哥呢?

Who told you to be my brother?

21. 你等着,我一定会报仇的!

You wait, I will definitely get my revenge!

22. 你真是太讨厌了!

You are so annoying!

23. 我恨你!

I hate you!

24. 你给我等着,我要去告状!

You wait for me, I'm going to tell!

25. 你永远都斗不过我!

You can never beat me!

26. 你永远都比不上我!

You will never be as good as me!

27. 我才不要你当哥哥!

I don't want you to be my brother!

28. 你真是个小气鬼!

You are such a stingy person!

29. 你真笨!

You are so stupid!

30. 你给我闭嘴!

Shut your mouth!


31. 还记得我们小时候一起玩捉迷藏吗?

Do you remember playing hide and seek together when we were kids?

32. 我们一起经历了那么多,那些回忆都是最美好的。

We have been through so much together, and those memories are the most beautiful.

33. 我们之间有太多太多美好的回忆了。

There are so many beautiful memories between us.

34. 那些年,我们一起走过的路,永远刻在我的心中。

The paths we walked together all those years are forever etched in my heart.

35. 你是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

You are the most precious treasure in my life.

36. 我永远不会忘记我们之间的点点滴滴。

I will never forget all the little things between us.

37. 我们一起经历的那些风雨,让我们更加亲密无间。

The storms we have weathered together have made us even closer.

38. 那些回忆,是生命中最珍贵的礼物。

Those memories are the most precious gift of life.

39. 我们之间的感情,永远不会被时间冲淡。

The love between us will never be diminished by time.

40. 感谢你,哥哥,陪我走过人生的每个阶段。

Thank you, brother, for accompanying me through every stage of life.


41. 哥哥,我相信你一定可以做到!

Brother, I believe you can do it!

42. 加油,哥哥,你永远是最棒的!

Come on, brother, you are always the best!

43. 你永远都是我的榜样!

You are always my role model!

44. 你永远是我最坚强的后盾!

You are always my strongest backer!

45. 不要放弃,哥哥,你一定能克服困难!

Don't give up, brother, you can overcome any difficulty!

46. 我相信你,哥哥,你一定能成功!

I believe in you, brother, you will definitely succeed!

47. 哥哥,你永远是我的骄傲!

Brother, you are always my pride!

48. 你永远都是最棒的!

You are always the best!

49. 哥哥,我永远支持你!

Brother, I will always support you!

50. 你永远是我最强大的力量!

You are always my strongest power!


51. 随着年龄的增长,我们之间的感情也越来越深厚。

As we grow older, our love for each other deepens.

52. 哥哥,谢谢你一直以来对我的照顾和关爱。

Brother, thank you for your care and love for me all these years.

53. 你教会了我很多东西,让我在人生的道路上不断成长。

You have taught me many things, helping me grow on the path of life.

54. 你是我生命中的重要一部分,我会永远珍惜你。

You are an important part of my life, and I will always cherish you.

55. 哥哥,谢谢你让我拥有一个完整的童年。

Brother, thank you for giving me a complete childhood.

56. 你不仅是我的哥哥,也是我的老师,我的朋友。

You are not only my brother, but also my teacher, my friend.

57. 你教会了我勇敢,坚强,和爱。

You have taught me courage, strength, and love.

58. 你让我明白,人生的道路上,永远不会孤单。

You have made me understand that I will never be alone on the path of life.

59. 感谢你,哥哥,让我的人生充满意义。

Thank you, brother, for making my life meaningful.

60. 我永远不会忘记,你对我的爱和支持。

I will never forget your love and support for me.


61. 哥哥,我希望你永远健康快乐!

Brother, I hope you will always be healthy and happy!

62. 愿你一切顺利,梦想成真!

May all your dreams come true, and may everything go smoothly!

63. 哥哥,祝你前途无量!

Brother, I wish you a bright future!

64. 愿你永远幸福安康!

May you always be happy and healthy!

65. 哥哥,我爱你!

Brother, I love you!

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