
## 噩梦时代句子 (71句)

1. 城市的灯火,如同虚假的繁荣,掩盖不了人心深处的恐惧。 (The city lights, like a false prosperity, can't hide the fear in people's hearts.)
2. 绝望如藤蔓般缠绕,吞噬着人们最后的希望。 (Despair, like vines, entwines and devours people's last hope.)
3. 沉默的街道,仿佛在诉说着末日的寂静。 (The silent streets seem to whisper the quiet of the end.)
4. 曾经的繁华,如今化作一片废墟,如同一个逝去的梦。 (The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, like a dream gone by.)
5. 恐惧是无形的枷锁,将人们囚禁在无尽的黑暗中。 (Fear is an invisible shackle, imprisoning people in endless darkness.)
6. 生存的渴望,在绝望的深渊中挣扎求生。 (The desire to survive struggles for life in the abyss of despair.)
7. 每一颗心跳,都仿佛是生命的倒计时。 (Every heartbeat feels like a countdown to life.)
8. 阴影在角落里潜伏,等待着吞噬所有光明。 (Shadows lurk in the corners, waiting to devour all the light.)
9. 挣扎着想要抓住希望,却发现它早已消失无踪。 (Struggling to grasp hope, only to find that it's long gone.)
10. 悲伤的哭泣,在寂静的夜晚中回荡。 (Sad cries echo through the silent night.)
11. 夜幕降临,城市笼罩在一片恐怖的氛围之中。 (As night falls, the city is enveloped in a terrifying atmosphere.)
12. 曾经熟悉的面孔,如今变得陌生,令人心生恐惧。 (Familiar faces now seem strange, evoking fear.)
13. 孤独的灵魂在荒凉的世界中漂泊,寻找着一丝慰藉。 (Lonely souls wander through the desolate world, seeking a glimmer of comfort.)
14. 人性在绝望的考验中,变得扭曲和丑陋。 (Humanity, under the test of despair, becomes twisted and ugly.)
15. 命运的齿轮在转动,没有人知道未来会发生什么。 (The gears of fate are turning, and no one knows what the future holds.)
16. 无助的人们,如同浮萍般飘零在命运的浪涛中。 (Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.)
17. 过去的记忆,如同碎片般散落在脑海中,挥之不去。 (Memories of the past, like fragments, scatter in the mind, lingering.)
18. 死亡的阴影笼罩着每一个角落,让人不寒而栗。 (The shadow of death hangs over every corner, making people shudder.)
19. 曾经充满生机的土地,如今变得荒芜,令人心寒。 (The once vibrant land now lies barren, chilling the heart.)
20. 痛苦的回忆,如同毒药般侵蚀着心灵,让人难以忘怀。 (Painful memories, like poison, corrode the heart, making them unforgettable.)
21. 绝望的呐喊,在寂静的夜空中回荡,却无人回应。 (Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.)
22. 失去了所有,只剩下无尽的空虚。 (Lost everything, only endless emptiness remains.)
23. 曾经的梦想,如同泡影般破灭,令人心碎。 (Past dreams, like bubbles, have burst, breaking the heart.)
24. 黑暗吞噬了光明,世界陷入一片混沌。 (Darkness swallows up the light, the world falls into chaos.)
25. 生命的意义,在绝望的深渊中逐渐消逝。 (The meaning of life gradually fades in the abyss of despair.)
26. 挣扎着想要活下去,却发现希望越来越渺茫。 (Struggling to survive, only to find that hope is becoming increasingly faint.)
27. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着内心,让人无法摆脱。 (The shadow of fear hangs over the heart, making it impossible to escape.)
28. 孤独的夜晚,仿佛永远不会结束。 (Lonely nights seem like they will never end.)
29. 死亡的威胁,无处不在,让人感到窒息。 (The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.)
30. 曾经的快乐,如今变得遥不可及,如同一个虚幻的梦。 (Past happiness now seems unattainable, like a phantom dream.)
31. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心寒。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.)
32. 无助的呐喊,在空旷的街道上回荡,却无人回应。 (Helpless cries echo through the empty streets, but no one answers.)
33. 曾经的信仰,在绝望的考验中逐渐崩塌。 (Past beliefs crumble gradually under the test of despair.)
34. 人们在绝望中迷失了自我,变得冷漠和麻木。 (People lose themselves in despair, becoming indifferent and numb.)
35. 曾经的友谊,在绝望的考验中变得脆弱不堪。 (Past friendships become fragile and vulnerable under the test of despair.)
36. 孤独的灵魂在绝望的深渊中飘荡,寻找着一丝慰藉。 (Lonely souls drift in the abyss of despair, seeking a glimmer of comfort.)
37. 绝望的呐喊,在寂静的夜空中回荡,却无人回应。 (Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.)
38. 生命的火焰在绝望的深渊中逐渐熄灭。 (The flame of life gradually extinguishes in the abyss of despair.)
39. 曾经的繁华,如今化作一片废墟,令人心碎。 (The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, breaking the heart.)
40. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着每一个人,让人感到无助。 (The shadow of fear hangs over everyone, making people feel helpless.)
41. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心寒。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.)
42. 无助的人们,如同浮萍般飘零在命运的浪涛中。 (Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.)
43. 死亡的威胁,无处不在,让人感到窒息。 (The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.)
44. 曾经的欢笑,如今变得遥不可及,如同一个虚幻的梦。 (Past laughter now seems unattainable, like a phantom dream.)
45. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心碎。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, breaking the heart.)
46. 无助的呐喊,在空旷的街道上回荡,却无人回应。 (Helpless cries echo through the empty streets, but no one answers.)
47. 曾经的信仰,在绝望的考验中逐渐崩塌。 (Past beliefs crumble gradually under the test of despair.)
48. 人们在绝望中迷失了自我,变得冷漠和麻木。 (People lose themselves in despair, becoming indifferent and numb.)
49. 曾经的友谊,在绝望的考验中变得脆弱不堪。 (Past friendships become fragile and vulnerable under the test of despair.)
50. 孤独的灵魂在绝望的深渊中飘荡,寻找着一丝慰藉。 (Lonely souls drift in the abyss of despair, seeking a glimmer of comfort.)
51. 绝望的呐喊,在寂静的夜空中回荡,却无人回应。 (Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.)
52. 生命的火焰在绝望的深渊中逐渐熄灭。 (The flame of life gradually extinguishes in the abyss of despair.)
53. 曾经的繁华,如今化作一片废墟,令人心碎。 (The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, breaking the heart.)
54. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着每一个人,让人感到无助。 (The shadow of fear hangs over everyone, making people feel helpless.)
55. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心寒。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.)
56. 无助的人们,如同浮萍般飘零在命运的浪涛中。 (Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.)
57. 死亡的威胁,无处不在,让人感到窒息。 (The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.)
58. 曾经的欢笑,如今变得遥不可及,如同一个虚幻的梦。 (Past laughter now seems unattainable, like a phantom dream.)
59. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心碎。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, breaking the heart.)
60. 无助的呐喊,在空旷的街道上回荡,却无人回应。 (Helpless cries echo through the empty streets, but no one answers.)
61. 曾经的信仰,在绝望的考验中逐渐崩塌。 (Past beliefs crumble gradually under the test of despair.)
62. 人们在绝望中迷失了自我,变得冷漠和麻木。 (People lose themselves in despair, becoming indifferent and numb.)
63. 曾经的友谊,在绝望的考验中变得脆弱不堪。 (Past friendships become fragile and vulnerable under the test of despair.)
64. 孤独的灵魂在绝望的深渊中飘荡,寻找着一丝慰藉。 (Lonely souls drift in the abyss of despair, seeking a glimmer of comfort.)
65. 绝望的呐喊,在寂静的夜空中回荡,却无人回应。 (Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.)
66. 生命的火焰在绝望的深渊中逐渐熄灭。 (The flame of life gradually extinguishes in the abyss of despair.)
67. 曾经的繁华,如今化作一片废墟,令人心碎。 (The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, breaking the heart.)
68. 恐惧的阴影笼罩着每一个人,让人感到无助。 (The shadow of fear hangs over everyone, making people feel helpless.)
69. 绝望的深渊,吞噬着所有希望,令人心寒。 (The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.)
70. 无助的人们,如同浮萍般飘零在命运的浪涛中。 (Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.)
71. 死亡的威胁,无处不在,让人感到窒息。 (The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.)

## 英文翻译 (71句)

The city lights, like a false prosperity, can't hide the fear in people's hearts.

Despair, like vines, entwines and devours people's last hope.

The silent streets seem to whisper the quiet of the end.

The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, like a dream gone by.

Fear is an invisible shackle, imprisoning people in endless darkness.

The desire to survive struggles for life in the abyss of despair.

Every heartbeat feels like a countdown to life.

Shadows lurk in the corners, waiting to devour all the light.

Struggling to grasp hope, only to find that it's long gone.

Sad cries echo through the silent night.

As night falls, the city is enveloped in a terrifying atmosphere.

Familiar faces now seem strange, evoking fear.

Lonely souls wander through the desolate world, seeking a glimmer of comfort.

Humanity, under the test of despair, becomes twisted and ugly.

The gears of fate are turning, and no one knows what the future holds.

Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.

Memories of the past, like fragments, scatter in the mind, lingering.

The shadow of death hangs over every corner, making people shudder.

The once vibrant land now lies barren, chilling the heart.

Painful memories, like poison, corrode the heart, making them unforgettable.

Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.

Lost everything, only endless emptiness remains.

Past dreams, like bubbles, have burst, breaking the heart.

Darkness swallows up the light, the world falls into chaos.

The meaning of life gradually fades in the abyss of despair.

Struggling to survive, only to find that hope is becoming increasingly faint.

The shadow of fear hangs over the heart, making it impossible to escape.

Lonely nights seem like they will never end.

The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.

Past happiness now seems unattainable, like a phantom dream.

The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.

Helpless cries echo through the empty streets, but no one answers.

Past beliefs crumble gradually under the test of despair.

People lose themselves in despair, becoming indifferent and numb.

Past friendships become fragile and vulnerable under the test of despair.

Lonely souls drift in the abyss of despair, seeking a glimmer of comfort.

Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.

The flame of life gradually extinguishes in the abyss of despair.

The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, breaking the heart.

The shadow of fear hangs over everyone, making people feel helpless.

The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.

Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.

The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.

Past laughter now seems unattainable, like a phantom dream.

The abyss of despair devours all hope, breaking the heart.

Helpless cries echo through the empty streets, but no one answers.

Past beliefs crumble gradually under the test of despair.

People lose themselves in despair, becoming indifferent and numb.

Past friendships become fragile and vulnerable under the test of despair.

Lonely souls drift in the abyss of despair, seeking a glimmer of comfort.

Desperate cries echo through the silent night sky, but no one answers.

The flame of life gradually extinguishes in the abyss of despair.

The former prosperity has now become a wasteland, breaking the heart.

The shadow of fear hangs over everyone, making people feel helpless.

The abyss of despair devours all hope, chilling the heart.

Helpless people drift like duckweed on the waves of fate.

The threat of death is everywhere, making people feel suffocated.

以上就是关于噩梦时代句子71句(噩梦时代句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
