
## 嘴笨不会说话的句子 (94 句)

**P1.** 我不是不想说话,只是不知道该说些什么。
**P2.** 我脑子转不过弯来,不知道该怎么表达。
**P3.** 我想说的话很多,可是到了嘴边就变成了一句“嗯”。
**P4.** 我总是词不达意,表达不出我的真实想法。
**P5.** 我明明想解释,却不知道该从何说起。
**P6.** 我想说点什么,但又怕说错话。
**P7.** 我话少,不是我不爱说话,而是我不知道该怎么开口。
**P8.** 我的表达能力很差,经常说不到点子上。
**P9.** 我不是故意不说话,而是我实在不知道该说些什么。
**P10.** 我总是说不出让别人开心的話。
**P11.** 我想和你聊聊天,却不知道该聊些什么。
**P12.** 我的嘴巴就像被封住了一样,说不出一句话。
**P13.** 我很想说话,却总是找不到合适的词汇。
**P14.** 我经常会说错话,然后就变得很尴尬。
**P15.** 我的口才很差,所以我不太喜欢说话。
**P16.** 我的思想很丰富,却无法用语言表达出来。
**P17.** 我总是把简单的事情说得很复杂。
**P18.** 我说话很慢,而且经常会卡壳。
**P19.** 我说话的时候总是喜欢东拉西扯。
**P20.** 我总是说不出自己真正想说的话。
**P21.** 我说话总是会让别人误解。
**P22.** 我明明很激动,却一句话也说不出来。
**P23.** 我想说的话,却总是被我咽回去了。
**P24.** 我想和你分享,却不知道从何说起。
**P25.** 我想表达我的内心,却不知道该用什么样的语言。
**P26.** 我总是在沉默中思考,却无法把想法说出来。
**P27.** 我的内心充满了想法,却无法用语言表达。
**P28.** 我总是被别人误解,因为我无法用语言表达我的真实想法。
**P29.** 我想解释,却不知道该怎么解释。
**P30.** 我想表达我的爱,却不知道该怎么表达。
**P31.** 我想说的话,都被我的笨嘴给吞掉了。
**P32.** 我说话总是会让气氛变得很尴尬。
**P33.** 我想说的话,总是被我憋在心里。
**P34.** 我想说的话,总是会说错。
**P35.** 我想说的话,总是会被别人误解。
**P36.** 我总是说不出让人心服口服的话。
**P37.** 我总是说不出让人感动的话。
**P38.** 我总是说不出让人信服的话。
**P39.** 我总是说不出让人快乐的话。
**P40.** 我总是说不出让人眼前一亮的话。
**P41.** 我总是说不出让人印象深刻的话。
**P42.** 我总是说不出让人回味无穷的话。
**P43.** 我总是说不出让人难以忘怀的话。
**P44.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。
**P45.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P46.** 我总是说不出让人醍醐灌顶的话。
**P47.** 我总是说不出让人心悦诚服的话。
**P48.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P49.** 我总是说不出让人茅塞顿开的话。
**P50.** 我总是说不出让人心旷神怡的话。
**P51.** 我总是说不出让人如沐春风的话。
**P52.** 我总是说不出让人神清气爽的话。
**P53.** 我总是说不出让人心潮澎湃的话。
**P54.** 我总是说不出让人热血沸腾的话。
**P55.** 我总是说不出让人振聋发聩的话。
**P56.** 我总是说不出让人拍手叫好的话。
**P57.** 我总是说不出让人惊叹不已的话。
**P58.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P59.** 我总是说不出让人叹服不已的话。
**P60.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。
**P61.** 我总是说不出让人惊为天人话。
**P62.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P63.** 我总是说不出让人难以置信的话。
**P64.** 我总是说不出让人意想不到的话。
**P65.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P66.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P67.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。
**P68.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P69.** 我总是说不出让人叹服不已的话。
**P70.** 我总是说不出让人惊为天人话。
**P71.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P72.** 我总是说不出让人难以置信的话。
**P73.** 我总是说不出让人意想不到的话。
**P74.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P75.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P76.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。
**P77.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P78.** 我总是说不出让人叹服不已的话。
**P79.** 我总是说不出让人惊为天人话。
**P80.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P81.** 我总是说不出让人难以置信的话。
**P82.** 我总是说不出让人意想不到的话。
**P83.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P84.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P85.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。
**P86.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P87.** 我总是说不出让人叹服不已的话。
**P88.** 我总是说不出让人惊为天人话。
**P89.** 我总是说不出让人叹为观止的话。
**P90.** 我总是说不出让人难以置信的话。
**P91.** 我总是说不出让人意想不到的话。
**P92.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P93.** 我总是说不出让人耳目一新的话。
**P94.** 我总是说不出让人拍案叫绝的话。

## 英文翻译

**P1.** I'm not trying to be quiet, I just don't know what to say.
**P2.** My brain isn't working, I don't know how to express myself.
**P3.** I have a lot of things I want to say, but they turn into a simple"uhm" when I open my mouth.
**P4.** I always struggle to put my thoughts into words, I can't express my true feelings.
**P5.** I want to explain, but I don't know where to start.
**P6.** I want to say something, but I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing.
**P7.** I don't talk much, not because I don't like to, but because I don't know how to start.
**P8.** I'm not good at expressing myself, I often miss the point.
**P9.** I'm not deliberately being silent, I really just don't know what to say.
**P10.** I never seem to say anything that makes people happy.
**P11.** I want to chat with you, but I don't know what to talk about.
**P12.** It's like my mouth is sealed shut, I can't say a word.
**P13.** I really want to talk, but I can never find the right words.
**P14.** I often say the wrong thing and it makes things awkward.
**P15.** I'm not very good at talking, so I don't like to speak much.
**P16.** My mind is full of ideas, but I can't put them into words.
**P17.** I always complicate simple things when I talk.
**P18.** I speak slowly and often get stuck.
**P19.** I tend to go off on tangents when I talk.
**P20.** I can never say what I really want to say.
**P21.** People always misunderstand me when I talk.
**P22.** I'm so excited, but I can't say a word.
**P23.** The words I want to say are stuck in my throat.
**P24.** I want to share something with you, but I don't know where to begin.
**P25.** I want to express how I feel, but I don't know what words to use.
**P26.** I'm always thinking silently, but I can't speak my thoughts aloud.
**P27.** My mind is overflowing with thoughts, but I can't put them into words.
**P28.** People always misunderstand me because I can't express my true thoughts.
**P29.** I want to explain, but I don't know how to.
**P30.** I want to express my love, but I don't know how to.
**P31.** The words I want to say are swallowed by my clumsy mouth.
**P32.** My words always create awkward situations.
**P33.** The words I want to say are trapped inside me.
**P34.** The words I want to say always come out wrong.
**P35.** The words I want to say are always misinterpreted.
**P36.** I never seem to say anything that convinces people.
**P37.** I never seem to say anything that moves people.
**P38.** I never seem to say anything that makes people believe me.
**P39.** I never seem to say anything that makes people happy.
**P40.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think differently.
**P41.** I never seem to say anything that makes people remember me.
**P42.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think about it later.
**P43.** I never seem to say anything that makes people remember me.
**P44.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap.
**P45.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P46.** I never seem to say anything that makes people understand something new.
**P47.** I never seem to say anything that makes people completely agree.
**P48.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P49.** I never seem to say anything that makes people understand something they didn't before.
**P50.** I never seem to say anything that makes people feel refreshed.
**P51.** I never seem to say anything that makes people feel comfortable.
**P52.** I never seem to say anything that makes people feel good.
**P53.** I never seem to say anything that makes people excited.
**P54.** I never seem to say anything that makes people passionate.
**P55.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think deeply.
**P56.** I never seem to say anything that makes people applaud.
**P57.** I never seem to say anything that makes people surprised.
**P58.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P59.** I never seem to say anything that makes people admire me.
**P60.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap their hands.
**P61.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think you're a god.
**P62.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P63.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unbelievable.
**P64.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unexpected.
**P65.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P66.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P67.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap their hands.
**P68.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P69.** I never seem to say anything that makes people admire me.
**P70.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think you're a god.
**P71.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P72.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unbelievable.
**P73.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unexpected.
**P74.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P75.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P76.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap their hands.
**P77.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P78.** I never seem to say anything that makes people admire me.
**P79.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think you're a god.
**P80.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P81.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unbelievable.
**P82.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unexpected.
**P83.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P84.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P85.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap their hands.
**P86.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P87.** I never seem to say anything that makes people admire me.
**P88.** I never seem to say anything that makes people think you're a god.
**P89.** I never seem to say anything that makes people amazed.
**P90.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unbelievable.
**P91.** I never seem to say anything that makes people unexpected.
**P92.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P93.** I never seem to say anything that makes people see things differently.
**P94.** I never seem to say anything that makes people clap their hands.

以上就是关于嘴笨不会说话的句子94句(嘴笨不会说话的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
