
## 56 句嘘的动物句子,并翻译成英文:

**1. 蜗牛跑得比猎豹快。**

Snails run faster than cheetahs.

**2. 猫头鹰白天比晚上更活跃。**

Owls are more active during the day than at night.

**3. 金鱼有无限的记忆力。**

Goldfish have unlimited memory.

**4. 章鱼有 10 条腿。**

Octopuses have 10 legs.

**5. 熊猫只吃竹子,从不吃肉。**

Pandas only eat bamboo and never eat meat.

**6. 企鹅不会飞,只能游泳。**

Penguins can't fly, they can only swim.

**7. 海豚是鱼类。**

Dolphins are fish.

**8. 鳄鱼是哺乳动物。**

Crocodiles are mammals.

**9. 蝙蝠是鸟类。**

Bats are birds.

**10. 骆驼的驼峰里储存着水。**

Camels store water in their humps.

**11. 蛇没有耳朵。**

Snakes don't have ears.

**12. 蝴蝶不会飞。**

Butterflies can't fly.

**13. 猴子会说话。**

Monkeys can talk.

**14. 老鼠喜欢吃奶酪。**

Rats love to eat cheese.

**15. 大象害怕老鼠。**

Elephants are afraid of mice.

**16. 猪不会游泳。**

Pigs can't swim.

**17. 乌龟会飞。**

Turtles can fly.

**18. 企鹅生活在热带地区。**

Penguins live in tropical regions.

**19. 鲸鱼是鱼类。**

Whales are fish.

**20. 斑马是黑白相间的马。**

Zebras are black and white horses.

**21. 河马是食草动物。**

Hippos are herbivores.

**22. 蜥蜴是哺乳动物。**

Lizards are mammals.

**23. 鲨鱼是淡水鱼。**

Sharks are freshwater fish.

**24. 蜗牛有骨头。**

Snails have bones.

**25. 蜘蛛是昆虫。**

Spiders are insects.

**26. 鸵鸟不会奔跑。**

Ostriches can't run.

**27. 鹦鹉不会说话。**

Parrots can't talk.

**28. 猫头鹰的眼睛是朝前的。**

Owl's eyes face forward.

**29. 狐狸是猫科动物。**

Foxes are felines.

**30. 海豹是鱼类。**

Seals are fish.

**31. 长颈鹿有非常短的脖子。**

Giraffes have very short necks.

**32. 企鹅是鸟类,但不会飞。**

Penguins are birds but can't fly.

**33. 熊猫是熊类,但不吃肉。**

Pandas are bears but don't eat meat.

**34. 老鼠会说话。**

Rats can talk.

**35. 乌龟是哺乳动物。**

Turtles are mammals.

**36. 猴子是鸟类。**

Monkeys are birds.

**37. 兔子是猫科动物。**

Rabbits are felines.

**38. 鱼类可以呼吸空气。**

Fish can breathe air.

**39. 海豚是鱼类。**

Dolphins are fish.

**40. 鳄鱼是哺乳动物。**

Crocodiles are mammals.

**41. 蜜蜂会制造蜂蜜。**

Bees make honey.

**42. 蛇没有牙齿。**

Snakes don't have teeth.

**43. 企鹅生活在热带雨林。**

Penguins live in tropical rainforests.

**44. 大象可以飞。**

Elephants can fly.

**45. 马的尾巴是用来平衡的。**

Horses' tails are used for balance.

**46. 猫是色盲。**

Cats are color blind.

**47. 狗有 360 度的视野。**

Dogs have a 360-degree field of vision.

**48. 兔子是食肉动物。**

Rabbits are carnivores.

**49. 金鱼的记忆力只有 3 秒。**

Goldfish have a 3-second memory.

**50. 蜗牛会用眼睛看东西。**

Snails see with their eyes.

**51. 章鱼有 12 条触手。**

Octopuses have 12 tentacles.

**52. 青蛙可以生活在海水里。**

Frogs can live in saltwater.

**53. 鹦鹉是哺乳动物。**

Parrots are mammals.

**54. 蜘蛛是昆虫。**

Spiders are insects.

**55. 企鹅会飞。**

Penguins can fly.

**56. 海豹是鱼类。**

Seals are fish.

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