
## 甘肃特色句子 (67句)


1. 祁连山脉的雪峰高耸入云,银装素裹,宛如人间仙境。 (The snow-capped peaks of the Qilian Mountains soar into the clouds, covered in silver, like a fairyland on earth.)
2. 张掖七彩丹霞地貌,色彩斑斓,令人叹为观止。 (The Zhangye Danxia landform, with its vibrant colors, is breathtaking.)
3. 鸣沙山月牙泉,沙漠绿洲,奇观共存,令人惊叹。 (The Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring, a desert oasis with a unique spectacle, is amazing.)
4. 黄河之水天上来,奔流不息,气势磅礴。 (The Yellow River water comes from the sky and flows endlessly, a magnificent sight.)
5. 莫高窟的壁画精美绝伦,是中华民族的文化瑰宝。 (The Mogao Grottoes, with their exquisite murals, are a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation.)
6. 嘉峪关雄关巍峨,是古代丝绸之路的咽喉要道。 (The Jiayuguan Pass, a majestic fortress, was a vital artery of the ancient Silk Road.)
7. 天祝石林,形态各异,鬼斧神工,令人惊叹。 (The Tianzhu Stone Forest, with its diverse shapes, is a marvel of nature.)
8. 炳灵寺石窟,历史悠久,佛像精美,令人叹服。 (The Bingling Temple Grottoes, with their long history and exquisite Buddha statues, are impressive.)
9. 甘肃大地,山川秀丽,风光旖旎,令人流连忘返。 (The land of Gansu, with its beautiful mountains and scenery, is a place where you'll never want to leave.)
10. 甘肃的自然风光,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。 (The natural scenery of Gansu is refreshing and inspiring, making you want to stay forever.)


11. 甘肃人民热情好客,民风淳朴。 (The people of Gansu are warm and hospitable, with a simple and honest character.)
12. 兰州拉面,筋道爽滑,香气扑鼻,是甘肃的特色美食。 (Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles, chewy and smooth, with a fragrant aroma, are a specialty of Gansu.)
13. 甘肃的民歌悠扬婉转,充满了乡土气息。 (Gansu folk songs are melodious and full of local flavor.)
14. 甘肃的非物质文化遗产丰富多彩,展现了中华民族的文化底蕴。 (Gansu's intangible cultural heritage is rich and diverse, showcasing the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.)
15. 甘肃的传统工艺,精雕细琢,传承千年。 (Traditional crafts of Gansu are meticulously crafted and have been passed down for thousands of years.)
16. 甘肃的少数民族文化,丰富多彩,独具特色。 (The ethnic minority cultures of Gansu are diverse and unique.)
17. 甘肃的历史文化,源远流长,博大精深。 (The history and culture of Gansu is long and profound.)
18. 甘肃的民俗文化,淳朴自然,充满着浓浓的乡土气息。 (The folk culture of Gansu is simple and natural, full of local flavor.)
19. 甘肃的民间故事,代代相传,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。 (Folk tales of Gansu are passed down from generation to generation, containing rich cultural connotations.)
20. 甘肃的饮食文化,博大精深,色香味俱全。 (The food culture of Gansu is vast and profound, with delicious flavors and aromas.)


21. 甘肃,天高地阔,充满着无限的可能。 (Gansu, with its vast expanse and endless possibilities, inspires limitless potential.)
22. 甘肃,历史的见证,文化的摇篮。 (Gansu, a witness to history, is a cradle of culture.)
23. 甘肃,充满着神秘的魅力,令人心驰神往。 (Gansu, with its mysterious charm, is a place that captivates the heart.)
24. 甘肃,是中华民族伟大复兴的希望之地。 (Gansu is a place of hope for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.)
25. 甘肃,是梦想起飞的地方,是拼搏奋斗的沃土。 (Gansu is a place where dreams take flight, a fertile ground for hard work and struggle.)


26. 来甘肃,感受大自然的鬼斧神工。 (Come to Gansu and experience the wonders of nature.)
27. 来甘肃,体验独特的民族文化。 (Come to Gansu and experience unique ethnic cultures.)
28. 来甘肃,品尝甘甜的黄河水。 (Come to Gansu and taste the sweet water of the Yellow River.)
29. 来甘肃,感受历史的厚重。 (Come to Gansu and feel the weight of history.)
30. 来甘肃,寻觅丝绸之路的遗迹。 (Come to Gansu and find traces of the Silk Road.)


31. 兰州牛肉面,一碗面,一碗故事。 (Lanzhou beef noodles, a bowl of noodles, a bowl of stories.)
32. 酿皮,酸辣爽口,甘肃人最爱的美食之一。 (Bingpi, sour, spicy and refreshing, is one of the most loved foods in Gansu.)
33. 搓鱼,口感细腻,香气浓郁,令人垂涎欲滴。 (Cuo fish, with a delicate texture and rich aroma, is mouthwatering.)
34. 麻辣烫,种类繁多,味道鲜美,是甘肃夜宵的最佳选择。 (Mala Tang, with a wide variety and delicious flavors, is the best choice for late-night snacks in Gansu.)
35. 驴肉黄面,肉香面劲,是甘肃的特色美食。 (Donkey meat yellow noodles, with fragrant meat and chewy noodles, are a specialty of Gansu.)
36. 灰豆汤,清甜解暑,是甘肃夏季的必备饮品。 (Gray bean soup, sweet and refreshing, is an essential drink in Gansu during the summer.)
37. 玉米面窝窝,香甜可口,是甘肃人记忆中的味道。 (Cornmeal steamed buns, sweet and delicious, are a taste of Gansu that people remember.)
38. 甘肃的美食,不仅美味,更蕴含着独特的文化。 (The food of Gansu is not only delicious, but also contains unique cultural significance.)
39. 来甘肃,感受舌尖上的甘肃。 (Come to Gansu and experience the taste of Gansu.)
40. 甘肃的美食,让你流连忘返。 (The food of Gansu will make you want to come back for more.)


41. 甘肃的天空,总是那么蓝,那么广阔。 (The sky in Gansu is always so blue and vast.)
42. 甘肃的夜晚,静谧而美好。 (The nights in Gansu are peaceful and beautiful.)
43. 甘肃的冬天,虽然寒冷,却也充满着温暖。 (The winters in Gansu, though cold, are also filled with warmth.)
44. 甘肃的人们,淳朴善良,热情好客。 (The people of Gansu are simple, kind, and hospitable.)
45. 甘肃的生活,虽然艰苦,却也充满了乐趣。 (Life in Gansu, though difficult, is also full of fun.)
46. 甘肃的节奏,缓慢而悠闲,让人身心放松。 (The pace of life in Gansu is slow and leisurely, making people feel relaxed.)
47. 甘肃的空气,清新而自然,让人心旷神怡。 (The air in Gansu is fresh and natural, making people feel refreshed.)
48. 甘肃的土地,肥沃而广阔,孕育着希望。 (The land of Gansu is fertile and vast, nurturing hope.)
49. 甘肃,是心灵的归宿,是梦想的起点。 (Gansu is a place of solace for the soul and a starting point for dreams.)
50. 在甘肃,你会感受到生命的真谛。 (In Gansu, you will experience the true meaning of life.)


51. 甘肃,是生命的广阔,是心灵的自由。 (Gansu is the vastness of life and the freedom of the soul.)
52. 甘肃,是一片充满奇迹的土地,令人心生敬畏。 (Gansu is a land full of miracles, inspiring awe.)
53. 甘肃,是梦想的起点,是奋斗的目标。 (Gansu is a starting point for dreams and a goal for hard work.)
54. 甘肃,是中华民族的希望之地,是未来之光。 (Gansu is a place of hope for the Chinese nation and a light for the future.)
55. 甘肃,是生命的旅途,是灵魂的归宿。 (Gansu is a journey of life and a home for the soul.)
56. 甘肃,是一个值得探索的地方,是一个值得留恋的地方。 (Gansu is a place worth exploring and a place worth cherishing.)
57. 甘肃,是中华文明的宝库,是中华民族的骄傲。 (Gansu is a treasure trove of Chinese civilization and a source of pride for the Chinese nation.)
58. 甘肃,是一片充满希望的土地,是未来之光。 (Gansu is a land full of hope and a light for the future.)
59. 甘肃,是中华民族伟大复兴的希望之地。 (Gansu is a place of hope for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.)
60. 甘肃,是心灵的港湾,是梦想的起点。 (Gansu is a harbor for the soul and a starting point for dreams.)


61. 甘肃,一座历史的宝库,文化的摇篮。 (Gansu, a treasure trove of history, a cradle of culture.)
62. 甘肃,是一片充满生机的土地,充满了无限的可能。 (Gansu, a land full of vitality, is full of endless possibilities.)
63. 甘肃,是一个值得你一生去探索的地方。 (Gansu is a place worth exploring your entire life.)
64. 甘肃,是中华民族的精神家园,是中华文明的瑰宝。 (Gansu is the spiritual home of the Chinese nation and a gem of Chinese civilization.)
65. 甘肃,是中华民族伟大复兴的重要力量。 (Gansu is an important force in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.)
66. 甘肃,是中华民族的脊梁,是中华文化的根基。 (Gansu is the backbone of the Chinese nation and the foundation of Chinese culture.)
67. 甘肃,是一片充满希望的土地,是梦想起飞的地方。 (Gansu is a land full of hope and a place where dreams take flight.)

## 英文翻译

The snow-capped peaks of the Qilian Mountains soar into the clouds, covered in silver, like a fairyland on earth.

The Zhangye Danxia landform, with its vibrant colors, is breathtaking.

The Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring, a desert oasis with a unique spectacle, is amazing.

The Yellow River water comes from the sky and flows endlessly, a magnificent sight.

The Mogao Grottoes, with their exquisite murals, are a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation.

The Jiayuguan Pass, a majestic fortress, was a vital artery of the ancient Silk Road.

The Tianzhu Stone Forest, with its diverse shapes, is a marvel of nature.

The Bingling Temple Grottoes, with their long history and exquisite Buddha statues, are impressive.

The land of Gansu, with its beautiful mountains and scenery, is a place where you'll never want to leave.

The natural scenery of Gansu is refreshing and inspiring, making you want to stay forever.

The people of Gansu are warm and hospitable, with a simple and honest character.

Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles, chewy and smooth, with a fragrant aroma, are a specialty of Gansu.

Gansu folk songs are melodious and full of local flavor.

Gansu's intangible cultural heritage is rich and diverse, showcasing the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

Traditional crafts of Gansu are meticulously crafted and have been passed down for thousands of years.

The ethnic minority cultures of Gansu are diverse and unique.

The history and culture of Gansu is long and profound.

The folk culture of Gansu is simple and natural, full of local flavor.

Folk tales of Gansu are passed down from generation to generation, containing rich cultural connotations.

The food culture of Gansu is vast and profound, with delicious flavors and aromas.

Gansu, with its vast expanse and endless possibilities, inspires limitless potential.

Gansu, a witness to history, is a cradle of culture.

Gansu, with its mysterious charm, is a place that captivates the heart.

Gansu is a place of hope for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gansu is a place where dreams take flight, a fertile ground for hard work and struggle.

Come to Gansu and experience the wonders of nature.

Come to Gansu and experience unique ethnic cultures.

Come to Gansu and taste the sweet water of the Yellow River.

Come to Gansu and feel the weight of history.

Come to Gansu and find traces of the Silk Road.

Lanzhou beef noodles, a bowl of noodles, a bowl of stories.

Bingpi, sour, spicy and refreshing, is one of the most loved foods in Gansu.

Cuo fish, with a delicate texture and rich aroma, is mouthwatering.

Mala Tang, with a wide variety and delicious flavors, is the best choice for late-night snacks in Gansu.

Donkey meat yellow noodles, with fragrant meat and chewy noodles, are a specialty of Gansu.

Gray bean soup, sweet and refreshing, is an essential drink in Gansu during the summer.

Cornmeal steamed buns, sweet and delicious, are a taste of Gansu that people remember.

The food of Gansu is not only delicious, but also contains unique cultural significance.

Come to Gansu and experience the taste of Gansu.

The food of Gansu will make you want to come back for more.

The sky in Gansu is always so blue and vast.

The nights in Gansu are peaceful and beautiful.

The winters in Gansu, though cold, are also filled with warmth.

The people of Gansu are simple, kind, and hospitable.

Life in Gansu, though difficult, is also full of fun.

The pace of life in Gansu is slow and leisurely, making people feel relaxed.

The air in Gansu is fresh and natural, making people feel refreshed.

The land of Gansu is fertile and vast, nurturing hope.

Gansu is a place of solace for the soul and a starting point for dreams.

In Gansu, you will experience the true meaning of life.

Gansu is the vastness of life and the freedom of the soul.

Gansu is a land full of miracles, inspiring awe.

Gansu is a starting point for dreams and a goal for hard work.

Gansu is a place of hope for the Chinese nation and a light for the future.

Gansu is a journey of life and a home for the soul.

Gansu is a place worth exploring and a place worth cherishing.

Gansu is a treasure trove of Chinese civilization and a source of pride for the Chinese nation.

Gansu is a land full of hope and a light for the future.

Gansu is a place of hope for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gansu is a harbor for the soul and a starting point for dreams.

Gansu, a treasure trove of history, a cradle of culture.

Gansu, a land full of vitality, is full of endless possibilities.

Gansu is a place worth exploring your entire life.

Gansu is the spiritual home of the Chinese nation and a gem of Chinese civilization.

Gansu is an important force in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gansu is the backbone of the Chinese nation and the foundation of Chinese culture.

Gansu is a land full of hope and a place where dreams take flight.

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