
## 此生永不相见绝情句子 (78句)


1. 从今以后,你我再无瓜葛,山水不相逢。
2. 愿此生不再遇见,各自安好。
3. 你已不在我的世界,我亦不在你的梦里。
4. 这段情已成过往,再无回头的必要。
5. 我选择放手,你我从此陌路。
6. 转身离去,永不相见。
7. 此生无缘,来世再续。
8. 你已成为过眼云烟,我不会再留恋。
9. 我会将你彻底忘记,如同你从未出现过。
10. 我们注定是两条平行线,永远不会交汇。
11. 你是过客,我亦是过客,我们只是路过彼此的生命。
12. 我不会再爱你,也不值得你爱。
13. 我们之间,再无可能。
14. 我已对你死心,再无任何留恋。
15. 请你从此消失在我的世界里。
16. 我只想让你彻底从我的生命中消失。
17. 我宁愿永生不见你,也不愿再受伤害。
18. 我会用尽一切办法,让你永远消失在我的世界里。
19. 我们之间的故事,到此为止。
20. 我不会再想起你,也不会再爱你。


21. 曾经的海誓山盟,如今已成过眼云烟。
22. 你是我生命中的过客,却留下了无法抹去的伤痕。
23. 我以为可以永远,却发现只是镜花水月。
24. 爱过,痛过,最终还是放手。
25. 原来,爱情也会过期。
26. 你是我无法触碰的梦,我只能眼睁睁地看着你离我而去。
27. 我无法忘记你,却只能假装不在乎。
28. 我一直在等,却等不到你的回头。
29. 我宁愿从未遇见你,也不愿承受这份痛苦。
30. 我爱你,但我不能拥有你。
31. 你的离开,带走了我的所有希望。
32. 我永远无法释怀,你带给我的伤痛。
33. 我用尽全力去爱,却换来的是你的无情。
34. 我无法想象,没有你的未来。
35. 我愿化作尘埃,消失在你的世界里。
36. 我宁愿在梦里与你相遇,也不愿在现实中再次相见。
37. 我会永远记住你,却永远不会再见你。
38. 你是我心中永远的痛,我无法忘却。
39. 我已不再相信爱情,因为你。
40. 我宁愿选择孤独,也不愿再受伤害。


41. 我们之间,没有爱,也没有恨,只有淡漠。
42. 你是我的过去,而我已走向未来。
43. 我不会再纠缠,你也不必再回头。
44. 我们各自安好,才是最好的结局。
45. 你是我的回忆,我不会忘记,但也不会再奢望。
46. 我们之间,没有爱恨情仇,只有平静的告别。
47. 我已放下你,也放下了这段感情。
48. 你已经成为过去,我不会再停留。
49. 我们只是彼此生命中的过客,没有谁对不起谁。
50. 我不会再打扰你,也请你不要再想起我。
51. 我们之间的故事,已成过去,无需再提。
52. 我已释然,你也不必再内疚。
53. 我们各自选择自己的道路,从此不再相交。
54. 你是过去,我不会留恋,也不会回头。
55. 我会用时间去淡忘,你也会找到自己的幸福。
56. 我已不再需要你,你也无需再为我停留。
57. 我们之间的缘分已尽,无需强求。
58. 我们只是相遇,却无法相守,这是命运的安排。
59. 我会记住你,但不会再爱你。
60. 我们之间,没有遗憾,只有释然。


61. 愿你一切安好,此生无忧。
62. 希望你找到属于你的幸福,我不会再打扰你。
63. 祝你未来一切顺利,万事胜意。
64. 我不会再爱你,但我希望你幸福。
65. 愿你能够找到真心相爱的人,过上幸福的生活。
66. 你要好好的,不要再为我难过。
67. 希望你能够放下过去,迎接美好的未来。
68. 我衷心祝愿你,一切安好。
69. 我不会再打扰你,请你好好珍惜眼前的人。
70. 祝你幸福,再见。


71. 我已经不再是那个爱你的人。
72. 你已经不再是我的唯一。
73. 我已经有了新的生活,你不再是我的梦。
74. 我不会再相信爱情,也不再需要爱情。
75. 你在我的生命中只是一个过客,我不会再为你停留。
76. 我已经学会了放手,也学会了忘记。
77. 我已经找到了属于我的幸福,你不再是我的牵挂。
78. 你是我生命中的过客,而我只是你路过的风景。

## 英文翻译


1. From now on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other, and we will never meet again.

2. I hope we will never meet again in this life, and we will both be well.

3. You are no longer in my world, and I am no longer in your dreams.

4. This love has become a thing of the past, and there is no need to look back.

5. I choose to let go, and we will be strangers from now on.

6. I turn around and leave, never to see you again.

7. We are destined to be apart in this life, and we will meet again in the next life.

8. You have become a fleeting memory, and I will no longer hold on.

9. I will completely forget you, as if you never existed.

10. We are destined to be two parallel lines, never to intersect.

11. You are a passerby, and so am I. We are just passing through each other's lives.

12. I will not love you again, and you don't deserve my love.

13. There is no possibility between us.

14. I have given up on you, and I have no regrets.

15. Please disappear from my world from now on.

16. I just want you to disappear completely from my life.

17. I would rather never see you again in this life than be hurt again.

18. I will do everything in my power to make you disappear from my world forever.

19. Our story ends here.

20. I will not think about you again, and I will not love you again.


21. The promises we made to each other have now become a thing of the past.

22. You were a passerby in my life, but you left behind an indelible scar.

23. I thought it would last forever, but I found out it was just an illusion.

24. I loved, I hurt, and finally let go.

25. Love, it turns out, can expire.

26. You are a dream I can't touch, and I can only watch helplessly as you leave me.

27. I can't forget you, but I can only pretend I don't care.

28. I've been waiting, but I haven't waited for you to turn back.

29. I would rather never have met you than endure this pain.

30. I love you, but I can't have you.

31. Your departure took away all my hopes.

32. I can never let go of the pain you brought me.

33. I loved you with all my heart, but I was met with your indifference.

34. I can't imagine a future without you.

35. I wish I could become dust and disappear from your world.

36. I would rather meet you in my dreams than see you again in reality.

37. I will always remember you, but I will never see you again.

38. You are the eternal pain in my heart, and I can't forget you.

39. I no longer believe in love, because of you.

40. I would rather choose loneliness than be hurt again.


41. Between us, there is no love, no hatred, only indifference.

42. You are my past, and I have moved on to the future.

43. I will not cling to you, and you don't have to look back.

44. It's the best ending for us to each be well.

45. You are my memory, I will not forget, but I will not hope for anything more.

46. Between us, there is no love or hate, only a peaceful goodbye.

47. I have let go of you, and I have let go of this relationship.

48. You have become the past, and I will not linger.

49. We are just passersby in each other's lives, and nobody owes anyone anything.

50. I will not disturb you again, and please don't think of me again.

51. Our story is a thing of the past, and there is no need to mention it again.

52. I have let go, and you don't have to feel guilty.

53. We each choose our own path, and we will never cross paths again.

54. You are the past, and I will not linger or look back.

55. I will use time to forget, and you will find your own happiness.

56. I no longer need you, and you don't need to stay for me anymore.

57. Our destiny has come to an end, and there is no need to force it.

58. We only met, but we couldn't stay together. This is fate's arrangement.

59. I will remember you, but I will not love you again.

60. There are no regrets between us, only relief.


61. May you be well and have no worries in this life.

62. I hope you find your own happiness, and I will not disturb you again.

63. I wish you all the best in the future, and may everything go smoothly.

64. I will not love you again, but I hope you are happy.

65. May you find someone who truly loves you and live a happy life.

66. You have to be okay, don't be sad for me anymore.

67. I hope you can let go of the past and embrace a bright future.

68. I sincerely wish you well.

69. I will not disturb you again, please cherish the people you have now.

70. May you be happy, goodbye.


71. I am no longer the person who loves you.

72. You are no longer my only one.

73. I have a new life, and you are no longer my dream.

74. I no longer believe in love, and I no longer need love.

75. You were just a passerby in my life, and I will not stay for you.

76. I have learned to let go, and I have learned to forget.

77. I have found my own happiness, and you are no longer my concern.

78. You are a passerby in my life, and I am just a scenery you passed by.

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