
## 正面交锋成语积累句子 (73句)

**1. 狭路相逢勇者胜**

xiá lù xiāng féng yǒng zhě shèng

In a narrow road encounter, the brave prevail.

**2. 剑拔弩张**

jiàn bá nǔ zhāng

Swords drawn and bows taut, ready for battle.

**3. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**4. 旗鼓相当**

qí gǔ xiāng dāng

Equally matched in strength and resources.

**5. 龙争虎斗**

lóng zhēng hǔ dòu

A fierce battle between powerful rivals.

**6. 短兵相接**

duǎn bīng xiāng jiē

Close combat, hand-to-hand fight.

**7. 唇枪舌剑**

chún qiāng shé jiàn

Verbal duel, sharp words like swords and spears.

**8. 激战**

jī zhàn

Fierce battle, intense fighting.

**9. 血战**

xuè zhàn

Desperate battle, fighting to the death.

**10. 决战**

jué zhàn

Decisive battle, final showdown.

**11. 殊死搏斗**

shū sǐ bó dòu

Fighting to the death, desperate struggle.

**12. 势不两立**

shì bù liǎng lì

Unreconcilable, irreconcilable differences.

**13. 势同水火**

shì tóng shuǐ huǒ

Like water and fire, totally incompatible.

**14. 水火不容**

shuǐ huǒ bù róng

Incompatible, unable to coexist.

**15. 势均力敌**

shì jūn lì dí

Equally matched in strength and ability.

**16. 不死不休**

bù sǐ bù xiū

To fight until one of them is dead, no compromise.

**17. 势不可挡**

shì bù kě dǎng

Irresistible, unstoppable.

**18. 势在必行**

shì zài bì xíng

Inevitable, must be done.

**19. 势如猛虎**

shì rú měng hǔ

Powerful and aggressive, like a ferocious tiger.

**20. 势如潮涌**

shì rú cháo yǒng

Unstoppable, like a surging tide.

**21. 势如山崩**

shì rú shān bēng

Irresistible, like a mountain collapse.

**22. 势不可逆**

shì bù kě nì

Irreversible, unstoppable.

**23. 势如破釜沉舟**

shì rú pò fǔ chén zhōu

Determined to win, ready to fight to the death.

**24. 势成骑虎**

shì chéng qí hǔ

Difficult to retreat, committed to a course of action.

**25. 势孤力薄**

shì gū lì báo

Weak and isolated, with little support.

**26. 势单力薄**

shì dān lì báo

Weak and outnumbered, without much strength.

**27. 势如累卵**

shì rú lěi luǎn

Precarious, in a dangerous situation.

**28. 势穷力竭**

shì qióng lì jié

Exhausted and powerless, at the end of one's strength.

**29. 势均力敌**

shì jūn lì dí

Evenly matched in strength and resources.

**30. 势不可测**

shì bù kě cè

Unpredictable, uncertain.

**31. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**32. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**33. 势如虎添翼**

shì rú hǔ tiān yì

Strength amplified, like a tiger with wings.

**34. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**35. 势不可挡**

shì bù kě dǎng

Irresistible, unstoppable.

**36. 势如泰山**

shì rú tài shān

Strong and stable, like Mount Tai.

**37. 势不可逆**

shì bù kě nì

Irreversible, unstoppable.

**38. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**39. 势不可挡**

shì bù kě dǎng

Irresistible, unstoppable.

**40. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**41. 势如猛虎**

shì rú měng hǔ

Powerful and aggressive, like a ferocious tiger.

**42. 势如潮涌**

shì rú cháo yǒng

Unstoppable, like a surging tide.

**43. 势如山崩**

shì rú shān bēng

Irresistible, like a mountain collapse.

**44. 势如破釜沉舟**

shì rú pò fǔ chén zhōu

Determined to win, ready to fight to the death.

**45. 势成骑虎**

shì chéng qí hǔ

Difficult to retreat, committed to a course of action.

**46. 势孤力薄**

shì gū lì báo

Weak and isolated, with little support.

**47. 势单力薄**

shì dān lì báo

Weak and outnumbered, without much strength.

**48. 势如累卵**

shì rú lěi luǎn

Precarious, in a dangerous situation.

**49. 势穷力竭**

shì qióng lì jié

Exhausted and powerless, at the end of one's strength.

**50. 势不可测**

shì bù kě cè

Unpredictable, uncertain.

**51. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**52. 势均力敌**

shì jūn lì dí

Evenly matched in strength and resources.

**53. 势不可挡**

shì bù kě dǎng

Irresistible, unstoppable.

**54. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**55. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**56. 势如猛虎**

shì rú měng hǔ

Powerful and aggressive, like a ferocious tiger.

**57. 势如潮涌**

shì rú cháo yǒng

Unstoppable, like a surging tide.

**58. 势如山崩**

shì rú shān bēng

Irresistible, like a mountain collapse.

**59. 势如破釜沉舟**

shì rú pò fǔ chén zhōu

Determined to win, ready to fight to the death.

**60. 势成骑虎**

shì chéng qí hǔ

Difficult to retreat, committed to a course of action.

**61. 势孤力薄**

shì gū lì báo

Weak and isolated, with little support.

**62. 势单力薄**

shì dān lì báo

Weak and outnumbered, without much strength.

**63. 势如累卵**

shì rú lěi luǎn

Precarious, in a dangerous situation.

**64. 势穷力竭**

shì qióng lì jié

Exhausted and powerless, at the end of one's strength.

**65. 势不可测**

shì bù kě cè

Unpredictable, uncertain.

**66. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**67. 势均力敌**

shì jūn lì dí

Evenly matched in strength and resources.

**68. 势不可挡**

shì bù kě dǎng

Irresistible, unstoppable.

**69. 势不可为**

shì bù kě wéi

Impossible, not feasible.

**70. 势如破竹**

shì rú pò zhú

Like breaking through bamboo, unstoppable momentum.

**71. 势如猛虎**

shì rú měng hǔ

Powerful and aggressive, like a ferocious tiger.

**72. 势如潮涌**

shì rú cháo yǒng

Unstoppable, like a surging tide.

**73. 势如山崩**

shì rú shān bēng

Irresistible, like a mountain collapse.

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