
## 唐朝霸气句子 (93句)

**1. 功盖三分国,名成八阵图。**

His achievements surpass those of the three kingdoms, and his reputation is as enduring as the eight formations.

**2. 天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘,生子当如孙仲谋!**

Who among the heroes of the world can stand against him? Cao Cao and Liu Bei, their sons should be like Sun Quan!

**3. 一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。**

A single rider in a red dust brings laughter to the empress, no one knows it's lychee coming.

**4. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。**

I will surely climb to the highest peak, and all the mountains below will appear small.

**5. 君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。**

Do you not see the Yellow River water coming from the sky, flowing to the sea and never returning?

**6. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。**

There will be times when we break through the waves with a strong wind, and sail directly to the vast sea with our sails raised high.

**7. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。**

A solitary plume of smoke rises straight up in the vast desert, while the setting sun hangs round in the long river.

**8. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

It is better to be a broken jade than an intact tile.

**9. 君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

The gentleman is open and straightforward, while the villain is constantly anxious and worried.

**10. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。**

If we have kindred spirits, even though we are separated by oceans and skies, we are like neighbors.

**11. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?**

Don't laugh at me lying drunk on the battlefield, throughout history, how many soldiers have returned from war?

**12. 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。**

If I live, I will be a remarkable figure; if I die, I will be a heroic ghost.

**13. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。**

How much sorrow do you have? It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

**14. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。**

If you want to see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.

**15. 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。**

The wind is strong, the sky is high, and the apes wail sadly; the shore is clear, the sand is white, and the birds fly back.

**16. 昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。**

When I departed, willows drooped softly. Now I return, and snow and rain fall heavily.

**17. 黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。**

I will wear golden armor and fight a hundred battles in the yellow sand, I will not return until Loulan is conquered.

**18. 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。**

Orioles sing a thousand miles away, green reflects red, with water villages and mountain towns, wine flags fluttering in the wind.

**19. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

The solitary sail fades into the blue sky, leaving only the Yangtze River flowing towards the horizon.

**20. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。**

I raise my cup to invite the moon, and my shadow makes us three.

**21. 春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。**

Riding on my swift steed, I am in high spirits, and I can see all the flowers of Chang'an in a day.

**22. 欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。**

I want to chase with light cavalry, but heavy snow covers my bow and sword.

**23. 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。**

Clouds imagine her clothes, flowers imagine her face, the spring breeze caresses the railing, the dew is heavy and fragrant.

**24. 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。**

This feeling can be remembered, but at the time it was already lost in a daze.

**25. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?**

Don't laugh at me lying drunk on the battlefield, throughout history, how many soldiers have returned from war?

**26. 千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。**

How many events of rise and fall throughout history have passed by? The endless Yangtze River keeps flowing.

**27. 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。**

We are both castaways in this world, why should we need to have known each other before?

**28. 此地一为别,孤蓬万里征。**

This is where we part ways, a lone tuft of fluff on a journey of thousands of miles.

**29. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Those whom Heaven wishes to entrust with great responsibilities must first test their minds and bodies with suffering, expose them to hunger and hardship, exhaust their energy, confuse their intentions, so as to strengthen their resolve and enhance their capabilities.

**30. 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。**

Drunk, I hold a lamp and look at my sword, in my dream I hear bugles calling from camp.

**31. 兴亡有数,人事皆空。**

Rise and fall have their destinies, human affairs are all empty.

**32. 一生大笑,一杯浊酒,尽付风流。**

A lifetime of laughter, a cup of cloudy wine, all spent in debauchery.

**33. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。**

When life is good, we should enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet stand empty under the moon.

**34. 欲为圣贤人,先须立大志。**

Those who wish to become sages must first set great ambitions.

**35. 天下英雄出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。**

The heroes of the world emerge from our generation, once we enter the rivers and lakes, time rushes by.

**36. 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。**

Though impoverished, I remain steadfast, not abandoning my lofty aspirations.

**37. 功名富贵如浮云,天地之间任我游。**

Fame, fortune, and wealth are like clouds, I am free to roam the world.

**38. 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山。**

I wish to cross the Yellow River, but the ice blocks the way; I want to climb Taihang Mountain, but the snow covers the peaks.

**39. 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。**

I was born with talent, I will surely find use for it. Even if I spend a thousand gold, it will come back to me.

**40. 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。**

With lofty ambitions, I will eat the flesh of the barbarians, and laugh as I quench my thirst with the blood of the Huns.

**41. 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。**

The green mountains remain the same, but how many times has the setting sun turned red?

**42. 我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。**

I laugh towards the sky with my sword drawn, my courage and loyalty as strong as Mount Kunlun.

**43. 此身安得脱尘网,快意江湖写篇章。**

How can this body escape the world's entanglements? I will find joy in the rivers and lakes and write my own chapter.

**44. 君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。**

Do you not see that in the bright mirror of the high hall, one's hair turns white with sorrow? In the morning, it is like black silk; in the evening, it turns to snow.

**45. 一枝红杏出墙来,春色满园关不住。**

A single branch of red apricot reaches out from the wall, the spring scenery fills the garden, it cannot be contained.

**46. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。**

If you want to see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.

**47. 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。**

Endless falling leaves rustle down, the endless Yangtze River rolls on.

**48. 欲为天下人,先做天下事。**

If you want to be a person for all the world, you must first do something for the world.

**49. 功名利禄皆浮云,唯有清风明月伴吾身。**

Fame, fortune, and wealth are all fleeting clouds, only the cool breeze and bright moon accompany me.

**50. 一身报国有万死,何惜百死报家君?**

I would die a thousand deaths to serve my country, why would I hesitate to die a hundred deaths to repay my lord?

**51. 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。**

How much sorrow do you have? It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

**52. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。**

The great river flows eastward, washing away the heroes of a thousand generations.

**53. 莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君?**

Don't worry about not having friends on the road ahead, who in the world doesn't know you?

**54. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。**

I will surely climb to the highest peak, and all the mountains below will appear small.

**55. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。**

May our people live long and share the beauty of the moon, even if we are a thousand miles apart.

**56. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。**

If you want to see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor.

**57. 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。**

Do you not see the Yellow River water coming from the sky, flowing to the sea and never returning?

**58. 天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘,生子当如孙仲谋!**

Who among the heroes of the world can stand against him? Cao Cao and Liu Bei, their sons should be like Sun Quan!

**59. 古来圣贤皆寂寞,唯有饮者留其名。**

Throughout history, sages have all been lonely, only those who drink leave their names behind.

**60. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。**

It is better to be a broken jade than an intact tile.

**61. 一生大笑,一杯浊酒,尽付风流。**

A lifetime of laughter, a cup of cloudy wine, all spent in debauchery.

**62. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。**

When life is good, we should enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet stand empty under the moon.

**63. 功盖三分国,名成八阵图。**

His achievements surpass those of the three kingdoms, and his reputation is as enduring as the eight formations.

**64. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。**

There will be times when we break through the waves with a strong wind, and sail directly to the vast sea with our sails raised high.

**65. 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。**

Drunk, I hold a lamp and look at my sword, in my dream I hear bugles calling from camp.

**66. 天下英雄出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。**

The heroes of the world emerge from our generation, once we enter the rivers and lakes, time rushes by.

**67. 君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

The gentleman is open and straightforward, while the villain is constantly anxious and worried.

**68. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。**

If we have kindred spirits, even though we are separated by oceans and skies, we are like neighbors.

**69. 昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。**

When I departed, willows drooped softly. Now I return, and snow and rain fall heavily.

**70. 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。**

This feeling can be remembered, but at the time it was already lost in a daze.

**71. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。**

A solitary plume of smoke rises straight up in the vast desert, while the setting sun hangs round in the long river.

**72. 黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。**

I will wear golden armor and fight a hundred battles in the yellow sand, I will not return until Loulan is conquered.

**73. 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。**

Orioles sing a thousand miles away, green reflects red, with water villages and mountain towns, wine flags fluttering in the wind.

**74. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

The solitary sail fades into the blue sky, leaving only the Yangtze River flowing towards the horizon.

**75. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。**

I raise my cup to invite the moon, and my shadow makes us three.

**76. 春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。**

Riding on my swift steed, I am in high spirits, and I can see all the flowers of Chang'an in a day.

**77. 欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。**

I want to chase with light cavalry, but heavy snow covers my bow and sword.

**78. 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。**

Clouds imagine her clothes, flowers imagine her face, the spring breeze caresses the railing, the dew is heavy and fragrant.

**79. 千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。**

How many events of rise and fall throughout history have passed by? The endless Yangtze River keeps flowing.

**80. 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。**

We are both castaways in this world, why should we need to have known each other before?

**81. 此地一为别,孤蓬万里征。**

This is where we part ways, a lone tuft of fluff on a journey of thousands of miles.

**82. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。**

Those whom Heaven wishes to entrust with great responsibilities must first test their minds and bodies with suffering, expose them to hunger and hardship, exhaust their energy, confuse their intentions, so as to strengthen their resolve and enhance their capabilities.

**83. 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。**

Though impoverished, I remain steadfast, not abandoning my lofty aspirations.

**84. 功名富贵如浮云,天地之间任我游。**

Fame, fortune, and wealth are like clouds, I am free to roam the world.

**85. 欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山。**

I wish to cross the Yellow River, but the ice blocks the way; I want to climb Taihang Mountain, but the snow covers the peaks.

**86. 天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。**

I was born with talent, I will surely find use for it. Even if I spend a thousand gold, it will come back to me.

**87. 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。**

With lofty ambitions, I will eat the flesh of the barbarians, and laugh as I quench my thirst with the blood of the Huns.

**88. 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。**

The green mountains remain the same, but how many times has the setting sun turned red?

**89. 我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。**

I laugh towards the sky with my sword drawn, my courage and loyalty as strong as Mount Kunlun.

**90. 此身安得脱尘网,快意江湖写篇章。**

How can this body escape the world's entanglements? I will find joy in the rivers and lakes and write my own chapter.

**91. 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。**

Endless falling leaves rustle down, the endless Yangtze River rolls on.

**92. 欲为天下人,先做天下事。**

If you want to be a person for all the world, you must first do something for the world.

**93. 功名利禄皆浮云,唯有清风明月伴吾身。**

Fame, fortune, and wealth are all fleeting clouds, only the cool breeze and bright moon accompany me.

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