
## 故人何时归 句子 (93 句)

1. 故人何时归,月色满西楼。

2. 春风拂柳绿,故人何时归。

3. 远山含黛色,故人何时归。

4. 望断天涯路,故人何时归。

5. 孤灯伴夜长,故人何时归。

6. 秋叶落满地,故人何时归。

7. 寒风瑟瑟起,故人何时归。

8. 细雨绵绵落,故人何时归。

9. 晓风吹柳枝,故人何时归。

10. 夕阳染山红,故人何时归。

11. 夜半闻钟声,故人何时归。

12. 水流花自落,故人何时归。

13. 雁过长空去,故人何时归。

14. 月满银河渡,故人何时归。

15. 云淡风轻起,故人何时归。

16. 离愁别绪浓,故人何时归。

17. 思念如潮涌,故人何时归。

18. 心中盼望深,故人何时归。

19. 日夜思君心,故人何时归。

20. 此情永不变,故人何时归。

21. 愿君早日归,故人何时归。

22. 千山万水隔,故人何时归。

23. 离别之苦痛,故人何时归。

24. 寄托满纸书,故人何时归。

25. 望穿秋水盼,故人何时归。

26. 路漫漫其修远,故人何时归。

27. 归期未可知,故人何时归。

28. 朝思暮想念,故人何时归。

29. 情深似海深,故人何时归。

30. 愿君平安归,故人何时归。

31. 离别不忍心,故人何时归。

32. 孤寂难言说,故人何时归。

33. 此生只愿等,故人何时归。

34. 梦中常相见,故人何时归。

35. 念君情切切,故人何时归。

36. 时光匆匆过,故人何时归。

37. 岁月如流水,故人何时归。

38. 离别已久矣,故人何时归。

39. 孤影自徘徊,故人何时归。

40. 故人何处去,何时再相逢。

41. 远方寄相思,故人何时归。

42. 万里云霄远,故人何时归。

43. 此情此景忆,故人何时归。

44. 孤灯伴我眠,故人何时归。

45. 秋风送寒意,故人何时归。

46. 月夜思君泪,故人何时归。

47. 盼君归来日,故人何时归。

48. 海角天涯路,故人何时归。

49. 此情不忍言,故人何时归。

50. 孤影伴清酒,故人何时归。

51. 愿君早日归,解我相思苦。

52. 故人何时归,心心念念期。

53. 愿君平安归,此生不负卿。

54. 此情不负君,故人何时归。

55. 愿君早日归,相思难自抑。

56. 此情永不变,故人何时归来。

57. 此生只愿等,故人归来日。

58. 望穿秋水盼,故人归来时。

59. 此情此景忆,故人何时归来。

60. 梦中常相见,故人何时归来。

61. 孤影伴清酒,故人何时归来。

62. 愿君归来日,解我相思苦。

63. 离别不忍心,故人何时归来。

64. 此情不忍言,故人何时归来。

65. 孤灯伴夜长,故人何时归来。

66. 离愁别绪浓,故人何时归来。

67. 孤影自徘徊,故人何时归来。

68. 愿君平安归,此生不负卿。

69. 故人何时归,心心念念期。

70. 愿君早日归,相思难自抑。

71. 路漫漫其修远,故人何时归来。

72. 离别已久矣,故人何时归来。

73. 日夜思君心,故人何时归来。

74. 寄托满纸书,故人何时归来。

75. 望断天涯路,故人何时归来。

76. 远山含黛色,故人何时归来。

77. 春风拂柳绿,故人何时归来。

78. 月色满西楼,故人何时归来。

79. 故人何时归,此生只愿等。

80. 故人何时归,此情不负君。

81. 故人何时归,望穿秋水盼。

82. 故人何时归,离别不忍心。

83. 故人何时归,孤灯伴夜长。

84. 故人何时归,此情此景忆。

85. 故人何时归,孤影自徘徊。

86. 故人何时归,心心念念期。

87. 故人何时归,愿君早日归。

88. 故人何时归,此情永不变。

89. 故人何时归,梦中常相见。

90. 故人何时归,离愁别绪浓。

91. 故人何时归,孤影伴清酒。

92. 故人何时归,愿君平安归。

93. 故人何时归,此生不负卿。

## 英文翻译

1. When will my dear friend return? The moonlight fills the western tower.

2. The spring breeze brushes the willows green, when will my dear friend return?

3. The distant mountains are tinged with blue, when will my dear friend return?

4. I look to the horizon, but my dear friend still hasn't returned.

5. A solitary lamp keeps me company through the long night, when will my dear friend return?

6. Autumn leaves cover the ground, when will my dear friend return?

7. The cold wind whistles, when will my dear friend return?

8. The gentle rain falls, when will my dear friend return?

9. The morning breeze sways the willow branches, when will my dear friend return?

10. The setting sun paints the mountains red, when will my dear friend return?

11. I hear the bell in the middle of the night, when will my dear friend return?

12. The water flows and the flowers fall, when will my dear friend return?

13. The geese fly across the sky, when will my dear friend return?

14. The moon is full, it's time to cross the Milky Way, when will my dear friend return?

15. The clouds are thin and the wind is light, when will my dear friend return?

16. The sorrow of parting is thick, when will my dear friend return?

17. My longing for you is like a surging tide, when will my dear friend return?

18. My hope is deep in my heart, when will my dear friend return?

19. Day and night I think of you, when will my dear friend return?

20. My love will never change, when will my dear friend return?

21. I wish you return soon, when will my dear friend return?

22. Thousands of mountains and rivers separate us, when will my dear friend return?

23. The pain of parting is unbearable, when will my dear friend return?

24. I pour my longing into letters, when will my dear friend return?

25. I look across the water, longing for your return, when will my dear friend return?

26. The path is long and winding, when will my dear friend return?

27. Your return date is unknown, when will my dear friend return?

28. I think of you morning and night, when will my dear friend return?

29. My love is as deep as the sea, when will my dear friend return?

30. I wish you return safe and sound, when will my dear friend return?

31. It's hard to bear our parting, when will my dear friend return?

32. My loneliness is beyond words, when will my dear friend return?

33. All I desire in this life is to wait for you, when will my dear friend return?

34. I often see you in my dreams, when will my dear friend return?

35. My longing for you is intense, when will my dear friend return?

36. Time flies by, when will my dear friend return?

37. Time flows like water, when will my dear friend return?

38. We have been apart for so long, when will my dear friend return?

39. I wander alone, when will my dear friend return?

40. Where has my dear friend gone, when will we meet again?

41. I send my longing from afar, when will my dear friend return?

42. The distance between us stretches across the sky, when will my dear friend return?

43. I recall this moment and this scene, when will my dear friend return?

44. The solitary lamp keeps me company as I sleep, when will my dear friend return?

45. The autumn wind brings a chill, when will my dear friend return?

46. I shed tears in the moonlight thinking of you, when will my dear friend return?

47. I look forward to the day of your return, when will my dear friend return?

48. The path to you stretches across the sea and sky, when will my dear friend return?

49. My love is too deep to express, when will my dear friend return?

50. I sit alone with my wine, when will my dear friend return?

51. I wish you return soon, to ease my longing.

52. When will my dear friend return? I yearn for you with every fiber of my being.

53. I wish you return safe and sound, I will not let you down in this life.

54. My love for you will never fade, when will my dear friend return?

55. I wish you return soon, my longing is unbearable.

56. My love will never change, when will my dear friend return?

57. All I desire in this life is to wait for you, when will you return?

58. I look across the water, longing for your return, when will you return?

59. I recall this moment and this scene, when will you return?

60. I often see you in my dreams, when will you return?

61. I sit alone with my wine, when will you return?

62. I look forward to the day of your return, to ease my longing.

63. It's hard to bear our parting, when will you return?

64. My love is too deep to express, when will you return?

65. A solitary lamp keeps me company through the long night, when will you return?

66. The sorrow of parting is thick, when will you return?

67. I wander alone, when will you return?

68. I wish you return safe and sound, I will not let you down in this life.

69. When will my dear friend return? I yearn for you with every fiber of my being.

70. I wish you return soon, my longing is unbearable.

71. The path is long and winding, when will you return?

72. We have been apart for so long, when will you return?

73. Day and night I think of you, when will you return?

74. I pour my longing into letters, when will you return?

75. I look to the horizon, but you still haven't returned.

76. The distant mountains are tinged with blue, when will you return?

77. The spring breeze brushes the willows green, when will you return?

78. The moonlight fills the western tower, when will you return?

79. When will my dear friend return? All I desire in this life is to wait.

80. When will my dear friend return? My love for you will never fade.

81. When will my dear friend return? I look across the water, longing for your return.

82. When will my dear friend return? It's hard to bear our parting.

83. When will my dear friend return? A solitary lamp keeps me company through the long night.

84. When will my dear friend return? I recall this moment and this scene.

85. When will my dear friend return? I wander alone.

86. When will my dear friend return? I yearn for you with every fiber of my being.

87. When will my dear friend return? I wish you return soon.

88. When will my dear friend return? My love will never change.

89. When will my dear friend return? I often see you in my dreams.

90. When will my dear friend return? The sorrow of parting is thick.

91. When will my dear friend return? I sit alone with my wine.

92. When will my dear friend return? I wish you return safe and sound.

93. When will my dear friend return? I will not let you down in this life.

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