
## 哭穷比惨句子 94句

**P1:** 钱包空空如也,连个毛都没有,感觉自己像个乞丐。
**P2:** 每天都在为生活奔波,却连顿像样的饭都吃不起。
**P3:** 梦想很丰满,现实却很骨感,我连买个包都要犹豫很久。
**P4:** 租房压力太大,工资根本不够花,感觉生活好难。
**P5:** 存款余额总是显示个位数,每次看到都心凉凉。
**P6:** 每次想买个新衣服,都得考虑很久,因为我真的穷啊。
**P7:** 每次和朋友聚餐,都只能吃最便宜的,感觉自己好没面子。
**P8:** 每次看到别人买奢侈品,我都只能默默流口水。
**P9:** 穷到只能吃泡面,而且还要省着吃。
**P10:** 穷到连手机都快要用不起了。
**P11:** 穷到只能穿几年前的旧衣服。
**P12:** 穷到只能坐公交车,坐地铁都舍不得。
**P13:** 穷到只能喝白开水,饮料都买不起。
**P14:** 穷到只能去菜市场买菜,超市都进不去。
**P15:** 穷到只能用免费的wifi,流量都舍不得用。
**P16:** 穷到只能在家看电视,电影院都去不起。
**P17:** 穷到只能在家睡觉,旅游都只能想想。
**P18:** 穷到只能用免费的软件,付费的都用不起。
**P19:** 穷到只能做公交,打车都舍不得。
**P20:** 穷到只能吃剩菜剩饭,浪费粮食都舍不得。
**P21:** 穷到只能用旧手机,新手机都买不起。
**P22:** 穷到只能用旧电脑,新电脑都买不起。
**P23:** 穷到只能用旧衣服,新衣服都买不起。
**P24:** 穷到只能用旧家具,新家具都买不起。
**P25:** 穷到只能用旧电器,新电器都买不起。
**P26:** 穷到只能用旧鞋子,新鞋子都买不起。
**P27:** 穷到只能用旧包包,新包包都买不起。
**P28:** 穷到只能用旧化妆品,新化妆品都买不起。
**P29:** 穷到只能用旧玩具,新玩具都买不起。
**P30:** 穷到只能用旧书,新书都买不起。
**P31:** 穷到只能用旧笔,新笔都买不起。
**P32:** 穷到只能用旧纸,新纸都买不起。
**P33:** 穷到只能用旧杯子,新杯子都买不起。
**P34:** 穷到只能用旧碗,新碗都买不起。
**P35:** 穷到只能用旧筷子,新筷子都买不起。
**P36:** 穷到只能用旧勺子,新勺子都买不起。
**P37:** 穷到只能用旧刀,新刀都买不起。
**P38:** 穷到只能用旧锅,新锅都买不起。
**P39:** 穷到只能用旧盘子,新盘子都买不起。
**P40:** 穷到只能用旧盆,新盆都买不起。
**P41:** 穷到只能用旧桶,新桶都买不起。
**P42:** 穷到只能用旧椅子,新椅子都买不起。
**P43:** 穷到只能用旧桌子,新桌子都买不起。
**P44:** 穷到只能用旧床,新床都买不起。
**P45:** 穷到只能用旧柜子,新柜子都买不起。
**P46:** 穷到只能用旧电视,新电视都买不起。
**P47:** 穷到只能用旧冰箱,新冰箱都买不起。
**P48:** 穷到只能用旧洗衣机,新洗衣机都买不起。
**P49:** 穷到只能用旧空调,新空调都买不起。
**P50:** 穷到只能用旧手机壳,新手机壳都买不起。
**P51:** 穷到只能用旧耳机,新耳机都买不起。
**P52:** 穷到只能用旧充电宝,新充电宝都买不起。
**P53:** 穷到只能用旧数据线,新数据线都买不起。
**P54:** 穷到只能用旧雨伞,新雨伞都买不起。
**P55:** 穷到只能用旧鞋子,新鞋子都买不起。
**P56:** 穷到只能用旧帽子,新帽子都买不起。
**P57:** 穷到只能用旧眼镜,新眼镜都买不起。
**P58:** 穷到只能用旧手表,新手表都买不起。
**P59:** 穷到只能用旧项链,新项链都买不起。
**P60:** 穷到只能用旧戒指,新戒指都买不起。
**P61:** 穷到只能用旧手镯,新手镯都买不起。
**P62:** 穷到只能用旧耳环,新耳环都买不起。
**P63:** 穷到只能用旧香水,新香水都买不起。
**P64:** 穷到只能用旧口红,新口红都买不起。
**P65:** 穷到只能用旧粉底,新粉底都买不起。
**P66:** 穷到只能用旧眼影,新眼影都买不起。
**P67:** 穷到只能用旧睫毛膏,新睫毛膏都买不起。
**P68:** 穷到只能用旧指甲油,新指甲油都买不起。
**P69:** 穷到只能用旧包包,新包包都买不起。
**P70:** 穷到只能用旧钱包,新钱包都买不起。
**P71:** 穷到只能用旧钥匙链,新钥匙链都买不起。
**P72:** 穷到只能用旧手机链,新手机链都买不起。
**P73:** 穷到只能用旧手机贴膜,新手机贴膜都买不起。
**P74:** 穷到只能用旧手机套,新手机套都买不起。
**P75:** 穷到只能用旧手机卡,新手机卡都买不起。
**P76:** 穷到只能用旧 SIM 卡,新 SIM 卡都买不起。
**P77:** 穷到只能用旧充电器,新充电器都买不起。
**P78:** 穷到只能用旧耳机线,新耳机线都买不起。
**P79:** 穷到只能用旧数据线,新数据线都买不起。
**P80:** 穷到只能用旧电脑,新电脑都买不起。
**P81:** 穷到只能用旧鼠标,新鼠标都买不起。
**P82:** 穷到只能用旧键盘,新键盘都买不起。
**P83:** 穷到只能用旧显示器,新显示器都买不起。
**P84:** 穷到只能用旧打印机,新打印机都买不起。
**P85:** 穷到只能用旧扫描仪,新扫描仪都买不起。
**P86:** 穷到只能用旧相机,新相机都买不起。
**P87:** 穷到只能用旧录音机,新录音机都买不起。
**P88:** 穷到只能用旧电视机,新电视机都买不起。
**P89:** 穷到只能用旧冰箱,新冰箱都买不起。
**P90:** 穷到只能用旧洗衣机,新洗衣机都买不起。
**P91:** 穷到只能用旧空调,新空调都买不起。
**P92:** 穷到只能用旧电饭锅,新电饭锅都买不起。
**P93:** 穷到只能用旧微波炉,新微波炉都买不起。
**P94:** 穷到只能用旧烤箱,新烤箱都买不起。

## 翻译结果

**P1:** My wallet is empty, I don't even have a penny. I feel like a beggar.
**P2:** I'm struggling to make ends meet every day, and I can't even afford a decent meal.
**P3:** My dreams are big, but reality is harsh. I even hesitate to buy a bag.
**P4:** Rent is too expensive, my salary is barely enough to cover it. Life is tough.
**P5:** My bank account balance always shows a single digit. It makes me feel so sad.
**P6:** Every time I want to buy a new piece of clothing, I have to think twice because I'm really poor.
**P7:** Every time I have dinner with my friends, I can only eat the cheapest things. I feel so embarrassed.
**P8:** Whenever I see someone buy luxury goods, I can only drool silently.
**P9:** I'm so poor I can only eat instant noodles, and I have to save them.
**P10:** I'm so poor I can barely afford to use my phone.
**P11:** I'm so poor I can only wear old clothes from years ago.
**P12:** I'm so poor I can only take the bus, I can't afford to take the subway.
**P13:** I'm so poor I can only drink plain water, I can't even afford drinks.
**P14:** I'm so poor I can only buy groceries at the market, I can't even enter the supermarket.
**P15:** I'm so poor I can only use free wifi, I can't even afford to use mobile data.
**P16:** I'm so poor I can only watch TV at home, I can't even afford to go to the cinema.
**P17:** I'm so poor I can only sleep at home, I can only dream about traveling.
**P18:** I'm so poor I can only use free software, I can't even afford to pay for any.
**P19:** I'm so poor I can only take the bus, I can't even afford to take a taxi.
**P20:** I'm so poor I can only eat leftovers, I can't even afford to waste food.
**P21:** I'm so poor I can only use an old phone, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P22:** I'm so poor I can only use an old computer, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P23:** I'm so poor I can only wear old clothes, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P24:** I'm so poor I can only use old furniture, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P25:** I'm so poor I can only use old appliances, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P26:** I'm so poor I can only wear old shoes, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P27:** I'm so poor I can only use an old bag, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P28:** I'm so poor I can only use old cosmetics, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P29:** I'm so poor I can only use old toys, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P30:** I'm so poor I can only use old books, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P31:** I'm so poor I can only use old pens, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P32:** I'm so poor I can only use old paper, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P33:** I'm so poor I can only use old cups, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P34:** I'm so poor I can only use old bowls, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P35:** I'm so poor I can only use old chopsticks, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P36:** I'm so poor I can only use old spoons, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P37:** I'm so poor I can only use old knives, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P38:** I'm so poor I can only use old pots, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P39:** I'm so poor I can only use old plates, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P40:** I'm so poor I can only use old basins, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P41:** I'm so poor I can only use old buckets, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P42:** I'm so poor I can only use old chairs, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P43:** I'm so poor I can only use old tables, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P44:** I'm so poor I can only use old beds, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P45:** I'm so poor I can only use old cabinets, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P46:** I'm so poor I can only use old TVs, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P47:** I'm so poor I can only use old refrigerators, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P48:** I'm so poor I can only use old washing machines, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P49:** I'm so poor I can only use old air conditioners, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P50:** I'm so poor I can only use an old phone case, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P51:** I'm so poor I can only use old headphones, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P52:** I'm so poor I can only use an old power bank, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P53:** I'm so poor I can only use an old charging cable, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P54:** I'm so poor I can only use an old umbrella, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P55:** I'm so poor I can only wear old shoes, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P56:** I'm so poor I can only wear an old hat, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P57:** I'm so poor I can only use old glasses, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P58:** I'm so poor I can only use an old watch, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P59:** I'm so poor I can only use an old necklace, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P60:** I'm so poor I can only use an old ring, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P61:** I'm so poor I can only use an old bracelet, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P62:** I'm so poor I can only use old earrings, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P63:** I'm so poor I can only use old perfume, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P64:** I'm so poor I can only use old lipstick, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P65:** I'm so poor I can only use old foundation, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P66:** I'm so poor I can only use old eyeshadow, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P67:** I'm so poor I can only use old mascara, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P68:** I'm so poor I can only use old nail polish, I can't even afford to buy new ones.
**P69:** I'm so poor I can only use an old bag, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P70:** I'm so poor I can only use an old wallet, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P71:** I'm so poor I can only use an old keychain, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P72:** I'm so poor I can only use an old phone strap, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P73:** I'm so poor I can only use an old phone screen protector, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P74:** I'm so poor I can only use an old phone case, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P75:** I'm so poor I can only use an old SIM card, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P76:** I'm so poor I can only use an old SIM card, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P77:** I'm so poor I can only use an old charger, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P78:** I'm so poor I can only use an old headphone cord, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P79:** I'm so poor I can only use an old data cable, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P80:** I'm so poor I can only use an old computer, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P81:** I'm so poor I can only use an old mouse, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P82:** I'm so poor I can only use an old keyboard, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P83:** I'm so poor I can only use an old monitor, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P84:** I'm so poor I can only use an old printer, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P85:** I'm so poor I can only use an old scanner, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P86:** I'm so poor I can only use an old camera, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P87:** I'm so poor I can only use an old tape recorder, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P88:** I'm so poor I can only use an old TV, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P89:** I'm so poor I can only use an old refrigerator, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P90:** I'm so poor I can only use an old washing machine, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P91:** I'm so poor I can only use an old air conditioner, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P92:** I'm so poor I can only use an old rice cooker, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P93:** I'm so poor I can only use an old microwave, I can't even afford to buy a new one.
**P94:** I'm so poor I can only use an old oven, I can't even afford to buy a new one.

以上就是关于哭穷比惨句子94句(哭穷比惨句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
