
## 哭穷的夸张句子 (93句)

**1. 我的钱包已经瘦得跟纸片一样,连风都能吹走它!**

My wallet is so thin, it's like a piece of paper that the wind could blow away!

**2. 我穷得连手机都买不起,只能用石头打招呼!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford a phone, I have to use rocks to communicate!

**3. 我的存款余额,只有三位数,而且还是两位数的前面加了个零!**

My bank balance is only three digits, and it's a zero in front of a two-digit number!

**4. 我穷得连泡面都只能吃一口,剩下的一半留着下顿!**

I'm so poor, I can only eat one bite of instant noodles, and I save the other half for the next meal!

**5. 我穷得连公交车都坐不起,只能走路,而且还要省着点走!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to take the bus, so I have to walk, and I have to be careful not to waste my steps!

**6. 我穷得连网费都交不起,只能用邻居家的WIFI!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford internet, I have to use my neighbor's Wi-Fi!

**7. 我穷得连买彩票都舍不得,只能每天祈祷中奖!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a lottery ticket, I can only pray to win every day!

**8. 我穷得连恋爱都谈不起,只能对着手机屏幕发呆!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to date, I can only stare at the phone screen!

**9. 我穷得连梦想都买不起,只能做个穷人梦!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy dreams, I can only have a poor man's dream!

**10. 我穷得连衣服都穿不起,只能穿乞丐捡来的破衣服!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy clothes, I have to wear the clothes beggars pick up!

**11. 我穷得连饭都吃不起,只能喝西北风!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to eat, I have to drink the northwest wind!

**12. 我穷得连房子都买不起,只能住地下室!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a house, I have to live in the basement!

**13. 我穷得连手机都舍不得用,只能用座机!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to use a mobile phone, I have to use a landline!

**14. 我穷得连电费都交不起,只能点蜡烛!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to pay electricity bills, I have to light candles!

**15. 我穷得连水费都交不起,只能喝河水!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to pay water bills, I have to drink river water!

**16. 我穷得连书都买不起,只能去图书馆蹭书看!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy books, I have to borrow books from the library!

**17. 我穷得连电影都看不起,只能在家看盗版碟!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to watch movies, I have to watch pirated discs at home!

**18. 我穷得连旅行都去不起,只能在家看地图!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to travel, I have to look at maps at home!

**19. 我穷得连游戏都玩不起,只能玩石头剪刀布!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to play games, I have to play rock-paper-scissors!

**20. 我穷得连宠物都养不起,只能养一只蟑螂!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to keep a pet, I have to keep a cockroach!

**21. 我的钱包里只有几块钱,连买包烟都舍不得!**

There are only a few dollars in my wallet, and I can't even afford to buy a pack of cigarettes!

**22. 我穷得连买菜都舍不得,只能吃野菜!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy vegetables, I have to eat wild vegetables!

**23. 我穷得连饭都吃不起,只能啃馒头!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to eat rice, I have to eat steamed buns!

**24. 我穷得连衣服都穿不起,只能穿破洞的衣服!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to wear clothes, I have to wear clothes with holes in them!

**25. 我穷得连鞋子都买不起,只能光着脚走路!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy shoes, I have to walk barefoot!

**26. 我穷得连住房都租不起,只能睡公园!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to rent a house, I have to sleep in the park!

**27. 我穷得连恋爱都谈不起,只能做梦!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to date, I can only dream about it!

**28. 我穷得连结婚都结不起,只能当一辈子光棍!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to get married, I'll have to be a bachelor for life!

**29. 我穷得连孩子都养不起,只能做个丁克一族!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to raise children, I'll have to be a DINK!

**30. 我穷得连父母都赡养不起,只能靠他们养我!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to support my parents, I have to rely on them to support me!

**31. 我穷得连朋友都请不起,只能自己吃饱喝足!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to invite friends out, I can only eat and drink by myself!

**32. 我穷得连红包都发不起,只能收红包!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to give red envelopes, I can only receive them!

**33. 我穷得连礼物都买不起,只能送祝福!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy gifts, I can only send blessings!

**34. 我穷得连手机都舍不得充电,只能省着点用!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to charge my phone, I have to use it sparingly!

**35. 我穷得连网费都舍不得交,只能蹭网!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to pay for internet, I have to use someone else's Wi-Fi!

**36. 我穷得连衣服都舍不得洗,只能穿脏衣服!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to wash my clothes, I have to wear dirty clothes!

**37. 我穷得连饭都舍不得吃,只能饿肚子!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to eat, I have to go hungry!

**38. 我穷得连水都舍不得喝,只能喝口水!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to drink, I have to drink water!

**39. 我穷得连床都舍不得睡,只能睡地板!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to sleep on a bed, I have to sleep on the floor!

**40. 我穷得连灯都舍不得开,只能摸黑走路!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to turn on the lights, I have to walk in the dark!

**41. 我穷得连书都舍不得买,只能看免费的电子书!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy books, I have to read free e-books!

**42. 我穷得连电影都舍不得看,只能看免费的电视剧!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to watch movies, I have to watch free TV series!

**43. 我穷得连旅行都舍不得去,只能在家看旅游节目!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to travel, I have to watch travel shows at home!

**44. 我穷得连游戏都舍不得买,只能玩免费的小游戏!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy games, I have to play free mini-games!

**45. 我穷得连宠物都舍不得养,只能看别人养宠物!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to keep a pet, I have to watch other people keep pets!

**46. 我穷得连饭都吃不起,只能吃别人剩下的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to eat, I have to eat what other people leave behind!

**47. 我穷得连衣服都穿不起,只能穿别人不要的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to wear clothes, I have to wear clothes that other people don't want!

**48. 我穷得连鞋子都穿不起,只能穿别人扔掉的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to wear shoes, I have to wear shoes that other people throw away!

**49. 我穷得连住房都租不起,只能住在别人家!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to rent a house, I have to live with other people!

**50. 我穷得连恋爱都谈不起,只能暗恋!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to date, I can only have a secret crush!

**51. 我穷得连结婚都结不起,只能做个单身汉!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to get married, I'll have to be a single man!

**52. 我穷得连孩子都养不起,只能做个单身贵族!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to raise children, I'll have to be a single elite!

**53. 我穷得连父母都赡养不起,只能靠他们养我一辈子!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to support my parents, I'll have to rely on them to support me for life!

**54. 我穷得连朋友都请不起,只能自己吃土!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to invite friends out, I can only eat dirt by myself!

**55. 我穷得连红包都发不起,只能收到别人发的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to give red envelopes, I can only receive them from other people!

**56. 我穷得连礼物都买不起,只能送自己做的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy gifts, I can only give gifts that I make myself!

**57. 我穷得连手机都舍不得开,只能用电脑!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to turn on my phone, I have to use a computer!

**58. 我穷得连网费都舍不得交,只能去网吧!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to pay for internet, I have to go to an internet cafe!

**59. 我穷得连衣服都舍不得换,只能穿一件!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to change clothes, I have to wear just one outfit!

**60. 我穷得连饭都舍不得吃,只能喝水!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to eat, I have to drink water!

**61. 我穷得连水都舍不得喝,只能喝空气!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to drink water, I have to drink air!

**62. 我穷得连床都舍不得睡,只能睡草地上!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to sleep on a bed, I have to sleep on the grass!

**63. 我穷得连灯都舍不得开,只能用月光照明!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to turn on the lights, I have to use the moonlight!

**64. 我穷得连书都舍不得买,只能去捡垃圾!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy books, I have to pick up trash!

**65. 我穷得连电影都舍不得看,只能看墙上的裂缝!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to watch movies, I have to look at the cracks in the wall!

**66. 我穷得连旅行都舍不得去,只能看风景照片!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to travel, I have to look at pictures of scenery!

**67. 我穷得连游戏都舍不得玩,只能玩石头剪刀布!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to play games, I have to play rock-paper-scissors!

**68. 我穷得连宠物都舍不得养,只能养一只蚊子!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to keep a pet, I have to keep a mosquito!

**69. 我的钱包已经破得像个筛子,钱都从缝隙里漏掉了!**

My wallet is so torn, it's like a sieve, the money leaks out through the cracks!

**70. 我穷得连买个煎饼果子都舍不得,只能饿着肚子!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a pancake, I have to go hungry!

**71. 我穷得连买根冰棍都舍不得,只能吃雪糕!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a popsicle, I have to eat ice cream!

**72. 我穷得连买张公交卡都舍不得,只能坐黑车!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a bus card, I have to take a taxi!

**73. 我穷得连买瓶饮料都舍不得,只能喝白开水!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a bottle of drink, I have to drink plain water!

**74. 我穷得连买份报纸都舍不得,只能看别人扔掉的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a newspaper, I have to read the ones that other people throw away!

**75. 我穷得连买个玩具都舍不得,只能玩泥巴!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a toy, I have to play with mud!

**76. 我穷得连买个手机壳都舍不得,只能用报纸包着!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a phone case, I have to wrap it in newspaper!

**77. 我穷得连买个钥匙扣都舍不得,只能用绳子系着!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a key chain, I have to tie it with a rope!

**78. 我穷得连买个水杯都舍不得,只能用矿泉水瓶!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a cup, I have to use a mineral water bottle!

**79. 我穷得连买个闹钟都舍不得,只能用手机闹钟!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy an alarm clock, I have to use my phone!

**80. 我穷得连买个牙刷都舍不得,只能用手指刷牙!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a toothbrush, I have to use my fingers to brush my teeth!

**81. 我穷得连买个梳子都舍不得,只能用手梳头发!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a comb, I have to use my hands to comb my hair!

**82. 我穷得连买个肥皂都舍不得,只能用沙子洗澡!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy soap, I have to use sand to wash myself!

**83. 我穷得连买个镜子都舍不得,只能照水里的倒影!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a mirror, I have to look at my reflection in the water!

**84. 我穷得连买个拖鞋都舍不得,只能光着脚走路!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy slippers, I have to walk barefoot!

**85. 我穷得连买个雨伞都舍不得,只能淋雨!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy an umbrella, I have to get wet in the rain!

**86. 我穷得连买个帽子都舍不得,只能用树叶挡太阳!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a hat, I have to use leaves to block the sun!

**87. 我穷得连买个手电筒都舍不得,只能用手机照明!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a flashlight, I have to use my phone to light my way!

**88. 我穷得连买个书包都舍不得,只能用袋子装书!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a backpack, I have to use a bag to carry my books!

**89. 我穷得连买个笔筒都舍不得,只能用空瓶子装笔!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a pencil holder, I have to use an empty bottle to hold my pens!

**90. 我穷得连买个笔记本都舍不得,只能用废纸写字!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a notebook, I have to use scrap paper to write!

**91. 我穷得连买个手机充电宝都舍不得,只能用电脑充电!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a phone charger, I have to use my computer to charge my phone!

**92. 我穷得连买个耳机都舍不得,只能用手机自带的!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy headphones, I have to use the ones that come with my phone!

**93. 我穷得连买个鼠标都舍不得,只能用触控板!**

I'm so poor, I can't even afford to buy a mouse, I have to use the touchpad!

以上就是关于哭穷的夸张句子93句(哭穷的夸张句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
