
## 哪片云彩会下雨的句子 (57 句)

1. 乌云密布,一场大雨即将到来。

2. 天空中乌云翻滚,预示着暴雨的来临。

3. 铅色的云层压得很低,仿佛要倾盆而下。

4. 黑压压的云彩遮蔽了太阳,雨水即将降临。

5. 天空布满了阴沉的云朵,一场暴雨在酝酿。

6. 浓密的云层像一块块黑色的幕布,将天空笼罩起来。

7. 那些乌黑发亮的云,像是要倾泻而下。

8. 厚重的云层,像一座座山峰,压得人喘不过气来。

9. 沉重的云朵,似乎随时都会将雨水倾泻下来。

10. 乌云滚滚,仿佛要吞噬大地。

11. 天空中出现了一片巨大的黑云,预示着雨水的降临。

12. 雨云密布,天空变得昏暗。

13. 天气预报说,今天将有一场大雨。

14. 那些聚集在一起的云朵,正在慢慢地向我们这边移动。

15. 远处的天空,一片乌云翻滚,风雨欲来。

16. 那些黑沉沉的云,让人感到一种压抑。

17. 天空中布满了雨云,就像一块块巨大的棉花糖。

18. 远处的天空,一片灰蒙蒙的,像是要下雨了。

19. 那些低垂的云层,仿佛要和大地亲吻。

20. 乌云密布,空气中弥漫着雨水的味道。

21. 天空中出现了一片紫红色的云彩,预示着雨水的到来。

22. 那些密密麻麻的云层,像是要遮蔽整个天空。

23. 天空中乌云密布,让人感觉有些压抑。

24. 一片乌云从远处飘来,遮住了太阳。

25. 远处的天空,一片乌云滚滚,像是要倾盆而下。

26. 天空中乌云密布,预示着这场雨会持续很久。

27. 那些灰色的云朵,像是要将天空吞噬掉。

28. 天空中出现了一片暗红色的云彩,预示着这场雨将很猛烈。

29. 那些黑压压的云彩,让人感到一丝不安。

30. 天空中乌云密布,风也变得越来越大。

31. 远处的天空,一片乌云翻滚,像是要迎接一场暴风雨。

32. 那些乌云密布的天空,让人感到一种沉重的压抑感。

33. 天空中出现了一片黑色的云彩,预示着这场雨会很急。

34. 那些黑压压的云彩,像一块块巨大的黑布,笼罩着整个天空。

35. 天空中乌云密布,雨水即将倾盆而下。

36. 那些低垂的云朵,仿佛要将天空压得更低。

37. 天空中乌云密布,空气中弥漫着潮湿的味道。

38. 远处的天空,一片乌云翻滚,预示着这场雨会很猛烈。

39. 那些乌云密布的天空,让人感到一种紧张感。

40. 天空中出现了一片黑色的云彩,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

41. 那些黑压压的云彩,像一块块巨大的棉花糖,覆盖着整个天空。

42. 天空中乌云密布,雨水即将倾盆而下,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

43. 那些低垂的云朵,仿佛要将天空压得更低,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

44. 天空中乌云密布,空气中弥漫着潮湿的味道,预示着这场雨会很猛烈。

45. 远处的天空,一片乌云翻滚,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

46. 那些乌云密布的天空,让人感到一种紧张感,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

47. 天空中出现了一片黑色的云彩,预示着这场雨会很急,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

48. 那些黑压压的云彩,像一块块巨大的黑布,笼罩着整个天空,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

49. 天空中乌云密布,雨水即将倾盆而下,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

50. 那些低垂的云朵,仿佛要将天空压得更低,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

51. 天空中乌云密布,空气中弥漫着潮湿的味道,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

52. 远处的天空,一片乌云翻滚,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间,预示着这场雨会很急。

53. 那些乌云密布的天空,让人感到一种紧张感,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间,预示着这场雨会很急。

54. 天空中出现了一片黑色的云彩,预示着这场雨会很急,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间。

55. 那些黑压压的云彩,像一块块巨大的黑布,笼罩着整个天空,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间,预示着这场雨会很急。

56. 天空中乌云密布,雨水即将倾盆而下,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间,预示着这场雨会很急。

57. 那些低垂的云朵,仿佛要将天空压得更低,预示着这场雨会很猛烈,预示着这场雨会很长时间,预示着这场雨会很急。

## 英文翻译

1. Dark clouds are gathering, a heavy rain is about to come.

2. The sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, signaling the coming of a heavy rain.

3. The leaden clouds hang low, as if ready to pour down.

4. The dark clouds obscure the sun, and the rain is about to fall.

5. The sky is covered with gloomy clouds, a heavy rain is brewing.

6. The thick clouds are like black curtains, covering the sky.

7. Those black and shiny clouds seem to be about to pour down.

8. The heavy clouds, like mountains, make it hard to breathe.

9. The heavy clouds seem to be ready to pour down rain at any moment.

10. The dark clouds are rolling, as if to swallow the earth.

11. A huge black cloud appeared in the sky, indicating the arrival of rain.

12. Rain clouds are gathering, the sky is getting dark.

13. The weather forecast says there will be a heavy rain today.

14. Those clouds gathering together are slowly moving towards us.

15. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, a storm is approaching.

16. Those dark and gloomy clouds give a feeling of oppression.

17. The sky is filled with rain clouds, like huge cotton candy.

18. In the distance, the sky is gray and misty, as if it's going to rain.

19. Those low-hanging clouds seem to kiss the earth.

20. Dark clouds are gathering, the air is filled with the smell of rain.

21. A purple-red cloud appeared in the sky, indicating the arrival of rain.

22. Those densely packed clouds seem to cover the entire sky.

23. The sky is filled with dark clouds, which makes people feel a little depressed.

24. A dark cloud came from the distance and covered the sun.

25. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, as if it's going to pour down.

26. The sky is filled with dark clouds, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

27. Those gray clouds seem to swallow the sky.

28. A dark red cloud appeared in the sky, indicating that this rain will be fierce.

29. Those dark and heavy clouds make people feel a little uneasy.

30. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the wind is getting stronger.

31. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, as if to welcome a storm.

32. The sky filled with dark clouds makes people feel a heavy sense of oppression.

33. A black cloud appeared in the sky, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

34. Those dark and heavy clouds are like huge black cloths, covering the entire sky.

35. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the rain is about to pour down.

36. Those low-hanging clouds seem to press the sky lower.

37. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the air is filled with a humid smell.

38. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, indicating that this rain will be fierce.

39. The sky filled with dark clouds makes people feel a sense of tension.

40. A black cloud appeared in the sky, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

41. Those dark and heavy clouds are like huge cotton candy, covering the entire sky.

42. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the rain is about to pour down, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

43. Those low-hanging clouds seem to press the sky lower, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

44. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the air is filled with a humid smell, indicating that this rain will be fierce.

45. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

46. The sky filled with dark clouds makes people feel a sense of tension, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

47. A black cloud appeared in the sky, indicating that this rain will be very sudden, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

48. Those dark and heavy clouds are like huge black cloths, covering the entire sky, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

49. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the rain is about to pour down, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

50. Those low-hanging clouds seem to press the sky lower, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

51. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the air is filled with a humid smell, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

52. In the distance, the sky is filled with rolling dark clouds, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

53. The sky filled with dark clouds makes people feel a sense of tension, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

54. A black cloud appeared in the sky, indicating that this rain will be very sudden, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time.

55. Those dark and heavy clouds are like huge black cloths, covering the entire sky, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

56. The sky is filled with dark clouds, and the rain is about to pour down, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

57. Those low-hanging clouds seem to press the sky lower, indicating that this rain will be fierce, indicating that this rain will last for a long time, indicating that this rain will be very sudden.

以上就是关于哪片云彩会下雨的句子57句(哪片云彩会下雨的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
