
## 哥哥揉面句子,76句:

1. 哥哥的手指灵活地在面团上跳跃,仿佛在弹奏着一首无形的曲子。

Brother's fingers danced nimbly on the dough, as if playing an invisible melody.

2. 面团在哥哥的手中慢慢地变得光滑柔软,像一块温顺的泥土。

The dough slowly became smooth and soft in brother's hands, like a docile piece of clay.

3. 哥哥用力地揉捏着面团,仿佛要把所有的烦恼都揉进面团里。

Brother kneaded the dough vigorously, as if wanting to knead all his worries into it.

4. 哥哥的手掌在面团上轻轻地拍打着,发出“啪啪”的清脆声响。

Brother's palm gently patted the dough, making a crisp"pat, pat" sound.

5. 哥哥的手臂肌肉在揉面的过程中微微隆起,充满了力量。

The muscles in brother's arms bulged slightly as he kneaded, full of strength.

6. 哥哥专注地盯着面团,仿佛在进行一场严肃的仪式。

Brother stared intently at the dough, as if performing a solemn ceremony.

7. 哥哥的动作娴熟而自然,像一个经验丰富的面包师。

Brother's movements were skilled and natural, like an experienced baker.

8. 哥哥的汗水滴落在面团上,仿佛在为面团注入生命。

Brother's sweat dripped onto the dough, as if infusing it with life.

9. 哥哥的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容,仿佛在享受揉面的乐趣。

Brother's face was beaming with happiness, as if enjoying the pleasure of kneading.

10. 哥哥的手指在面团上轻轻地划过,仿佛在为面团注入魔法。

Brother's fingers gently glided across the dough, as if infusing it with magic.

11. 哥哥的揉面动作,像一首优美的旋律,在厨房里缓缓流淌。

Brother's kneading motions, like a beautiful melody, flowed gently through the kitchen.

12. 哥哥的眼中充满了专注,仿佛在进行一项重要的任务。

Brother's eyes were filled with focus, as if undertaking an important task.

13. 哥哥揉面的动作越来越快,仿佛要把面团的潜力彻底激发。

Brother's kneading movements became faster and faster, as if wanting to fully unleash the potential of the dough.

14. 哥哥的呼吸变得急促,仿佛在与面团进行着一场无声的较量。

Brother's breathing became rapid, as if engaged in a silent contest with the dough.

15. 哥哥的脸上布满了汗珠,仿佛在进行一场艰苦的劳动。

Brother's face was covered in beads of sweat, as if undergoing a strenuous labor.

16. 哥哥的手指在面团上不断地翻滚,仿佛在雕刻一件精美的艺术品。

Brother's fingers constantly rolled over the dough, as if sculpting a beautiful work of art.

17. 哥哥的掌心变得湿润,仿佛在与面团进行着亲密的接触。

Brother's palms became moist, as if engaging in an intimate contact with the dough.

18. 哥哥的手指在面团上轻轻地按压,仿佛在感受面团的温度和柔软。

Brother's fingers gently pressed down on the dough, as if sensing its temperature and softness.

19. 哥哥的嘴角微微上扬,仿佛对揉面的过程感到满意。

The corners of brother's mouth slightly turned upwards, as if he was pleased with the kneading process.

20. 哥哥的眼中充满了自信,仿佛已经掌握了揉面的秘诀。

Brother's eyes were filled with confidence, as if he had already mastered the secret of kneading.

21. 哥哥的揉面动作越来越轻柔,仿佛在呵护着脆弱的生命。

Brother's kneading movements became gentler and gentler, as if caring for a fragile life.

22. 哥哥的手指在面团上轻轻地划过,仿佛在为面团画下一幅美丽的图案。

Brother's fingers gently glided across the dough, as if drawing a beautiful pattern on it.

23. 哥哥的脸上露出了一丝微笑,仿佛对揉面的结果感到满意。

A slight smile appeared on brother's face, as if he was satisfied with the result of the kneading.

24. 哥哥的揉面动作变得更加流畅,仿佛在进行着一场优美的舞蹈。

Brother's kneading movements became smoother, as if performing a graceful dance.

25. 哥哥的眼中充满了温柔,仿佛在与面团进行着心灵的交流。

Brother's eyes were filled with tenderness, as if communicating with the dough on a soul level.

26. 哥哥的手指在面团上轻轻地抚摸着,仿佛在与面团进行着亲密的对话。

Brother's fingers gently caressed the dough, as if engaged in an intimate conversation with it.

27. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了力量,仿佛在赋予面团无限的生命力。

Brother's kneading movements were full of strength, as if giving the dough infinite vitality.

28. 哥哥的脸上露出了兴奋的表情,仿佛在享受揉面的过程。

Brother's face showed an excited expression, as if enjoying the kneading process.

29. 哥哥的揉面动作越来越熟练,仿佛已经成为了天生的面包师。

Brother's kneading movements became increasingly proficient, as if he had been born a baker.

30. 哥哥的眼中充满了期待,仿佛在期待着面团的最终形态。

Brother's eyes were filled with anticipation, as if looking forward to the dough's final form.

31. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地翻滚,仿佛在进行着一场神奇的魔法。

Brother's hands kept rolling over the dough, as if performing a magical spell.

32. 哥哥的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容,仿佛对揉面的结果感到满意。

Brother's face broke into a satisfied smile, as if he was pleased with the result of the kneading.

33. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了激情,仿佛在进行着一场艺术创作。

Brother's kneading movements were full of passion, as if engaged in an artistic creation.

34. 哥哥的眼中充满了专注,仿佛在进行着一项神圣的任务。

Brother's eyes were filled with focus, as if performing a sacred task.

35. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地拍打,仿佛在为面团注入能量。

Brother's hands kept patting the dough, as if infusing it with energy.

36. 哥哥的脸上露出了自信的笑容,仿佛对自己的揉面技巧充满信心。

Brother's face was beaming with confidence, as if he was confident in his kneading skills.

37. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了技巧,仿佛在进行着一场精彩的表演。

Brother's kneading movements were full of skill, as if performing a spectacular show.

38. 哥哥的眼中充满了喜悦,仿佛在享受着揉面的过程。

Brother's eyes were filled with joy, as if enjoying the process of kneading.

39. 哥哥的手指在面团上不断地揉捏,仿佛在进行着一场无声的对话。

Brother's fingers kept kneading the dough, as if engaged in a silent conversation.

40. 哥哥的脸上露出了轻松的表情,仿佛已经完成了繁重的任务。

Brother's face showed a relaxed expression, as if he had finished a heavy task.

41. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了节奏感,仿佛在进行着一场欢快的舞蹈。

Brother's kneading movements were full of rhythm, as if performing a cheerful dance.

42. 哥哥的眼中充满了期待,仿佛在期待着面团的最终形态。

Brother's eyes were filled with anticipation, as if looking forward to the dough's final form.

43. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地翻滚,仿佛在进行着一场魔法表演。

Brother's hands kept rolling over the dough, as if performing a magic show.

44. 哥哥的脸上露出了满意的笑容,仿佛对自己的揉面结果感到满意。

Brother's face broke into a satisfied smile, as if he was pleased with the result of his kneading.

45. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了力量,仿佛在赋予面团无限的可能性。

Brother's kneading movements were full of strength, as if giving the dough infinite possibilities.

46. 哥哥的眼中充满了专注,仿佛在进行着一场精心的雕刻。

Brother's eyes were filled with focus, as if performing a meticulous carving.

47. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地拍打,仿佛在为面团注入活力。

Brother's hands kept patting the dough, as if infusing it with vitality.

48. 哥哥的脸上露出了自信的表情,仿佛对自己的揉面技巧充满了信心。

Brother's face showed a confident expression, as if he was full of confidence in his kneading skills.

49. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了技巧,仿佛在进行着一场精彩的表演。

Brother's kneading movements were full of skill, as if performing a spectacular show.

50. 哥哥的眼中充满了喜悦,仿佛在享受着揉面的过程。

Brother's eyes were filled with joy, as if enjoying the process of kneading.

51. 哥哥的手指在面团上不断地揉捏,仿佛在进行着一场无声的对话。

Brother's fingers kept kneading the dough, as if engaged in a silent conversation.

52. 哥哥的脸上露出了轻松的表情,仿佛已经完成了繁重的任务。

Brother's face showed a relaxed expression, as if he had finished a heavy task.

53. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了节奏感,仿佛在进行着一场欢快的舞蹈。

Brother's kneading movements were full of rhythm, as if performing a cheerful dance.

54. 哥哥的眼中充满了期待,仿佛在期待着面团的最终形态。

Brother's eyes were filled with anticipation, as if looking forward to the dough's final form.

55. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地翻滚,仿佛在进行着一场魔法表演。

Brother's hands kept rolling over the dough, as if performing a magic show.

56. 哥哥的脸上露出了满意的笑容,仿佛对自己的揉面结果感到满意。

Brother's face broke into a satisfied smile, as if he was pleased with the result of his kneading.

57. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了力量,仿佛在赋予面团无限的可能性。

Brother's kneading movements were full of strength, as if giving the dough infinite possibilities.

58. 哥哥的眼中充满了专注,仿佛在进行着一场精心的雕刻。

Brother's eyes were filled with focus, as if performing a meticulous carving.

59. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地拍打,仿佛在为面团注入活力。

Brother's hands kept patting the dough, as if infusing it with vitality.

60. 哥哥的脸上露出了自信的表情,仿佛对自己的揉面技巧充满了信心。

Brother's face showed a confident expression, as if he was full of confidence in his kneading skills.

61. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了技巧,仿佛在进行着一场精彩的表演。

Brother's kneading movements were full of skill, as if performing a spectacular show.

62. 哥哥的眼中充满了喜悦,仿佛在享受着揉面的过程。

Brother's eyes were filled with joy, as if enjoying the process of kneading.

63. 哥哥的手指在面团上不断地揉捏,仿佛在进行着一场无声的对话。

Brother's fingers kept kneading the dough, as if engaged in a silent conversation.

64. 哥哥的脸上露出了轻松的表情,仿佛已经完成了繁重的任务。

Brother's face showed a relaxed expression, as if he had finished a heavy task.

65. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了节奏感,仿佛在进行着一场欢快的舞蹈。

Brother's kneading movements were full of rhythm, as if performing a cheerful dance.

66. 哥哥的眼中充满了期待,仿佛在期待着面团的最终形态。

Brother's eyes were filled with anticipation, as if looking forward to the dough's final form.

67. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地翻滚,仿佛在进行着一场魔法表演。

Brother's hands kept rolling over the dough, as if performing a magic show.

68. 哥哥的脸上露出了满意的笑容,仿佛对自己的揉面结果感到满意。

Brother's face broke into a satisfied smile, as if he was pleased with the result of his kneading.

69. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了力量,仿佛在赋予面团无限的可能性。

Brother's kneading movements were full of strength, as if giving the dough infinite possibilities.

70. 哥哥的眼中充满了专注,仿佛在进行着一场精心的雕刻。

Brother's eyes were filled with focus, as if performing a meticulous carving.

71. 哥哥的双手在面团上不断地拍打,仿佛在为面团注入活力。

Brother's hands kept patting the dough, as if infusing it with vitality.

72. 哥哥的脸上露出了自信的表情,仿佛对自己的揉面技巧充满了信心。

Brother's face showed a confident expression, as if he was full of confidence in his kneading skills.

73. 哥哥的揉面动作充满了技巧,仿佛在进行着一场精彩的表演。

Brother's kneading movements were full of skill, as if performing a spectacular show.

74. 哥哥的眼中充满了喜悦,仿佛在享受着揉面的过程。

Brother's eyes were filled with joy, as if enjoying the process of kneading.

75. 哥哥的手指在面团上不断地揉捏,仿佛在进行着一场无声的对话。

Brother's fingers kept kneading the dough, as if engaged in a silent conversation.

76. 哥哥的脸上露出了轻松的表情,仿佛已经完成了繁重的任务。

Brother's face showed a relaxed expression, as if he had finished a heavy task.

以上就是关于哥哥揉面句子76句(哥哥揉面句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
