
## 99句和“执子之手”相似的句子及其英文翻译

1. 与君同行,共赏人间美景。 / Walk with you, appreciate the beauty of the world together.

2. 携手共度,余生漫漫。 / Spend the rest of our lives together, hand in hand.

3. 执子之手,与子偕老。 / Hold your hand, grow old with you.

4. 相依相伴,不离不弃。 / Lean on each other, never leave each other.

5. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。 / May I find one heart, and never be parted from it till death do us part.

6. 此情绵绵,永世不渝。 / This love will last forever.

7. 海枯石烂,此情不渝。 / Till the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, this love will never change.

8. 山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝。 / Even if the mountains crumble and the heavens collapse, I will never part from you.

9. 生死相依,不负此生。 / Live and die together, don't regret this life.

10. 执子之手,共度朝夕。 / Hold your hand, spend every morning and evening together.

11. 愿与你共赏人间烟火。 / I wish to share the world's fireworks with you.

12. 相濡以沫,共度一生。 / Support each other through thick and thin, spend a lifetime together.

13. 相爱相惜,彼此珍惜。 / Love and cherish each other.

14. 一生一世,只爱你一人。 / For the rest of my life, I will only love you.

15. 携手同行,共赴未来。 / Walk hand in hand, journey to the future together.

16. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。 / May I find one heart, and never be parted from it till death do us part.

17. 天长地久,与君相守。 / For eternity, I will stay by your side.

18. 执子之手,共看夕阳。 / Hold your hand, watch the sunset together.

19. 风风雨雨,我们一起走过。 / We've been through thick and thin, together.

20. 生死相许,永不分离。 / Promise to love you for life and death, never to be separated.

21. 执子之手,共度余生。 / Hold your hand, spend the rest of our lives together.

22. 与君相知,相爱相惜。 / To know you, to love you, to cherish you.

23. 与子成家,白头偕老。 / To marry you, grow old together.

24. 一生所爱,唯你而已。 / You are the only one I love in this life.

25. 执子之手,共赏繁星。 / Hold your hand, watch the stars together.

26. 相爱一生,幸福永远。 / Love each other forever, happiness forever.

27. 愿与你共度一生,不离不弃。 / I wish to spend a lifetime with you, never leaving your side.

28. 执子之手,与子同舟。 / Hold your hand, sail through life together.

29. 此情不渝,永世长存。 / This love will never change, forever.

30. 与君同行,共赏花开。 / Walk with you, appreciate the blooming flowers together.

31. 执子之手,与子共度难关。 / Hold your hand, overcome difficulties together.

32. 相依相偎,共度春秋。 / Lean on each other, spend the seasons together.

33. 执子之手,共赏月色。 / Hold your hand, enjoy the moonlight together.

34. 此情此景,此生不悔。 / This love, this moment, no regrets in this life.

35. 一生一世,相伴相随。 / For the rest of our lives, be together.

36. 执子之手,与子同游天下。 / Hold your hand, travel the world together.

37. 愿得一人心,白首不分离。 / May I find one heart, and never be separated till death do us part.

38. 与君相识,是我一生最大的幸运。 / Meeting you is the greatest fortune of my life.

39. 执子之手,与子共度风雨。 / Hold your hand, face the storms of life together.

40. 一生一世,只愿与你同行。 / For the rest of my life, I only wish to walk with you.

41. 执子之手,与子同心。 / Hold your hand, share the same heart.

42. 与君相爱,一生一世。 / Love you, for a lifetime.

43. 执子之手,与子同看日出。 / Hold your hand, watch the sunrise together.

44. 相爱相守,天长地久。 / Love and stay together, forever.

45. 与君相伴,共度人生。 / Be with you, spend our lives together.

46. 执子之手,与子同看日落。 / Hold your hand, watch the sunset together.

47. 此情永在,此爱不灭。 / This love will always be, this love will never die.

48. 与君相知,相爱相守。 / To know you, to love you, to stay with you.

49. 执子之手,与子同赏雪景。 / Hold your hand, enjoy the snowy scenery together.

50. 一生一世,与你相伴。 / For the rest of our lives, be together.

51. 执子之手,与子共度人生旅程。 / Hold your hand, spend our life's journey together.

52. 与君相爱,共度余生。 / Love you, spend the rest of our lives together.

53. 执子之手,与子同看星空。 / Hold your hand, watch the stars together.

54. 此情此爱,永不改变。 / This love, this affection, will never change.

55. 与君同行,共度春夏秋冬。 / Walk with you, spend the spring, summer, autumn, and winter together.

56. 执子之手,与子同赏花香。 / Hold your hand, enjoy the fragrance of flowers together.

57. 一生一世,只愿与你相守。 / For the rest of my life, I only wish to stay with you.

58. 执子之手,与子同听雨声。 / Hold your hand, listen to the sound of rain together.

59. 相爱相守,永不分离。 / Love and stay together, never be separated.

60. 与君相识,是我人生最大的幸福。 / Meeting you is the greatest happiness in my life.

61. 执子之手,与子同赏落叶。 / Hold your hand, watch the falling leaves together.

62. 一生一世,与你相爱。 / For the rest of our lives, love you.

63. 执子之手,与子同看云卷云舒。 / Hold your hand, watch the clouds drift by together.

64. 相爱相惜,彼此守护。 / Love and cherish each other, protect each other.

65. 与君相伴,共度美好时光。 / Be with you, spend good times together.

66. 执子之手,与子同赏花开花落。 / Hold your hand, watch the flowers bloom and wither together.

67. 一生一世,与你相依。 / For the rest of our lives, lean on each other.

68. 执子之手,与子同看潮起潮落。 / Hold your hand, watch the tides ebb and flow together.

69. 相爱相守,一生一世。 / Love and stay together, for a lifetime.

70. 与君相知,相爱相守一生。 / To know you, to love you, to stay with you for a lifetime.

71. 执子之手,与子同赏月圆月缺。 / Hold your hand, watch the moon wax and wane together.

72. 一生一世,与你共度。 / For the rest of our lives, spend it together.

73. 执子之手,与子同看风起云涌。 / Hold your hand, watch the winds rise and clouds gather together.

74. 相爱相惜,彼此珍惜。 / Love and cherish each other, value each other.

75. 与君相伴,共度人生的每一刻。 / Be with you, spend every moment of our lives together.

76. 执子之手,与子同看漫天繁星。 / Hold your hand, watch the stars in the sky together.

77. 一生一世,与你相依相偎。 / For the rest of our lives, lean on each other.

78. 执子之手,与子同赏四季变换。 / Hold your hand, watch the seasons change together.

79. 相爱相守,共度美好人生。 / Love and stay together, spend a beautiful life together.

80. 与君相知,相爱相守一生一世。 / To know you, to love you, to stay with you for a lifetime.

81. 执子之手,与子同看海阔天空。 / Hold your hand, watch the vast ocean and sky together.

82. 一生一世,与你相伴相随。 / For the rest of our lives, be together.

83. 执子之手,与子同赏山川河流。 / Hold your hand, watch the mountains and rivers together.

84. 相爱相惜,彼此扶持。 / Love and cherish each other, support each other.

85. 与君相伴,共度人生的每一个春夏秋冬。 / Be with you, spend every spring, summer, autumn, and winter of our lives together.

86. 执子之手,与子同看朝霞暮霭。 / Hold your hand, watch the dawn and dusk together.

87. 一生一世,与你共度美好时光。 / For the rest of our lives, spend good times together.

88. 执子之手,与子同赏人生百态。 / Hold your hand, watch the many aspects of life together.

89. 相爱相守,彼此珍惜。 / Love and stay together, cherish each other.

90. 与君相知,相爱相守一生一世。 / To know you, to love you, to stay with you for a lifetime.

91. 执子之手,与子同看人生路途。 / Hold your hand, watch the path of life together.

92. 一生一世,与你相伴相依。 / For the rest of our lives, be together, lean on each other.

93. 执子之手,与子同赏人间美景。 / Hold your hand, appreciate the beauty of the world together.

94. 相爱相守,彼此扶持。 / Love and stay together, support each other.

95. 与君相伴,共度人生的每一个春夏秋冬。 / Be with you, spend every spring, summer, autumn, and winter of our lives together.

96. 执子之手,与子同看人生的起伏跌宕。 / Hold your hand, watch the ups and downs of life together.

97. 一生一世,与你相伴相守。 / For the rest of our lives, be together.

98. 执子之手,与子同赏人生的精彩瞬间。 / Hold your hand, watch the wonderful moments of life together.

99. 相爱相守,彼此珍惜。 / Love and stay together, cherish each other.

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