
## 味美古风句子 (83 句) & 英文翻译

**1.** 炊烟袅袅,春风拂柳,人间烟火,最是温柔。

The smoke from cooking wafts in the air, spring wind brushes past the willows, the warmth of human life, the most gentle of all.

**2.** 细雨蒙蒙,青石板路,撑一把油纸伞,漫步雨巷。

A fine mist hangs in the air, the path is paved with blue stones, holding a paper umbrella, I stroll through the rainy alley.

**3.** 碧水清荷,幽静雅致,心如止水,静观云卷云舒。

Clear water, green lotus, a tranquil and elegant scene, my heart is like still water, calmly watching the clouds rise and fall.

**4.** 夜幕降临,繁星点点,月色如银,照亮夜空。

As night falls, stars twinkle in the sky, the moonlight is like silver, illuminating the night.

**5.** 古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。

An old path, a thin horse in the western wind, the sun sets in the west, a heartbroken soul is at the edge of the world.

**6.** 琴瑟和鸣,弦歌悠扬,良辰美景,赏心悦目。

The zither and the lute harmonize, the melody is melodious, a beautiful moment, a feast for the eyes and ears.

**7.** 落花流水,红尘滚滚,世间万物,皆是过眼云烟。

Falling flowers and flowing water, the world is in constant motion, everything in this world, is just a fleeting dream.

**8.** 花开花落,云卷云舒,人生如梦,岁月如歌。

Flowers bloom and fall, clouds rise and fall, life is like a dream, time flows like a song.

**9.** 清风明月,醉卧花间,人生几何,何不逍遥。

Clear wind, bright moon, drunk and lying in the flowers, how long is life, why not be carefree?

**10.** 一杯清茶,一卷古书,静心品味,人生百态。

A cup of clear tea, an ancient book, calmly savoring, the ups and downs of life.

**11.** 夕阳染红了半边天,霞光万道,美不胜收。

The setting sun paints half the sky red, rays of light shine in all directions, a breathtaking beauty.

**12.** 山河壮丽,景色秀美,天地之间,尽是诗意。

Majestic mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, between heaven and earth, everything is filled with poetry.

**13.** 风轻云淡,柳枝摇曳,春光无限,万物复苏。

A gentle breeze, willows sway, endless spring light, all things come back to life.

**14.** 雪落无声,寒风凛冽,冬日静谧,万物沉睡。

Snow falls silently, the cold wind is fierce, winter is quiet, all things sleep.

**15.** 月色朦胧,夜色迷人,繁星闪烁,静谧无声。

The moonlight is hazy, the night is enchanting, stars twinkle, a peaceful silence.

**16.** 夜雨敲窗,灯火阑珊,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The night rain taps on the window, the lights are dim, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**17.** 一壶浊酒,几碟小菜,谈天说地,人生几何。

A pot of rough wine, a few dishes of simple food, talking about the heavens and the earth, how long is life?

**18.** 秋风萧瑟,落叶飘零,万物凋零,秋意渐浓。

The autumn wind is desolate, leaves fall, all things wither, the autumn mood intensifies.

**19.** 漫步山间,呼吸新鲜空气,感受大自然的恩赐。

Walking through the mountains, breathing fresh air, feeling the gift of nature.

**20.** 静坐窗前,观赏雨景,心旷神怡,烦恼消散。

Sitting quietly by the window, watching the rain, feeling refreshed and relieved, worries disappear.

**21.** 一曲高山流水,尽显琴艺精湛,令人沉醉其中。

A piece of"High Mountains and Flowing Water", showcasing exquisite musical skills, captivating the audience.

**22.** 书香满溢,墨香四溢,古籍典雅,令人神往。

The fragrance of books fills the air, the scent of ink pervades, ancient books are elegant and inspiring.

**23.** 夕阳西下,余晖洒满山坡,美不胜收,令人心醉。

The setting sun, its rays bathe the hillside, an overwhelming beauty, captivating the heart.

**24.** 孤灯夜读,书页翻动,心绪宁静,沉浸书海。

Reading under a solitary lamp at night, turning pages, my mind is calm, immersed in the sea of books.

**25.** 云淡风轻,心静如水,看花开花落,云卷云舒。

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, my heart is calm as water, watching flowers bloom and fall, clouds rise and fall.

**26.** 春风送暖,柳枝轻摇,万物复苏,生机盎然。

The spring wind brings warmth, willow branches sway gently, all things come back to life, full of vitality.

**27.** 清泉石上流,鸟鸣枝头,山清水秀,美不胜收。

Clear spring water flows over the stones, birds sing in the branches, clear mountains and rivers, a breathtaking beauty.

**28.** 月色如银,照亮夜空,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The moonlight is like silver, illuminating the night, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**29.** 古城墙上,夕阳斜照,历史的沧桑,令人感慨。

On the ancient city wall, the setting sun shines, the vicissitudes of history evoke a sense of awe.

**30.** 一壶清茶,两三知己,谈笑风生,人生几何。

A pot of clear tea, a few close friends, chatting and laughing, how long is life?

**31.** 雨后初晴,彩虹高悬,美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。

After the rain, the sun shines, a rainbow hangs high in the sky, a breathtaking beauty, refreshing the mind.

**32.** 山间小路,蜿蜒曲折,一路风景,令人流连忘返。

A small path in the mountains, winding and turning, beautiful scenery along the way, making you linger and forget to leave.

**33.** 寒冬腊月,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,分外妖娆。

In the depths of winter, snow covers the ground, a world of silver and white, exceptionally beautiful.

**34.** 夜半钟声,寺院幽静,禅意弥漫,令人心静。

The sound of bells at midnight, the temple is quiet, filled with Zen, calming the heart.

**35.** 红尘滚滚,世事无常,唯有真情,永世长存。

The world is in constant motion, things are unpredictable, only true love endures forever.

**36.** 山河壮丽,风景秀美,天地之间,尽是诗意。

Majestic mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, between heaven and earth, everything is filled with poetry.

**37.** 风轻云淡,柳枝摇曳,春光无限,万物复苏。

A gentle breeze, willows sway, endless spring light, all things come back to life.

**38.** 雪落无声,寒风凛冽,冬日静谧,万物沉睡。

Snow falls silently, the cold wind is fierce, winter is quiet, all things sleep.

**39.** 月色朦胧,夜色迷人,繁星闪烁,静谧无声。

The moonlight is hazy, the night is enchanting, stars twinkle, a peaceful silence.

**40.** 夜雨敲窗,灯火阑珊,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The night rain taps on the window, the lights are dim, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**41.** 一壶浊酒,几碟小菜,谈天说地,人生几何。

A pot of rough wine, a few dishes of simple food, talking about the heavens and the earth, how long is life?

**42.** 秋风萧瑟,落叶飘零,万物凋零,秋意渐浓。

The autumn wind is desolate, leaves fall, all things wither, the autumn mood intensifies.

**43.** 漫步山间,呼吸新鲜空气,感受大自然的恩赐。

Walking through the mountains, breathing fresh air, feeling the gift of nature.

**44.** 静坐窗前,观赏雨景,心旷神怡,烦恼消散。

Sitting quietly by the window, watching the rain, feeling refreshed and relieved, worries disappear.

**45.** 一曲高山流水,尽显琴艺精湛,令人沉醉其中。

A piece of"High Mountains and Flowing Water", showcasing exquisite musical skills, captivating the audience.

**46.** 书香满溢,墨香四溢,古籍典雅,令人神往。

The fragrance of books fills the air, the scent of ink pervades, ancient books are elegant and inspiring.

**47.** 夕阳西下,余晖洒满山坡,美不胜收,令人心醉。

The setting sun, its rays bathe the hillside, an overwhelming beauty, captivating the heart.

**48.** 孤灯夜读,书页翻动,心绪宁静,沉浸书海。

Reading under a solitary lamp at night, turning pages, my mind is calm, immersed in the sea of books.

**49.** 云淡风轻,心静如水,看花开花落,云卷云舒。

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, my heart is calm as water, watching flowers bloom and fall, clouds rise and fall.

**50.** 春风送暖,柳枝轻摇,万物复苏,生机盎然。

The spring wind brings warmth, willow branches sway gently, all things come back to life, full of vitality.

**51.** 清泉石上流,鸟鸣枝头,山清水秀,美不胜收。

Clear spring water flows over the stones, birds sing in the branches, clear mountains and rivers, a breathtaking beauty.

**52.** 月色如银,照亮夜空,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The moonlight is like silver, illuminating the night, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**53.** 古城墙上,夕阳斜照,历史的沧桑,令人感慨。

On the ancient city wall, the setting sun shines, the vicissitudes of history evoke a sense of awe.

**54.** 一壶清茶,两三知己,谈笑风生,人生几何。

A pot of clear tea, a few close friends, chatting and laughing, how long is life?

**55.** 雨后初晴,彩虹高悬,美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。

After the rain, the sun shines, a rainbow hangs high in the sky, a breathtaking beauty, refreshing the mind.

**56.** 山间小路,蜿蜒曲折,一路风景,令人流连忘返。

A small path in the mountains, winding and turning, beautiful scenery along the way, making you linger and forget to leave.

**57.** 寒冬腊月,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,分外妖娆。

In the depths of winter, snow covers the ground, a world of silver and white, exceptionally beautiful.

**58.** 夜半钟声,寺院幽静,禅意弥漫,令人心静。

The sound of bells at midnight, the temple is quiet, filled with Zen, calming the heart.

**59.** 红尘滚滚,世事无常,唯有真情,永世长存。

The world is in constant motion, things are unpredictable, only true love endures forever.

**60.** 山河壮丽,风景秀美,天地之间,尽是诗意。

Majestic mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, between heaven and earth, everything is filled with poetry.

**61.** 风轻云淡,柳枝摇曳,春光无限,万物复苏。

A gentle breeze, willows sway, endless spring light, all things come back to life.

**62.** 雪落无声,寒风凛冽,冬日静谧,万物沉睡。

Snow falls silently, the cold wind is fierce, winter is quiet, all things sleep.

**63.** 月色朦胧,夜色迷人,繁星闪烁,静谧无声。

The moonlight is hazy, the night is enchanting, stars twinkle, a peaceful silence.

**64.** 夜雨敲窗,灯火阑珊,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The night rain taps on the window, the lights are dim, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**65.** 一壶浊酒,几碟小菜,谈天说地,人生几何。

A pot of rough wine, a few dishes of simple food, talking about the heavens and the earth, how long is life?

**66.** 秋风萧瑟,落叶飘零,万物凋零,秋意渐浓。

The autumn wind is desolate, leaves fall, all things wither, the autumn mood intensifies.

**67.** 漫步山间,呼吸新鲜空气,感受大自然的恩赐。

Walking through the mountains, breathing fresh air, feeling the gift of nature.

**68.** 静坐窗前,观赏雨景,心旷神怡,烦恼消散。

Sitting quietly by the window, watching the rain, feeling refreshed and relieved, worries disappear.

**69.** 一曲高山流水,尽显琴艺精湛,令人沉醉其中。

A piece of"High Mountains and Flowing Water", showcasing exquisite musical skills, captivating the audience.

**70.** 书香满溢,墨香四溢,古籍典雅,令人神往。

The fragrance of books fills the air, the scent of ink pervades, ancient books are elegant and inspiring.

**71.** 夕阳西下,余晖洒满山坡,美不胜收,令人心醉。

The setting sun, its rays bathe the hillside, an overwhelming beauty, captivating the heart.

**72.** 孤灯夜读,书页翻动,心绪宁静,沉浸书海。

Reading under a solitary lamp at night, turning pages, my mind is calm, immersed in the sea of books.

**73.** 云淡风轻,心静如水,看花开花落,云卷云舒。

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, my heart is calm as water, watching flowers bloom and fall, clouds rise and fall.

**74.** 春风送暖,柳枝轻摇,万物复苏,生机盎然。

The spring wind brings warmth, willow branches sway gently, all things come back to life, full of vitality.

**75.** 清泉石上流,鸟鸣枝头,山清水秀,美不胜收。

Clear spring water flows over the stones, birds sing in the branches, clear mountains and rivers, a breathtaking beauty.

**76.** 月色如银,照亮夜空,思念如潮,涌上心头。

The moonlight is like silver, illuminating the night, thoughts surge like the tide, filling my heart.

**77.** 古城墙上,夕阳斜照,历史的沧桑,令人感慨。

On the ancient city wall, the setting sun shines, the vicissitudes of history evoke a sense of awe.

**78.** 一壶清茶,两三知己,谈笑风生,人生几何。

A pot of clear tea, a few close friends, chatting and laughing, how long is life?

**79.** 雨后初晴,彩虹高悬,美不胜收,令人心旷神怡。

After the rain, the sun shines, a rainbow hangs high in the sky, a breathtaking beauty, refreshing the mind.

**80.** 山间小路,蜿蜒曲折,一路风景,令人流连忘返。

A small path in the mountains, winding and turning, beautiful scenery along the way, making you linger and forget to leave.

**81.** 寒冬腊月,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,分外妖娆。

In the depths of winter, snow covers the ground, a world of silver and white, exceptionally beautiful.

**82.** 夜半钟声,寺院幽静,禅意弥漫,令人心静。

The sound of bells at midnight, the temple is quiet, filled with Zen, calming the heart.

**83.** 红尘滚滚,世事无常,唯有真情,永世长存。

The world is in constant motion, things are unpredictable, only true love endures forever.

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