
## 戒掉手浮句子 (81 句)


1. 我总是忍不住摸摸我的脸,感觉很不安。
2. 我的手就像有自己的意识一样,总是在桌子上来回移动。
3. 考试的时候,我总是忍不住用笔敲打桌子。
4. 坐在椅子上,我总是忍不住不停地抖腿。
5. 我在和别人说话时,总是忍不住用手比划。
6. 每次和朋友出去吃饭,我总是忍不住一直玩手机。
7. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的衣服,看看有没有脏。
8. 我在看电视时,总是忍不住一直换频道。
9. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的头发,看看有没有乱。
10. 我总是忍不住把笔放在手里转来转去。
11. 我总是忍不住把玩我的手机,即使没有事情要做。
12. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的项链,看看有没有掉了。
13. 我总是忍不住去整理我的书桌,即使已经很整洁了。
14. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的耳朵,看看有没有脏。
15. 我总是忍不住去玩我的手表,即使它没有功能。
16. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的眼镜,即使它们戴在鼻梁上。
17. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的鞋子,看看有没有脏。
18. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的背包,看看有没有东西掉了。
19. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的钥匙,看看有没有掉了。
20. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的钱包,看看有没有钱掉了。
21. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手机壳,看看有没有裂痕。
22. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的耳机,看看有没有缠绕在一起。
23. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的笔袋,看看有没有漏出来。
24. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的笔记本,看看有没有脏。
25. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的水杯,看看有没有水。
26. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的书本,看看有没有损坏。
27. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的文件夹,看看有没有文件掉了。
28. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的纸张,看看有没有皱了。
29. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的笔,看看有没有墨水。
30. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的橡皮,看看有没有用完了。
31. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的尺子,看看有没有断了。
32. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的剪刀,看看有没有锈了。
33. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的胶水,看看有没有干了。
34. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的订书机,看看有没有坏了。
35. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的打火机,看看有没有气了。
36. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的钥匙链,看看有没有掉了。
37. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手机充电器,看看有没有断了。
38. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的耳机线,看看有没有缠绕在一起。
39. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的眼镜盒,看看有没有脏了。
40. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的背包带,看看有没有断了。
41. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的鞋子带,看看有没有松了。
42. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手表带,看看有没有松了。
43. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的项链链子,看看有没有断了。
44. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的戒指,看看有没有掉了。
45. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手表,看看时间。
46. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手机,看看有没有消息。
47. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的钱包,看看有没有钱。
48. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的钥匙,看看有没有掉了。
49. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的眼镜,看看有没有脏了。
50. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的头发,看看有没有乱了。
51. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的脸,看看有没有痘痘。
52. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的嘴唇,看看有没有干裂。
53. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的舌头,看看有没有牙垢。
54. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的鼻子,看看有没有鼻屎。
55. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的耳朵,看看有没有耳屎。
56. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的眼睛,看看有没有眼屎。
57. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的脖子,看看有没有汗。
58. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的肩膀,看看有没有酸痛。
59. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手臂,看看有没有肌肉。
60. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手,看看有没有皱纹。
61. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的脚,看看有没有脚气。
62. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的腿,看看有没有毛。
63. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的肚子,看看有没有肉。
64. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的屁股,看看有没有肉。
65. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的胸部,看看有没有肉。
66. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的背部,看看有没有肉。
67. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的头发,看看有没有分叉。
68. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的指甲,看看有没有脏。
69. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的牙齿,看看有没有蛀牙。
70. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的嘴唇,看看有没有口臭。
71. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的舌头,看看有没有舌苔。
72. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的鼻子,看看有没有鼻炎。
73. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的耳朵,看看有没有耳鸣。
74. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的眼睛,看看有没有眼袋。
75. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的脖子,看看有没有喉咙痛。
76. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的肩膀,看看有没有肩周炎。
77. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手臂,看看有没有肌肉酸痛。
78. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的手,看看有没有静脉曲张。
79. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的脚,看看有没有鸡眼。
80. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的腿,看看有没有静脉曲张。
81. 我总是忍不住去摸摸我的肚子,看看有没有便秘。


1. I always can't help but touch my face, feeling uneasy.

2. My hands seem to have a mind of their own, always moving back and forth on the table.

3. During exams, I always can't help but tap the table with my pen.

4. Sitting on a chair, I always can't help but shake my legs.

5. When talking to others, I always can't help but use my hands to gesture.

6. Every time I go out to eat with friends, I always can't help but play with my phone.

7. I always can't help but touch my clothes to see if they are dirty.

8. While watching TV, I always can't help but constantly change channels.

9. I always can't help but touch my hair to see if it's messy.

10. I always can't help but twirl the pen in my hand.

11. I always can't help but fiddle with my phone, even if I have nothing to do.

12. I always can't help but touch my necklace to see if it has fallen off.

13. I always can't help but tidy my desk, even if it's already neat.

14. I always can't help but touch my ears to see if they are dirty.

15. I always can't help but play with my watch, even if it has no function.

16. I always can't help but touch my glasses, even if they are on my nose.

17. I always can't help but touch my shoes to see if they are dirty.

18. I always can't help but touch my backpack to see if anything has fallen out.

19. I always can't help but touch my keys to see if they have fallen out.

20. I always can't help but touch my wallet to see if any money has fallen out.

21. I always can't help but touch my phone case to see if it has any cracks.

22. I always can't help but touch my earphones to see if they are tangled together.

23. I always can't help but touch my pencil case to see if anything has spilled out.

24. I always can't help but touch my notebook to see if it's dirty.

25. I always can't help but touch my water cup to see if there's any water left.

26. I always can't help but touch my books to see if they are damaged.

27. I always can't help but touch my folder to see if any documents have fallen out.

28. I always can't help but touch my paper to see if it's wrinkled.

29. I always can't help but touch my pen to see if it has any ink.

30. I always can't help but touch my eraser to see if it's used up.

31. I always can't help but touch my ruler to see if it's broken.

32. I always can't help but touch my scissors to see if they are rusty.

33. I always can't help but touch my glue to see if it's dried up.

34. I always can't help but touch my stapler to see if it's broken.

35. I always can't help but touch my lighter to see if it has gas.

36. I always can't help but touch my keychain to see if it has fallen off.

37. I always can't help but touch my phone charger to see if it's broken.

38. I always can't help but touch my earphone wire to see if it's tangled together.

39. I always can't help but touch my glasses case to see if it's dirty.

40. I always can't help but touch my backpack strap to see if it's broken.

41. I always can't help but touch my shoelace to see if it's loose.

42. I always can't help but touch my watch strap to see if it's loose.

43. I always can't help but touch my necklace chain to see if it's broken.

44. I always can't help but touch my ring to see if it has fallen off.

45. I always can't help but touch my watch to check the time.

46. I always can't help but touch my phone to see if I have any messages.

47. I always can't help but touch my wallet to see if I have any money.

48. I always can't help but touch my keys to see if they have fallen out.

49. I always can't help but touch my glasses to see if they are dirty.

50. I always can't help but touch my hair to see if it's messy.

51. I always can't help but touch my face to see if I have any pimples.

52. I always can't help but touch my lips to see if they are chapped.

53. I always can't help but touch my tongue to see if I have any plaque.

54. I always can't help but touch my nose to see if I have any boogers.

55. I always can't help but touch my ears to see if I have any earwax.

56. I always can't help but touch my eyes to see if I have any eye boogers.

57. I always can't help but touch my neck to see if I have any sweat.

58. I always can't help but touch my shoulders to see if they are sore.

59. I always can't help but touch my arms to see if I have any muscles.

60. I always can't help but touch my hands to see if I have any wrinkles.

61. I always can't help but touch my feet to see if I have any athlete's foot.

62. I always can't help but touch my legs to see if I have any hair.

63. I always can't help but touch my stomach to see if I have any fat.

64. I always can't help but touch my butt to see if I have any fat.

65. I always can't help but touch my chest to see if I have any fat.

66. I always can't help but touch my back to see if I have any fat.

67. I always can't help but touch my hair to see if it has any split ends.

68. I always can't help but touch my nails to see if they are dirty.

69. I always can't help but touch my teeth to see if I have any cavities.

70. I always can't help but touch my lips to see if I have any bad breath.

71. I always can't help but touch my tongue to see if I have any tongue coating.

72. I always can't help but touch my nose to see if I have any rhinitis.

73. I always can't help but touch my ears to see if I have any tinnitus.

74. I always can't help but touch my eyes to see if I have any eye bags.

75. I always can't help but touch my neck to see if I have a sore throat.

76. I always can't help but touch my shoulders to see if I have frozen shoulder.

77. I always can't help but touch my arms to see if I have any muscle soreness.

78. I always can't help but touch my hands to see if I have any varicose veins.

79. I always can't help but touch my feet to see if I have any corns.

80. I always can't help but touch my legs to see if I have any varicose veins.

81. I always can't help but touch my stomach to see if I'm constipated.

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