
## 呆萌浪贱句子 (100句)

1. 我不是高冷,我只是懒得理你。

2. 你长得好像我未来男朋友,可惜不是。

3. 你说你喜欢我,我信了,因为你长得帅。

4. 你是人间理想,可惜我不想结婚。

5. 别人都说我长得像妖精,你觉得呢?

6. 我就喜欢你这种又穷又丑的,因为便宜。

7. 我不是在撩你,我只是在和你说实话而已。

8. 我这个人很专一,专一地喜欢钱。

9. 你要是再不来追我,我就去追别人了。

10. 我以为你很聪明,没想到你也很蠢。

11. 你长得那么好看,一定是天使下凡。

12. 我对你一见钟情,可惜你没有钱。

13. 我喜欢你,但我更喜欢钱。

14. 我想带你去看海,但我的钱包不允许。

15. 我这个人很善良,从来不骗人,除非你长得丑。

16. 你是人间精品,我配不上你。

17. 你说你爱我,我信了,因为你长得帅。

18. 我喜欢你,但你不能吃我。

19. 你长得真好看,可惜我更好看。

20. 我不是你的菜,但你可以尝尝。

21. 我对你无感,但你对我来说是个有趣的玩具。

22. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更帅。

23. 我对你不感兴趣,但你对我来说是个不错的投资。

24. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的消遣。

25. 我喜欢你,但我更喜欢我自己。

26. 我对你的感情很复杂,既喜欢又嫌弃。

27. 你长得真像我梦中情人,可惜梦醒了。

28. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更温柔。

29. 我喜欢你,但你得对我好。

30. 我这个人很现实,只喜欢有钱人。

31. 我不是你的菜,但你可以试着尝尝。

32. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更幽默。

33. 我对你没有兴趣,但你对我来说是个不错的挑战。

34. 我喜欢你,但你不能限制我的自由。

35. 我这个人很懒,除非你长得帅。

36. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更浪漫。

37. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的风景。

38. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我吃亏。

39. 我这个人很爱面子,所以不能答应你。

40. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得疼人。

41. 我对你没有兴趣,但你对我来说是个不错的消遣对象。

42. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我伤心。

43. 我这个人很善良,从来不骗人,除非你长得丑。

44. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得浪漫。

45. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的倾听者。

46. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失望。

47. 我这个人很自私,只喜欢对自己好的。

48. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得疼惜女人。

49. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的聊天对象。

50. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去自我。

51. 我这个人很懒,除非你长得帅,而且有钱。

52. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得制造惊喜。

53. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的陪伴者。

54. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的原则。

55. 我这个人很爱面子,所以不能轻易答应你。

56. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得尊重女人。

57. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的学习对象。

58. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的朋友。

59. 我这个人很任性,所以不能满足你的所有要求。

60. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得呵护女人。

61. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的合作伙伴。

62. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的家人。

63. 我这个人很现实,只喜欢对我有利的人。

64. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得理解女人。

65. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的竞争对手。

66. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的梦想。

67. 我这个人很怕麻烦,所以不能答应你的所有请求。

68. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得珍惜女人。

69. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的激励对象。

70. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的自由意志。

71. 我这个人很懒,除非你长得帅,而且愿意给我买东西。

72. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得爱护女人。

73. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的学习榜样。

74. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的初心。

75. 我这个人很自私,只喜欢对我好的,而且能给我带来利益的。

76. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得关心女人。

77. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的聊天伙伴。

78. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的梦想和目标。

79. 我这个人很怕麻烦,所以不能轻易答应你的请求。

80. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得疼惜我的家人。

81. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的分享者。

82. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的朋友和家人。

83. 我这个人很现实,只喜欢对我好的,而且能给我带来快乐的。

84. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得欣赏我的优点。

85. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的观察对象。

86. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的个人空间。

87. 我这个人很懒,除非你长得帅,而且愿意帮我做家务。

88. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得包容我的缺点。

89. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的交流对象。

90. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的独立性。

91. 我这个人很怕麻烦,所以不能轻易答应你的邀约。

92. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得尊重我的选择。

93. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的学习资源。

94. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的快乐和自由。

95. 我这个人很现实,只喜欢对我好的,而且能给我带来安全感的。

96. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得珍惜我们的感情。

97. 我对你没有感觉,但你对我来说是个不错的灵感来源。

98. 我喜欢你,但你不能让我失去我的真我。

99. 我这个人很爱面子,所以不能轻易承认我的错误。

100. 你长得真像我前男友,可惜他更懂得爱护我这个小仙女。

## 英文翻译

1. I'm not aloof, I'm just too lazy to pay attention to you.

2. You look like my future boyfriend, unfortunately you're not.

3. You said you like me, I believe you, because you're handsome.

4. You're the ideal man, but unfortunately I don't want to get married.

5. Everyone says I look like a fairy, what do you think?

6. I like you, you're poor and ugly, because you're cheap.

7. I'm not flirting with you, I'm just telling the truth.

8. I'm very devoted, I'm devoted to money.

9. If you don't come and chase me, I'll go after someone else.

10. I thought you were smart, but you're also stupid.

11. You're so beautiful, you must be an angel sent from heaven.

12. I fell in love with you at first sight, unfortunately you don't have money.

13. I like you, but I like money more.

14. I want to take you to see the sea, but my wallet doesn't allow it.

15. I'm a good person, I never lie, unless you're ugly.

16. You're the best of the best, I'm not worthy of you.

17. You said you love me, I believe you, because you're handsome.

18. I like you, but you can't eat me.

19. You're so beautiful, unfortunately I'm even more beautiful.

20. I'm not your type, but you can try me out.

21. I'm indifferent to you, but you're an interesting toy to me.

22. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more handsome.

23. I'm not interested in you, but you're a good investment for me.

24. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good pastime for me.

25. I like you, but I like myself more.

26. My feelings for you are complicated, I both like and dislike you.

27. You look like my dream lover, unfortunately I woke up.

28. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more gentle.

29. I like you, but you have to be good to me.

30. I'm a very realistic person, I only like rich people.

31. I'm not your type, but you can try to taste me.

32. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more humorous.

33. I'm not interested in you, but you're a good challenge for me.

34. I like you, but you can't restrict my freedom.

35. I'm a very lazy person, unless you're handsome.

36. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more romantic.

37. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good scenery for me.

38. I like you, but you can't make me lose out.

39. I'm a very face-conscious person, so I can't agree to you.

40. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more considerate.

41. I'm not interested in you, but you're a good pastime for me.

42. I like you, but you can't make me sad.

43. I'm a good person, I never lie, unless you're ugly.

44. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more romantic.

45. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good listener for me.

46. I like you, but you can't disappoint me.

47. I'm a very selfish person, I only like those who are good to me.

48. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more considerate of women.

49. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good conversation partner for me.

50. I like you, but you can't make me lose myself.

51. I'm a very lazy person, unless you're handsome and rich.

52. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was better at creating surprises.

53. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good companion for me.

54. I like you, but you can't make me lose my principles.

55. I'm a very face-conscious person, so I can't easily agree to you.

56. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more respectful of women.

57. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good learning object for me.

58. I like you, but you can't make me lose my friends.

59. I'm a very willful person, so I can't satisfy all your demands.

60. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more considerate of women.

61. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good partner for me.

62. I like you, but you can't make me lose my family.

63. I'm a very realistic person, I only like those who are beneficial to me.

64. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more understanding of women.

65. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good competitor for me.

66. I like you, but you can't make me lose my dreams.

67. I'm a very troublesome person, so I can't agree to all your requests.

68. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more appreciative of women.

69. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good motivational object for me.

70. I like you, but you can't make me lose my free will.

71. I'm a very lazy person, unless you're handsome and willing to buy me things.

72. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more caring of women.

73. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good role model for me.

74. I like you, but you can't make me lose my initial intention.

75. I'm a very selfish person, I only like those who are good to me and bring me benefits.

76. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more caring of women.

77. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good chat partner for me.

78. I like you, but you can't make me lose my dreams and goals.

79. I'm a very troublesome person, so I can't easily agree to your requests.

80. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more considerate of my family.

81. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good sharer for me.

82. I like you, but you can't make me lose my friends and family.

83. I'm a very realistic person, I only like those who are good to me and bring me happiness.

84. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more appreciative of my strengths.

85. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good observation object for me.

86. I like you, but you can't make me lose my personal space.

87. I'm a very lazy person, unless you're handsome and willing to help me do chores.

88. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more tolerant of my weaknesses.

89. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good communication object for me.

90. I like you, but you can't make me lose my independence.

91. I'm a very troublesome person, so I can't easily agree to your invitations.

92. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more respectful of my choices.

93. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good learning resource for me.

94. I like you, but you can't make me lose my happiness and freedom.

95. I'm a very realistic person, I only like those who are good to me and bring me a sense of security.

96. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more appreciative of our relationship.

97. I don't have feelings for you, but you're a good source of inspiration for me.

98. I like you, but you can't make me lose my true self.

99. I'm a very face-conscious person, so I can't easily admit my mistakes.

100. You look like my ex-boyfriend, unfortunately he was more caring of me, this little fairy.

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