
## 吴露可逃句子 (75句)

**中文** | **英文**
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1. 我在人间寻你千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。


I searched for you in the mortal world a thousand times, only to find you, unexpectedly, at the end of the bustling streets.

2. 执子之手,与子偕老。


To hold your hand, to grow old with you.

3. 山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝。


Even if the mountains crumble and the heavens and earth merge, I would never part from you.

4. 问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许。


What is love, that makes people willing to die for each other?

5. 愿得一人心,白首不相离。


I wish to find one heart, and never be parted from it, until the end of our days.

6. 愿你如星光般闪耀,照亮我前行的路。


May you shine like starlight, illuminating my path forward.

7. 你是人间四月天,温暖了我的心田。


You are the April sky of the mortal world, warming my heart.

8. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的方向。


You are the sunshine in my life, guiding my direction.

9. 你是我眼中最美的风景,永远无法忘怀。


You are the most beautiful scenery in my eyes, forever unforgettable.

10. 你是我心中最温暖的港湾,让我可以停泊歇息。


You are the warmest harbor in my heart, where I can anchor and rest.

11. 你是我生命中的唯一,我愿用一生守护你。


You are the only one in my life, and I will spend my life protecting you.

12. 我爱你,胜过千言万语。


I love you, more than words can express.

13. 你是我生命中最大的幸运,遇见你是我的荣幸。


You are the biggest fortune in my life. It's my honor to have met you.

14. 我愿为你放弃一切,只求与你共度余生。


I am willing to give up everything for you, just to spend the rest of my life with you.

15. 你的微笑是我最大的动力,你的眼眸是我永恒的追求。


Your smile is my biggest motivation, and your eyes are my eternal pursuit.

16. 我愿与你一起,看遍世间繁华,尝尽人间百味。


I want to see the world's splendor and taste all of life's flavors with you.

17. 在你面前,我卸下所有伪装,展现最真实的自我。


In front of you, I shed all my disguises and reveal my true self.

18. 你是我的全部,我愿意为你付出一切。


You are my everything. I'm willing to give you everything.

19. 爱你,是我这辈子最幸福的事情。


Loving you is the happiest thing in my life.

20. 你是我生命中不可或缺的一部分,我永远不会忘记你。


You are an indispensable part of my life. I will never forget you.

21. 你的温柔,融化了我的坚冰。


Your gentleness melts my frozen heart.

22. 我愿化作一只小鸟,永远守护在你身旁。


I wish to become a little bird, to forever protect you.

23. 你的存在,让我对未来充满希望。


Your existence fills me with hope for the future.

24. 你是那漫漫人生路上的明灯,照亮我前行的方向。


You are the beacon on the long road of life, illuminating my path forward.

25. 你是我的唯一,我爱你胜过一切。


You are my one and only, I love you more than anything.

26. 我愿化作一缕清风,永远陪伴在你左右。


I wish to become a gentle breeze, forever by your side.

27. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我无法停止爱你。


You are the miracle in my life, making me unable to stop loving you.

28. 你是我的梦想,是我心中永远的渴望。


You are my dream, the eternal desire in my heart.

29. 你是我生命中的旋律,让我的人生充满欢歌。


You are the melody in my life, making my life full of joy.

30. 你是我生命中的色彩,让我的世界变得丰富多彩。


You are the color in my life, making my world colorful.

31. 你是我生命中的港湾,让我可以停泊歇息,安心归属。


You are the harbor in my life, where I can anchor and rest, feeling safe and at home.

32. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的方向,温暖我冰冷的内心。


You are the sunshine in my life, guiding my direction and warming my cold heart.

33. 你是我生命中的星辰,照亮我前行的路,指引我前进的方向。


You are the stars in my life, illuminating my path and guiding my direction.

34. 你是我生命中的玫瑰,美丽而芬芳,让我沉醉其中。


You are the rose in my life, beautiful and fragrant, making me lose myself in you.

35. 你是我生命中的旋律,让我的人生充满欢歌,不再孤寂。


You are the melody in my life, making my life full of joy and no longer lonely.

36. 你是我生命中的希望,让我在绝望中看到光明,在黑暗中找到方向。


You are the hope in my life, allowing me to see the light in despair and find my way in darkness.

37. 你是我生命中的灵感,让我在创作中不断突破,追求更高境界。


You are the inspiration in my life, allowing me to break through in my creation and pursue higher levels.

38. 你是我生命中的动力,让我在逆境中不断前进,永不放弃。


You are the motivation in my life, allowing me to keep moving forward in adversity and never give up.

39. 你是我生命中的幸福,让我在平凡的生活中体会到幸福的滋味。


You are the happiness in my life, allowing me to experience the taste of happiness in ordinary life.

40. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我对世界充满了好奇和探索的欲望。


You are the miracle in my life, filling me with curiosity and a desire to explore the world.

41. 你是我生命中的宝藏,让我在人生的旅程中不断收获快乐和喜悦。


You are the treasure in my life, allowing me to continuously harvest joy and happiness on the journey of life.

42. 你是我生命中的礼物,让我在人生的旅途中充满惊喜和感动。


You are the gift in my life, filling my journey with surprises and emotions.

43. 你是我生命中的真爱,让我在爱情的世界里体会到幸福和甜蜜。


You are the true love in my life, allowing me to experience happiness and sweetness in the world of love.

44. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我在人生的旅途中充满了期待和憧憬。


You are the miracle in my life, filling my journey with anticipation and dreams.

45. 你是我生命中的阳光,照亮我前行的方向,温暖我冰冷的内心,让我勇敢追寻梦想。


You are the sunshine in my life, guiding my direction, warming my cold heart, and making me bravely pursue my dreams.

46. 你是我生命中的星辰,照亮我前行的路,指引我前进的方向,让我在迷茫中找到方向。


You are the stars in my life, illuminating my path, guiding my direction, and helping me find my way in confusion.

47. 你是我生命中的玫瑰,美丽而芬芳,让我沉醉其中,让我在爱情的世界里感受到幸福和甜蜜。


You are the rose in my life, beautiful and fragrant, making me lose myself in you, and allowing me to feel happiness and sweetness in the world of love.

48. 你是我生命中的旋律,让我的人生充满欢歌,不再孤寂,让我在人生的旅途中充满了活力和激情。


You are the melody in my life, making my life full of joy and no longer lonely, filling my journey with vitality and passion.

49. 你是我生命中的希望,让我在绝望中看到光明,在黑暗中找到方向,让我在人生的旅途中充满了希望和梦想。


You are the hope in my life, allowing me to see the light in despair, find my way in darkness, and fill my journey with hope and dreams.

50. 你是我生命中的灵感,让我在创作中不断突破,追求更高境界,让我在人生的旅途中充满了创造力和想象力。


You are the inspiration in my life, allowing me to break through in my creation, pursue higher levels, and fill my journey with creativity and imagination.

51. 你是我生命中的动力,让我在逆境中不断前进,永不放弃,让我在人生的旅途中充满了坚强和勇气。


You are the motivation in my life, allowing me to keep moving forward in adversity and never give up, filling my journey with strength and courage.

52. 你是我生命中的幸福,让我在平凡的生活中体会到幸福的滋味,让我在人生的旅途中充满了快乐和喜悦。


You are the happiness in my life, allowing me to experience the taste of happiness in ordinary life, filling my journey with joy and happiness.

53. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我对世界充满了好奇和探索的欲望,让我在人生的旅途中充满了好奇和探索的精神。


You are the miracle in my life, filling me with curiosity and a desire to explore the world, filling my journey with curiosity and a spirit of exploration.

54. 你是我生命中的宝藏,让我在人生的旅程中不断收获快乐和喜悦,让我在人生的旅途中充满了收获和满足感。


You are the treasure in my life, allowing me to continuously harvest joy and happiness on the journey of life, filling my journey with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

55. 你是我生命中的礼物,让我在人生的旅途中充满惊喜和感动,让我在人生的旅途中充满了温暖和感动。


You are the gift in my life, filling my journey with surprises and emotions, filling my journey with warmth and emotion.

56. 你是我生命中的真爱,让我在爱情的世界里体会到幸福和甜蜜,让我在人生的旅途中充满了爱情的滋养和甜蜜。


You are the true love in my life, allowing me to experience happiness and sweetness in the world of love, filling my journey with the nourishment and sweetness of love.

57. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我在人生的旅途中充满了期待和憧憬,让我在人生的旅途中充满了希望和梦想。


You are the miracle in my life, filling my journey with anticipation and dreams, filling my journey with hope and dreams.

58. 你的温柔,像春风拂过我的心田,让我感到温暖和舒适。


Your gentleness, like a spring breeze over my heart, makes me feel warm and comfortable.

59. 你的笑容,像阳光照耀我的脸庞,让我感到快乐和幸福。


Your smile, like the sunshine on my face, makes me feel happy and content.

60. 你的眼睛,像星辰闪耀在我的夜空,让我感到梦幻和迷人。


Your eyes, like stars shining in my night sky, make me feel dreamy and enchanting.

61. 你的声音,像美妙的音乐在我的耳边回响,让我感到平静和安宁。


Your voice, like beautiful music echoing in my ears, makes me feel calm and peaceful.

62. 你是我的天使,守护着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了安全感和幸福感。


You are my angel, protecting me, making me feel safe and happy on my journey.

63. 你是我的太阳,照亮我的世界,让我在人生的旅途中充满了光明和希望。


You are my sun, illuminating my world, making my journey full of light and hope.

64. 你是我的月亮,陪伴着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了浪漫和诗意。


You are my moon, accompanying me, making my journey full of romance and poetry.

65. 你是我的星星,指引着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了方向和目标。


You are my star, guiding me, making my journey full of direction and goals.

66. 你是我的爱人,陪伴着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了幸福和快乐。


You are my lover, accompanying me, making my journey full of happiness and joy.

67. 你是我的朋友,支持着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了力量和勇气。


You are my friend, supporting me, making my journey full of strength and courage.

68. 你是我的家人,爱护着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了温暖和关怀。


You are my family, caring for me, making my journey full of warmth and care.

69. 你是我的老师,教导着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了智慧和知识。


You are my teacher, teaching me, making my journey full of wisdom and knowledge.

70. 你是我的伙伴,陪伴着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了乐趣和回忆。


You are my partner, accompanying me, making my journey full of fun and memories.

71. 你是我的梦想,激励着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了动力和目标。


You are my dream, inspiring me, making my journey full of motivation and goals.

72. 你是我的希望,指引着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了信心和勇气。


You are my hope, guiding me, making my journey full of confidence and courage.

73. 你是我的未来,憧憬着我,让我在人生的旅途中充满了期待和梦想。


You are my future, inspiring me, making my journey full of anticipation and dreams.

74. 你是我生命中的奇迹,让我在人生的旅途中充满了惊喜和感动,让我在人生的旅途中充满了快乐和幸福。


You are the miracle in my life, filling my journey with surprises and emotions, making my journey full of joy and happiness.

75. 你是我生命中的唯一,我爱你胜过一切,我愿与你一起,携手共度一生。


You are my one and only. I love you more than anything. I want to spend my life with you.

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