
## 必输无疑句子 (61句)

**P1.** 覆巢之下,安有完卵?

Even a bird in a cage cannot escape when the nest is overturned.

**P2.** 螳臂当车,不自量力。

A mantis trying to stop a chariot; a futile effort.

**P3.** 以卵击石,自取灭亡。

Hitting a stone with an egg; courting disaster.

**P4.** 蚍蜉撼树,可笑不自量。

An ant shaking a tree; absurdly overestimating one's strength.

**P5.** 孤掌难鸣,势单力薄。

One hand cannot clap; powerless and isolated.

**P6.** 势如破竹,不可阻挡。

Like a bamboo being split, unstoppable momentum.

**P7.** 势不可挡,如洪水猛兽。

Unstoppable force, like a raging flood or fierce beast.

**P8.** 唇亡齿寒,唇齿相依。

If the lips are gone, the teeth will feel the cold; a symbiotic relationship.

**P9.** 弱肉强食,适者生存。

The strong prey on the weak; survival of the fittest.

**P10.** 胜败乃兵家常事。

Victory and defeat are common occurrences in military affairs.

**P11.** 胜券在握,志在必得。

The odds of victory are in our hands; determined to succeed.

**P12.** 胜不骄,败不馁。

Don't be arrogant in victory, don't be discouraged in defeat.

**P13.** 功败垂成,功亏一篑。

Success is within reach, but ultimately fails; a near miss.

**P14.** 功成名就,名利双收。

Achieving success and fame; both fame and fortune.

**P15.** 一败涂地,全军覆没。

Complete defeat; total annihilation.

**P16.** 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。

Initial momentum is strong, but weakens with time.

**P17.** 一鸣惊人,名扬四海。

To achieve fame with one brilliant stroke; renowned throughout the land.

**P18.** 一朝天子一朝臣。

A new emperor, a new set of officials; change in power.

**P19.** 一石激起千层浪。

A single stone thrown into the water creates a thousand ripples; a huge impact.

**P20.** 一将功成万骨枯。

A general's success is built on the sacrifices of countless soldiers.

**P21.** 一步登天,不可能的事。

To ascend to heaven in one step; impossible.

**P22.** 一步之遥,差之毫厘,谬以千里。

A hair's breadth away, a small error can lead to huge consequences.

**P23.** 一鼓作气,一气呵成。

To achieve something in one swift effort; to finish with one breath.

**P24.** 一败涂地,无路可退。

Defeat with no way to retreat; a desperate situation.

**P25.** 一鸣惊人,从此名声大振。

To achieve instant fame with one remarkable feat; becoming renowned.

**P26.** 一败涂地,全盘皆输。

Defeat across the board; a complete loss.

**P27.** 一朝天子一朝臣,朝代更迭。

Change in dynasty leads to change in officials; a cycle of power.

**P28.** 一石激起千层浪,掀起轩然大波。

A single stone creates a huge wave, causing a major stir.

**P29.** 一将功成万骨枯,胜败乃兵家常事。

A general's success comes at the cost of many lives; victory and defeat are common in war.

**P30.** 一步登天,梦想终究要落地。

Ascend to heaven in one step, but dreams eventually come down to earth.

**P31.** 一步之遥,差距显而易见。

A small distance, but the difference is clear.

**P32.** 一鼓作气,势如破竹。

Unstoppable momentum, like a bamboo being split.

**P33.** 一败涂地,彻底失败。

Complete and utter failure; a crushing defeat.

**P34.** 一鸣惊人,脱颖而出。

To stand out from the crowd with one amazing feat; to emerge from obscurity.

**P35.** 一朝天子一朝臣,天下大势不可逆。

A new emperor, a new set of officials; the tide of history is unstoppable.

**P36.** 一石激起千层浪,引发广泛讨论。

A single stone creates a huge wave, sparking widespread discussion.

**P37.** 一将功成万骨枯,战争的残酷现实。

The brutal reality of war; success comes at a great cost.

**P38.** 一步登天,不切实际的幻想。

An unrealistic fantasy; to reach the heavens in one step.

**P39.** 一步之遥,胜负悬于一线。

A hair's breadth away, victory or defeat hangs in the balance.

**P40.** 一鼓作气,全力以赴。

Give it your all; to exert all your effort.

**P41.** 一败涂地,输得一塌糊涂。

A complete and utter mess; a total loss.

**P42.** 一鸣惊人,成为传奇人物。

To become a legendary figure with one remarkable achievement.

**P43.** 一朝天子一朝臣,政权更替。

Change in government; a new emperor brings new officials.

**P44.** 一石激起千层浪,引发巨大反响。

A single stone creates a huge wave, causing a major response.

**P45.** 一将功成万骨枯,历史的悲剧。

A tragedy of history; a general's success comes at a great cost.

**P46.** 一步登天,并非易事。

It's not easy to reach the heavens in one step; it's challenging.

**P47.** 一步之遥,关键时刻。

A crucial moment; a hair's breadth away from success or failure.

**P48.** 一鼓作气,乘胜追击。

To press forward with momentum; to seize the opportunity.

**P49.** 一败涂地,前功尽弃。

To lose all previous gains; a complete setback.

**P50.** 一鸣惊人,名声鹊起。

To rise to fame with one remarkable act; to become well-known.

**P51.** 一朝天子一朝臣,权力的交替。

The change of power; a new emperor brings new officials.

**P52.** 一石激起千层浪,引起轰动效应。

A single stone creates a huge wave, causing a sensation.

**P53.** 一将功成万骨枯,战争的代价。

The cost of war; a general's success comes at a great price.

**P54.** 一步登天,可望而不可及。

To reach the heavens in one step; an unattainable goal.

**P55.** 一步之遥,咫尺天涯。

A hair's breadth away, but worlds apart; a close distance, but a huge difference.

**P56.** 一鼓作气,势不可挡。

Unstoppable momentum; to achieve something with one strong push.

**P57.** 一败涂地,毫无胜算。

No chance of victory; a complete and utter defeat.

**P58.** 一鸣惊人,震撼人心。

To make a stunning impression; to shock and awe.

**P59.** 一朝天子一朝臣,历史的必然。

The inevitable cycle of history; a new emperor brings new officials.

**P60.** 一石激起千层浪,引发强烈反响。

A single stone creates a huge wave, causing a strong reaction.

**P61.** 一将功成万骨枯,战争的残酷性。

The cruelty of war; a general's success comes at a great human cost.

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