
## 启蒙运动句子 (55句)

**1. 人人生而自由,且权利平等。**

All men are born free and equal in rights.

**2. 知识就是力量。**

Knowledge is power.

**3. 理性之光照耀人间。**

The light of reason shines upon mankind.

**4. 怀疑一切,唯有理性不可怀疑。**

Doubt everything, except reason itself.

**5. 自由、平等、博爱。**

Liberty, equality, fraternity.

**6. 社会契约是人类社会的基础。**

The social contract is the foundation of human society.

**7. 人类天生具有追求幸福的权利。**

Humans are naturally entitled to the pursuit of happiness.

**8. 个人自由是社会进步的基石。**

Individual liberty is the cornerstone of social progress.

**9. 权力应受到限制,以防止滥用。**

Power should be limited to prevent its abuse.

**10. 宗教信仰应是个人私事,不应干预政治。**

Religious belief should be a private matter and should not interfere with politics.

**11. 教育是开启民智的关键。**

Education is the key to enlightening the people.

**12. 科学方法是获取真理的唯一途径。**

The scientific method is the only way to obtain truth.

**13. 思想自由是社会进步的必要条件。**

Freedom of thought is a necessary condition for social progress.

**14. 人类理性可以解决社会问题。**

Human reason can solve social problems.

**15. 反对一切形式的专制统治。**

Oppose all forms of tyranny.

**16. 追求真理是人类的崇高使命。**

The pursuit of truth is the noble mission of humanity.

**17. 鼓励批判性思维,挑战权威。**

Encourage critical thinking and challenge authority.

**18. 平等权利应适用于所有公民,不分种族、宗教或社会地位。**

Equal rights should apply to all citizens, regardless of race, religion, or social status.

**19. 人类社会应建立在理性与道德的基础之上。**

Human society should be founded on reason and morality.

**20. 政府应为人民服务,而非统治人民。**

Government should serve the people, not rule them.

**21. 人类应追求科学和知识的进步。**

Humans should strive for progress in science and knowledge.

**22. 改善人类生活条件是社会进步的终极目标。**

Improving human living conditions is the ultimate goal of social progress.

**23. 理性是人类的最高品质。**

Reason is the highest quality of humanity.

**24. 追求进步是人类天性的一部分。**

The pursuit of progress is part of human nature.

**25. 启蒙运动的核心是解放人类的思想。**

The core of the Enlightenment is to liberate the human mind.

**26. 个人应有权利决定自己的命运。**

Individuals should have the right to determine their own destiny.

**27. 自由与责任是不可分割的。**

Liberty and responsibility are inseparable.

**28. 政府应保护公民的权利和自由。**

Government should protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

**29. 社会应建立在相互尊重和理解的基础之上。**

Society should be built on mutual respect and understanding.

**30. 教育是社会进步的关键要素。**

Education is a key element in social progress.

**31. 人人生而平等,每个人都有价值。**

All men are created equal, and every person has worth.

**32. 思想自由是所有其他自由的基础。**

Freedom of thought is the foundation of all other freedoms.

**33. 我们有责任改善世界,使之变得更美好。**

We have a responsibility to improve the world and make it a better place.

**34. 我们应该挑战传统的观念和权威。**

We should challenge traditional beliefs and authority.

**35. 我们应该用理性来解决问题。**

We should use reason to solve problems.

**36. 我们应该追求知识和理解。**

We should pursue knowledge and understanding.

**37. 我们应该互相尊重和理解。**

We should respect and understand each other.

**38. 我们应该致力于创造一个更加公正和平等的社会。**

We should work to create a more just and equal society.

**39. 我们应该努力改善人类的状况。**

We should strive to improve the human condition.

**40. 我们应该相信人类的能力,相信我们可以创造一个更美好的未来。**

We should believe in the capabilities of humanity and believe that we can create a better future.

**41. “人是万物的尺度。” - 普罗泰戈拉**

"Man is the measure of all things." - Protagoras

**42. “我不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。” - 伏尔泰**

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

**43. “自由在于说出你所想,而不必担心后果。” - 伏尔泰**

"Freedom consists of being able to say what one thinks without having to worry about the consequences." - Voltaire

**44. “敢于做你自己,不要害怕说出你所想。” - 梭罗**

"Dare to be yourself, do not fear to speak your mind." - Thoreau

**45. “人是生而自由的,却无处不在枷锁之中。” - 卢梭**

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." - Rousseau

**46. “理性和自由是人类进步的引擎。” - 康德**

"Reason and freedom are the engines of human progress." - Kant

**47. “教育是通往自由的道路。” - 赫尔巴特**

"Education is the path to freedom." - Herbart

**48. “知识是力量,而教育是知识的工具。” - 培根**

"Knowledge is power, and education is the tool of knowledge." - Bacon

**49. “人类的命运掌握在自己手中。” - 歌德**

"The destiny of humanity is in its own hands." - Goethe

**50. “我思故我在。” - 笛卡尔**

"I think, therefore I am." - Descartes

**51. “怀疑一切。” - 勒内·笛卡尔**

"Doubt everything." - Rene Descartes

**52. “不要相信任何你不理解的事物。” - 伽利略**

"Do not believe anything that you do not understand." - Galileo

**53. “世界是一个美丽的地方,值得为之奋斗。” - 马丁·路德·金**

"The world is a beautiful place, and it's worth fighting for." - Martin Luther King Jr.

**54. “追求正义,拒绝不公。” - 托马斯·杰斐逊**

"Pursue justice, reject injustice." - Thomas Jefferson

**55. “我们应该追求一个更加公正、平等和和平的世界。” - 联合国宪章**

"We should strive for a more just, equal, and peaceful world." - United Nations Charter

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