
## 吴兰书书句子 (64句)

**中文** | **英文**
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1. 山河壮丽,风云际会,英雄辈出。


The mountains and rivers are magnificent, the times are turbulent, and heroes emerge.

2. 金戈铁马,气吞山河,豪情万丈。


Golden swords and iron horses, ambition reaching heaven and earth, boundless enthusiasm.

3. 策马扬鞭,驰骋沙场,纵横天下。


Riding a horse and wielding a whip, galloping on the battlefield, dominating the world.

4. 天下英雄,谁与争锋,一决雌雄。


Who among the heroes of the world can contend with me, let's decide the victor once and for all.

5. 江湖险恶,人心难测,步步惊心。


The world of martial arts is treacherous, human hearts are unpredictable, every step is fraught with danger.

6. 卧薪尝胆,忍辱负重,终成大业。


Sleeping on a bed of thorns and tasting gall, enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens, finally achieving great things.

7. 君子之交,淡如水,情深意长。


The friendship of gentlemen is like water, clear and enduring.

8. 患难见真情,生死相依,情比金坚。


True feelings are revealed in times of hardship, life and death together, a bond stronger than gold.

9. 一生情深,两情相悦,白首不相离。


Deep love throughout life, mutual affection, inseparable until old age.

10. 天涯海角,海枯石烂,永不变心。


At the ends of the earth, even if the sea dries up and the rocks crumble, my heart will never change.

11. 红颜薄命,命运弄人,情断人亡。


Beautiful women are often short-lived, fate plays tricks, love is broken and people die.

12. 生死轮回,因果循环,报应不爽。


The cycle of birth and death, the cycle of cause and effect, retribution is inevitable.

13. 功成名就,名垂青史,流芳百世。


Achieving great feats and fame, making a name for oneself in history, leaving a legacy for generations to come.

14. 天道无情,人心难测,世事难料。


Heaven is indifferent, human hearts are unpredictable, the world is full of uncertainties.

15. 一念之差,悔恨终生,铸成大错。


One wrong thought, a lifetime of regret, a grave mistake made.

16. 光阴似箭,日月如梭,时光飞逝。


Time flies like an arrow, days and nights pass like a shuttle, time flies by.

17. 岁月无情,容颜易老,韶华易逝。


Time is relentless, beauty fades, youth slips away.

18. 功名利禄,过眼云烟,虚幻缥缈。


Fame, wealth, and power are fleeting like clouds and smoke, illusory and ephemeral.

19. 沧海桑田,世事变迁,物是人非。


The sea turns into fields and fields turn into seas, the world changes, things are the same but people are different.

20. 昔日辉煌,如今落魄,英雄迟暮。


Once glorious, now in decline, heroes at the twilight of their lives.

21. 天下熙熙,皆为利来,天下攘攘,皆为利往。


All the world is bustling, coming for profit, all the world is jostling, going for profit.

22. 人心叵测,利益熏心,尔虞我诈。


Human hearts are unpredictable, blinded by greed, they deceive and betray each other.

23. 权势熏心,贪得无厌,最终自毁。


Power intoxicates, greed knows no bounds, ultimately leading to self-destruction.

24. 弱肉强食,适者生存,残酷无情。


The strong prey on the weak, survival of the fittest, cruel and merciless.

25. 胜者为王,败者为寇,成王败寇。


The victor is the king, the loser is the bandit, the victor writes the history.

26. 江山易改,本性难移,一朝成名天下知。


The rivers and mountains can be changed, but nature is difficult to change, once famous, known throughout the world.

27. 君子一言,驷马难追,信义为本。


A gentleman's word is as heavy as a chariot, trust and righteousness are fundamental.

28. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全,气节凛然。


Better to be a broken jade than an intact tile, resolute in one's integrity.

29. 宁死不屈,誓死抵抗,舍生取义。


Better to die than to yield, vow to resist to the death, sacrifice one's life for righteousness.

30. 人各有志,志存高远,追求卓越。


Each person has their own aspirations, set your sights high, strive for excellence.

31. 勤学苦练,精益求精,精进不休。


Diligent study and practice, strive for perfection, constant improvement.

32. 天资聪颖,才华横溢,天赋异禀。


Naturally intelligent, overflowing with talent, blessed with extraordinary gifts.

33. 心存善念,乐于助人,积德行善。


Have good intentions, be willing to help others, accumulate virtue and do good deeds.

34. 知己知彼,百战不殆,运筹帷幄。


Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles, plan strategies and deploy troops.

35. 临危不惧,沉着冷静,泰然自若。


Remain calm and collected in the face of danger, composed and at ease.

36. 随机应变,临机决断,见机行事。


Adapt to the situation, make decisions on the spur of the moment, seize the opportunity and act.

37. 奋发图强,自强不息,永不言败。


Strive for strength, never cease to improve oneself, never give up.

38. 不畏艰险,勇于拼搏,敢于挑战。


Fear no danger, be brave and tenacious, dare to challenge.

39. 锲而不舍,持之以恒,终有所成。


Persevere, be persistent, and you will eventually succeed.

40. 凡事预则立,不预则废,谋事在人,成事在天。


If you plan ahead, you will succeed, if you don't plan ahead, you will fail, human effort is important, but success depends on fate.

41. 逆境磨练,挫折考验,砥砺前行。


Adversity refines, setbacks test, forge ahead with determination.

42. 厚德载物,仁义礼智信,德行高尚。


Virtue supports all things, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, noble character.

43. 正直无私,公正廉明,光明磊落。


Upright and selfless, just and honest, open and aboveboard.

44. 严于律己,宽以待人,以德服人。

Be strict with yourself, lenient towards others, win people over with your virtue.

45. 博学多才,才华横溢,学富五车。


Widely learned and talented, overflowing with talent, a scholar with a vast knowledge.

46. 知书达理,温文尔雅,风度翩翩。


Knowledgeable and reasonable, gentle and refined, graceful and elegant.

47. 心怀天下,济世救民,心系苍生。


With a heart for the world, to save the people, care for the common people.

48. 舍己为人,无私奉献,大爱无疆。


Sacrifice yourself for others, selfless dedication, boundless love.

49. 坚韧不拔,百折不挠,意志坚定。


Unyielding and unyielding, undeterred by setbacks, unwavering will.

50. 勇于担当,敢于负责,不推卸责任。


Brave to take responsibility, dare to be accountable, do not shirk responsibility.

51. 勤劳勇敢,吃苦耐劳,不屈不挠。


Diligent and brave, hardworking and enduring, unyielding.

52. 积极乐观,乐观向上,充满希望。


Positive and optimistic, look forward to the future with hope.

53. 追求自由,追求梦想,活出精彩。


Pursue freedom, pursue dreams, live a wonderful life.

54. 快乐无忧,无拘无束,活出自我。


Happy and carefree, unrestrained, live authentically.

55. 珍惜时间,把握当下,活在当下。


Cherish time, seize the moment, live in the present.

56. 拥抱生活,热爱生命,享受人生。


Embrace life, love life, enjoy life.

57. 善良仁慈,宽容大度,心胸宽广。


Kind and merciful, tolerant and magnanimous, broad-minded.

58. 尊重他人,包容差异,和谐共处。


Respect others, tolerate differences, live in harmony.

59. 诚实守信,言出必行,信守承诺。


Honest and trustworthy, keep your word, honor your promises.

60. 孝敬父母,尊敬师长,尊老爱幼。


Be filial to parents, respect teachers, respect the elderly and love children.

61. 爱护环境,保护自然,可持续发展。


Protect the environment, preserve nature, sustainable development.

62. 和谐社会,文明进步,共同发展。


Harmonious society, civilized progress, common development.

63. 追求真理,探索未知,勇攀高峰。


Pursue truth, explore the unknown, strive for the summit.

64. 梦想成真,心想事成,一切皆有可能。


Dreams come true, wishes come true, anything is possible.

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