
## 司马懿忍句子,81句

1. 卧薪尝胆,忍辱负重。 (To endure hardship and humiliation, just like Gou Jian tasted gall and slept on firewood.)

2. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 (忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 (To endure for a while, the wind and waves will calm down; to take a step back, the sky will be vast and boundless.)

3. 忍得一时之气,免得百日之忧。 (To endure a moment's anger, you can avoid a hundred days of worry.)

4. 忍辱负重,方能成就大事。 (To endure hardship and humiliation is the only way to achieve great things.)

5. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

6. 忍耐是苦难的良药。 (Patience is the medicine for suffering.)

7. 忍耐是最好的报复。 (Patience is the best revenge.)

8. 忍耐是智慧的体现。 (Patience is a reflection of wisdom.)

9. 忍耐是战胜一切困难的关键。 (Patience is the key to overcoming all difficulties.)

10. 忍耐是人生的必修课。 (Patience is a compulsory course in life.)

11. 忍耐是成功的秘诀。 (Patience is the secret to success.)

12. 忍耐是生命的真谛。 (Patience is the essence of life.)

13. 忍耐是最好的武器。 (Patience is the best weapon.)

14. 忍耐是战胜一切的利器。 (Patience is the sharpest tool to overcome everything.)

15. 忍耐是通往幸福的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to happiness.)

16. 忍耐是通往自由的道路。 (Patience is the path to freedom.)

17. 忍耐是通往和平的途径。 (Patience is the way to peace.)

18. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

19. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

20. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

21. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

22. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

23. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

24. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

25. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

26. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

27. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

28. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

29. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

30. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

31. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

32. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

33. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

34. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

35. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

36. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

37. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

38. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

39. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

40. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

41. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

42. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

43. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

44. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

45. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

46. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

47. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

48. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

49. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

50. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

51. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

52. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

53. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

54. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

55. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

56. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

57. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

58. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

59. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

60. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

61. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

62. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

63. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

64. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

65. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

66. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

67. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

68. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

69. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

70. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

71. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

72. 忍耐是通往成功的秘笈。 (Patience is the secret recipe for success.)

73. 忍耐是通往成功的指南针。 (Patience is the compass to success.)

74. 忍耐是通往成功的灯塔。 (Patience is the lighthouse to success.)

75. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。 (Patience is the ladder to success.)

76. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。 (Patience is the bridge to success.)

77. 忍耐是通往成功的道路。 (Patience is the road to success.)

78. 忍耐是通往成功的捷径。 (Patience is the shortcut to success.)

79. 忍耐是通往成功的金钥匙。 (Patience is the golden key to success.)

80. 忍耐是通往成功的灵丹妙药。 (Patience is the panacea for success.)

81. 忍耐是通往成功的宝藏。 (Patience is the treasure to success.)

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