
## 策马奔腾的句子 (71 句)


1. 策马扬鞭,笑傲江湖。

Ride a horse, whip in hand, laughing and boasting in the world.

2. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。

When the long wind breaks the waves, it will be the time to hang the sails straight and sail across the vast ocean.

3. 壮志凌云,一骑绝尘。

Ambitious and towering, riding alone into the distance.

4. 挥鞭策马,豪情万丈。

Wielding the whip and riding a horse, full of heroic spirit.

5. 千里马常有,伯乐不常有。

Thousand-mile horses are always there, but Bole is not always present.

6. 雄心壮志,驰骋疆场。

With grand ambitions, galloping across the battlefield.

7. 纵横天下,谁与争锋?

Dominating the world, who can contend with me?

8. 一身正气,浩气长存。

With upright righteousness, the heroic spirit will endure forever.

9. 策马扬鞭,笑傲人生。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, laughing and boasting in life.

10. 挥洒汗水,成就梦想。

Sweating and achieving dreams.


11. 策马奔腾,风卷残云。

Riding a horse at full speed, the wind sweeps up the clouds.

12. 碧空如洗,白云飘飘。

The sky is as clean as a wash, white clouds are floating.

13. 马蹄声声,踏破红尘。

The sound of horses' hooves, breaking through the dust.

14. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。

The setting sun in the west, a heartbroken person is at the end of the world.

15. 暮色苍茫,孤影踽踽。

The twilight is vast and desolate, a lonely figure walks alone.

16. 策马扬鞭,傲视群山。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, overlooking the mountains.

17. 万里长空,任我翱翔。

The vast sky, let me soar.

18. 江山如画,美不胜收。

The mountains and rivers are like a painting, beautiful beyond description.

19. 策马飞奔,尽情享受自然。

Riding a horse at full speed, enjoying nature to the fullest.

20. 奔腾的骏马,带来希望。

The galloping horse brings hope.


21. 策马江湖,只为红颜一笑。

Riding a horse in the world, only for a smile from my beloved.

22. 相思成疾,望穿秋水。

Longing for you becomes an illness, I look across the water until my eyes are sore.

23. 孤灯寒夜,思念成河。

A solitary lamp in a cold night, my thoughts of you flow like a river.

24. 策马奔腾,追寻爱情的踪迹。

Riding a horse at full speed, searching for the traces of love.

25. 执子之手,与子偕老。

Holding your hand, growing old together with you.

26. 红尘滚滚,只愿与你相依。

The world is bustling and changing, I only wish to depend on you.

27. 策马奔腾,为了你我奋勇前行。

Riding a horse at full speed, for you I strive forward bravely.

28. 爱情如酒,越品越浓。

Love is like wine, the more you taste it, the richer it becomes.

29. 策马奔腾,寻找属于我们的幸福。

Riding a horse at full speed, searching for happiness that belongs to us.

30. 一见倾心,从此天涯海角。

Love at first sight, from then on, to the ends of the earth.


31. 策马扬鞭,挥洒豪情。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, showing off heroic spirit.

32. 勇往直前,无所畏惧。

Forging ahead bravely, fearless of anything.

33. 策马奔腾,一往无前。

Riding a horse at full speed, moving forward relentlessly.

34. 挥戈跃马,建功立业。

Wielding the sword and riding a horse, achieving fame and glory.

35. 策马江湖,英雄本色。

Riding a horse in the world, displaying the true spirit of a hero.

36. 天下英雄,舍我其谁?

The hero of the world, who else but me?

37. 策马扬鞭,笑傲天下。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, laughing and boasting in the world.

38. 挥斥方遒,指点江山。

Sweeping away obstacles and pointing at the rivers and mountains.

39. 策马奔腾,成就伟业。

Riding a horse at full speed, achieving great deeds.

40. 英雄气概,浩然正气。

Heroic spirit, upright righteousness.


41. 策马扬鞭,一路风景。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, scenery all along the way.

42. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

43. 策马奔腾,不负韶华。

Riding a horse at full speed, do not waste your youth.

44. 挥洒青春,追逐梦想。

Pouring out your youth, chasing dreams.

45. 策马扬鞭,活出精彩。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, living a wonderful life.

46. 人生如梦,岁月如梭。

Life is like a dream, time flies.

47. 策马奔腾,感受生命的力量。

Riding a horse at full speed, feeling the power of life.

48. 挥洒汗水,不留遗憾。

Sweating, leaving no regrets.

49. 策马扬鞭,笑对人生。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, facing life with a smile.

50. 人生无常,珍惜眼前。

Life is unpredictable, cherish the present.


51. 策马扬鞭,放飞自我。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, letting oneself fly.

52. 驰骋疆场,无拘无束。

Galloping across the battlefield, free and unrestrained.

53. 策马奔腾,尽情享受自由。

Riding a horse at full speed, enjoying freedom to the fullest.

54. 挥洒豪情,放飞梦想。

Showing off heroic spirit, letting dreams fly.

55. 策马扬鞭,笑看人生。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, laughing at life.

56. 自由自在,无忧无虑。

Free and carefree.

57. 策马奔腾,追寻心中所爱。

Riding a horse at full speed, pursuing what you love in your heart.

58. 挥洒激情,释放自我。

Pouring out passion, releasing yourself.

59. 策马扬鞭,拥抱世界。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, embracing the world.

60. 奔腾的骏马,象征着自由。

The galloping horse symbolizes freedom.


61. 策马扬鞭,驰骋沙场。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, galloping across the battlefield.

62. 挥戈跃马,气吞山河。

Wielding the sword and riding a horse, with a spirit that can swallow mountains and rivers.

63. 策马奔腾,纵横天下。

Riding a horse at full speed, dominating the world.

64. 挥洒汗水,成就千秋伟业。

Sweating, achieving great deeds for thousands of years.

65. 策马扬鞭,留名青史。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, leaving a name in history.

66. 挥戈跃马,建功立业。

Wielding the sword and riding a horse, achieving fame and glory.

67. 策马扬鞭,成就英雄梦。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, achieving the dream of being a hero.

68. 挥洒豪情,创造辉煌。

Showing off heroic spirit, creating brilliance.

69. 策马奔腾,留下历史的印记。

Riding a horse at full speed, leaving a mark on history.

70. 挥戈跃马,开创盛世。

Wielding the sword and riding a horse, creating a prosperous age.

71. 策马扬鞭,留下不朽的传奇。

Riding a horse, whip in hand, leaving an immortal legend.

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