
## 司仪必备句子,91句


1. 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们,大家晚上好!

Respected leaders, distinguished guests, and friends, good evening!

2. 今天,我们欢聚一堂,共同见证……

Today, we gather here to witness...

3. 掌声有请……

A round of applause, please, for...

4. 在这喜庆祥和的日子里,我们迎来了……

On this auspicious day, we welcome...

5. 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎……

Let's give a warm round of applause to welcome...


6. 首先,请允许我隆重介绍……

First, allow me to introduce...

7. 他/她就是……

He/She is...

8. 他的/她的到来,为我们今天的活动增添了光彩。

His/Her arrival has brought brilliance to our event today.

9. 接下来,让我们有请……

Next, let's invite...

10. 他/她将为我们带来……

He/She will bring us...


11. 接下来,我们将有请……上台致辞。

Next, we invite ... to take the stage for a speech.

12. 热烈的掌声欢迎……

A warm round of applause to welcome ...

13. 让我们用掌声感谢……的精彩发言!

Let's give a round of applause to thank ... for their wonderful speech!

14. 他的/她的发言,让我们深受启发。

His/Her speech has greatly inspired us.

15. 他的/她的讲话,让我们受益匪浅。

We have benefited greatly from his/her speech.


16. 接下来,我们将欣赏到……的精彩表演。

Next, we will enjoy a wonderful performance by ...

17. 他/她将为我们带来……

He/She will bring us ...

18. 让我们用掌声期待……的精彩表演!

Let's give a round of applause to anticipate ... wonderful performance!

19. 掌声送给……的精彩表演!

Applause for the wonderful performance by ...!

20. 他们的表演,让我们叹为观止。

Their performance left us speechless.


21. 现在,我们来玩一个小游戏,活跃一下气氛。

Now, let's play a little game to liven up the atmosphere.

22. 游戏规则很简单,请大家仔细听。

The rules are simple, please listen carefully.

23. 游戏开始!

The game begins!

24. 恭喜……获得了游戏的胜利!

Congratulations ... for winning the game!

25. 让我们为……的精彩表现鼓掌!

Let's applaud ... for their excellent performance!


26. 现在,我们将进行激动人心的抽奖环节!

Now, we will have the exciting lottery draw!

27. 请……为我们抽出……奖。

Please ... draw the ... prize for us.

28. 恭喜……获得……奖!

Congratulations ... for winning the ... prize!

29. 请获奖者上台领奖。

Please come on stage to receive your prize.

30. 让我们再次为获奖者送上热烈的掌声!

Let's give another warm round of applause to the winners!


31. 现在,请大家积极参与互动,踊跃提问。

Now, please actively participate in the interaction and feel free to ask questions.

32. 您的问题很有见地,谢谢!

Your question is very insightful, thank you!

33. 您的回答非常精彩,让我们掌声鼓励一下!

Your answer is very wonderful, let's applaud your encouragement!

34. 让我们共同分享……的喜悦!

Let's share the joy of ... together!

35. 让我们一起为……加油!

Let's cheer for ... together!


36. 感谢各位领导、各位来宾的到来!

Thank you for coming, all leaders and guests!

37. 感谢……的精彩表演!

Thank you ... for the wonderful performance!

38. 感谢……的热情参与!

Thank you ... for your enthusiastic participation!

39. 感谢所有工作人员的辛勤付出!

Thank you to all the staff for their hard work!

40. 让我们再次用热烈的掌声表达我们的感谢!

Let's once again express our gratitude with a warm round of applause!


41. 今天,我们度过了一个难忘的夜晚。

Today, we have had an unforgettable evening.

42. 这场活动,充满了欢声笑语。

This event was filled with laughter and joy.

43. 让我们相信,……会更加美好!

Let's believe that ... will be even better!

44. 最后,让我们再次感谢……

Finally, let's thank ... once again.

45. 祝大家身体健康,万事如意!

Wishing you all good health and all the best!


46. 祝……幸福美满,白头偕老!

Wishing ... a happy and fulfilling marriage, and a life together until old age!

47. 祝……事业顺利,蒸蒸日上!

Wishing ... a smooth career and continuous progress!

48. 祝……身体健康,万事如意!

Wishing ... good health and all the best!

49. 祝……心想事成,万事吉祥!

Wishing ... all your wishes come true, and all the best!

50. 祝……家庭幸福,生活美满!

Wishing ... a happy family and a fulfilling life!


51. 请大家保持安静,以免影响……

Please remain quiet to avoid disturbing ...

52. 请大家有序入场,不要拥挤。

Please enter in an orderly fashion and avoid crowding.

53. 请各位将手机调至静音模式。

Please set your phones to silent mode.

54. 请大家注意安全,保管好自己的贵重物品。

Please pay attention to safety and keep your valuables safe.

55. 请大家稍作休息,我们稍后继续。

Please take a short break, we will continue later.

56. 请大家自觉维护会场秩序。

Please maintain order in the venue.

57. 请大家不要随意走动。

Please do not move around arbitrarily.

58. 请大家不要大声喧哗。

Please do not make noise.

59. 请大家保持安静,不要拍照。

Please keep quiet and do not take photos.

60. 请大家不要使用闪光灯。

Please do not use flash.

61. 请大家将手机关闭。

Please turn off your phones.

62. 请大家将垃圾放到指定地点。

Please put your trash in the designated area.

63. 请大家注意时间,不要迟到。

Please be aware of the time and do not be late.

64. 请大家注意仪容仪表。

Please pay attention to your appearance.

65. 请大家保持微笑,展现良好的精神风貌。

Please maintain a smile and showcase a positive spirit.

66. 请大家不要乱扔东西。

Please do not litter.

67. 请大家保持良好的秩序。

Please maintain good order.

68. 请大家注意安全,避免意外发生。

Please be aware of safety and prevent accidents.

69. 请大家文明观看表演。

Please watch the performance in a civilized manner.

70. 请大家不要随意走动,以免影响演出。

Please do not move around arbitrarily, to avoid disturbing the performance.

71. 请大家保持安静,不要发出噪音。

Please keep quiet and do not make noise.

72. 请大家注意礼仪,不要大声喧哗。

Please be mindful of etiquette and do not make noise.

73. 请大家积极参与活动,共同创造美好回忆。

Please actively participate in the event and create wonderful memories together.

74. 请大家自由活动,注意安全。

Please feel free to move around, but pay attention to safety.

75. 请大家互相帮助,共同完成活动。

Please help each other and complete the event together.

76. 请大家将手机调至静音模式,以免打扰他人。

Please set your phones to silent mode to avoid disturbing others.

77. 请大家保管好自己的贵重物品,以免丢失。

Please keep your valuables safe to prevent loss.

78. 请大家注意时间,不要迟到,以免影响活动进程。

Please be aware of the time and do not be late, to avoid affecting the progress of the event.

79. 请大家文明观看表演,不要随意拍照或录像,以免影响演出效果。

Please watch the performance in a civilized manner and do not take photos or videos arbitrarily to avoid affecting the performance.

80. 请大家保持良好秩序,不要拥挤,以免发生意外。

Please maintain good order, do not crowd, to avoid accidents.

81. 请大家积极参与互动环节,分享您的想法和感受。

Please actively participate in the interactive sessions and share your thoughts and feelings.

82. 请大家文明用语,不要使用不文明语言。

Please use polite language and avoid using vulgar language.

83. 请大家保持良好的精神风貌,展现积极向上的态度。

Please maintain a positive spirit and showcase an optimistic attitude.

84. 请大家互相尊重,文明礼让。

Please respect each other and be polite.

85. 请大家积极参与游戏,活跃气氛。

Please actively participate in the games and liven up the atmosphere.

86. 请大家注意安全,不要乱跑。

Please be aware of safety and do not run around.

87. 请大家遵守活动规则,共同完成活动。

Please follow the activity rules and complete the event together.

88. 请大家积极互动,享受活动带来的快乐。

Please interact actively and enjoy the joy brought by the event.

89. 请大家保持良好的状态,展现最佳的精神风貌。

Please maintain a good state and showcase your best spirit.

90. 请大家互相帮助,共同完成活动,留下美好的回忆。

Please help each other, complete the event together, and leave beautiful memories.

91. 请大家尽情享受活动,留下美好回忆。

Please enjoy the event and leave beautiful memories.

以上就是关于司仪必备句子91句(司仪必备句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
