
## 日本特色句子 (55句)

**1. 一期一会 (いちごいちえ)**

Ichigo ichie: Treasures each encounter, for it will never be repeated.

**2. 花鳥風月 (かちょうふうげつ)**

Kachou fugetsu: The beauty of nature, encompassing flowers, birds, wind, and moon.

**3. 侘び寂び (わびさび)**

Wabi-sabi: A Japanese world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.

**4. 粋 (いき)**

Iki: A sophisticated and refined aesthetic sense, often associated with elegance and simplicity.

**5. 心 (こころ)**

Kokoro: The heart, mind, and soul; the essence of a person.

**6. 縁 (えん)**

En: Fate or destiny; a connection between people.

**7. 無駄遣い (むだづかい)**

Mudazukai: Wasteful spending.

**8. 粋な (いな)**

Ina: Stylish, refined, and elegant.

**9. 丁寧 (ていねい)**

Teinei: Polite, courteous, and respectful.

**10. 頑張る (がんばる)**

Ganbaru: To persevere, to do one's best, to strive.

**11. ありがとう (ありがとう)**

Arigato: Thank you.

**12. ごめんなさい (ごめんなさい)**

Gomennasai: I'm sorry.

**13. お願いします (おねがいします)**

Onegaishimasu: Please (formal).

**14. いただきます (いただきます)**

Itadakimasu: A phrase said before eating, expressing gratitude for the meal.

**15. ご馳走様でした (ごちそうさま でした)**

Gochisousama deshita: A phrase said after eating, expressing gratitude for the meal.

**16. 人生は一度きり (じんせいは いちどきり)**

Jinsei wa ichido kiri: Life is only once.

**17. 七転び八起き (ななころびやおき)**

Nanakorobi yaoki: Seven falls, eight get-ups; the ability to overcome setbacks and keep trying.

**18. 天命 (てんめい)**

Tenmei: Destiny or fate, given by Heaven.

**19. 神様 (かみさま)**

Kamisama: God or gods.

**20. 武士道 (ぶしどう)**

Bushido: The way of the samurai; a code of honor and ethics.

**21. 着物 (きもの)**

Kimono: Traditional Japanese clothing.

**22. 茶道 (ちゃどう)**

Chadō: The way of tea, a traditional Japanese ceremony.

**23. 華道 (かどう)**

Kado: The way of flowers, a traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement.

**24. 書道 (しょどう)**

Shodo: The way of calligraphy, a traditional Japanese art form.

**25. 俳句 ( haiku )**

Haiku: A traditional Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 structure.

**26. 盆栽 (ぼんさい)**

Bonsai: The art of growing miniature trees in pots.

**27. 桜 (さくら)**

Sakura: Cherry blossom, a symbol of spring and beauty.

**28. 紅葉 (もみじ)**

Momiji: Maple leaves, known for their vibrant colors in autumn.

**29. 富士山 (ふじさん)**

Fujisan: Mount Fuji, a sacred and iconic mountain in Japan.

**30. 温泉 (おんせん)**

Onsen: Hot springs, a popular pastime in Japan.

**31. 寿司 (すし)**

Sushi: A popular Japanese dish made with vinegared rice and seafood.

**32. ラーメン (ラーメン)**

Ramen: A Japanese noodle soup dish.

**33. 抹茶 (抹茶)**

Matcha: Powdered green tea.

**34. 日本酒 (にほんしゅ)**

Nihonshu: Japanese sake, a rice wine.

**35. 割烹 (かっぽう)**

Kappou: A traditional Japanese style of fine dining.

**36. 居酒屋 (いざかや)**

Izakaya: A Japanese pub where people can enjoy drinks and snacks.

**37. 旅館 (りょかん)**

Ryokan: A traditional Japanese inn with tatami flooring and communal baths.

**38. 神社 (じんじゃ)**

Jinja: A Shinto shrine.

**39. 仏教 (ぶっきょう)**

Bukkyo: Buddhism.

**40. 禅 (ぜん)**

Zen: A school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and mindfulness.

**41. 道 (みち)**

Michi: The way, a path or a principle to follow.

**42. 陰陽 (いんよう)**

Inyo: Yin and yang, a concept of complementary forces.

**43. 風水 (ふうすい)**

Feng shui: A Chinese philosophy of arranging objects to harmonize with the flow of energy.

**44. 伝統 (でんとう)**

Dentou: Tradition.

**45. 文化 (ぶんか)**

Bunka: Culture.

**46. 芸術 (げいじゅつ)**

Geijutsu: Art.

**47. 言葉 (ことば)**

Kotoba: Language.

**48. 歴史 (れきし)**

Rekishi: History.

**49. 自然 (しぜん)**

Shizen: Nature.

**50. 平和 (へいわ)**

Heiwa: Peace.

**51. 愛 (あい)**

Ai: Love.

**52. 希望 (きぼう)**

Kibou: Hope.

**53. 夢 (ゆめ)**

Yume: Dream.

**54. 未来 (みらい)**

Mirai: Future.

**55. 永遠 (えいえん)**

Eien: Eternity.

以上就是关于日本特色句子55句(日本特色句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
