
## 口技统领全文的句子,54句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的


**1. 忽一人大呼, “火起!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"Fire!"

**2. 众皆呼,百千人声,如沸如雷,震动屋瓦。**

Everyone shouted, hundreds of thousands voices, like boiling water, like thunder, shaking the roof tiles.

**3. 俄而百千人齐呼“救火!”**

Then, hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison,"Fire!"

**4. 妇人哭子,哭夫,哭兄,哭弟,哭父,哭母,声声入耳,如闻其声,如见其人。**

Women cried for their children, their husbands, their brothers, their sisters, their fathers, and their mothers. Each cry could be heard clearly, as if one could hear their voices and see their faces.

**5. 忽一人大呼“火来也!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"The fire is coming!"

**6. 抢救之声,扑灭之声,呼呼风声,烧爆之声,如火如荼,如雷如霆,如电如闪,如崩如裂,不绝于耳。**

The sounds of rescue, of extinguishing the fire, of the wind, of things exploding in the fire, were like raging flames, like rolling thunder, like flashes of lightning, like the collapse of a mountain, ceaselessly reaching the ears.

**7. 又如一人大呼“看,火烧到屋顶矣!”**

Another person shouted,"Look, the fire has reached the roof!"

**8. 众皆呼“快救火!”**

Everyone shouted,"Quickly put out the fire!"

**9. 火声如雷,烧爆声如炮,呼呼风声如鬼哭狼嚎。**

The sound of the fire was like thunder, the sound of explosions was like cannons, the sound of the wind was like the howling of wolves.

**10. 忽一人大呼“水来!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"Water!"

**11. 水声如涛,浇灭之声如雨,哗哗声不绝于耳。**

The sound of water was like a surging wave, the sound of extinguishing the fire was like rain, the sound of"whoosh, whoosh" was ceaselessly reaching the ears.

**12. 俄而火声渐小,风声渐弱,烧爆声渐稀,水声渐低,救火之声渐少。**

Then, the sound of the fire gradually decreased, the sound of the wind gradually weakened, the sound of explosions became sparser, the sound of water lowered, and the sound of saving the fire became less.

**13. 又如一人大呼“火熄灭矣!”**

Another person shouted,"The fire has been extinguished!"

**14. 众皆欢呼,拍手称快,如释重负,如梦初醒。**

Everyone cheered, clapped their hands in joy, relieved, as if waking from a dream.

**15. 忽一人大呼“贼人来也!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"The thieves are coming!"

**16. 众皆呼“快追!”**

Everyone shouted,"Quickly chase after them!"

**17. 呼呼风声,如追赶之声。**

The sound of the wind was like the sound of chasing.

**18. 跑步之声,急促之声,如追如赶,如雷如电。**

The sound of running, the sound of urgency, like chasing, like thunder and lightning.

**19. 忽一人大呼“捉住贼人矣!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"We caught the thief!"

**20. 众皆欢呼,拍手称快,如释重负,如梦初醒。**

Everyone cheered, clapped their hands in joy, relieved, as if waking from a dream.

**21. 又如一人大呼“夜深矣!”**

Another person shouted,"It's late at night!"

**22. 众皆呼“归去!”**

Everyone shouted,"Let's go home!"

**23. 归家之声,如潮水般涌来,渐渐消失在夜色之中。**

The sound of people returning home, like a tide, gradually disappeared into the night.

**24. 忽一人大呼“官府来了!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"The officials are here!"

**25. 众皆呼“快躲起来!”**

Everyone shouted,"Quickly hide!"

**26. 躲避之声,如惊弓之鸟,如风卷残云。**

The sound of hiding, like a startled bird, like a whirlwind.

**27. 忽一人大呼“官府走了!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"The officials have left!"

**28. 众皆呼“出来了!”**

Everyone shouted,"Come out!"

**29. 欢呼之声,如潮水般涌来,渐渐消失在夜色之中。**

The sound of cheers, like a tide, gradually disappeared into the night.

**30. 又如一人大呼“孩儿饿了!”**

Another person shouted,"My child is hungry!"

**31. 妇人哄孩子之声,如百鸟争鸣,如百花争艳。**

The sound of a woman coaxing her child, like a hundred birds singing, like a hundred flowers blooming.

**32. 忽一人大呼“夫君回来了!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"My husband is back!"

**33. 妇人欢呼之声,如银铃般清脆,如泉水般甘甜。**

The sound of the woman's cheers, like the sound of silver bells, like the sweetness of spring water.

**34. 又如一人大呼“明日要早起!”**

Another person shouted,"We have to get up early tomorrow!"

**35. 众皆呼“知道了!”**

Everyone shouted,"We know!"

**36. 鼾声如雷,此起彼伏,如山崩地裂,如海啸般汹涌。**

The snores were like thunder, rising and falling, like a mountain collapsing, like a tidal wave.

**37. 忽一人大呼“鸡叫了!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"The rooster is crowing!"

**38. 鸡鸣之声,如晨曦般明亮,如希望般温暖。**

The sound of the rooster crowing, like the dawn, like hope.

**39. 众皆呼“起床!”**

Everyone shouted,"Get up!"

**40. 起床之声,如百花盛开,如百鸟争鸣。**

The sound of people getting up, like a hundred flowers blooming, like a hundred birds singing.

**41. 忽一人大呼“今日要赶集!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"We're going to the market today!"

**42. 众皆呼“去吧!”**

Everyone shouted,"Go ahead!"

**43. 赶集之声,如万马奔腾,如江河奔流。**

The sound of people going to the market, like thousands of horses galloping, like a river flowing.

**44. 又如一人大呼“我要去读书!”**

Another person shouted,"I'm going to study!"

**45. 读书之声,如琅琅上口,如珠落玉盘。**

The sound of reading, like a melody, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

**46. 忽一人大呼“我要去种田!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"I'm going to farm!"

**47. 种田之声,如锄头敲击土地,如农民的歌声。**

The sound of farming, like the sound of a hoe hitting the ground, like the songs of the farmers.

**48. 又如一人大呼“我要去经商!”**

Another person shouted,"I'm going to do business!"

**49. 经商之声,如车水马龙,如人声鼎沸。**

The sound of doing business, like the hustle and bustle of traffic, like the roar of people.

**50. 忽一人大呼“我要去游玩!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"I'm going to travel!"

**51. 游玩之声,如欢声笑语,如天籁之音。**

The sound of traveling, like laughter and joy, like the sound of heaven.

**52. 又如一人大呼“我要去拜访朋友!”**

Another person shouted,"I'm going to visit my friend!"

**53. 拜访之声,如朋友相聚,如久别重逢。**

The sound of visiting, like friends getting together, like a long-lost reunion.

**54. 忽一人大呼“夜深了!”**

Suddenly, someone shouted,"It's getting late!"

以上就是关于口技统领全文的句子54句(口技统领全文的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
