
## 日本天气文案温柔句子,100句

**1. 今天是溫柔的陽光,灑落在櫻花樹上,輕輕搖曳,像是在訴說著春天的故事。**

Today, gentle sunlight spills onto the cherry blossom trees, swaying gently, like a whisper of spring's story.

**2. 秋天的風,帶著一絲涼意,吹過楓葉,染紅了整個山坡,像是燃燒的火焰,又像是溫柔的夢境。**

Autumn wind, with a touch of coolness, blows through the maple leaves, painting the entire hillside red, like a burning flame or a gentle dream.

**3. 冬日清晨,雪白的世界,寧靜而美好,只有松樹依然挺拔,像是在守護著這片純潔的土地。**

On a winter morning, the world is blanketed in snow, serene and beautiful, only the pine trees stand tall, like guardians of this pristine land.

**4. 午後的陽光,透過窗戶,灑落在書桌,陪伴著我閱讀,也溫暖著我的心。**

The afternoon sun, filtering through the window, falls upon my desk, accompanying me in reading, warming my heart.

**5. 雨後的空氣,清新而濕潤,帶著泥土的芬芳,讓人心曠神怡。**

The air after rain, fresh and moist, carries the scent of earth, invigorating the spirit.

**6. 天空中飄著細雨,像是輕柔的絲線,輕輕地撫摸著大地,滋潤著萬物。**

A gentle rain falls from the sky, like soft threads, gently caressing the earth, nourishing all things.

**7. 雲朵像棉花糖一樣,漂浮在天空,隨風飄蕩,讓人想起童年的美好時光。**

Clouds, like cotton candy, float in the sky, drifting with the wind, evoking memories of childhood innocence.

**8. 夕陽西下,將天空染成一片金黃色,像是為大地披上了一件華麗的披肩。**

As the sun sets, it paints the sky in a golden hue, like a magnificent shawl draped over the earth.

**9. 海邊的風,帶著鹹鹹的味道,吹拂著我的臉龐,讓人感到無比的自由。**

The wind by the sea, carrying the salty tang, brushes against my face, bringing a sense of immense freedom.

**10. 夜晚的星空,繁星點點,像是撒落在天鵝絨布上的鑽石,閃爍著神秘的光芒。**

The night sky, studded with stars, resembles diamonds scattered on velvet, twinkling with mysterious light.

**11. 寧靜的早晨,鳥兒在枝頭歌唱,陽光灑落在草地上,讓人感到滿滿的希望。**

A peaceful morning, with birds singing in the branches, sunlight dappling the grass, filling the heart with hope.

**12. 溫暖的午后,坐在公園的长椅上,看着孩子们玩耍,感受着岁月静好。**

A warm afternoon, sitting on a park bench, watching children play, savoring the tranquility of time.

**13. 雨後的彩虹,七彩斑斓,像是仙境般美麗,让人心中充滿了喜悅。**

A rainbow after the rain, vibrant and colorful, like a magical wonderland, filling the heart with joy.

**14. 春天的雨,淅瀝瀝地落下,滋潤着万物,也洗滌了心靈。**

Spring rain, pattering gently, nourishes all things and cleanses the soul.

**15. 秋天的落叶,像金色的蝴蝶,在空中翩翩起舞,舞出一幅美丽的画卷。**

Autumn leaves, like golden butterflies, dance gracefully in the air, painting a beautiful landscape.

**16. 冬天的雪,白茫茫一片,像是在大地披上了一件银色的外衣,让人感受到冬日的宁静。**

Winter snow, a vast expanse of white, like a silver cloak draped over the earth, bringing a sense of winter stillness.

**17. 阳光明媚,微风轻拂,天空蔚蓝如洗,让人心情舒畅,想要奔向远方。**

The sun shines brightly, a gentle breeze whispers, the sky is a pristine blue, filling the heart with joy and the desire to journey far.

**18. 雨过天晴,空气清新,雨后的阳光,格外温暖,让人心生暖意。**

After the rain, the air is fresh, the post-rain sunlight, exceptionally warm, brings warmth to the heart.

**19. 傍晚的夕阳,将天边染成一片火红,像是为一天的忙碌画上一个完美的句号。**

The evening sun, painting the horizon in a fiery red, marks the end of a day's work with a perfect period.

**20. 夜幕降临,繁星闪烁,月色如银,让人心生宁静,仿佛回到了孩提时代。**

As night falls, stars twinkle, the moon shines silver, bringing peace to the heart, as if returning to childhood.

**21. 今天是適合散步的好天氣,微風輕拂,陽光溫暖,讓身心都感到愉悅。**

It's a perfect day for a stroll, a gentle breeze, warm sunlight, bringing joy to both body and soul.

**22. 午後的雨,淅瀝瀝地下着,像是为城市洗刷了一层尘埃,也让空气变得更加清新。**

The afternoon rain, pattering softly, like a cleansing for the city, making the air even fresher.

**23. 今天的天气,像是画家调制的色彩,天空是淡淡的蓝色,云朵是洁白的棉花糖。**

Today's weather is like a painter's palette, the sky a soft blue, the clouds fluffy white cotton candy.

**24. 秋天的雨,帶着陣陣凉意,像是在提醒着人们,秋天已经來临。**

Autumn rain, with a touch of coolness, is a reminder that autumn has arrived.

**25. 冬天的阳光,虽然没有夏天的热情,却能带来温暖,让人感到舒适。**

Winter sun, though lacking the intensity of summer, brings warmth and comfort.

**26. 今天的天气,讓人想起一首舒缓的歌曲,讓人感到放松和舒适。**

Today's weather reminds me of a soothing song, bringing a sense of relaxation and comfort.

**27. 微風輕拂,樹葉沙沙作響,像是大自然演奏的一曲美妙的交響樂。**

A gentle breeze whispers, leaves rustle, like a beautiful symphony played by nature.

**28. 雨後的第一缕阳光,像是希望的曙光,驱散了阴霾,也让人充满希望。**

The first ray of sunshine after the rain, like a beacon of hope, dispels the gloom and fills the heart with hope.

**29. 今天的天气,让人想起童年时,坐在窗边,看着雨滴落下,心中充滿了宁静和美好。**

Today's weather reminds me of childhood, sitting by the window, watching raindrops fall, filling my heart with tranquility and joy.

**30. 雨後的空氣,帶著泥土的清香,让人感受到大自然的活力和生机。**

The air after rain, carrying the earthy fragrance, makes you feel the vitality and life of nature.

**31. 阳光透过云层,洒落在草地上,像是在草地上铺了一层金色的地毯。**

Sunshine filtering through the clouds, falling onto the grass, like a golden carpet laid upon the ground.

**32. 今天的天气,让人想起一首诗歌,诗歌里写着:春风拂柳,百花争艳。**

Today's weather reminds me of a poem, describing spring wind caressing willows, flowers blooming in vibrant colors.

**33. 秋天的阳光,温柔而温暖,像是抚摸着大地,也温暖着人心。**

Autumn sunlight, gentle and warm, like a caress upon the earth, warming the heart.

**34. 冬天的雪,像天鹅绒一样柔软,轻轻地覆盖着大地,带来宁静和祥和。**

Winter snow, as soft as velvet, gently covering the earth, bringing peace and serenity.

**35. 今天的天气,像是为心灵洗涤了一层尘埃,让人感到无比的轻松和愉快。**

Today's weather is like a cleansing for the soul, bringing a sense of relief and joy.

**36. 微风轻轻地吹拂着,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到心旷神怡。**

A gentle breeze blows, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit.

**37. 雨后的彩虹,像是一道美丽的桥梁,连接着天空和大地,也连接着希望和梦想。**

A rainbow after the rain, like a beautiful bridge, connecting the sky and the earth, connecting hope and dreams.

**38. 秋天的风,带着一丝凉意,吹过树叶,发出沙沙的响声,像是秋天的呢喃。**

Autumn wind, with a touch of coolness, blows through the leaves, rustling like autumn's whispers.

**39. 冬天的阳光,像是带着一丝忧郁的暖意,让人感到温暖,也让人想起冬日的寂静。**

Winter sunlight, with a touch of melancholy warmth, brings comfort, reminding one of winter's silence.

**40. 今天的天气,让人想起一首歌曲,歌曲里唱着:天空是蓝色的,云朵是白色的。**

Today's weather reminds me of a song, singing: The sky is blue, the clouds are white.

**41. 雨後的空气,像是被洗刷過一樣,清新而纯净,让人心旷神怡。**

The air after rain, like it has been washed clean, fresh and pure, invigorating the spirit.

**42. 阳光明媚,照耀着大地,万物欣欣向荣,让人感受到生命的活力。**

The sun shines brightly, illuminating the earth, all things thriving, making one feel the vitality of life.

**43. 秋天的雨,淅沥沥地下着,像是在为大地洗尘,也为人们洗涤心灵。**

Autumn rain, pattering softly, like a cleansing for the earth, also cleansing people's hearts.

**44. 冬天的雪,像是为大地盖上了一层厚厚的被子,让大地沉睡,也让人感受到冬日的静谧。**

Winter snow, like a thick blanket covering the earth, allowing it to sleep, also bringing a sense of winter tranquility.

**45. 今天的天气,让人想起一首童谣,童谣里唱着:小雨滴,小雨滴,滴答滴答落在窗台。**

Today's weather reminds me of a nursery rhyme, singing: Little raindrops, little raindrops, pitter-patter on the windowsill.

**46. 微风轻轻地拂过脸颊,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到无比的舒适。**

A gentle breeze brushes against my cheeks, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, bringing immense comfort.

**47. 雨後的彩虹,像是上帝的恩典,为人间带来了希望和美好,也让人感受到生命的奇迹。**

A rainbow after the rain, like God's grace, brings hope and beauty to the world, making one feel the miracle of life.

**48. 秋天的风,吹过落叶,发出沙沙的声音,像是大自然在低声吟唱,诉说着秋天的故事。**

Autumn wind, blowing through the fallen leaves, rustling softly, like nature's low hum, telling the story of autumn.

**49. 冬天的阳光,透过树枝,洒落在雪地上,像是为雪地披上了一层金色的光辉。**

Winter sunlight, filtering through the branches, falling onto the snow, like a golden glow draped over the snow.

**50. 今天的天气,让人想起一首歌曲,歌曲里唱着:风轻轻地吹,云慢慢地飘。**

Today's weather reminds me of a song, singing: The wind blows gently, the clouds drift slowly.

**51. 雨後的空气,像是被洗刷过一样,清新而纯净,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人想起童年时的美好时光。**

The air after rain, like it has been washed clean, fresh and pure, invigorating the spirit, also reminding one of the happy times of childhood.

**52. 阳光明媚,照耀着大地,万物欣欣向荣,让人感受到生命的活力,也让人想起未来的希望。**

The sun shines brightly, illuminating the earth, all things thriving, making one feel the vitality of life, also reminding one of future hope.

**53. 秋天的雨,淅沥沥地下着,像是在为大地洗尘,也为人们洗涤心灵,让人感到无比的平静和安宁。**

Autumn rain, pattering softly, like a cleansing for the earth, also cleansing people's hearts, bringing a sense of peace and serenity.

**54. 冬天的雪,像是为大地盖上了一层厚厚的被子,让大地沉睡,也让人感受到冬日的静谧,仿佛时间都静止了。**

Winter snow, like a thick blanket covering the earth, allowing it to sleep, also bringing a sense of winter tranquility, as if time has stood still.

**55. 今天的天气,让人想起一首童谣,童谣里唱着:小雨滴,小雨滴,滴答滴答落在窗台,窗台上,长出小蘑菇。**

Today's weather reminds me of a nursery rhyme, singing: Little raindrops, little raindrops, pitter-patter on the windowsill, on the windowsill, grow little mushrooms.

**56. 微风轻轻地拂过脸颊,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到无比的舒适,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。**

A gentle breeze brushes against my cheeks, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, bringing immense comfort, as if entering a dreamlike world.

**57. 雨後的彩虹,像是上帝的恩典,为人间带来了希望和美好,也让人感受到生命的奇迹,仿佛一切都是那么美好。**

A rainbow after the rain, like God's grace, brings hope and beauty to the world, making one feel the miracle of life, as if everything is perfect.

**58. 秋天的风,吹过落叶,发出沙沙的声音,像是大自然在低声吟唱,诉说着秋天的故事,也诉说着生命的轮回。**

Autumn wind, blowing through the fallen leaves, rustling softly, like nature's low hum, telling the story of autumn, also telling of the cycle of life.

**59. 冬天的阳光,透过树枝,洒落在雪地上,像是为雪地披上了一层金色的光辉,也为冬天增添了一丝温暖。**

Winter sunlight, filtering through the branches, falling onto the snow, like a golden glow draped over the snow, also adding a touch of warmth to winter.

**60. 今天的天气,让人想起一首歌曲,歌曲里唱着:风轻轻地吹,云慢慢地飘,天空是蓝色的,云朵是白色的,我的心也飞翔。**

Today's weather reminds me of a song, singing: The wind blows gently, the clouds drift slowly, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, my heart soars.

**61. 雨後的空氣,像是被洗刷過一樣,清新而純淨,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人想起童年时的美好时光,仿佛一切都是那么美好。**

The air after rain, like it has been washed clean, fresh and pure, invigorating the spirit, also reminding one of the happy times of childhood, as if everything is perfect.

**62. 阳光明媚,照耀着大地,万物欣欣向荣,让人感受到生命的活力,也让人想起未来的希望,仿佛未来充满了无限可能。**

The sun shines brightly, illuminating the earth, all things thriving, making one feel the vitality of life, also reminding one of future hope, as if the future is full of endless possibilities.

**63. 秋天的雨,淅沥沥地下着,像是在为大地洗尘,也为人们洗涤心灵,让人感到无比的平静和安宁,仿佛一切都是那么美好。**

Autumn rain, pattering softly, like a cleansing for the earth, also cleansing people's hearts, bringing a sense of peace and serenity, as if everything is perfect.

**64. 冬天的雪,像是为大地盖上了一层厚厚的被子,让大地沉睡,也让人感受到冬日的静谧,仿佛时间都静止了,一切都是那么美好。**

Winter snow, like a thick blanket covering the earth, allowing it to sleep, also bringing a sense of winter tranquility, as if time has stood still, everything is perfect.

**65. 今天的天气,让人想起一首童谣,童谣里唱着:小雨滴,小雨滴,滴答滴答落在窗台,窗台上,长出小蘑菇,小蘑菇,真可爱。**

Today's weather reminds me of a nursery rhyme, singing: Little raindrops, little raindrops, pitter-patter on the windowsill, on the windowsill, grow little mushrooms, little mushrooms, so cute.

**66. 微风轻轻地拂过脸颊,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到无比的舒适,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界,一切都是那么美好。**

A gentle breeze brushes against my cheeks, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, bringing immense comfort, as if entering a dreamlike world, everything is perfect.

**67. 雨後的彩虹,像是上帝的恩典,为人间带来了希望和美好,也让人感受到生命的奇迹,仿佛一切都是那么美好,值得珍惜。**

A rainbow after the rain, like God's grace, brings hope and beauty to the world, making one feel the miracle of life, as if everything is perfect and worth cherishing.

**68. 秋天的风,吹过落叶,发出沙沙的声音,像是大自然在低声吟唱,诉说着秋天的故事,也诉说着生命的轮回,一切都是那么美好。**

Autumn wind, blowing through the fallen leaves, rustling softly, like nature's low hum, telling the story of autumn, also telling of the cycle of life, everything is perfect.

**69. 冬天的阳光,透过树枝,洒落在雪地上,像是为雪地披上了一层金色的光辉,也为冬天增添了一丝温暖,一切都是那么美好。**

Winter sunlight, filtering through the branches, falling onto the snow, like a golden glow draped over the snow, also adding a touch of warmth to winter, everything is perfect.

**70. 今天的天气,让人想起一首歌曲,歌曲里唱着:风轻轻地吹,云慢慢地飘,天空是蓝色的,云朵是白色的,我的心也飞翔,一切都是那么美好。**

Today's weather reminds me of a song, singing: The wind blows gently, the clouds drift slowly, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, my heart soars, everything is perfect.

**71. 今天的天氣,像是漫步在森林,鳥兒在枝頭歌唱,陽光灑落在葉子上,讓人感到滿滿的幸福。**

Today's weather feels like strolling through a forest, with birds singing in the branches and sunlight dappling the leaves, making you feel completely happy.

**72. 雨後的空氣,帶著泥土的芬芳,讓人想起兒時在鄉下玩耍的時光,純粹而美好。**

The air after rain, with the earthy fragrance, reminds me of playing in the countryside as a child, pure and beautiful.

**73. 秋天的風,帶著陣陣涼意,吹過楓葉,染紅了整個山坡,像是燃燒的火焰,又像是浪漫的詩篇。**

Autumn wind, with a touch of coolness, blows through the maple leaves, painting the entire hillside red, like a burning flame or a romantic poem.

**74. 冬天的雪,白茫茫一片,像是在大地披上了一件銀色的外衣,讓人感到冬日的寧靜,也讓人想起溫暖的家。**

Winter snow, a vast expanse of white, like a silver cloak draped over the earth, bringing a sense of winter stillness, also reminding one of a warm home.

**75. 今天的天氣,让人想起一首舒緩的旋律,让人感到放松和舒适,像是為忙碌的生活按下暂停键。**

Today's weather reminds me of a soothing melody, bringing a sense of relaxation and comfort, like pressing pause on a busy life.

**76. 微風輕拂,樹葉沙沙作響,像是大自然演奏的一曲美妙的交響樂,讓人感到心旷神怡。**

A gentle breeze whispers, leaves rustle, like a beautiful symphony played by nature, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit.

**77. 雨後的彩虹,七彩斑斓,像是仙境般美麗,讓人心中充滿了喜悅,也讓人想起童年的夢想。**

A rainbow after the rain, vibrant and colorful, like a magical wonderland, filling the heart with joy, also reminding one of childhood dreams.

**78. 秋天的落葉,像金色的蝴蝶,在空中翩翩起舞,舞出一幅美丽的画卷,讓人感到生命的奇妙。**

Autumn leaves, like golden butterflies, dance gracefully in the air, painting a beautiful landscape, making one feel the wonder of life.

**79. 冬天的阳光,虽然没有夏天的热情,却能带来温暖,让人感到舒适,也讓人想起冬天独特的魅力。**

Winter sun, though lacking the intensity of summer, brings warmth and comfort, also reminding one of winter's unique charm.

**80. 今天的天氣,像是画家调制的色彩,天空是淡淡的蓝色,云朵是洁白的棉花糖,讓人想起童年的美好時光。**

Today's weather is like a painter's palette, the sky a soft blue, the clouds fluffy white cotton candy, reminding one of the happy times of childhood.

**81. 雨後的空气,带着泥土的清香,让人感受到大自然的活力和生机,也让人想起生命的堅韌。**

The air after rain, carrying the earthy fragrance, makes you feel the vitality and life of nature, also reminding one of life's resilience.

**82. 阳光透过云层,洒落在草地上,像是在草地上铺了一层金色的地毯,讓人感到溫暖和希望。**

Sunshine filtering through the clouds, falling onto the grass, like a golden carpet laid upon the ground, bringing warmth and hope.

**83. 今天的天氣,让人想起一首诗歌,诗歌里写着:春风拂柳,百花争艳,讓人想起春天的生机。**

Today's weather reminds me of a poem, describing spring wind caressing willows, flowers blooming in vibrant colors, reminding one of the vitality of spring.

**84. 秋天的阳光,温柔而温暖,像是抚摸着大地,也温暖着人心,讓人想起秋天的溫暖和寧靜。**

Autumn sunlight, gentle and warm, like a caress upon the earth, warming the heart, reminding one of autumn's warmth and tranquility.

**85. 冬天的雪,像天鹅绒一样柔软,轻轻地覆盖着大地,带来宁静和祥和,讓人想起冬天的純潔和美好。**

Winter snow, as soft as velvet, gently covering the earth, bringing peace and serenity, reminding one of winter's purity and beauty.

**86. 今天的天气,像是为心灵洗涤了一层尘埃,让人感到无比的轻松和愉快,让人想起生命中的美好。**

Today's weather is like a cleansing for the soul, bringing a sense of relief and joy, reminding one of the beauty in life.

**87. 微风轻轻地吹拂着,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到心旷神怡,让人想起大自然的魅力。**

A gentle breeze blows, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, refreshing the mind and invigorating the spirit, reminding one of nature's charm.

**88. 雨後的彩虹,像是一道美丽的桥梁,连接着天空和大地,也连接着希望和梦想,讓人想起生命的無限可能。**

A rainbow after the rain, like a beautiful bridge, connecting the sky and the earth, connecting hope and dreams, reminding one of life's infinite possibilities.

**89. 秋天的风,带着一丝凉意,吹过树叶,发出沙沙的响声,像是秋天的呢喃,也讓人想起秋天的故事。**

Autumn wind, with a touch of coolness, blows through the leaves, rustling like autumn's whispers, also reminding one of autumn's stories.

**90. 冬天的阳光,像是带着一丝忧郁的暖意,让人感到温暖,也让人想起冬日的寂静,讓人想起冬天的独特魅力。**

Winter sunlight, with a touch of melancholy warmth, brings comfort, reminding one of winter's silence, reminding one of winter's unique charm.

**91. 今天的天气,让人想起一首歌曲,歌曲里唱着:天空是蓝色的,云朵是白色的,讓人想起童年的美好時光,一切都是那么美好。**

Today's weather reminds me of a song, singing: The sky is blue, the clouds are white, reminding one of the happy times of childhood, everything is perfect.

**92. 雨後的空气,像是被洗刷过一样,清新而纯净,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人想起童年时的美好时光,一切都是那么美好,让人充满希望。**

The air after rain, like it has been washed clean, fresh and pure, invigorating the spirit, also reminding one of the happy times of childhood, everything is perfect, filling one with hope.

**93. 阳光明媚,照耀着大地,万物欣欣向荣,让人感受到生命的活力,也让人想起未来的希望,一切都是那么美好,让人充满期待。**

The sun shines brightly, illuminating the earth, all things thriving, making one feel the vitality of life, also reminding one of future hope, everything is perfect, filling one with anticipation.

**94. 秋天的雨,淅沥沥地下着,像是在为大地洗尘,也为人们洗涤心灵,让人感到无比的平静和安宁,一切都是那么美好,讓人感到心安。**

Autumn rain, pattering softly, like a cleansing for the earth, also cleansing people's hearts, bringing a sense of peace and serenity, everything is perfect, bringing peace to the heart.

**95. 冬天的雪,像是为大地盖上了一层厚厚的被子,让大地沉睡,也让人感受到冬日的静谧,一切都是那么美好,讓人感到寧靜。**

Winter snow, like a thick blanket covering the earth, allowing it to sleep, also bringing a sense of winter tranquility, everything is perfect, bringing a sense of tranquility.

**96. 今天的天气,让人想起一首童谣,童谣里唱着:小雨滴,小雨滴,滴答滴答落在窗台,窗台上,长出小蘑菇,小蘑菇,真可爱,讓人想起童年的美好時光。**

Today's weather reminds me of a nursery rhyme, singing: Little raindrops, little raindrops, pitter-patter on the windowsill, on the windowsill, grow little mushrooms, little mushrooms, so cute, reminding one of the happy times of childhood.

**97. 微风轻轻地拂过脸颊,带来一丝凉意,也带来一丝清香,让人感到无比的舒适,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界,一切都是那么美好,让人流连忘返。**

A gentle breeze brushes against my cheeks, bringing a touch of coolness and a hint of fragrance, bringing immense comfort, as if entering a dreamlike world, everything is perfect, making one linger.

**98. 雨後的彩虹,像是上帝的恩典,为人间带来了希望和美好,也让人感受到生命的奇迹,一切都是那么美好,值得珍惜,讓人感到幸福。**

A rainbow after the rain, like God's grace, brings hope and beauty to the world, making one feel the miracle of life, everything is perfect, worth cherishing, bringing happiness.

**99. 秋天的风,吹过落叶,发出沙沙的声音,像是大自然在低声吟唱,诉说着秋天的故事,也诉说着生命的轮回,一切都是那么美好,讓人感到生命的奧妙。**

Autumn wind, blowing through the fallen leaves, rustling softly, like nature's low hum, telling the story of autumn, also telling of the cycle of life, everything is perfect, making one feel the mystery of life.

**100. 冬天的阳光,透过树枝,洒落在雪地上,像是为雪地披上了一层金色的光辉,也为冬天增添了一丝温暖,一切都是那么美好,讓人感到溫暖和希望。**

Winter sunlight, filtering through the branches, falling onto the snow, like a golden glow draped over the snow, also adding a touch of warmth to winter, everything is perfect, bringing warmth and hope.

以上就是关于日本天气文案温柔句子100句(日本天气文案温柔句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
