
## 100句电话英语句子


1. **您好,请问是XX吗?**

Hello, is this XX speaking?

2. **我是XX,请问您是哪位?**

This is XX, who's calling please?

3. **请问我可以跟XX通话吗?**

May I speak to XX, please?

4. **对不起,他/她现在不在。**

I'm sorry, he/she is not available right now.

5. **请稍等,我帮您转接。**

Please hold on, I'll put you through.

6. **请问您能稍等一下吗?**

Could you please hold for a moment?

7. **您稍等,我正在核实一下。**

Just a moment, I'm checking.

8. **对不起,您拨打的号码不存在。**

I'm sorry, the number you dialed is not in service.


9. **请问您贵姓?**

May I have your name please?

10. **请问您的电话号码是多少?**

What is your phone number, please?

11. **请问您要找哪位?**

Who are you trying to reach?

12. **请问您要预约什么?**

What would you like to schedule?

13. **请问您方便告诉我您的地址吗?**

Could you please provide your address?


14. **您是说XX吗?**

Are you referring to XX?

15. **请您再说一遍好吗?**

Could you please repeat that?

16. **请您确认一下您的姓名和电话号码。**

Could you please confirm your name and phone number?


17. **请问您最近还好吗?**

How are you doing?

18. **您今天过得怎么样?**

How is your day going?

19. **您找我有事吗?**

Is there anything I can help you with?

20. **请问您想咨询什么?**

What would you like to inquire about?


21. **我明白了。**

I understand.

22. **我同意。**

I agree.

23. **我不确定。**

I'm not sure.

24. **我需要更多信息。**

I need more information.

25. **我建议您…**

I suggest you…


26. **我需要您留下您的姓名和电话号码。**

I need your name and phone number.

27. **我会尽快给您回复。**

I will get back to you as soon as possible.

28. **我已经把您的信息转达给XX了。**

I've passed your information on to XX.

29. **我正在为您转接XX。**

I'm connecting you with XX now.


30. **谢谢您的来电。**

Thank you for calling.

31. **再见!**


32. **祝您愉快!**

Have a nice day!


33. **请稍等,我马上回来。**

Please hold on, I'll be right back.

34. **对不起,我听不见您说话。**

I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

35. **请您再说一遍好吗?**

Could you please repeat that?

36. **请问您能把您的声音放低一点吗?**

Could you please speak a little slower?

37. **请问您能大声一点吗?**

Could you speak a little louder, please?

38. **请问您能把您的声音放低一点吗?**

Could you please speak a little slower?

39. **请问您能把您的声音放低一点吗?**

Could you please speak a little slower?

40. **您现在方便接电话吗?**

Are you available to talk right now?


41. **请问您是XX公司的吗?**

Are you with XX Company?

42. **请问XX在吗?**

Is XX available?

43. **请您转告XX,我稍后会回电。**

Please tell XX that I'll call back later.

44. **请问您能把您的联系方式留给我吗?**

Could you please leave your contact information?

45. **请问您方便告诉我您的订单号吗?**

Could you please provide your order number?


46. **我想预约一下。**

I would like to make an appointment.

47. **请问您什么时候有空?**

When are you available?

48. **请问您几点方便?**

What time works for you?

49. **我已经把预约信息记下来了。**

I have noted the appointment information.

50. **请问您需要更改预约吗?**

Do you need to reschedule your appointment?


51. **我想要投诉一下。**

I would like to lodge a complaint.

52. **我对此非常不满。**

I'm very dissatisfied with this.

53. **请问您能帮我解决这个问题吗?**

Could you please help me resolve this issue?

54. **我需要与您的主管通话。**

I need to speak with your supervisor.

55. **请您将我的投诉记录下来。**

Please record my complaint.


56. **非常感谢您的帮助。**

Thank you very much for your help.

57. **感谢您的时间。**

Thank you for your time.

58. **对不起,我迟到了。**

I'm sorry I'm late.

59. **对不起,打扰您了。**

I'm sorry to interrupt.

60. **对不起,我不小心打错了电话。**

I'm sorry, I dialed the wrong number.


61. **请问您知道XX在哪里吗?**

Do you know where XX is?

62. **请问XX怎么走?**

How can I get to XX?

63. **请问XX离这儿远吗?**

Is XX far from here?

64. **请问您能告诉我最近的地铁站吗?**

Could you tell me the nearest subway station?

65. **请问您能给我一个路线指引吗?**

Could you give me directions, please?


66. **请问现在几点?**

What time is it now?

67. **请问XX什么时候营业?**

When is XX open?

68. **请问XX什么时候关闭?**

When is XX closed?

69. **请问XX还有多久到达?**

How long until XX arrives?


70. **请问您能帮我一个忙吗?**

Could you please do me a favor?

71. **请问您能帮我翻译一下吗?**

Could you please translate this for me?

72. **请问您能帮我找个地方吗?**

Could you help me find a place?

73. **请问您能帮我叫个出租车吗?**

Could you please call me a taxi?


74. **我想预订一个酒店房间。**

I would like to book a hotel room.

75. **我想订一张机票。**

I would like to book a flight.

76. **请问您能给我一些旅游建议吗?**

Could you give me some travel recommendations?

77. **请问您能告诉我一些当地的景点吗?**

Could you tell me some local attractions?


78. **请问您有XX吗?**

Do you have XX?

79. **请问XX多少钱?**

How much is XX?

80. **请问您能帮我包起来吗?**

Could you please wrap this for me?

81. **请问您有XX的颜色吗?**

Do you have this in XX color?


82. **请问您能给我一份菜单吗?**

Could you please give me a menu?

83. **我想要点XX。**

I'd like to order XX.

84. **请问您能帮我叫一个服务员吗?**

Could you please call a waiter for me?

85. **请问您能帮我结账吗?**

Could you please bring me the bill?


86. **我需要一个医生。**

I need a doctor.

87. **我需要一个律师。**

I need a lawyer.

88. **我需要一个翻译。**

I need a translator.

89. **我需要一个银行。**

I need a bank.

90. **我需要一个邮局。**

I need a post office.


91. **请叫救护车!**

Call an ambulance!

92. **请叫警察!**

Call the police!

93. **我需要帮助!**

I need help!


94. **我爱你。**

I love you.

95. **我很高兴。**

I'm happy.

96. **我很伤心。**

I'm sad.

97. **我很生气。**

I'm angry.

98. **我很抱歉。**

I'm sorry.


99. **请您稍等。**

Please wait a moment.

100. **请您再说一遍好吗?**

Could you please repeat that?



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