
## 电话相关的句子 (80句)

**1. 我的手机没电了,借你手机打个电话吧。**

My phone is dead, can I borrow yours to make a call?

**2. 我正在打电话,等一下再回复你。**

I'm on the phone right now, I'll get back to you later.

**3. 你能帮我接一下电话吗?**

Could you answer the phone for me?

**4. 我没接到你的电话,你打了几次?**

I missed your call, how many times did you call?

**5. 我刚接到一个陌生电话,不知道是谁。**

I just got a call from an unknown number, I don't know who it is.

**6. 请问一下,您是哪个部门的?**

Excuse me, which department are you from?

**7. 您拨打的号码是空号。**

The number you dialed is out of service.

**8. 对不起,您拨打的号码暂时无法接通。**

Sorry, the number you dialed is currently unavailable.

**9. 请稍候,我正在为您转接。**

Please hold on, I'm transferring you now.

**10. 请您留下您的姓名和电话号码,我们稍后会与您联系。**

Please leave your name and phone number, we will get back to you later.

**11. 您的电话号码是多少?**

What is your phone number?

**12. 您的电话已欠费,请您及时缴费。**

Your phone bill is overdue, please pay it promptly.

**13. 您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。**

The number you dialed is currently busy, please try again later.

**14. 我需要一个新的手机号码。**

I need a new phone number.

**15. 我忘记了我的手机密码。**

I forgot my phone password.

**16. 我手机的电池很快就会没电了。**

My phone battery is about to die.

**17. 我手机的信号很差。**

My phone signal is weak.

**18. 我需要给手机充电。**

I need to charge my phone.

**19. 我正在使用手机。**

I'm using my phone.

**20. 我手机丢了。**

I lost my phone.

**21. 我手机坏了。**

My phone is broken.

**22. 我在手机上下载了一个新应用程序。**

I downloaded a new app on my phone.

**23. 我正在玩手机游戏。**

I'm playing a mobile game.

**24. 我在手机上看视频。**

I'm watching a video on my phone.

**25. 我正在用手机上网。**

I'm browsing the internet on my phone.

**26. 我手机的内存满了。**

My phone storage is full.

**27. 我需要清理一下手机。**

I need to clean up my phone.

**28. 我手机的相机很好用。**

My phone camera is good.

**29. 我用手机拍了张照片。**

I took a picture with my phone.

**30. 我手机的扬声器坏了。**

My phone speaker is broken.

**31. 我手机的屏幕碎了。**

My phone screen is cracked.

**32. 我需要换个手机壳。**

I need to change my phone case.

**33. 我手机的蓝牙功能失灵了。**

My phone's Bluetooth function is not working.

**34. 我手机的耳机插孔坏了。**

My phone's headphone jack is broken.

**35. 我手机的音量键坏了。**

My phone's volume button is broken.

**36. 我手机的电源键坏了。**

My phone's power button is broken.

**37. 我手机的 SIM 卡坏了。**

My phone's SIM card is broken.

**38. 我手机的内存卡坏了。**

My phone's memory card is broken.

**39. 我手机的软件更新了。**

My phone's software has been updated.

**40. 我手机的系统崩溃了。**

My phone's system crashed.

**41. 我手机的电池寿命很短。**

My phone's battery life is short.

**42. 我手机的待机时间很长。**

My phone's standby time is long.

**43. 我手机的通话质量很好。**

My phone's call quality is good.

**44. 我手机的网络速度很快。**

My phone's internet speed is fast.

**45. 我手机的 GPS 定位很准确。**

My phone's GPS location is accurate.

**46. 我手机的震动功能很强。**

My phone's vibration function is strong.

**47. 我手机的灯光很亮。**

My phone's light is bright.

**48. 我手机的铃声很好听。**

My phone's ringtone is nice.

**49. 我手机的壁纸很漂亮。**

My phone's wallpaper is beautiful.

**50. 我手机的图标很可爱。**

My phone's icons are cute.

**51. 我手机的界面很简洁。**

My phone's interface is simple.

**52. 我手机的功能很强大。**

My phone has powerful functions.

**53. 我手机的性能很稳定。**

My phone's performance is stable.

**54. 我手机的安全性很好。**

My phone's security is good.

**55. 我手机的性价比很高。**

My phone has a high cost performance.

**56. 我喜欢我的手机。**

I love my phone.

**57. 我想要一台新的手机。**

I want a new phone.

**58. 我正在寻找一款新的手机。**

I'm looking for a new phone.

**59. 我想换手机。**

I want to change my phone.

**60. 我对手机很了解。**

I know a lot about phones.

**61. 我对手机很感兴趣。**

I'm interested in phones.

**62. 我想学习更多关于手机的知识。**

I want to learn more about phones.

**63. 我喜欢使用手机。**

I like to use my phone.

**64. 我经常使用手机。**

I use my phone frequently.

**65. 手机已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。**

Phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.

**66. 手机改变了我们的生活方式。**

Phones have changed our way of life.

**67. 手机为我们提供了许多便利。**

Phones have provided us with many conveniences.

**68. 手机使我们能够与世界保持联系。**

Phones allow us to stay connected to the world.

**69. 手机让我们能够随时随地获取信息。**

Phones allow us to access information anytime, anywhere.

**70. 手机让我们能够与朋友和家人保持联系。**

Phones allow us to stay in touch with friends and family.

**71. 手机让我们能够分享我们的生活。**

Phones allow us to share our lives.

**72. 手机让我们能够学习新事物。**

Phones allow us to learn new things.

**73. 手机让我们能够娱乐。**

Phones allow us to be entertained.

**74. 手机让我们能够购物。**

Phones allow us to shop.

**75. 手机让我们能够旅行。**

Phones allow us to travel.

**76. 手机让我们能够工作。**

Phones allow us to work.

**77. 手机让我们能够管理我们的生活。**

Phones allow us to manage our lives.

**78. 手机让我们能够创造。**

Phones allow us to create.

**79. 手机让我们能够改变世界。**

Phones allow us to change the world.

**80. 手机是现代社会的必需品。**

Phones are a necessity in modern society.

以上就是关于电话有关的句子80句(电话有关的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
