
## 又想吃又想瘦句子 (87句)

**1. 减肥路上,永远都在跟美食斗争!**

The road to weight loss is an eternal battle against delicious food!

**2. 好想吃蛋糕,可是又想瘦,好矛盾啊!**

I really want to eat cake, but I also want to lose weight. It's such a dilemma!

**3. 今天要吃多少才能满足口腹之欲,又不超过热量限制呢?**

How much can I eat today to satisfy my cravings without exceeding my calorie limit?

**4. 嘴馋的时候,就告诉自己,瘦了就能吃更多!**

When I'm craving something, I tell myself that I can eat more once I lose weight!

**5. 减肥就像谈恋爱,想放弃的时候就看看目标,想吃的时候就看看自己。**

Losing weight is like being in love. When you want to give up, look at your goal. When you want to eat, look at yourself.

**6. 吃货的最高境界,就是吃得美味,还能保持身材!**

The ultimate goal of a foodie is to eat deliciously and maintain a good figure!

**7. 减肥是一种修行,吃货的修行,要战胜自己的欲望,才能得到最终的胜利!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, a foodie's spiritual practice. To overcome your desires is to achieve ultimate victory!

**8. 减肥就像一场战争,战败了就多吃几口,胜利了就少吃几口!**

Losing weight is like a war. If you lose, you eat a little more. If you win, you eat a little less.

**9. 又想吃又想瘦,这就是人生的矛盾,也是美食的诱惑!**

Wanting to eat and wanting to lose weight is a contradiction in life, it's the temptation of food!

**10. 减肥是场持久战,美食是永远的敌人!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is the eternal enemy!

**11. 想吃就吃吧,反正明天还要减肥!**

Just eat it if you want to. I'm going to diet tomorrow anyway!

**12. 减肥的路上,总有一些美食诱惑着我,但我坚信,我能战胜它们!**

On the road to losing weight, there are always some delicious foods tempting me, but I am confident that I can conquer them!

**13. 我想减肥,但我更想吃!**

I want to lose weight, but I want to eat even more!

**14. 减肥之路漫漫,唯有美食相伴!**

The road to losing weight is long, but delicious food keeps me company!

**15. 今天吃点好的,明天继续减肥!**

Let's eat something good today and continue to lose weight tomorrow!

**16. 减肥是长期的目标,美食是短暂的享受!**

Losing weight is a long-term goal, and food is a temporary enjoyment!

**17. 为了减肥,我忍痛割爱,放弃了多少美食!**

For the sake of losing weight, I have had to make painful sacrifices, giving up so many delicious foods!

**18. 我是一个吃货,但我也是一个有梦想的吃货!**

I am a foodie, but I am also a foodie with dreams!

**19. 减肥,是为了穿更美的衣服,吃更美味的食物!**

I'm losing weight to wear beautiful clothes and eat delicious food!

**20. 今天吃点好吃的,明天再减肥吧!**

Let's eat something delicious today, and I'll start dieting tomorrow!

**21. 减肥和美食,都是人生的乐趣!**

Losing weight and delicious food are both joys in life!

**22. 减肥是一场修行,美食是考验!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is the test!

**23. 减肥路上,美食是不可抗拒的诱惑!**

On the road to losing weight, food is an irresistible temptation!

**24. 今天吃饱了,明天再减肥!**

I'm full today, I'll diet tomorrow!

**25. 减肥,是为了吃更多!**

I'm losing weight so I can eat more!

**26. 我想吃,但我更想瘦!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more!

**27. 减肥是一场持久战,美食是这场战役中的绊脚石!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a stumbling block in this battle!

**28. 减肥的动力,就是想穿上美美的衣服,吃更多好吃的!**

The motivation to lose weight is to wear beautiful clothes and eat more delicious food!

**29. 我要减肥,我要做个吃不胖的吃货!**

I want to lose weight. I want to be a foodie who doesn't get fat!

**30. 减肥路上,美食是最好的安慰奖!**

On the road to losing weight, delicious food is the best consolation prize!

**31. 减肥,是为了更好的享受美食!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy food even better!

**32. 今天想吃什么就吃什么,反正明天还要继续减肥!**

Eat whatever you want today. I'll keep dieting tomorrow anyway!

**33. 减肥是需要坚持的,美食也是需要珍惜的!**

Losing weight requires perseverance, and delicious food needs to be cherished!

**34. 减肥路上,美食是最好的动力!**

On the road to losing weight, delicious food is the best motivation!

**35. 减肥是为了穿更漂亮的衣服,吃更多好吃的!**

I'm losing weight to wear beautiful clothes and eat more delicious food!

**36. 减肥的最高境界,就是吃得健康,还能保持身材!**

The ultimate goal of losing weight is to eat healthily and maintain a good figure!

**37. 减肥是件很辛苦的事,但美食的诱惑是无法抵挡的!**

Losing weight is hard work, but the temptation of delicious food is irresistible!

**38. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,怎么办?**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. What should I do?

**39. 减肥是场漫长的战斗,美食是这场战斗中的敌人!**

Losing weight is a long battle, and food is the enemy in this battle!

**40. 减肥,是为了更好的爱自己,爱美食!**

I'm losing weight to love myself better and to love food better!

**41. 我想减肥,但美食总是让我无法抗拒!**

I want to lose weight, but food always makes me irresistible!

**42. 减肥的路上,美食是最好的朋友,也是最大的敌人!**

On the road to losing weight, delicious food is both your best friend and your biggest enemy!

**43. 减肥是件苦差事,但美食却是人生的享受!**

Losing weight is a tough job, but delicious food is a joy in life!

**44. 减肥,是为了吃更多,吃得更健康!**

I'm losing weight to eat more and eat healthier!

**45. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一个永恒的矛盾!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an eternal contradiction!

**46. 减肥路上,美食是最大的诱惑,也是最大的动力!**

On the road to losing weight, food is the biggest temptation and the biggest motivation!

**47. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food in a healthier way!

**48. 减肥就像一场比赛,美食则是这场比赛中的奖品!**

Losing weight is like a competition, and food is the prize in this competition!

**49. 减肥是终身的事业,美食是人生的乐趣!**

Losing weight is a lifelong career, and food is a joy in life!

**50. 减肥,是为了吃得更美味,更健康!**

I'm losing weight to eat more deliciously and healthily!

**51. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种痛苦的挣扎!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a painful struggle!

**52. 减肥路上,美食是不可缺少的陪伴!**

On the road to losing weight, delicious food is an indispensable companion!

**53. 减肥是件需要毅力的事,美食是考验毅力的最好方法!**

Losing weight requires willpower, and delicious food is the best way to test willpower!

**54. 减肥是为了更好的穿衣服,吃更多好吃的!**

I'm losing weight to dress better and eat more delicious food!

**55. 减肥是场持久战,美食是这场战役中的陷阱!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a trap in this battle!

**56. 减肥是为了更健康地享受生活,享受美食!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy life and delicious food in a healthier way!

**57. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一个永远无法解开的谜题!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a mystery that can never be solved!

**58. 减肥是场修行,美食是修行中的考验!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is the test in this practice!

**59. 减肥是为了更好的爱自己,爱生活,爱美食!**

I'm losing weight to love myself better, to love life, and to love food!

**60. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种矛盾的美丽!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a beautiful contradiction!

**61. 减肥是件辛苦的事,但美食却是生活中不可缺少的乐趣!**

Losing weight is hard work, but delicious food is an indispensable joy in life!

**62. 减肥是场马拉松,美食是路上的补给站!**

Losing weight is a marathon, and food is a rest stop along the way!

**63. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food and life in a healthier way!

**64. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种永无止境的循环!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an endless loop!

**65. 减肥是场持久战,美食是这场战役中的武器!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a weapon in this battle!

**66. 减肥是为了穿更漂亮的衣服,吃更多好吃的,做更美好的自己!**

I'm losing weight to wear beautiful clothes, eat more delicious food, and be a better version of myself!

**67. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种难以割舍的矛盾!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a difficult contradiction to give up!

**68. 减肥是场修行,美食是修行中的考验,也是修行中的动力!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is a test in this practice, as well as a motivation!

**69. 减肥是件需要耐心的事,美食是考验耐心的最好方法!**

Losing weight requires patience, and delicious food is the best way to test patience!

**70. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受人生!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and life itself in a healthier way!

**71. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种充满诱惑的矛盾!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a contradiction full of temptations!

**72. 减肥是场持久战,美食是这场战役中的诱惑,也是这场战役中的动力!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a temptation in this battle, as well as a motivation!

**73. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受每一刻!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and every moment in a healthier way!

**74. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种难以言喻的矛盾!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is a contradiction that is difficult to express!

**75. 减肥是场修行,美食是修行中的考验,也是修行中的礼物!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is a test in this practice, as well as a gift!

**76. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受每一个瞬间!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and every moment in a healthier way!

**77. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种充满了矛盾和渴望的内心斗争!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an internal struggle filled with contradictions and desires!

**78. 减肥是场持久战,美食是这场战役中的陷阱,也是这场战役中的宝藏!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a trap in this battle, as well as a treasure in this battle!

**79. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受每一天!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and every day in a healthier way!

**80. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种充满着矛盾和希望的内心旅程!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an internal journey filled with contradictions and hope!

**81. 减肥是场修行,美食是修行中的考验,也是修行中的目标!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is a test in this practice, as well as a goal in this practice!

**82. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受每一个美好瞬间!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and every beautiful moment in a healthier way!

**83. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种充满了矛盾和努力的内心成长!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an internal growth filled with contradictions and effort!

**84. 减肥是场持久战,美食是这场战役中的陷阱,也是这场战役中的胜利!**

Losing weight is a long war, and food is a trap in this battle, as well as a victory in this battle!

**85. 减肥是为了更健康地享受美食,享受生活,享受每一个幸福时刻!**

I'm losing weight to enjoy delicious food, life, and every happy moment in a healthier way!

**86. 我想吃,但我更想瘦,这是一种充满着矛盾和毅力的内心挑战!**

I want to eat, but I want to lose weight even more. This is an internal challenge filled with contradictions and willpower!

**87. 减肥是场修行,美食是修行中的考验,也是修行中的最终目的!**

Losing weight is a spiritual practice, and food is a test in this practice, as well as the ultimate goal in this practice!

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