
## 勿扰飞升 52句

1. 山河远阔,人间烟火,我与你,皆是过客。

Mountains and rivers are vast, the world is full of smoke and fire, you and I are all just passers-by.

2. 我曾以为,世间万物皆可求,唯独时间不可逆。

I once thought that everything in the world could be sought after, except time cannot be reversed.

3. 命运总爱捉弄人,当你以为抓住了幸福,它却早已悄然离去。

Fate always loves to play tricks on people. When you think you've grasped happiness, it's already gone quietly.

4. 或许,我们都只是这世间的一粒尘埃,渺小而无力。

Perhaps we are all just a speck of dust in this world, tiny and powerless.

5. 世间万物皆有定数,强求不得,顺其自然,便好。

Everything in the world has its destiny, don't force it, just let it be.

6. 缘起缘灭,皆是天意,无需强求,也无须执着。

The beginning and end of fate are all the will of heaven, no need to force, no need to cling.

7. 人生苦短,何必执着于过往,不如珍惜当下,展望未来。

Life is short, why cling to the past, it's better to cherish the present and look to the future.

8. 孤独并非一种惩罚,而是一种领悟,它让我们更深刻地认识自我。

Loneliness is not a punishment, but an understanding, it allows us to know ourselves more deeply.

9. 痛苦是人生的一部分,学会与它共处,才能更好地拥抱幸福。

Pain is a part of life, learn to live with it, and you can better embrace happiness.

10. 勇敢追梦,不怕失败,因为失败也是一种收获。

Be brave to chase your dreams, don't be afraid of failure, because failure is also a gain.

11. 生活的意义,不在于追求完美,而在于不断成长,不断超越自我。

The meaning of life is not to pursue perfection, but to constantly grow and surpass ourselves.

12. 放下执念,才能真正拥有自由,才能真正获得快乐。

Let go of obsessions, you can truly be free, you can truly be happy.

13. 命运掌握在自己手中,不要轻易放弃,要勇敢地去追寻属于自己的幸福。

Fate is in your own hands, don't give up easily, be brave to pursue your own happiness.

14. 人生如戏,每个人都是演员,演绎着属于自己的角色。

Life is like a play, everyone is an actor, playing their own role.

15. 世间万物皆有因果,善有善报,恶有恶报,不要轻易作恶。

Everything in the world has its cause and effect, good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, don't do evil easily.

16. 珍惜眼前人,不要等到失去才懂得珍惜。

Cherish the people you have, don't wait until you lose them to understand.

17. 真正的爱,是无私的奉献,是默默的守护,是永恒的陪伴。

True love is selfless dedication, silent protection, and eternal companionship.

18. 愿你拥有阳光般温暖的笑容,愿你拥有星辰般闪耀的人生。

May you have a warm smile like sunshine, may you have a shining life like stars.

19. 不必强求,顺其自然,最好的总会出现在最好的时间里。

Don't force it, let it be, the best will always appear at the best time.

20. 生活中的不如意,不过是过眼云烟,不必耿耿于怀。

The unsatisfactory things in life are just fleeting moments, don't dwell on them.

21. 生命的意义在于体验,在于感受,在于不断地探索未知。

The meaning of life is to experience, to feel, to constantly explore the unknown.

22. 勇敢面对挑战,才能战胜自我,才能收获成长。

Be brave to face challenges, you can conquer yourself, you can reap growth.

23. 世间万物皆有其规律,懂得顺应规律,才能更好地生活。

Everything in the world has its own laws, understand and follow the laws, you can live better.

24. 学会放下,才能真正拥有自由,才能真正获得快乐。

Learn to let go, you can truly be free, you can truly be happy.

25. 相信自己,相信未来,你想要的,终会到来。

Believe in yourself, believe in the future, what you want will eventually come.

26. 不管你身处何方,都要保持一颗积极乐观的心态。

No matter where you are, you should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

27. 珍惜时间,因为时间是最宝贵的财富。

Cherish time, because time is the most valuable wealth.

28. 人生苦短,不要浪费时间在无意义的事情上。

Life is short, don't waste time on meaningless things.

29. 不要轻易许诺,许下的承诺就要努力去实现。

Don't make promises easily, the promises you make should be made to strive to achieve.

30. 勇敢面对自己的缺点,不断地修正自己,才能不断地进步。

Be brave to face your shortcomings, constantly correct yourself, you can constantly improve.

31. 永远不要放弃梦想,因为梦想是生命的动力。

Never give up your dreams, because dreams are the driving force of life.

32. 生活中充满着各种挑战,但只要你坚持不懈,终会战胜困难。

Life is full of challenges, but as long as you persevere, you will eventually overcome difficulties.

33. 学会感恩,感恩生命中所有的一切,无论是好的还是坏的。

Learn to be grateful, be grateful for everything in life, both good and bad.

34. 不要害怕犯错,因为错误是成长的必经之路。

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because mistakes are an inevitable part of growth.

35. 做最好的自己,不要活在别人的眼光里。

Be the best you can be, don't live in the eyes of others.

36. 永远保持一颗童心,保持对世界的好奇,才能活得更加精彩。

Always keep a childlike heart, keep your curiosity about the world, you can live a more exciting life.

37. 人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程,而不是目的地。

Life is like a journey, what matters is enjoying the process, not the destination.

38. 不要为过去而悔恨,不要为未来而担忧,要珍惜当下。

Don't regret the past, don't worry about the future, cherish the present.

39. 真正的幸福,是来自内心的平静与满足。

True happiness comes from inner peace and satisfaction.

40. 相信奇迹,相信自己,一切皆有可能。

Believe in miracles, believe in yourself, anything is possible.

41. 生命是一场修行,需要不断地学习,不断地成长。

Life is a practice, it needs to keep learning, keep growing.

42. 要学会欣赏他人的优点,也要正视自己的不足。

Learn to appreciate others' strengths, but also face your own shortcomings.

43. 不要轻易放弃,坚持下去,你会发现奇迹。

Don't give up easily, persevere, you will find miracles.

44. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道。

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

45. 永远不要停止学习,因为学习是人生的永恒主题。

Never stop learning, because learning is the eternal theme of life.

46. 勇敢地去追寻自己的梦想,不要让梦想成为遗憾。

Be brave to pursue your dreams, don't let dreams become regrets.

47. 要学会宽容,宽容别人,也宽容自己。

Learn to be tolerant, tolerant of others, and tolerant of yourself.

48. 要学会独立,独立思考,独立生活。

Learn to be independent, think for yourself, live independently.

49. 要学会爱自己,爱生活,爱这个世界。

Learn to love yourself, love life, love the world.

50. 人生充满了意外,但不要害怕,要勇敢地去面对。

Life is full of surprises, but don't be afraid, be brave to face them.

51. 珍惜每一次相遇,每一次相聚,因为缘分是珍贵的。

Cherish every encounter, every gathering, because fate is precious.

52. 愿你拥有一个充满阳光和希望的人生。

May you have a life filled with sunshine and hope.

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