
## 认错道歉的句子 (86 句)


1. 我真的很抱歉,我错了。

I am truly sorry, I was wrong.

2. 我对我的错误感到非常抱歉。

I am deeply sorry for my mistake.

3. 我不应该那样做,我真的很后悔。

I shouldn't have done that, I deeply regret it.

4. 我向你道歉,我让你失望了。

I apologize to you, I let you down.

5. 我真诚地希望你能原谅我。

I sincerely hope you can forgive me.

6. 我会尽力弥补我的过失。

I will do my best to make up for my mistake.

7. 我向你保证,这不会再发生了。

I assure you, this will never happen again.

8. 我对你造成的伤害感到非常抱歉。

I am very sorry for the hurt I caused you.

9. 我愿意承担所有责任。

I am willing to take full responsibility.

10. 我希望你能理解我的行为背后的原因。

I hope you can understand the reasons behind my actions.


11. 我不应该对你大吼大叫。

I shouldn't have yelled at you.

12. 我不应该忘记你的生日。

I shouldn't have forgotten your birthday.

13. 我不应该在你面前说那些话。

I shouldn't have said those things to you.

14. 我不应该违反你的信任。

I shouldn't have broken your trust.

15. 我不应该让你等那么久。

I shouldn't have made you wait so long.

16. 我不应该说谎。

I shouldn't have lied.

17. 我不应该对你发脾气。

I shouldn't have been so angry with you.

18. 我不应该这样对待你。

I shouldn't have treated you this way.

19. 我不应该让你失望。

I shouldn't have let you down.

20. 我不应该这样粗心大意。

I shouldn't have been so careless.

21. 我不应该打断你的话。

I shouldn't have interrupted you.

22. 我不应该对你冷淡。

I shouldn't have been cold to you.

23. 我不应该忽视你的感受。

I shouldn't have ignored your feelings.

24. 我不应该在没有征得你同意的情况下做决定。

I shouldn't have made decisions without your consent.

25. 我不应该说那些不负责任的话。

I shouldn't have said those irresponsible things.

26. 我不应该把责任推卸给别人。

I shouldn't have blamed others for my mistakes.

27. 我不应该对你的意见置之不理。

I shouldn't have disregarded your opinion.

28. 我不应该对你的请求置之不理。

I shouldn't have ignored your request.

29. 我不应该对你的建议视而不见。

I shouldn't have overlooked your suggestion.

30. 我不应该对你的努力视而不见。

I shouldn't have ignored your efforts.

31. 我不应该对你的付出视而不见。

I shouldn't have ignored your contributions.

32. 我不应该对你的付出毫无表示。

I shouldn't have shown no appreciation for your efforts.

33. 我不应该对你缺乏尊重。

I shouldn't have lacked respect for you.

34. 我不应该对你缺乏耐心。

I shouldn't have been impatient with you.

35. 我不应该对你缺乏理解。

I shouldn't have lacked understanding for you.

36. 我不应该对你缺乏信任。

I shouldn't have lacked trust in you.

37. 我不应该对你缺乏同情。

I shouldn't have lacked empathy for you.

38. 我不应该对你缺乏支持。

I shouldn't have lacked support for you.

39. 我不应该对你缺乏帮助。

I shouldn't have lacked help for you.

40. 我不应该对你缺乏关心。

I shouldn't have lacked concern for you.

41. 我不应该对你缺乏爱护。

I shouldn't have lacked care for you.


42. 我真的非常后悔。

I am really so sorry.

43. 我希望我能时光倒流。

I wish I could turn back time.

44. 我永远不会忘记这次教训。

I will never forget this lesson.

45. 我会努力成为更好的人。

I will try to be a better person.

46. 我真的希望你能原谅我。

I really hope you can forgive me.

47. 我会尽力弥补我的过失。

I will do my best to make up for my mistake.

48. 我希望你能给我一次机会。

I hope you can give me another chance.

49. 我向你保证,这不会再发生了。

I assure you, this will never happen again.

50. 我知道我让你失望了,但我真的希望你能理解我的苦衷。

I know I let you down, but I really hope you can understand my situation.


51. 我想我可能做错了。

I think I may have done something wrong.

52. 我想我可能让你感到不舒服了。

I think I may have made you uncomfortable.

53. 我想我可能不小心伤害了你。

I think I may have accidentally hurt you.

54. 我想我可能说了一些不该说的话。

I think I may have said something I shouldn't have.

55. 我想我可能做了一些不该做的事情。

I think I may have done something I shouldn't have done.

56. 我想我可能让你失望了。

I think I may have let you down.

57. 我想我可能对你造成了伤害。

I think I may have caused you harm.

58. 我想我可能需要向你解释一下。

I think I need to explain myself to you.

59. 我想我可能需要重新考虑我的做法。

I think I need to reconsider my actions.

60. 我想我可能需要向你道歉。

I think I need to apologize to you.


61. 对不起,是我错了。

Sorry, I was wrong.

62. 对不起,我不应该那样做。

Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.

63. 对不起,我让你失望了。

Sorry, I let you down.

64. 对不起,我伤害了你。

Sorry, I hurt you.

65. 对不起,我犯了个错误。

Sorry, I made a mistake.

66. 请原谅我,我错了。

Please forgive me, I was wrong.

67. 请原谅我,我不应该那样做。

Please forgive me, I shouldn't have done that.

68. 请原谅我,我让你失望了。

Please forgive me, I let you down.

69. 请原谅我,我伤害了你。

Please forgive me, I hurt you.

70. 请原谅我,我犯了个错误。

Please forgive me, I made a mistake.


71. 我真的对不起。

I am really sorry.

72. 我很抱歉。

I am sorry.

73. 我错了,我应该怎么做呢?

I was wrong, what should I do?

74. 我希望你能原谅我的错误。

I hope you can forgive my mistake.

75. 我不会再犯同样的错误了。

I won't make the same mistake again.

76. 我会更加注意我的言行。

I will be more careful with my words and actions.

77. 我会更加尊重你的感受。

I will be more respectful of your feelings.

78. 我会更加努力地理解你。

I will work harder to understand you.

79. 我会更加珍惜你。

I will cherish you more.

80. 我会更加爱你。

I will love you more.

81. 我希望你能给我一次机会。

I hope you can give me a chance.

82. 我希望我们能像以前一样。

I hope we can be like we used to be.

83. 我希望你能明白我的心意。

I hope you can understand my feelings.

84. 我真的很想念你。

I really miss you.

85. 我希望我们能重修旧好。

I hope we can reconcile.

86. 我愿意为你付出一切。

I am willing to do anything for you.

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