
## 72 Sentences to Make Her Smile, with English Translations

Here are 72 sentences to make her smile, with English translations:

**1. 你笑起来真好看。**

You look so beautiful when you smile.

**2. 你今天真漂亮。**

You look beautiful today.

**3. 你是我的阳光。**

You are my sunshine.

**4. 你是我生命中的天使。**

You are the angel in my life.

**5. 我爱你胜过一切。**

I love you more than anything.

**6. 你是我梦寐以求的女孩。**

You are the girl of my dreams.

**7. 我想每天都和你在一起。**

I want to be with you every day.

**8. 你是我最大的幸福。**

You are my greatest happiness.

**9. 我无法想象没有你的生活。**

I can't imagine my life without you.

**10. 你让我变得更好。**

You make me a better person.

**11. 你是世界上最棒的女孩。**

You are the best girl in the world.

**12. 我对你一见钟情。**

I fell in love with you at first sight.

**13. 你是我心里的唯一。**

You are the only one in my heart.

**14. 你是我永远的宝贝。**

You are my forever treasure.

**15. 你是我最珍爱的宝贝。**

You are my most precious treasure.

**16. 我想给你全世界。**

I want to give you the whole world.

**17. 你是我永远的公主。**

You are my forever princess.

**18. 你是我最喜欢的女孩。**

You are my favorite girl.

**19. 我想成为你的英雄。**

I want to be your hero.

**20. 你是世界上最美的女孩。**

You are the most beautiful girl in the world.

**21. 你笑起来像天使一样。**

You smile like an angel.

**22. 你是我最美好的梦想。**

You are my most beautiful dream.

**23. 你是我心中的女神。**

You are the goddess in my heart.

**24. 你是我的唯一真爱。**

You are my one true love.

**25. 我爱你胜过一切。**

I love you more than anything.

**26. 你是我最美的风景。**

You are the most beautiful scenery in my life.

**27. 我想每天都为你做早餐。**

I want to make you breakfast every day.

**28. 我想和你一起看日出。**

I want to watch the sunrise with you.

**29. 我想和你一起看星星。**

I want to watch the stars with you.

**30. 我想和你一起旅行。**

I want to travel with you.

**31. 我想和你一起跳舞。**

I want to dance with you.

**32. 我想和你一起唱歌。**

I want to sing with you.

**33. 我想和你一起做任何事。**

I want to do anything with you.

**34. 我想每天都听到你的声音。**

I want to hear your voice every day.

**35. 我想每天都看到你的笑容。**

I want to see your smile every day.

**36. 你是我一生中最美好的礼物。**

You are the best gift in my life.

**37. 你是上天赐予我的天使。**

You are an angel sent from heaven.

**38. 你是我最幸运的遇见。**

You are my luckiest encounter.

**39. 你是我心里的宝藏。**

You are the treasure in my heart.

**40. 你是我永远的挚爱。**

You are my forever love.

**41. 你是我最美的梦。**

You are my most beautiful dream.

**42. 你是我生命中的光。**

You are the light in my life.

**43. 我想每天都给你惊喜。**

I want to surprise you every day.

**44. 你是我永远的守护天使。**

You are my forever guardian angel.

**45. 你是我的全世界。**

You are my whole world.

**46. 你是我的唯一。**

You are my only one.

**47. 我想永远守护你。**

I want to protect you forever.

**48. 你是我的灵感。**

You are my inspiration.

**49. 你是我的动力。**

You are my motivation.

**50. 我想为你做任何事。**

I would do anything for you.

**51. 你是我心中最美的风景。**

You are the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

**52. 你是我生命中的幸运星。**

You are my lucky star in life.

**53. 你是我永远的宝贝。**

You are my forever treasure.

**54. 你是我最美好的回忆。**

You are my most beautiful memory.

**55. 你是我的快乐源泉。**

You are my source of happiness.

**56. 你是我的希望。**

You are my hope.

**57. 你是我的梦想。**

You are my dream.

**58. 你是我的未来。**

You are my future.

**59. 你是我生命中的奇迹。**

You are a miracle in my life.

**60. 你是我的天使。**

You are my angel.

**61. 我想永远和你在一起。**

I want to be with you forever.

**62. 你是我最宝贵的财富。**

You are my most precious wealth.

**63. 你是我生命中的幸福。**

You are the happiness in my life.

**64. 你是我的唯一真爱。**

You are my one true love.

**65. 你是我的太阳。**

You are my sun.

**66. 你是我的月亮。**

You are my moon.

**67. 你是我的星星。**

You are my star.

**68. 你是我心中的火焰。**

You are the fire in my heart.

**69. 你是我的氧气。**

You are my oxygen.

**70. 你是我的生命。**

You are my life.

**71. 我爱你。**

I love you.

**72. 你是我的全世界。**

You are my whole world.

These sentences are just a starting point. Feel free to adapt them to your own style and situation. Be sincere and genuine, and she'll definitely appreciate your words.

以上就是关于让她看到句子很开心句子72句(让她看到句子很开心句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
