
## 讨要工资的句子 (56句)


1. 我想请问一下,我的工资什么时候可以发放?

I'd like to ask when my salary will be paid?

2. 我已经完成了我的工作,请问我的工资什么时候可以结算?

I have finished my work, when can I expect my salary to be settled?

3. 我已经完成工作一段时间了,我的工资还没有发放,请问什么时候可以支付?

It's been a while since I finished the work, my salary hasn't been paid yet, when can I get it?

4. 我想确认一下,我的工资是否会按时发放?

I want to confirm if my salary will be paid on time?

5. 请问我的工资什么时候可以到账?

When can I expect my salary to be credited?

6. 请问我的工资延迟发放的原因是什么?

What's the reason for the delay in my salary?

7. 我的工资已经延迟很久了,我希望尽快得到支付。

My salary has been delayed for a long time, I hope to receive it as soon as possible.

8. 我想了解一下我的工资支付进度。

I want to know about the progress of my salary payment.


9. 不好意思,我想请问一下,我的工资什么时候可以发放?

Excuse me, I'd like to ask when my salary will be paid?

10. 我想确认一下,我的工资是否会如期发放?

I'd like to confirm if my salary will be paid as scheduled?

11. 我一直很期待能够收到我的工资,请问什么时候可以到账呢?

I've been looking forward to receiving my salary, when can I expect it to be credited?

12. 我想了解一下,工资发放是否有可能提前一些?

I'd like to know if there is any possibility of getting paid earlier?

13. 我想确认一下,工资的支付方式是否有所变动?

I want to confirm if there have been any changes to the way my salary is paid?

14. 我想咨询一下,关于工资发放的相关事宜。

I'd like to consult about matters related to salary payment.

15. 我想了解一下,工资发放的相关流程和时间节点。

I'd like to know about the related processes and time points for salary payment.

16. 我想了解一下,工资发放的具体情况。

I'd like to know the specifics about salary payment.


17. 我需要尽快得到我的工资。

I need to receive my salary as soon as possible.

18. 我的工资对我来说非常重要。

My salary is very important to me.

19. 我的生活费用需要依靠工资来支付。

I rely on my salary to pay for my living expenses.

20. 我需要我的工资来支付我的日常开销。

I need my salary to pay for my daily expenses.

21. 我需要我的工资来偿还我的债务。

I need my salary to repay my debts.

22. 我的工资延迟发放会给我带来很大的困扰。

The delay in my salary is causing me a lot of trouble.

23. 由于工资延迟发放,我无法支付我的生活费用。

I cannot pay for my living expenses due to the delay in my salary.

24. 由于工资延迟发放,我无法按时还款。

I cannot repay my loans on time due to the delay in my salary.


25. 我已经等了很久了,我的工资什么时候才能发放?

I've been waiting for a long time, when can my salary be paid?

26. 我的工资一直没有发放,我开始感到焦虑。

My salary hasn't been paid, I'm starting to feel anxious.

27. 我对工资延迟发放感到非常失望。

I am very disappointed about the delay in my salary.

28. 我希望能够得到一个合理的解释。

I hope to get a reasonable explanation.

29. 我希望你们能够尽快解决这个问题。

I hope you can resolve this issue as soon as possible.

30. 我对目前的状况感到非常不满意。

I am very dissatisfied with the current situation.

31. 我需要你们给我一个明确的答复。

I need a clear answer from you.

32. 我无法接受这样的情况。

I cannot accept this situation.


33. 请您帮助我尽快得到我的工资。

Please help me get my salary as soon as possible.

34. 请您尽快帮我解决这个问题。

Please help me solve this problem as soon as possible.

35. 请您告诉我,我的工资什么时候可以发放?

Please tell me when my salary will be paid?

36. 请您尽快联系财务部门,帮我查询一下工资发放的情况。

Please contact the finance department as soon as possible and help me check the status of my salary payment.

37. 请您帮忙催促一下,我的工资尽快发放。

Please help urge the payment of my salary as soon as possible.


38. 我可以考虑接受延迟发放,但希望能够得到一个合理的解释。

I can consider accepting the delayed payment, but I hope to get a reasonable explanation.

39. 我可以接受延迟发放,但希望能够有一个明确的时间表。

I can accept the delayed payment, but I hope to have a clear timeline.

40. 我可以接受延迟发放,但希望能够得到一定的补偿。

I can accept the delayed payment, but I hope to receive some compensation.

41. 我可以接受延迟发放,但希望能够得到您的承诺,下次不会再出现这种情况。

I can accept the delayed payment, but I hope to get your promise that this will not happen again.


42. 请问我的工资单在哪里可以查看?

Where can I check my payslip?

43. 请问我的工资是通过什么方式发放的?

What is the method of salary payment?

44. 请问我的工资是以什么货币支付的?

What currency is my salary paid in?

45. 请问我的工资发放周期是多久?

What is the salary payment cycle?

46. 请问我的工资扣税比例是多少?

What is my tax deduction rate?

47. 请问我的工资里包含哪些福利项目?

What benefits are included in my salary?


48. 请您务必按时发放我的工资。

Please make sure to pay my salary on time.

49. 请您不要再延迟我的工资。

Please do not delay my salary any further.

50. 请您尽快处理我的工资发放问题。

Please deal with my salary payment issue as soon as possible.

51. 请您对我承担应有的责任。

Please take responsibility for your obligations to me.


52. 如果我的工资不能及时发放,我将不得不采取进一步的措施。

If my salary is not paid on time, I will have to take further action.

53. 我不会放弃我的合法权益。

I will not give up my legal rights.

54. 我将保留追究责任的权利。

I reserve the right to hold you accountable.

55. 我将寻求法律援助。

I will seek legal assistance.

56. 我将向相关部门投诉。

I will file a complaint with the relevant authorities.

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