
## 50句关于远方的句子,并翻译成英文:

1. 远方,总有梦想的影子在招手。

The distant horizon always beckons with the shadows of dreams.

2. 远方,是未知的冒险,也是充满希望的旅程。

Distance is an unknown adventure, a journey filled with hope.

3. 远方,或许有我们从未见过的风景,也或许有我们从未经历过的故事。

The distance may hold landscapes we've never seen, stories we've never lived.

4. 远方,是一张空白的画卷,等待着我们用脚步去描绘。

The distance is a blank canvas, waiting for us to paint with our footsteps.

5. 远方,是心灵的向往,是灵魂的寄托。

The distance is a yearning of the heart, a solace for the soul.

6. 远方,是一首未完成的歌,只有在旅途中才能谱写出完整的旋律。

The distance is an unfinished song, only on the journey can its complete melody be composed.

7. 远方,是梦想起飞的地方,也是希望的起点。

The distance is where dreams take flight, the beginning of hope.

8. 远方,是未知的挑战,也是生命的考验。

The distance is an unknown challenge, a test of life.

9. 远方,是一片广阔的天空,让我们可以尽情地飞翔。

The distance is a vast sky, allowing us to soar freely.

10. 远方,是人生的另一种可能,也是梦想的另一种表达。

The distance is another possibility in life, another expression of dreams.

11. 我向往远方,因为那里有我未曾见过的世界。

I yearn for the distance because there lies a world I've never seen.

12. 我渴望远方,因为那里有我未曾经历的故事。

I crave the distance because there lie stories I've never lived.

13. 我迷恋远方,因为那里有我未曾感受过的风景。

I'm captivated by the distance because there lie landscapes I've never experienced.

14. 我追逐远方,因为那里有我未曾遇见的人。

I chase the distance because there lie people I've never met.

15. 我相信远方,因为那里有我未曾实现的梦想。

I believe in the distance because there lie dreams I haven't realized.

16. 远方,是梦想起航的地方,也是我们追逐梦想的动力。

The distance is where dreams set sail, the driving force behind our pursuit of them.

17. 远方,是未知的挑战,也是我们不断突破自我的机会。

The distance is an unknown challenge, an opportunity for us to continuously push our limits.

18. 远方,是人生的另一种可能,也是我们不断探索世界的理由。

The distance is another possibility in life, a reason for us to continuously explore the world.

19. 远方,是希望的象征,也是我们对未来的憧憬。

The distance is a symbol of hope, a reflection of our aspirations for the future.

20. 远方,是一张空白的画卷,等待着我们用行动去描绘。

The distance is a blank canvas, waiting for us to paint with our actions.

21. 远方,或许有我们从未见过的风景,也或许有我们从未经历过的故事,但它一定是充满着未知与惊喜的。

The distance may hold landscapes we've never seen, stories we've never lived, but it is undoubtedly filled with the unknown and surprises.

22. 远方,是一片广阔的天空,让我们可以尽情地飞翔,也让我们可以自由地追逐梦想。

The distance is a vast sky, allowing us to soar freely and pursue our dreams without constraint.

23. 远方,是心灵的向往,是灵魂的寄托,也是我们不断追求更好的自己的动力。

The distance is a yearning of the heart, a solace for the soul, and the driving force behind our continuous pursuit of a better self.

24. 远方,是一首未完成的歌,只有在旅途中才能谱写出完整的旋律,也只有在经历中才能体会到生命的真谛。

The distance is an unfinished song, only on the journey can its complete melody be composed, and only through experiences can we truly understand the meaning of life.

25. 远方,是人生的另一种可能,也是我们不断探索世界的理由,更是我们对美好未来的期盼。

The distance is another possibility in life, a reason for us to continuously explore the world, and a longing for a brighter future.

26. 远方,是梦想的起点,也是我们追逐梦想的动力。

The distance is the beginning of dreams, the driving force behind our pursuit of them.

27. 远方,是未知的挑战,也是我们不断突破自我的机会。

The distance is an unknown challenge, an opportunity for us to continuously push our limits.

28. 远方,是人生的另一种可能,也是我们不断探索世界的理由。

The distance is another possibility in life, a reason for us to continuously explore the world.

29. 远方,是希望的象征,也是我们对未来的憧憬。

The distance is a symbol of hope, a reflection of our aspirations for the future.

30. 远方,是一张空白的画卷,等待着我们用行动去描绘。

The distance is a blank canvas, waiting for us to paint with our actions.

31. 远方,是自由的象征,是心灵的解放。

The distance is a symbol of freedom, a liberation of the soul.

32. 远方,是冒险的开始,是探索的旅程。

The distance is the beginning of adventure, a journey of exploration.

33. 远方,是未知的诱惑,是心灵的悸动。

The distance is an unknown allure, a tremor of the heart.

34. 远方,是梦想的起点,是希望的终点。

The distance is the beginning of dreams, the end of hope.

35. 远方,是生命中的风景,是心灵的慰藉。

The distance is the landscape of life, the solace of the soul.

36. 远方,是诗人的灵感,是画家的色彩。

The distance is the inspiration of poets, the color of painters.

37. 远方,是音乐的节奏,是舞蹈的步伐。

The distance is the rhythm of music, the steps of dance.

38. 远方,是生命的旋律,是灵魂的乐章。

The distance is the melody of life, the symphony of the soul.

39. 远方,是故事的开始,是传奇的延续。

The distance is the beginning of a story, the continuation of a legend.

40. 远方,是未来的希望,是梦想的寄托。

The distance is the hope of the future, the reliance of dreams.

41. 远方,是心灵的归宿,是灵魂的港湾。

The distance is the home of the heart, the harbor of the soul.

42. 远方,是生命的旅程,是成长的轨迹。

The distance is the journey of life, the trajectory of growth.

43. 远方,是梦想的舞台,是奋斗的起点。

The distance is the stage of dreams, the starting point of struggle.

44. 远方,是未知的探索,是精彩的冒险。

The distance is the unknown exploration, the exciting adventure.

45. 远方,是生命的答案,是灵魂的密码。

The distance is the answer of life, the code of the soul.

46. 远方,是旅途的风景,是人生的阅历。

The distance is the scenery of the journey, the experience of life.

47. 远方,是心灵的呼唤,是灵魂的渴望。

The distance is the call of the heart, the desire of the soul.

48. 远方,是梦想的指引,是希望的灯塔。

The distance is the guide of dreams, the lighthouse of hope.

49. 远方,是生命的意义,是存在的价值。

The distance is the meaning of life, the value of existence.

50. 远方,是梦想的延伸,是生命的延续。

The distance is the extension of dreams, the continuation of life.

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