
## 79句“来得突然”的句子,并附英文翻译:

**1. 他突然发现自己身处一个陌生的地方。**

He suddenly found himself in a strange place.

**2. 雨来得太突然,所有人都措手不及。**

The rain came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

**3. 她的笑容来得如此突然,让我措手不及。**

Her smile came so suddenly that it caught me off guard.

**4. 他突然意识到自己犯了一个严重的错误。**

He suddenly realized that he had made a serious mistake.

**5. 他的决定来得如此突然,让所有人都感到震惊。**

His decision came so suddenly that it shocked everyone.

**6. 疼痛来得如此突然,我甚至来不及喊出声。**

The pain came so suddenly that I didn't even have time to scream.

**7. 他的愤怒来得如此突然,我完全没有防备。**

His anger came so suddenly that I was completely unprepared.

**8. 她的眼泪来得如此突然,我顿时不知所措。**

Her tears came so suddenly that I was at a loss for words.

**9. 命运的安排来得如此突然,我只能接受。**

The twist of fate came so suddenly that I could only accept it.

**10. 他的离开来得如此突然,我还没来得及道别。**

His departure came so suddenly that I didn't even have time to say goodbye.

**11. 机会来得如此突然,我必须抓住它。**

The opportunity came so suddenly that I had to seize it.

**12. 他突然想起了一件重要的事情。**

He suddenly remembered something important.

**13. 她突然意识到自己爱上了他。**

She suddenly realized that she was in love with him.

**14. 他突然感到一阵强烈的恐惧。**

He suddenly felt a surge of intense fear.

**15. 他突然发现自己被困住了。**

He suddenly realized that he was trapped.

**16. 他突然意识到自己必须做出改变。**

He suddenly realized that he had to make a change.

**17. 她的幸福来得如此突然,我为她感到高兴。**

Her happiness came so suddenly that I was happy for her.

**18. 他的成功来得如此突然,他甚至不敢相信。**

His success came so suddenly that he couldn't even believe it.

**19. 她突然发现自己被骗了。**

She suddenly realized that she had been tricked.

**20. 他突然意识到自己已经老了。**

He suddenly realized that he was old.

**21. 他突然感到一阵强烈的孤独。**

He suddenly felt a surge of intense loneliness.

**22. 他的灵感来得如此突然,他立刻开始创作。**

His inspiration came so suddenly that he immediately began to create.

**23. 她的想法来得如此突然,我顿时被吸引住了。**

Her idea came so suddenly that I was instantly captivated.

**24. 他突然意识到自己必须面对现实。**

He suddenly realized that he had to face reality.

**25. 他突然感到一阵强烈的喜悦。**

He suddenly felt a surge of intense joy.

**26. 他突然发现自己身处一个危险的环境。**

He suddenly found himself in a dangerous environment.

**27. 他突然意识到自己已经失去了朋友。**

He suddenly realized that he had lost a friend.

**28. 他突然意识到自己已经错了。**

He suddenly realized that he had been wrong.

**29. 他突然感到一阵强烈的悲伤。**

He suddenly felt a surge of intense sadness.

**30. 他突然意识到自己必须改变生活。**

He suddenly realized that he had to change his life.

**31. 她的怒火来得如此突然,我顿时感到害怕。**

Her anger came so suddenly that I was instantly scared.

**32. 他突然意识到自己已经老了,无法再像以前那样生活。**

He suddenly realized that he was old and couldn't live the same way he used to.

**33. 他突然意识到自己必须面对自己的错误。**

He suddenly realized that he had to face his mistakes.

**34. 他的机会来得如此突然,他必须抓住它,否则就会失去。**

His opportunity came so suddenly that he had to seize it or he would lose it.

**35. 她突然发现自己被爱包围着,这让她感到温暖和幸福。**

She suddenly found herself surrounded by love, which made her feel warm and happy.

**36. 他突然意识到自己的梦想并不遥远,他可以努力实现它。**

He suddenly realized that his dreams were not far away, and he could work hard to achieve them.

**37. 她的恐惧来得如此突然,她只能紧紧地抓住他的手。**

Her fear came so suddenly that she could only cling tightly to his hand.

**38. 他突然意识到自己已经无法回头,只能向前。**

He suddenly realized that he could not turn back, he could only move forward.

**39. 她突然感到一阵强烈的思念,她想念她的家人。**

She suddenly felt a surge of intense longing, she missed her family.

**40. 他突然意识到自己已经失去了太多,但他必须重新开始。**

He suddenly realized that he had lost too much, but he had to start over.

**41. 她的勇气来得如此突然,她决定勇敢地面对困难。**

Her courage came so suddenly that she decided to bravely face the difficulties.

**42. 他突然意识到自己的责任,他必须尽力做到最好。**

He suddenly realized his responsibility, he had to do his best.

**43. 她的眼泪来得如此突然,我只能静静地陪着她。**

Her tears came so suddenly that I could only sit quietly with her.

**44. 他突然意识到自己已经找到了人生的意义,他充满了希望。**

He suddenly realized that he had found the meaning of life, and he was full of hope.

**45. 她的幸福来得如此突然,我为她感到高兴,也为她担心。**

Her happiness came so suddenly that I was happy for her, but I also worried for her.

**46. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再逃避现实,他必须勇敢地面对。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer escape reality, he had to face it bravely.

**47. 她的微笑来得如此突然,我顿时感到温暖和快乐。**

Her smile came so suddenly that I instantly felt warm and happy.

**48. 他突然意识到自己的潜力,他决心努力实现它。**

He suddenly realized his potential, and he was determined to work hard to achieve it.

**49. 她的恐惧来得如此突然,她只能紧紧地抱着他。**

Her fear came so suddenly that she could only hold him tightly.

**50. 他突然意识到自己已经失去了太多,但他必须继续前进。**

He suddenly realized that he had lost too much, but he had to keep moving forward.

**51. 她突然感到一阵强烈的喜悦,她找到了自己一直寻找的东西。**

She suddenly felt a surge of intense joy, she found what she had been looking for.

**52. 他突然意识到自己已经不再是那个孩子,他已经长大成人。**

He suddenly realized that he was no longer a child, he had grown up.

**53. 她的眼泪来得如此突然,我只能静静地安慰她。**

Her tears came so suddenly that I could only quietly comfort her.

**54. 他突然意识到自己已经无法再回到过去,他必须展望未来。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer return to the past, he had to look to the future.

**55. 她突然感到一阵强烈的孤独,她渴望有人陪伴。**

She suddenly felt a surge of intense loneliness, she longed for someone to be with.

**56. 他突然意识到自己已经无法再逃避自己的责任,他必须承担起来。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer escape his responsibilities, he had to take them on.

**57. 她的爱来得如此突然,我顿时感到震惊和惊喜。**

Her love came so suddenly that I was instantly shocked and surprised.

**58. 他突然意识到自己的错误,他决心改正它。**

He suddenly realized his mistake, and he was determined to correct it.

**59. 她的痛苦来得如此突然,我只能静静地陪伴着她,默默地支持她。**

Her pain came so suddenly that I could only sit quietly with her, silently supporting her.

**60. 他突然意识到自己的生命是宝贵的,他决心珍惜每一天。**

He suddenly realized that his life was precious, and he was determined to cherish every day.

**61. 她的笑容来得如此突然,我顿时感到心花怒放。**

Her smile came so suddenly that I was instantly overjoyed.

**62. 他突然意识到自己已经失去了方向,但他必须找到新的目标。**

He suddenly realized that he had lost his way, but he had to find new goals.

**63. 她的泪水来得如此突然,我顿时感到心疼。**

Her tears came so suddenly that I instantly felt heartbroken.

**64. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再依靠别人,他必须学会独立。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer rely on others, he had to learn to be independent.

**65. 她的勇气来得如此突然,她决定勇敢地面对未来。**

Her courage came so suddenly that she decided to bravely face the future.

**66. 他突然意识到自己的梦想已经触手可及,他充满了动力。**

He suddenly realized that his dream was within reach, and he was full of motivation.

**67. 她的爱来得如此突然,我顿时感到幸福和甜蜜。**

Her love came so suddenly that I instantly felt happy and sweet.

**68. 他突然意识到自己的生活已经失去了意义,他必须找到新的目标。**

He suddenly realized that his life had lost its meaning, and he had to find new goals.

**69. 她的温柔来得如此突然,我顿时感到温暖和安心。**

Her gentleness came so suddenly that I instantly felt warm and comforted.

**70. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再逃避现实,他必须勇敢地面对它。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer escape reality, he had to face it bravely.

**71. 她的泪水来得如此突然,我只能默默地陪着她,静静地聆听。**

Her tears came so suddenly that I could only sit quietly with her, silently listening.

**72. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再浪费时间,他必须努力实现自己的梦想。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer waste time, he had to work hard to achieve his dreams.

**73. 她的微笑来得如此突然,我顿时感到心情舒畅。**

Her smile came so suddenly that I instantly felt happy and relaxed.

**74. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再回到过去,他必须珍惜现在。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer return to the past, he had to cherish the present.

**75. 她的温柔来得如此突然,我顿时感到温暖和感动。**

Her gentleness came so suddenly that I instantly felt warm and touched.

**76. 他突然意识到自己已经不能再依靠别人,他必须学会自强。**

He suddenly realized that he could no longer rely on others, he had to learn to be strong.

**77. 她的爱来得如此突然,我顿时感到幸福和甜蜜。**

Her love came so suddenly that I instantly felt happy and sweet.

**78. 他突然意识到自己的生命是宝贵的,他决心珍惜每一天。**

He suddenly realized that his life was precious, and he was determined to cherish every day.

**79. 她的笑容来得如此突然,我顿时感到心花怒放。**

Her smile came so suddenly that I was instantly overjoyed.

以上就是关于来得突然句子79句(来得突然句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
