
## 凹凸世界神仙句子 66句

1. **“别以为你把世界藏起来,我就找不到你了。”**

"Don't think you can hide the world from me, I'll find you."

2. **“即使是英雄,也会有疲惫的一天。”**

"Even heroes have their weary days."

3. **“我所做的一切,都是为了守护你。”**

"Everything I do is to protect you."

4. **“只要活着,就有希望。”**

"As long as you live, there is hope."

5. **“不要放弃,即使前路漫漫。”**

"Don't give up, even if the road ahead is long."

6. **“真正的强者,不是无所畏惧,而是即使恐惧,依然选择前进。”**

"True strength is not about being fearless, it's about choosing to move forward even when you're afraid."

7. **“命运掌握在自己手中,而不是别人。”**

"Your fate is in your own hands, not in the hands of others."

8. **“只要你相信,奇迹就会发生。”**

"As long as you believe, miracles will happen."

9. **“我不会让你孤单,我会一直陪在你身边。”**

"I won't let you be alone, I'll be by your side forever."

10. **“我们都是被命运选中的孩子。”**

"We are all children chosen by fate."

11. **“即使世界崩塌,我也要守护你。”**

"Even if the world collapses, I will protect you."

12. **“命运不是预言,而是选择。”**

"Fate is not a prophecy, it is a choice."

13. **“为了你,我愿意付出一切。”**

"For you, I'm willing to give everything."

14. **“不要害怕失败,失败也是一种成长。”**

"Don't be afraid of failure, failure is also a kind of growth."

15. **“即使身处黑暗,也要寻找光明。”**

"Even in the darkness, find the light."

16. **“我们都是孤独的行者,但我们并不孤单。”**

"We are all lonely travelers, but we are not alone."

17. **“爱是唯一的武器,可以战胜一切。”**

"Love is the only weapon that can conquer all."

18. **“即使世界抛弃了你,我也会守护你。”**

"Even if the world abandons you, I will protect you."

19. **“我们都是被命运戏弄的人,但我们不会屈服。”**

"We are all people played by fate, but we will not succumb."

20. **“不要放弃梦想,即使它看起来遥不可及。”**

"Don't give up on your dreams, even if they seem out of reach."

21. **“生命只有一次,请珍惜眼前。”**

"Life is only once, cherish the present."

22. **“我们都是星辰,即使微不足道,也会发光。”**

"We are all stars, even if insignificant, we will shine."

23. **“不要害怕改变,改变也是一种进步。”**

"Don't be afraid of change, change is also a kind of progress."

24. **“即使失去了一切,我们仍然可以重新开始。”**

"Even if we lose everything, we can still start over."

25. **“不要轻言放弃,奇迹总会在你坚持不懈的时候出现。”**

"Don't give up easily, miracles will always happen when you persevere."

26. **“真正的强大,不是力量,而是信念。”**

"True strength is not power, it is faith."

27. **“我们都是孤独的英雄,但我们并不孤单。”**

"We are all lonely heroes, but we are not alone."

28. **“命运的齿轮在转动,我们无法阻止,但我们可以改变。”**

"The gears of fate are turning, we cannot stop them, but we can change them."

29. **“我们都是被命运选中的战士,我们要为了守护而战。”**

"We are all warriors chosen by fate, we must fight to protect."

30. **“即使世界崩塌,我们也要守护希望。”**

"Even if the world collapses, we must protect hope."

31. **“我不会让你失望,我会成为你的希望。”**

"I won't let you down, I'll be your hope."

32. **“即使是微不足道的改变,也可能改变世界。”**

"Even the most insignificant changes can change the world."

33. **“不要害怕黑暗,黑暗中也蕴藏着光明。”**

"Don't be afraid of the dark, there is light in the dark."

34. **“真正的强者,不是战胜敌人,而是战胜自己。”**

"True strength is not about defeating enemies, it's about defeating yourself."

35. **“我们都是命运的棋子,但我们也有自己的选择。”**

"We are all pawns of fate, but we have our own choices."

36. **“我不会让你孤单,我会陪你一起面对。”**

"I won't let you be alone, I'll face it with you."

37. **“我们都是被命运绑在一起的灵魂,我们必须互相帮助。”**

"We are all souls bound together by fate, we must help each other."

38. **“不要害怕失败,失败是成功之母。”**

"Don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success."

39. **“即使世界抛弃了你,我也会永远守护你。”**

"Even if the world abandons you, I will always protect you."

40. **“真正的幸福,不是拥有多少,而是珍惜拥有。”**

"True happiness is not about how much you have, but about cherishing what you have."

41. **“不要放弃梦想,即使它看起来很遥远。”**

"Don't give up on your dreams, even if they seem far away."

42. **“我们都是被命运选中的孩子,我们要勇敢地活下去。”**

"We are all children chosen by fate, we must live bravely."

43. **“即使世界崩塌,我们也要守护爱。”**

"Even if the world collapses, we must protect love."

44. **“我不会让你失望,我会成为你的力量。”**

"I won't let you down, I'll be your strength."

45. **“不要害怕改变,改变是成长的必经之路。”**

"Don't be afraid of change, change is the inevitable path to growth."

46. **“即使失去了一切,我们仍然可以创造未来。”**

"Even if we lose everything, we can still create the future."

47. **“不要轻言放弃,奇迹总会在你不经意间出现。”**

"Don't give up easily, miracles will always happen unexpectedly."

48. **“真正的强大,不是力量,而是信念。”**

"True strength is not power, it is faith."

49. **“我们都是孤独的英雄,但我们并不孤单。”**

"We are all lonely heroes, but we are not alone."

50. **“命运的齿轮在转动,我们无法阻止,但我们可以改变。”**

"The gears of fate are turning, we cannot stop them, but we can change them."

51. **“我们都是被命运选中的战士,我们要为了守护而战。”**

"We are all warriors chosen by fate, we must fight to protect."

52. **“即使世界崩塌,我们也要守护希望。”**

"Even if the world collapses, we must protect hope."

53. **“我不会让你失望,我会成为你的希望。”**

"I won't let you down, I'll be your hope."

54. **“即使是微不足道的改变,也可能改变世界。”**

"Even the most insignificant changes can change the world."

55. **“不要害怕黑暗,黑暗中也蕴藏着光明。”**

"Don't be afraid of the dark, there is light in the dark."

56. **“真正的强者,不是战胜敌人,而是战胜自己。”**

"True strength is not about defeating enemies, it's about defeating yourself."

57. **“我们都是命运的棋子,但我们也有自己的选择。”**

"We are all pawns of fate, but we have our own choices."

58. **“我不会让你孤单,我会陪你一起面对。”**

"I won't let you be alone, I'll face it with you."

59. **“我们都是被命运绑在一起的灵魂,我们必须互相帮助。”**

"We are all souls bound together by fate, we must help each other."

60. **“不要害怕失败,失败是成功之母。”**

"Don't be afraid of failure, failure is the mother of success."

61. **“即使世界抛弃了你,我也会永远守护你。”**

"Even if the world abandons you, I will always protect you."

62. **“真正的幸福,不是拥有多少,而是珍惜拥有。”**

"True happiness is not about how much you have, but about cherishing what you have."

63. **“不要放弃梦想,即使它看起来很遥远。”**

"Don't give up on your dreams, even if they seem far away."

64. **“我们都是被命运选中的孩子,我们要勇敢地活下去。”**

"We are all children chosen by fate, we must live bravely."

65. **“即使世界崩塌,我们也要守护爱。”**

"Even if the world collapses, we must protect love."

66. **“我不会让你失望,我会成为你的力量。”**

"I won't let you down, I'll be your strength."

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