
## 再努力都是徒劳句子

1. 努力了,也无济于事,就像逆水行舟,越努力越后退。

2. 命运的齿轮早已转动,再怎么挣扎也无法改变。

3. 就像飞蛾扑火,明知不可为而为之,最终只会自取灭亡。

4. 努力就像逆风而行,越用力越难前行,最终还是会被吹散。

5. 就像在沙漠中挖井,越挖越深,却看不到水源。

6. 即使再努力,也无法挽回已经逝去的时光。

7. 就像在迷宫中穿梭,越努力越迷茫,找不到出口。

8. 就像在黑夜中摸索,即使再努力,也无法找到光明。

9. 就像在无底洞中坠落,越挣扎越下沉,最终会消失不见。

10. 就像在海水中挣扎,越拼命越无力,最终会被淹没。

11. 命运的枷锁牢牢地束缚着,再怎么努力也无法挣脱。

12. 就像在暴风雨中航行,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风暴雨。

13. 就像在烈焰中舞蹈,再怎么努力也无法逃脱火焰的吞噬。

14. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

15. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

16. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

17. 就像在梦境中追逐,越努力越虚幻,最终会醒来。

18. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

19. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

20. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

21. 就像在梦境中追逐,越努力越虚幻,最终会醒来。

22. 就像在风中摇曳的烛火,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风的吹袭。

23. 就像在暴雨中奔跑,再怎么努力也无法躲避雨水的洗礼。

24. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

25. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

26. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

27. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

28. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

29. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

30. 就像在黑夜中摸索,即使再努力,也无法找到光明。

31. 就像在无底洞中坠落,越挣扎越下沉,最终会消失不见。

32. 就像在海水中挣扎,越拼命越无力,最终会被淹没。

33. 就像在暴风雨中航行,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风暴雨。

34. 就像在烈焰中舞蹈,再怎么努力也无法逃脱火焰的吞噬。

35. 就像在迷宫中穿梭,越努力越迷茫,找不到出口。

36. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

37. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

38. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

39. 就像在梦境中追逐,越努力越虚幻,最终会醒来。

40. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

41. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

42. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

43. 就像在风中摇曳的烛火,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风的吹袭。

44. 就像在暴雨中奔跑,再怎么努力也无法躲避雨水的洗礼。

45. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

46. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

47. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

48. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

49. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

50. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

51. 就像在黑夜中摸索,即使再努力,也无法找到光明。

52. 就像在无底洞中坠落,越挣扎越下沉,最终会消失不见。

53. 就像在海水中挣扎,越拼命越无力,最终会被淹没。

54. 就像在暴风雨中航行,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风暴雨。

55. 就像在烈焰中舞蹈,再怎么努力也无法逃脱火焰的吞噬。

56. 就像在迷宫中穿梭,越努力越迷茫,找不到出口。

57. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

58. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

59. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

60. 就像在梦境中追逐,越努力越虚幻,最终会醒来。

61. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

62. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

63. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

64. 就像在风中摇曳的烛火,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风的吹袭。

65. 就像在暴雨中奔跑,再怎么努力也无法躲避雨水的洗礼。

66. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

67. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,越努力越绝望,最终会迷失。

68. 就像在悬崖边上跳舞,再怎么努力也无法阻止坠落。

69. 就像在时间长河中逆流而上,再怎么努力也无法回到过去。

70. 就像在浩瀚宇宙中漂泊,再怎么努力也无法找到归宿。

71. 就像在无边无际的海洋中航行,再怎么努力也无法找到陆地。

72. 就像在黑夜中摸索,即使再努力,也无法找到光明。

73. 就像在无底洞中坠落,越挣扎越下沉,最终会消失不见。

74. 就像在海水中挣扎,越拼命越无力,最终会被淹没。

75. 就像在暴风雨中航行,再怎么努力也无法抵挡狂风暴雨。

76. 就像在烈焰中舞蹈,再怎么努力也无法逃脱火焰的吞噬。

77. 就像在迷宫中穿梭,越努力越迷茫,找不到出口。

78. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,越努力越深陷,最终会沉沦。

## 英文翻译

1. No matter how hard you try, it's futile, like rowing against the current, the harder you try, the further you retreat.

2. The wheels of fate have already turned, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't change it.

3. Like a moth to a flame, knowing it's impossible yet doing it, you will eventually perish.

4. Effort is like walking against the wind, the harder you push, the harder it is to move forward, eventually you will be blown away.

5. Like digging a well in the desert, the deeper you dig, the less water you see.

6. Even with all your effort, you can't recover the time that has passed.

7. Like wandering in a maze, the harder you try, the more lost you get, you can't find the exit.

8. Like groping in the dark, no matter how hard you try, you can't find the light.

9. Like falling into a bottomless pit, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink, eventually you will disappear.

10. Like struggling in the sea, the harder you fight, the weaker you become, eventually you will drown.

11. The shackles of fate bind you tightly, no matter how hard you try, you can't break free.

12. Like sailing in a storm, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

13. Like dancing in flames, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the flames devouring you.

14. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

15. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

16. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

17. Like chasing in a dream, the harder you try, the more unreal it becomes, eventually you will wake up.

18. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

19. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

20. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

21. Like chasing in a dream, the harder you try, the more unreal it becomes, eventually you will wake up.

22. Like a candle flickering in the wind, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

23. Like running in a rainstorm, no matter how hard you try, you can't avoid the rain.

24. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

25. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

26. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

27. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

28. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

29. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

30. Like groping in the dark, no matter how hard you try, you can't find the light.

31. Like falling into a bottomless pit, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink, eventually you will disappear.

32. Like struggling in the sea, the harder you fight, the weaker you become, eventually you will drown.

33. Like sailing in a storm, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

34. Like dancing in flames, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the flames devouring you.

35. Like wandering in a maze, the harder you try, the more lost you get, you can't find the exit.

36. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

37. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

38. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

39. Like chasing in a dream, the harder you try, the more unreal it becomes, eventually you will wake up.

40. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

41. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

42. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

43. Like a candle flickering in the wind, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

44. Like running in a rainstorm, no matter how hard you try, you can't avoid the rain.

45. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

46. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

47. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

48. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

49. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

50. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

51. Like groping in the dark, no matter how hard you try, you can't find the light.

52. Like falling into a bottomless pit, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink, eventually you will disappear.

53. Like struggling in the sea, the harder you fight, the weaker you become, eventually you will drown.

54. Like sailing in a storm, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

55. Like dancing in flames, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the flames devouring you.

56. Like wandering in a maze, the harder you try, the more lost you get, you can't find the exit.

57. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

58. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

59. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

60. Like chasing in a dream, the harder you try, the more unreal it becomes, eventually you will wake up.

61. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

62. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

63. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

64. Like a candle flickering in the wind, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

65. Like running in a rainstorm, no matter how hard you try, you can't avoid the rain.

66. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

67. Like searching for an oasis in the desert, the harder you try, the more desperate you become, eventually you will lose your way.

68. Like dancing on the edge of a cliff, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from falling.

69. Like going against the current in the river of time, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the past.

70. Like drifting in the vast universe, no matter how hard you try, you can't find your home.

71. Like sailing in the endless ocean, no matter how hard you try, you can't find land.

72. Like groping in the dark, no matter how hard you try, you can't find the light.

73. Like falling into a bottomless pit, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink, eventually you will disappear.

74. Like struggling in the sea, the harder you fight, the weaker you become, eventually you will drown.

75. Like sailing in a storm, no matter how hard you try, you can't withstand the gale.

76. Like dancing in flames, no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the flames devouring you.

77. Like wandering in a maze, the harder you try, the more lost you get, you can't find the exit.

78. Like struggling in a mud pit, the harder you try, the deeper you sink, eventually you will be consumed.

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