
## 57句兼语短语句子及英文翻译**1. 我喜欢读书看电影。**

I enjoy both reading and watching movies.

**2. 他一边工作一边思考问题。**

He works and thinks about the problem at the same time.

**3. 她一边唱歌一边跳舞。**

She sings and dances at the same time.

**4. 他一边听音乐一边写作业。**

He listens to music and does his homework at the same time.

**5. 我们一边聊天一边吃饭。**

We chat and eat at the same time.

**6. 他一边跑步一边锻炼身体。**

He runs and exercises at the same time.

**7. 她一边学习一边工作。**

She studies and works at the same time.

**8. 他一边学习英语一边学习法语。**

He studies English and French at the same time.

**9. 我们一边看电视一边聊天。**

We watch TV and chat at the same time.

**10. 他一边工作一边赚钱。**

He works and makes money at the same time.

**11. 她一边学习一边教书。**

She studies and teaches at the same time.

**12. 他一边写书一边写剧本。**

He writes books and scripts at the same time.

**13. 我们一边吃饭一边聊天。**

We eat and chat at the same time.

**14. 他一边锻炼身体一边减肥。**

He exercises and loses weight at the same time.

**15. 她一边唱歌一边跳舞。**

She sings and dances at the same time.

**16. 他一边听音乐一边工作。**

He listens to music and works at the same time.

**17. 我们一边聊天一边看电影。**

We chat and watch movies at the same time.

**18. 他一边思考问题一边工作。**

He thinks about the problem and works at the same time.

**19. 她一边工作一边学习。**

She works and studies at the same time.

**20. 他一边练习钢琴一边练习小提琴。**

He practices the piano and the violin at the same time.

**21. 我们一边旅行一边拍照。**

We travel and take photos at the same time.

**22. 他一边读书一边思考。**

He reads and thinks at the same time.

**23. 她一边学习英语一边学习法语。**

She studies English and French at the same time.

**24. 他一边工作一边照顾孩子。**

He works and takes care of his children at the same time.

**25. 我们一边吃饭一边聊天。**

We eat and chat at the same time.

**26. 他一边工作一边锻炼身体。**

He works and exercises at the same time.

**27. 她一边学习一边工作。**

She studies and works at the same time.

**28. 他一边看电视一边做家务。**

He watches TV and does housework at the same time.

**29. 我们一边聊天一边散步。**

We chat and walk at the same time.

**30. 他一边思考问题一边写文章。**

He thinks about the problem and writes articles at the same time.

**31. 她一边学习一边教书。**

She studies and teaches at the same time.

**32. 他一边工作一边赚钱。**

He works and makes money at the same time.

**33. 我们一边吃饭一边聊天。**

We eat and chat at the same time.

**34. 他一边学习一边旅行。**

He studies and travels at the same time.

**35. 她一边工作一边照顾家人。**

She works and takes care of her family at the same time.

**36. 他一边工作一边写小说。**

He works and writes novels at the same time.

**37. 我们一边吃饭一边唱歌。**

We eat and sing at the same time.

**38. 他一边练习钢琴一边练习吉他。**

He practices the piano and the guitar at the same time.

**39. 她一边学习一边练习舞蹈。**

She studies and practices dance at the same time.

**40. 他一边工作一边思考人生。**

He works and thinks about life at the same time.

**41. 我们一边聊天一边喝咖啡。**

We chat and drink coffee at the same time.

**42. 他一边学习一边工作。**

He studies and works at the same time.

**43. 她一边工作一边照顾孩子。**

She works and takes care of her children at the same time.

**44. 他一边工作一边做饭。**

He works and cooks at the same time.

**45. 我们一边聊天一边散步。**

We chat and walk at the same time.

**46. 他一边学习一边做家务。**

He studies and does housework at the same time.

**47. 她一边工作一边学习新技能。**

She works and learns new skills at the same time.

**48. 他一边工作一边写博客。**

He works and writes blogs at the same time.

**49. 我们一边聊天一边看风景。**

We chat and enjoy the scenery at the same time.

**50. 他一边锻炼身体一边听音乐。**

He exercises and listens to music at the same time.

**51. 她一边工作一边照顾宠物。**

She works and takes care of her pets at the same time.

**52. 他一边工作一边学习新语言。**

He works and learns new languages at the same time.

**53. 我们一边聊天一边玩游戏。**

We chat and play games at the same time.

**54. 他一边工作一边思考人生的意义。**

He works and thinks about the meaning of life at the same time.

**55. 她一边工作一边照顾父母。**

She works and takes care of her parents at the same time.

**56. 他一边工作一边学习新的技术。**

He works and learns new technologies at the same time.

**57. 我们一边聊天一边享受美好的时光。**

We chat and enjoy the good times at the same time.

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