
## 替罪羔羊的句子 (66句)

**1. 他成了这起事件的替罪羊,尽管他与之毫无关系。**

He became the scapegoat for this incident, even though he had nothing to do with it.

**2. 为了保护自己的利益,他们把责任推给了替罪羊。**

To protect their own interests, they blamed it on a scapegoat.

**3. 寻找替罪羊并不能解决问题,只会掩盖真相。**

Finding a scapegoat does not solve the problem, it only hides the truth.

**4. 这个公司把所有失败都归咎于一个替罪羊。**

The company blamed all its failures on a scapegoat.

**5. 他被选为替罪羊,因为他没有足够的力量反驳。**

He was chosen as the scapegoat because he didn't have enough power to argue back.

**6. 他们需要一个替罪羊来平息公众的愤怒。**

They needed a scapegoat to appease the public's anger.

**7. 寻找替罪羊是一种懦弱的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is a cowardly act.

**8. 替罪羊通常是那些最弱势的人。**

Scapegoats are often those who are most vulnerable.

**9. 不要让任何人成为你的替罪羊。**

Don't let anyone be your scapegoat.

**10. 历史充满了替罪羊的例子。**

History is full of examples of scapegoats.

**11. 替罪羊通常是被误解或被诬陷的。**

Scapegoats are often misunderstood or falsely accused.

**12. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的方式。**

Finding a scapegoat is a way to avoid responsibility.

**13. 替罪羊的存在是因为人们害怕承担责任。**

Scapegoats exist because people are afraid of taking responsibility.

**14. 替罪羊往往成为众矢之的。**

Scapegoats often become the target of everyone's anger.

**15. 替罪羊的命运通常很悲惨。**

The fate of scapegoats is usually tragic.

**16. 他被指控为替罪羊,但事实并非如此。**

He was accused of being the scapegoat, but it was not true.

**17. 寻找替罪羊是错误的,因为这会导致不公正。**

Finding a scapegoat is wrong because it leads to injustice.

**18. 不要成为别人的替罪羊。**

Don't become someone else's scapegoat.

**19. 替罪羊的命运往往取决于他们的力量。**

The fate of scapegoats often depends on their power.

**20. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避现实的方式。**

Finding a scapegoat is a way to escape reality.

**21. 替罪羊的牺牲是无意义的。**

The sacrifice of a scapegoat is meaningless.

**22. 替罪羊的命运是悲剧性的。**

The fate of the scapegoat is tragic.

**23. 寻找替罪羊是一种错误的解决问题的方法。**

Finding a scapegoat is a wrong way to solve the problem.

**24. 替罪羊通常是被牺牲的。**

Scapegoats are usually sacrificed.

**25. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic.

**26. 寻找替罪羊是一种不公正的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is an unjust act.

**27. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,但也是值得同情的。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic, but also worthy of sympathy.

**28. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的方式,也是一种逃避真相的方式。**

Finding a scapegoat is a way to avoid responsibility, and it is also a way to avoid the truth.

**29. 替罪羊通常是被误解的,但他们也可能是罪魁祸首。**

Scapegoats are often misunderstood, but they may also be the culprit.

**30. 寻找替罪羊是一种方便的解决问题的方式,但它并不是一个有效的解决问题的方式。**

Finding a scapegoat is a convenient way to solve a problem, but it is not an effective way to solve a problem.

**31. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为他们通常是无辜的。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because they are usually innocent.

**32. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的策略,它可能会导致不公正的处罚。**

Finding a scapegoat is a strategy for avoiding responsibility, and it may lead to unjust punishment.

**33. 替罪羊通常是那些没有权力或影响力的人。**

Scapegoats are usually those who have no power or influence.

**34. 寻找替罪羊是一种不负责任的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is an irresponsible act.

**35. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,但它也可以是一个警示故事。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic, but it can also be a cautionary tale.

**36. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避真相的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding the truth.

**37. 替罪羊通常是被用来掩盖真相的。**

Scapegoats are often used to cover up the truth.

**38. 寻找替罪羊是一种掩盖事实的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of covering up the facts.

**39. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们不公正的可能性。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us of the possibility of injustice.

**40. 寻找替罪羊是一种不道德的行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is an unethical act.

**41. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,但它也可以是一种教训。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic, but it can also be a lesson.

**42. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的懦夫行为。**

Finding a scapegoat is a cowardly act of avoiding responsibility.

**43. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为他们往往会被遗忘。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because they are often forgotten.

**44. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的便捷方式,但它会导致不公正的结果。**

Finding a scapegoat is a convenient way to avoid responsibility, but it can lead to unjust outcomes.

**45. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它表明了我们社会的黑暗面。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it shows the dark side of our society.

**46. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致进一步的伤害。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to further harm.

**47. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它反映了我们社会对弱势群体的蔑视。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reflects our society's disdain for the vulnerable.

**48. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的方式,它可能会导致不公正的审判。**

Finding a scapegoat is a way to avoid responsibility that can lead to unjust trials.

**49. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们,不公正可能会发生在任何地方。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us that injustice can happen anywhere.

**50. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的惩罚。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust punishment.

**51. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它反映了我们社会的不公正。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reflects the injustice of our society.

**52. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的待遇。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust treatment.

**53. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们,不公正的可能性。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us of the possibility of injustice.

**54. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的裁决。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust rulings.

**55. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它反映了我们社会的无情。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reflects the ruthlessness of our society.

**56. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的判决。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust sentences.

**57. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们,不公正的可能性。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us of the possibility of injustice.

**58. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的决定。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust decisions.

**59. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它反映了我们社会的无情。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reflects the ruthlessness of our society.

**60. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的处罚。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust punishments.

**61. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们,不公正的可能性。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us of the possibility of injustice.

**62. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的待遇。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust treatment.

**63. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它反映了我们社会的无情。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reflects the ruthlessness of our society.

**64. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的裁决。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust rulings.

**65. 替罪羊的命运是可悲的,因为它提醒我们,不公正的可能性。**

The fate of the scapegoat is pathetic because it reminds us of the possibility of injustice.

**66. 寻找替罪羊是一种逃避责任的行为,它可能会导致不公正的判决。**

Finding a scapegoat is an act of avoiding responsibility that can lead to unjust sentences.

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