
## 入列就位 63 句**1. 全体起立!**

Everyone stand up!

**2. 稍息!**

At ease!

**3. 立正!**


**4. 向右看齐!**

Right face!

**5. 向左看齐!**

Left face!

**6. 向后看齐!**

About face!

**7. 向前看!**

Eyes front!

**8. 报数!**

Count off!

**9. 报数完毕!**

Count off complete!

**10. 第一排报数!**

First row, count off!

**11. 第二排报数!**

Second row, count off!

**12. 第三排报数!**

Third row, count off!

**13. 第四排报数!**

Fourth row, count off!

**14. 第一列报数!**

First column, count off!

**15. 第二列报数!**

Second column, count off!

**16. 第三列报数!**

Third column, count off!

**17. 第四列报数!**

Fourth column, count off!

**18. 第一组报数!**

First group, count off!

**19. 第二组报数!**

Second group, count off!

**20. 第三组报数!**

Third group, count off!

**21. 第四组报数!**

Fourth group, count off!

**22. 全体都有!**

All present!

**23. 全体集合!**

Assemble all!

**24. 集合完毕!**

Assembly complete!

**25. 一、二、三,齐步走!**

One, two, three, march!

**26. 向右转!**

Right turn!

**27. 向左转!**

Left turn!

**28. 向后转!**

About turn!

**29. 原地踏步走!**

Mark time!

**30. 跑步走!**

Double time!

**31. 停止!**


**32. 稍息!**

At ease!

**33. 立正!**


**34. 解散!**


**35. 自由活动!**

Free time!

**36. 集合时间!**

Assembly time!

**37. 集合地点!**

Assembly point!

**38. 请各位安静!**

Please be quiet!

**39. 请各位保持安静!**

Please remain quiet!

**40. 请各位保持秩序!**

Please maintain order!

**41. 请各位不要乱跑!**

Please do not run around!

**42. 请各位不要大声喧哗!**

Please do not talk loudly!

**43. 请各位注意安全!**

Please be careful!

**44. 请各位注意自己的言行!**

Please be mindful of your words and actions!

**45. 请各位不要迟到!**

Please do not be late!

**46. 请各位准时参加!**

Please attend on time!

**47. 请各位认真听讲!**

Please listen attentively!

**48. 请各位积极思考!**

Please think critically!

**49. 请各位踊跃发言!**

Please feel free to speak up!

**50. 请各位互相帮助!**

Please help each other!

**51. 请各位团结一致!**

Please work together!

**52. 请各位保持良好形象!**

Please maintain a good image!

**53. 请各位服从指挥!**

Please follow instructions!

**54. 请各位遵守纪律!**

Please obey the rules!

**55. 请各位做好准备!**

Please get ready!

**56. 请各位保持良好心态!**

Please stay positive!

**57. 请各位注意时间!**

Please watch your time!

**58. 请各位注意安全!**

Please stay safe!

**59. 请各位保持耐心!**

Please be patient!

**60. 请各位不要放弃!**

Please don't give up!

**61. 请各位继续努力!**

Please keep trying!

**62. 请各位加油!**

Good luck!

**63. 请各位保持好状态!**

Please stay in good condition!

以上就是关于入列就位句子63句(入列就位句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
