
## 弱肉强食的社会句子 (93句)


1. 弱肉强食,这是自然界不变的规律。
2. 在这个社会,没有实力,就只能任人宰割。
3. 强者为王,弱者为寇,这是残酷的现实。
4. 在丛林法则下,只有最强大的人才能生存。
5. 弱者永远无法改变自己的命运,只能被强者操控。
6. 只有强者才能制定规则,弱者只能被动接受。
7. 强者拥有话语权,弱者只能沉默。
8. 在竞争激烈的社会,只有不断变强才能立足。
9. 弱者只能被淘汰,这是社会发展的必然趋势。
10. 在这个吃人的社会,没有同情,只有利益。
11. 弱者永远无法获得尊重,只有实力才能赢得认可。
12. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
13. 强者可以拥有任何资源,弱者只能被剥削。
14. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
15. 社会是一个巨大的战场,只有强者才能生存下去。
16. 弱者只能在夹缝中求生存,永远无法翻身。
17. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
18. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
19. 在这个竞争激烈的社会,只有强者才能获得成功。
20. 弱者永远无法获得自由,只能被强者控制。
21. 只有强者才能改变世界,弱者只能被世界改变。
22. 在这个社会,只有强者才能享受权利,弱者只能承担义务。
23. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法获得公平正义。
24. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
25. 强者可以制定规则,弱者只能被迫遵守。
26. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
27. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
28. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
29. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
30. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
31. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
32. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
33. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
34. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
35. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
36. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
37. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
38. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
39. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
40. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
41. 强者可以制定规则,弱者只能被迫遵守。
42. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
43. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
44. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
45. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
46. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
47. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
48. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
49. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
50. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
51. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
52. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
53. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
54. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
55. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
56. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
57. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
58. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
59. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
60. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
61. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
62. 强者可以制定规则,弱者只能被迫遵守。
63. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
64. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
65. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
66. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
67. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
68. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
69. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
70. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
71. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
72. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
73. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
74. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
75. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
76. 强者可以制定规则,弱者只能被迫遵守。
77. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
78. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
79. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
80. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
81. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
82. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
83. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
84. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
85. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
86. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。
87. 在这个社会,没有同情,只有利益和竞争。
88. 弱者只能被当作牺牲品,被强者利用。
89. 强者可以享受特权,弱者只能被歧视。
90. 在这个社会,只有强者才能获得幸福,弱者只能忍受痛苦。
91. 弱者只能被当作工具,被强者利用。
92. 强者可以为所欲为,弱者只能忍气吞声。
93. 弱者只能被边缘化,永远无法进入主流社会。


1. The survival of the fittest, this is the unchangeable law of nature.

2. In this society, without strength, you can only be slaughtered.

3. The strong are kings, the weak are bandits, this is the cruel reality.

4. Under the law of the jungle, only the strongest survive.

5. The weak can never change their destiny, they can only be manipulated by the strong.

6. Only the strong can make the rules, the weak can only passively accept them.

7. The strong have the right to speak, the weak can only remain silent.

8. In a highly competitive society, only by constantly becoming stronger can you stand your ground.

9. The weak can only be eliminated, this is the inevitable trend of social development.

10. In this cannibalistic society, there is no sympathy, only interests.

11. The weak can never gain respect, only strength can earn recognition.

12. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

13. The strong can possess any resources, the weak can only be exploited.

14. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

15. Society is a huge battlefield, only the strong can survive.

16. The weak can only seek survival in the cracks, they can never turn over.

17. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

18. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

19. In this highly competitive society, only the strong can achieve success.

20. The weak can never achieve freedom, they can only be controlled by the strong.

21. Only the strong can change the world, the weak can only be changed by the world.

22. In this society, only the strong can enjoy rights, the weak can only bear obligations.

23. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never achieve fairness and justice.

24. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

25. The strong can make the rules, the weak can only be forced to obey.

26. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

27. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

28. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

29. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

30. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

31. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

32. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

33. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

34. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

35. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

36. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

37. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

38. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

39. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

40. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

41. The strong can make the rules, the weak can only be forced to obey.

42. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

43. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

44. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

45. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

46. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

47. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

48. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

49. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

50. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

51. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

52. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

53. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

54. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

55. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

56. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

57. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

58. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

59. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

60. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

61. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

62. The strong can make the rules, the weak can only be forced to obey.

63. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

64. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

65. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

66. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

67. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

68. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

69. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

70. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

71. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

72. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

73. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

74. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

75. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

76. The strong can make the rules, the weak can only be forced to obey.

77. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

78. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

79. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

80. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

81. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

82. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

83. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

84. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

85. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

86. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

87. In this society, there is no sympathy, only interests and competition.

88. The weak can only be used as sacrifices, being exploited by the strong.

89. The strong can enjoy privileges, the weak can only be discriminated against.

90. In this society, only the strong can achieve happiness, the weak can only endure pain.

91. The weak can only be used as tools, being exploited by the strong.

92. The strong can do whatever they want, the weak can only swallow their anger.

93. The weak can only be marginalized, they can never enter the mainstream society.

以上就是关于弱肉强食的社会句子93句(弱肉强食的社会句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
